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The Last Little Secret

Page 7

by Zuri Day

  “Me? I barely even live here. Who can say what about me?”

  “Not as much you as Trey.”

  Sam’s blood cooled. When she spoke her tone was low, deadly. “What is being said about my son?”

  “The word is out that Oba is not Trey’s biological dad, and a few nosy Nancys are speculating on the father.”

  “Why don’t they speculate on minding their business?”

  “You working with one of the town’s most eligible bachelors makes you their business. Especially Joi, who’s obviously been running her big mouth.”


  “I know, girl. I almost called you the night I found out but I know how busy this job has got you—figured tonight would be soon enough.”

  “You know what? I’m not totally surprised. Oba’s been calling.”

  “No way. For how long?”

  “Off and on since I’ve been here. But they really ramped up a few weeks ago when his dad kicked him out of the palace. Said he needed help maintaining his lifestyle.”

  “And he thought you, a single, working mother, was the one to give it to him?”

  “When I told him I didn’t have any money, he suggested I ask Nick. There was a barely veiled threat with the request but honestly I thought he was bluffing. Now, with what you’re telling me, and especially at the mention of his sister, the recent conversations make even more sense.”

  “There always was something about that girl. Don’t get me wrong, she has a kind side. We’ve always been cool and used to hang out all the time before the kids came along. It’s how she gossiped and talked about others that used to bug me, and the way she treated those she considered subpar. I guess because her messiness was never directed toward me, I ignored it. I shouldn’t have. Asking Nick for the money may have even been her idea.”

  “Probably. She’s how he found out we were working together.”

  “And the only other person who knew that Oba wasn’t Trey’s father.”

  “Until Isaac sneaked a piece of Trey’s hair, had a DNA test done and ensured their whole family knew the truth.”

  “I think it was Joi. Like I said, she’s got a messy side.”

  Sam flopped back on her bed. “I’ve got to tell Nick, now, at the worst possible time.”

  “While the two of you are working so closely together.”

  “That’s not all.” Sam told Danielle about the carnival happening that weekend. “I can invite a guest. Will you go? Please?”

  “Absolutely, I’ll go. Jaylen and Trey will have a ball. You’ll be fine, too. It may feel like the end of the world, Sam. But it’s not.”

  The next morning, Sam slept in and enjoyed a light breakfast with just her and Trey before getting them dressed for their outing.

  Once in the car, Trey asked, “Where are we going, Mama?”

  “First, to pick up Danni and Jaylen and then to a town called Breedlove.”

  “What’s in Bead Love?”

  “It’s BREED-love, honey, and it’s a surprise.”

  Less than forty-five minutes later, Sam bypassed the stately wrought iron privacy gates to the Breedlove Estate and continued via the texted instructions to a tree-lined side road about a half a mile down from the family mansion. Signs had been erected welcoming guests to the CANN CARNIVAL, with directions to parking lots and the main entrance. Rounding the corner, Sam couldn’t believe her eyes. A fairground rivaling any town, big or small, had been erected on Breedlove land. The boys squealed, their heads pressed to the glass as they chatted excitedly.

  “A carnival!”

  “With rides and everything!”

  Upon reaching the entrance and receiving a map to the grounds and armbands allowing free rides and other niceties for special guests, Sam sent Nick a text.

  I’m here, FYI. Wow. Amazing!

  The women had their hands full with two wide-eyed boys and put them on the first available ride simply to catch their breath.

  The ride finished. Nick texted back. Where are you?

  Near entrance. Boys on the first ride they saw.

  J There will be a raffle in the casino in an hour. Meet me there.

  Sam referenced the map as the group made their way around the carefully planned scene. There was a Ferris wheel, merry-go-rounds, carnival games and a petting zoo. There were bumper cars and a video arcade, along with more adventuresome rides for teens. The adults hadn’t been left out, either. Towering zip lines and soaring rock-climbing walls had been erected aside more traditional rides like the Kamikaze and Tilt-A-Whirl. A large tent housed the mini-CANN casino described on the back of the map, complete with slot machines and poker, blackjack and roulette tables. Music and other sounds filled the air. Dotted throughout were food trucks and sweets stands. In short, Nick’s mom had organized a child’s best dream. The meticulously manicured lawns had been carefully turned into a Memorial Day wonderland for both the young and the young at heart.

  An hour later and Sam still wasn’t ready to face Nick. She was sure that meant meeting his mom and possibly other members of his family.

  “Why don’t I take the boys to the petting zoo?” Danielle offered.

  Sam could have kissed her. “That’s a perfect idea. Keep your phone handy. I’ll text you when I’m done.”

  She watched her cousin and the boys walk away, then crossed over to and stepped inside the casino. After pausing for her eyes to adjust to the dimmed lighting, she looked around and spotted Nick almost immediately. He looked up to catch her staring, smiled and waved her over. Sam gave herself a pep talk, remembering Danielle’s parting words before she left with the boys. They don’t know anything until you tell them. Remember that.

  “Hey, Nick.”

  “There she is. The miracle worker!” Nick pulled Sam into an enthusiastic hug. “Congrats on a bang-up job out there. Our New York guests are in for a treat.”

  Sam was embarrassed at the show of affection but appreciative of the praise. She was also über-aware of other eyes on her. “One down, twenty-plus to go. Let’s not pop the cork yet.”

  “Just a matter of time,” Nick responded, full of confidence. “I picked the one person in the world who could get the job done.”

  At this, an older woman standing near him, who even in casual slacks and an oversize top oozed refinement and class, smiled and held out her hand.

  “You must be Samantha. I’m Victoria, Nick’s mom.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Victoria. Please, call me Sam. Thank you so much for the special invitation to attend this spectacular event. My son is already over the moon. He won’t want to leave.”

  Victoria looked to both sides of Sam. “Where is your son?”

  “With his cousin visiting the petting zoo.”

  “Always a child favorite. I’m glad he’s having a good time.”

  A young woman walked up. “Excuse me, Victoria, but it’s time for the raffle.”

  “Of course. We’ll talk more later, Sam, all right?”

  No, it was not all right. “Sure.”

  During the raffle, Sam met Noah, Adam and Christian. Their wives and several others assisted Victoria on stage. The guys were fun and easygoing. Sam was happy to know she’d overreacted. What could go wrong at a carnival, where folk walked around with big smiles on their faces? Even after the raffle, when Nick insisted on walking with her to meet back up with Danielle, Sam only felt the slightest of flutters. Nick didn’t yet know what she hadn’t told him. There’s no way he’d have an inkling that Trey was his. Nick had a light complexion. Trey had inherited his mom’s richly melanated skin. Trey was tall for his age but he was still only four, bearing hardly a hint of resemblance to the six-feet-plus of deliciousness his father carried around.

  “Danni, you remember Nick?” she said, once she and Danielle reunited.

  Danielle smiled.
“Of course. Nice to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” Nick shook her hand.

  “Trey, Jaylen, this is Nick. I work with him building houses.”

  Nick knelt to their level and held out his hand. “Hello, Trey. Hello, Jaylen. Are you boys having a good time?”

  “Yes!” They sang in duet.

  “Uncle Nick!” A high-pitched yell rose over the din of noises before a little girl wearing pink overalls and a straw hat burst through the crowd.

  As soon as she reached him, he scooped her up. “Hey, Angel!”

  “My name’s not Angel, it’s Christina!”

  “But you look like an angel.”

  Curls bounced as the four-year old shook her head from side to side. “I don’t look like an angel. I don’t have wings!”

  Christian strolled up to them. “Another debate within seconds? You two never see the world the same.”

  “Which is what makes life so exciting,” Nick said, easing Christina to the ground. “The world opens up wider when viewed through the eyes of a child.”

  Christian turned to Sam. “Do you believe that?”


  Nick put an arm around Sam. “Good answer. Where’s Lar?”

  Nick looked around for Christina’s little brother, Larenz, and saw Christian’s wife Lauren pushing a stroller. Sam quietly watched the family’s interactions. The adults, thoroughly enjoying each other, the kids clearly loved. This was the life her secret kept from Trey. It wasn’t fair and considering the rumblings, it wasn’t wise, either.

  “You know what, Nick. I need to speak with you about something.”


  “Uncle Nick!” Christina interrupted. “Can you take me to ride the horses?”

  “We can ride them?” Trey asked wide-eyed.

  Danielle looked toward the large white tent where she’d taken the boys. “I didn’t see horses at the petting zoo.”

  “They’re not a part of the carnival. They’re on Adam’s ranch.”

  “Horses,” Trey cried. “I want to ride horses!”

  Sam took the arm of a child on his way out of control. “Trey! Come on, honey. The horses aren’t here. Let’s go ride the merry-go-round or Ferris wheel.”

  “Those horses are fake,” he announced, spitting out the last word as if it were vile, before doing something he rarely did. Began to throw a fit. “Horses! I want to ride the horses!” Screaming and crying, with Sam looking at him as she would a stranger.

  Whose child is this?

  “Hey, hey, hey.” Nick knelt until they were face-to-face. “Trey, look at me. Only big boys can ride the horses. With you crying like that, and screaming and stomping, you’ll scare them away. Trey, do you hear me?”

  Somewhere in his wall of hollers Nick’s words sank through. The crying stopped as quickly as it started.

  “Yes,” he answered, throwing in a sniffle for good measure.

  Sam watched, amazed and more than a little touched. Their first father-son interaction and neither of them knew it.

  “Mom, can I go ride the horses? I’m not crying now.”

  Sam looked at Nick, who only now realized his error.

  “You said it.”

  “I did, didn’t I.” He lifted Trey into the crook of his arm. “Tell you what. The horse I have in mind for you to ride doesn’t like crowds. But if you act like the little man that I believe you can be for the rest of the day, I’ll ask Mommy to bring you back in the morning, and we’ll go riding then. But you have to be good. Your mom will tell me if you’re not. Deal?”

  Trey nodded in reluctant agreement.

  “Is that okay with you?” Nick asked Sam.

  “Well, since you’ve just made a huge promise to a four-year-old,” she said under her voice before announcing, “I guess...yes.”

  “Sorry.” Nick talked softly as well so that only Sam could hear. “I guess I shouldn’t have done that. In my effort to come off as the savior, I’ve committed you to another day at the fair, or back here to ride horses at least.”

  “Worse could happen.”


  The group split up soon after the convo ended. Sam and Danielle ended up staying much longer than they’d planned and enjoyed the goings-on possibly more than adults should. For Sam, it was the first time since accepting the contract that she allowed herself to unwind, to forget about materials and drawings and deadlines and simply have a good time. By the time moms and sons left the fairgrounds, both Sam and Danielle were glad they’d brought strollers. The kids were knocked out.

  “How did it feel to see—” Danielle tilted her head toward the back seat “—with his father.”

  “It’s hard to describe.” Sam caught a mental image of Nick picking up Trey. “I didn’t know there was that much love in my heart.”

  “For the son...or the daddy?”

  “I can’t help but love Nick. He’s the father of my child. But that and my temporary boss is all that he is.”

  Danielle let it go and changed the subject. Sam was glad that she did. The truth of the matter was that she wanted Trey to get to know Nick better and looked forward to tomorrow. Hopefully the more Nick felt an affinity with Trey, the easier it would be to accept that he was his son, too.

  That night she lay in bed thinking. It’s coming together. I may be able to rebuild my life after all. The good feeling lasted a full fifteen minutes, until her phone buzzed and she read the text that had just come in from overseas. Without checking the name, she knew who it was.

  No more asking. No more waiting. Wire 500K to my bank account before the end of the month. Or I tell Nick everything.


  Nick took a seat at the long patio table on his parents’ back porch, then waved away his twin, who’d prepared to sit beside him.

  Noah’s brow raised. “Are we expecting someone?”

  “I invited Sam over. Yesterday Christina mentioned riding horses in front of her son and suddenly the Merry-Go-Round became a poor second choice.”

  Noah walked around to sit across from Nick. “So Sam’s bringing him over to go riding?”

  “Yep. You’re welcome to join us.”

  “Thanks, bro, but I’m going to stay close to sweet lady. She’s had a couple premature contractions and chose to stay home.”

  “Makes sense. Then why are you here?”

  “To pick up the cinnamon rolls she craves. And now that I know Sam is joining stick around a little while for the show.”

  Nick knew Noah was talking about the creative ways their mother tended to question any female she deemed clan-suitable. While his mother had only spoken casually with Sam yesterday, that she’d done online research was enough for him to know his designer was on her radar.

  Brunch was in full swing when one of the housekeepers brought Sam, Trey and another woman around to the back. Nick took in her unsure expression and met her at the patio’s edge to make her welcome.

  “There they are! Hey guys.” He noticed a dip in conversation as the duo approached.

  Nick knelt down. “How are you, little man?”


  “Ready to ride horses?”


  He turned to Sam. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” She looked at the woman beside her. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought my nanny, Gloria. She was so excited by what I shared yesterday that I felt bad at not inviting her.”

  “No worries. She can join Chris’s au pair Kirtu in the other room with Christina and Lars.”

  He looked beyond her. “No Danni today?”

  “Like me, she’s never ridden a horse. Unlike me, she’d like to keep it that way.” After brief instructions to Trey on how to behave, he and Gloria headed toward the kids’ room.

  “You’ve never taken
a ride before?” Nick asked, leading them toward the buffet line. He noticed Sam’s eyes flicker just enough to confirm she’d caught the double entendre. “No, I’ve never before ridden a horse, though I once caravanned on a camel.”

  “I thought you’d never gone on a safari?”

  “I haven’t. That ride occurred during a tour of the Egyptian pyramids.”

  “There you go! You’ll be fine.”

  After walking through the buffet line and loading up their plates, they took their seats at the table.

  “Everybody, you remember Sam from yesterday? Those who weren’t there, this is Sam Price, the extraordinary interior designer who’s ensuring our island guests are properly blown away by their surroundings.”

  A variety of greetings rang out from the dozen or so gathered around the table. Small talk ensued, mostly about the success of the CANN Carnival, raising millions of dollars for children needing assistance in Nevada and beyond.

  During a lull in the conversation, Victoria spoke. “Samantha, I understand you recently moved back from being an expat in Africa. Do you miss that beautiful continent or were you happy to return home?”

  “You’re right, Victoria, there are areas of Africa that are absolutely stunning, some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen. But I’m very glad to be back in the States.”

  “Well, I can tell you that Nick for one is glad you’re back as well. He sings your praises as a designer.”

  Sam smiled at Nick. “Thank you.” Then to Victoria, “CANN is an excellent company. I am thankful to have gotten such a wonderful opportunity so soon after arriving.”

  “You two seem to get along very well. Did you know each other prior to coming on board for the island project?”

  “Aren’t these crepes delicious?” Noah asked, a question so unlike what he’d normally ask that everyone knew its purpose and laughed at the blatant subject change to bail out his twin.

  Nick stuffed a bite in his mouth and talked while chewing. “Ah, bro, they’re delish!”

  “For sure,” Adam added. “With these sweet potato crepes Gabe has outdone himself!”

  The conversation was successfully diverted long enough for Nick and Sam to finish their dishes and make a graceful exit. They stopped next door where the kids were playing board games. With Gloria and a very excited Trey in tow, they headed toward Adam’s ranch and the stable of horses he kept there.


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