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Shadows of Doubt

Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  They walked downstairs, the steps creaking under their feet, and headed out of the door that led to the sidewalk. Eric kept Samson close to his side as they headed to the candy store. Samson saw Eric’s cruiser in the slotted parking space, noticed cars driving by, and heard a child’s laughter somewhere across the street. Nothing seemed real. Samson scanned the streets, looking for James and hoping he didn’t see him. He was pissed that his life had been turned upside down by the guy.

  “Hey,” Newt said as they walked through the door.

  His job. That was exactly what Samson needed. The familiarity, Newt’s smiling face, the rows and rows of sugary delights. Samson was feeling grounded now, much better than when he had been upstairs. He had to trust that Eric would come through for him.

  As Samson clocked in, Eric pulled out his phone. He stood with his back to Samson, staring out the window as he talked.

  Newt looked curiously at Samson, his brows knitted. “What’s going on?”

  Samson wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t want to worry Newt. The guy had been such a great person to Samson. But Samson noticed that the music wasn’t playing and Newt wasn’t being his usual upbeat self. “What’s going on with you?”

  Newt sighed. “Orlando and I had an argument.”

  “About?” Samson asked. He normally didn’t get into other people’s business, but he was deflecting Newt’s question with his own.

  “He misses Max, and I suggested getting another dog, but he says it wouldn’t be the same. I told him he won’t know unless he tries, and he told me I had no idea what it meant to lose a pet.”

  Samson squinted at him. “I’m confused. Isn’t Max dating Dillon? And what did happen to the sheriff’s dog?” He used to see Sheriff Werth riding around with Max in the car, the dog’s head sticking out the back window.

  “Trust me. It’s a long story.” Newt curled his lips in and headed down an aisle.

  “Weird,” Samson muttered.

  When he turned around, Eric stood in front of him. “I gotta go. Micah is by the bakery. He’s agreed to stick around and keep an eye on things.”

  Samson had no idea who Micah was but wasn’t in the mood for introductions. He just wanted to get lost in his work and pray everything panned out.

  With a nod, Samson gave Eric a quick kiss before his very own eye candy strode out the door.

  Chapter Five

  Eric stood in Maverick’s wood-rich office, with the large mahogany desk in the center, a black leather couch to one side, rows of book shelves, and thick carpeting under his boots.

  Maverick had his butt parked against his desk, his arm folded over his chest. His light gray eyes were narrowed and his nostrils flared. The look in his eyes was two parts rage and one part sympathy. The sympathy was obviously for Samson and his mother. “If Mirabelle Woods truly is his mate, then James has broken Ultionem law.”

  Eric, with probably half the nonhuman population, wasn’t really clear on most of the laws. The leaders needed to write them down and hand out flyers. The two laws he knew for certain were that no one would interfere with a mating and don’t expose their world.

  “Which law is that?”

  Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated with Eric. “The law that says mates can’t abuse each other or something like that. It doesn’t matter if I can’t quote it verbatim. The point is I’m gonna snap James’s fucking neck when I get my hands on him.”

  “Can you call Sebastian and ask him if I can come to Desire to hunt James down? She’s my mate’s mother, and I have every right—”

  Maverick held up his hand, which quieted Eric. “First, I’m not gonna have one of my deputies in another town with no backup. Second, I’m not sending my men into Sebastian’s territory to hunt the wolf shifter down. If he’s in Desire, James is as good as dead. I already had Nero fax over his picture and address. As we speak, Sebastian has already sent his wolves to James’s house. I’m just waiting on his call.”


  “Politics suck. I know. I hate them, too. But they’re an evil necessity when dealing with stubborn-ass alpha males. It’s Sebastian’s town, so it’s his kill.”

  Kill? True, that would solve all of Samson and his mom’s problems, but Eric wanted to be the one to end James’s life. He felt robbed of that gratification, but no fucking way was he going to argue with Maverick about it.

  Still, the situation was a complicated boiling soup of emotions. James was an abusive asshole who didn’t deserve a mate. There was no doubt in Eric’s mind about that. But he was still Mirabelle’s mate, and she would feel the devastating loss when James’s life was ended. If Samson had turned out to be a piece of shit that needed his life taken away, Eric would still have felt as though a part of his soul had been ripped out. Good or bad, mates had a connection to one another, a deep, soul-binding connection.

  Eric didn’t envy Mirabelle.

  But Eric couldn’t worry about any of that right now. His main concern was getting Mirabelle home. He just prayed James hadn’t killed her for leaving him. Eric knew the type of guy James was. He’d dealt with narcissistic men before in his line of work, more often than he cared to think about. James wouldn’t surrender. He felt he was above the law, that Mirabelle was his, and he could do with her what he wanted, that he had carte blanche as far as his mate was concerned.

  Eric forced himself not to pace the office as he waited for the call. He didn’t like feeling useless or helpless. He should be heading to Desire to put his fist through James’s skull, not sitting on his thumb while someone else got the satisfaction.

  His gaze shot toward the desk when Maverick’s phone rang. The alpha put the call on speaker. “Maverick.”

  “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!” a female screamed on the other end. “I’ll gut you for what you’ve done!”

  One of Maverick’s dark brows arched. “I hope that threat isn’t aimed at you.”

  “Not me,” Sebastian said with a weary sigh. “Why didn’t anyone warn me what a pistol this little woman was? When we got here, we had to save him from her. She’s broken damn near everything in the house, and the guy has so many scratches on him that I was half tempted to have her arrested.”

  As messed up as the situation was, Eric grinned. He liked her fire.

  “Calm the hell down!” Sebastian shouted.

  “I’ll calm down after I beat the hell out of him,” she shouted. “The bastard snuck into my apartment and kidnapped me! Samson is probably out of his mind with worry, and all this asshole has done since getting me here is knock me around while telling me he was sorry for the way he treated me.”

  “I’m getting a damn migraine,” Sebastian said. “What do you want me to do with James?”

  Eric glanced at Maverick. The alpha studied him for a moment before he said, “Since he came into my territory and kidnapped her, bring him to me.”

  “I’ll have him gift wrapped and sent special delivery.”

  “You better send him to me in one piece,” Maverick growled.

  “No promises. Zeke and Cage already beat him to a bloody pulp for the way he’s treated his mate. I’m inclined to snap his neck.” Sebastian hung up.

  “What exactly are you going to do with him?” Eric asked.

  “I’m gonna talk to Mirabelle and get the full story. But my decision is already made. James can rot in the underworld for the way he’s treated his mate. I have zero tolerance for abuse.” Maverick pushed from his desk and walked out of the office.

  Eric might not have been the one to take James down, but he was glad Mirabelle had been found and was returning home. He would finally be able to meet his mother-in-law, though, from the way she sounded on the phone, Eric made a mental note never to piss her off.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure, mister?”

  Samson looked around the store and then crooked his finger for the kid to move in closer for a conspiratorial whisper. “I promise you that pop rocks and soda doesn�
��t make your stomach explode, no matter what the spies in the government want you to believe. So whoever you’re trying to trick, sorry, you’ll have to get even with him in another way.”

  “Like how?” the kid asked, his eyes eager. “Kyle has been messing with me since second grade, and I want to teach him a lesson.”

  “By making him explode?” Samson’s brows shot up. “Why don’t you buy him a Slurpee and then add red food coloring to it? That’ll make his mouth look like it’s bleeding for a week.”

  “Samson,” Newt said in warning.

  “What?” Samson stared bug-eyed at Newt as he held his arms out. “The kid’s got a bully.”

  “And that’s not how you handle a bully.” Newt came down the aisle, a scowl on his face. He looked at the kid who couldn’t be more than ten. “You should have your parents talk to his.”

  “I ain’t no snitch.” The kid glared at Newt. “Kyle would only beat me up if I told.”

  Samson winked at the boy.

  “Thanks, mister.” The kid grinned and shot from the store.

  “Seriously?” Newt stared incredulously at him. “Getting even is not the solution to the problem.”

  “It helped me when I had a bully,” Samson defended. “I snuck over to Josh Cooper’s house one night and poured blue dye into his pool. He looked like a Smurf for two weeks. Every time he took my lunch money, I got even with him. After a while, he left me alone.”

  Newt rolled his eyes. “I don’t need irate parents storming in here. You’re not allowed to conspire with kids. Got it?”

  Samson leaned forward and placed his palms on the counter, glaring at Newt. “Spoilsport.”

  “I’m an advocate for nonviolent solutions.”

  “I didn’t tell the kid to knock Kyle out,” Samson argued. “Making his mouth red isn’t violent.”

  “It might turn violent if Kyle finds out who did it,” Newt countered.

  “Go hug a tree,” Samson grumbled. “Besides, he said he ain’t no snitch, so he won’t tell his parents where he got the idea.”

  Newt groaned. “That isn’t the point.”

  “Okay. Sorry. You’re right, and I should sit in time-out for an hour for helping the kid out.” Samson chucked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll go find a chair in the storage room and punish myself.”

  That would also give him time to call Eric to find out what was going on. Admittedly, maybe Samson shouldn’t have told that kid to get even, and maybe his bitchy attitude came from worrying about his mom.

  Eric had been right. Samson should’ve stayed home.

  “While you’re back there, do inventory,” Newt said. “We’re low on a few things, and I need to see what needs to be ordered.”

  Samson rounded the counter but stopped dead in his tracks when Eric entered the store. His palms became sweaty, and his heart thundered at the sight of his sexy deputy. When Eric stepped aside, Samson squealed at the sight of his mother. “Mom!”

  He raced to the door and pulled her tiny frame into his arms, hugging her as a burning lump formed in his throat. She was okay, and he had his mother back. “Oh my god.” He set her down. “What happened?”

  She looked toward Newt as she brushed her long sandy-blonde hair from her face. “We can discuss it later. I just wanted to see you and let you know I’m okay.” She grabbed his hand and marched him down an aisle before whispering, “What’s this business about Deputy Jacoby being your mate? I swear to god, if he lays one hand on you, I’ll cut his fucking dick off.”

  Samson’s brows shot up at her threat. What happened to his sweet docile mother? “He’s been the greatest guy. I swear. He’s the one who went looking for you.”

  She glanced over his shoulder before giving Samson her attention again. He noticed dark bags under her eyes, and a bruise had blossomed on her cheek where James had clearly struck her. He pulled her back into his arms and hugged her tightly. “It’s over now. You’re home, and you’re safe.”

  His mom pulled away, casting her gaze downward but not before Samson saw that her eyes were red and puffy. She looked as though she wanted to cry, but Mirabelle Woods wasn’t one to cry. At least not in front of anyone.

  Samson’s heart ached for what she’d gone through, for her broken mating with James and how lost and alone she must feel. He wanted to put her in a protective bubble and take away her pain, but he knew only time would heal her.

  “I’m going home.” She hugged herself. “I need some rest and time to myself.”

  Samson kissed her temple. “I’m here if you need me.”

  With a nod, she walked away, and Samson wished she’d gotten the mate she’d deserved. Eric came to him and gave Samson a quick kiss. “I’m gonna settle your mom in, and then I’ll be back.”

  “Thank you.” Samson grabbed Eric’s hands and squeezed them. “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  “I need to go.” Eric hurried toward the door Samson’s mother had already exited.

  After wiping away a few stray tears, Samson cleared his throat and got back to work stocking the shelves. His heart went out to her, but Samson was definitely in a better mood. He had his mom back. They’d deal with everything else as it came at them.

  * * * *

  The following morning Samson woke to find his mom gone, but she’d left a note saying she’d gone into work.

  “Is she insane?” he asked Eric as his mate buttoned up his work shirt.

  Eric had tried to talk Samson into going to his place for privacy and out of respect that his mother was in the apartment, but Samson hadn’t wanted to leave her alone.

  “Why is she insane?” Eric looked around the room, dropped to his knees and looked under the bed, and came away with his boots.

  “She needs time,” Samson argued.

  “Like you needed time when you found out she was gone?” he asked. “Didn’t you need to stay busy?”

  Samson narrowed his eyes. “Don’t argue logic to me. This is a double-standard relationship. My mom should be seeing a therapist, not dyeing some old lady’s hair.”

  “Whoa.” Eric held up a hand. “Don’t knock the salon. Heaven has always given me the best haircuts.”

  The side of Samson’s mouth curved. “You do know there is a barbershop in town, right?” He chuckled. “You just like to be pampered, don’t you?”

  Eric arched a brow, a smile tugging at his lips. “Tell anyone and I’ll duct tape you and put you in the closet.”

  Samson pressed his fingertips against his chest. “Babe, I’ve never been in the closet and don’t plan on hiding in there.” He tied Eric’s tie, making sure it was straight before he bent the collar back into place. It wasn’t easy considering Eric was so tall, but he managed after getting onto his tippy-toes. He patted his mate’s broad chest to let Eric know he was done. “I swear I’m gonna have to invest in a stepstool.”

  “Either that or I’m gonna end up throwing my back out.” Eric touched Samson’s hip before he stepped in front of the mirror and ran his fingers through his short hair. Eric was always doing little things—innocently touching Samson somewhere on his body, giving him quick kisses, or winking at him.

  Samson absolutely loved it.

  “Shit,” Eric said when he looked at his phone. “I gotta get going before I’m late.”

  “Make sure you grab the lunch off the counter that I packed for you.” Samson straightened the bed and tossed his dirty clothes into the corner hamper.

  One of Eric’s brows arched. “You made me lunch?”

  Samson grinned. “Don’t get too excited. It’s just a turkey sandwich, some cookies from the bakery, and a bottled juice.”

  “I’m digging this whole taking-care-of-me thing.” Eric kissed him and hurried from the room.

  If Samson wasn’t so worried about his mom, he’d spend time at Eric’s house. He’d yet to see it, and Samson was curious how Eric lived. Maybe they could have dinner there, just as long as Samson checked to make sure his mom was okay beforehand.r />
  If his mother knew he was lingering around the apartment just to keep an eye on her, she would give him an earful. She’d insist he live his life, but Samson couldn’t help that he worried about her.

  “I’m heading out,” Eric hollered.

  Samson ran from his room, sliding across the wooden floor in his socks, and almost hit the wall as he tried to reach the front door before Eric left. “Wait!”

  Eric had his hand on the knob, clutching his brown paper bag in the other. “What, did I forget something?”

  Samson tapped his lips. Eric’s grin was genuine and sweet. “One for the road,” he said.

  Eric curled his hand around Samson’s nape and pulled him in, the man’s eyes shining with something Samson couldn’t decipher, but his grin was gentle, making Samson’s heart thump excitedly.

  I’m in freaking love, he admitted to himself. There’s no other explanation. Samson’s gut was fluttering, and his lips tingled in anticipation. Their faces neared as Samson slid his arms around Eric’s neck, stretching up to reach his mate. Their eyes caught, and Samson looked at his mate through his lashes.

  “Fucking beautiful.” Eric captured Samson’s lips, making Samson moan.

  Every time they kissed a fire ignited inside Samson, like it was their very first kiss each time. His heart beat harder and faster as their tongues found one another. If he didn’t back away now, their embrace would shatter Samson’s resolve to behave and he would drag Eric to his bedroom, and then his mate would really be late.

  Eric brushed the pad of his thumb over Samson’s bottom lip. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  When he walked out, Samson leaned against the door, smiling as he pressed his palm to his chest, no doubt in his mind that he was falling hard for his deputy.

  Chapter Six

  Leaving the apartment, trotting down the steps, Eric couldn’t stop smiling at the way he’d left Samson aching at the door. Halfway down the steps, Eric turned around, ready to go back up, not wanting to leave Samson after that heart-stopping, world-turning, toe-curling kiss. It was a feeling unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and Eric felt high from it.


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