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Mr. October: A Rock Star Romance (Calendar Boys Book 10)

Page 5

by Nicole S. Goodin

He frowns at me in confusion. “Yes…”

  “You think you’re coming with us?” I demand.

  “Of course,” he replies as though it should have been obvious.

  “Oh, uh thanks… but that won’t be necessary.” I hold up my hands in refusal. “We’ll be fine on our own.”

  Eric’s lips lift ever so slightly in the corners, it’s the closest I’ve ever seen him come to smiling, even though I’m confident he’s had a laugh or two at my expense behind closed doors.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Tatum, but Mr. Lennox was very clear.”

  I grind my teeth together in frustration. I’m seriously considering stomping my foot right now.

  “Are you going to ride in the back seat of the convertible?” I demand, my irritation obvious.

  “Of course not. I’ll follow you in another vehicle.”

  A string of colourful words cross my mind, but I don’t let any of them find their way out of my mouth.

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass. This is a girls’ weekend.”

  Josh opens his mouth to say something, but he’s cut off by a voice coming from the far corner of the room.

  “You’re not leaving this house without security, sugar.”

  I turn slowly until my eyes land on his.

  Masen Lennox in all his glory.

  I don’t know how he makes a fitted black t-shirt and ripped jeans look so good, but there he is. Every sizzling inch of him.

  I hear Avery gasp and Josh chuckle. “How long have you been standing there?” Josh asks.

  “Long enough to hear you taking credit for my house.”

  Josh chuckles, his bare arm landing around my shoulders.

  I shrug it off as I stare at the man who makes my heart race. He’s leaning against the wall, his arms loosely crossed at his front, his biceps bulging against the sleeves of his tee.

  “We had a deal,” I say, my agitation growing. “I got chauffeured around all week like the freakin’ queen for this.”

  He pushes off the wall, stalking towards me.

  I swallow deeply, my resolve wavering. It’s easier to stay strong with half a room between us.

  “I agreed that you could drive the Ferrari up the coast this weekend, I never said anything about you going alone,” he says as he comes to a stop in front of me.

  I tilt my head up to meet his dark stare.

  I frown as he reaches out, pressing the tip of his finger against the crease between my eyes.

  “You won’t know Eric’s there,” he promises, his hand falling to his side.

  I scoff. “Oh yeah, he’s really hard to miss.”

  The corner of Masen’s lip twitches with amusement or irritation, I can’t be sure which.

  “It’s final, sugar.”

  I set my hands on my hips defiantly. “We’ll see about that.”

  His eyes narrow as he contemplates his next words.

  “I’ll make sure Oliver stays out of your way too,” he says, his voice raspy and sexy.

  I’m too busy thinking about the tingle running down my spine to register what he’s said right away.

  “Sorry, what? Why would Oliver be there?”

  Oliver is Masen’s bodyguard, so if Oliver is going to be there, then that means that…

  “Because I’m going to be there.” He finishes my thought for me.

  Well fuck.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” I hear Avery whisper.

  “Who’s your friend, sugar?” Masen asks, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Avery,” I whisper.

  “Avery,” he repeats, still not even so much as glancing at her.

  “Hi,” she squeaks.

  I frown again, realising he’s successfully distracted me. “Since when were you coming with us?” I demand.

  “Since you decided to go,” he replies simply.

  I run my hand over my face and into my hair, the long strands tugging as I slide my fingers through.

  “Why?” I ask warily.

  Dear god, why?

  I needed this weekend to escape. I needed some space to get my head on straight, but it doesn’t seem like I’m going to get it.

  He leans forward, his warm breath tickling my face as he whispers his reply. “Because I can, sugar.”

  I hear myself gasp as he tucks my hair back behind my ear.

  “Pack your shit, Josh. We’ll be leaving at eight am, Eric.”

  Masen steps back, Josh whoops with excitement, and Eric replies, “Certainly, Sir.”

  Eric holds a folder up in Masen’s direction, and he takes it silently.

  “Well shit,” I mutter as I watch Masen stroll away, all swagger and sex appeal.

  He doesn’t look back once.

  Josh grabs me, pulling me against his firm chest and swings me around. “Everything is more fun with you around, FG.” He chuckles as he sets me back on my feet.

  “You’re ruining my girls’ weekend,” I grumble.

  I want to argue, or make other plans, but I know it would be a waste of my time. Masen has decided something and that’s how it’ll be. This is his castle and he’s the king.

  “I’m improving your girls’ weekend,” Josh argues, gesturing to his body. “Just think of how much I’m enhancing the view.”

  “You’re not wrong there,” Avery replies.

  I groan as Josh gives her one long, lingering look before jogging from the room in the direction Masen went.

  “Well… this should be interesting.”



  I flick through the contents of the folder one more time before tossing it onto the desk and walking from the room.

  Eric gave me everything I asked for. I know every subject she’s studying, her professors’ names, the name of every student she sits next to, and the names of every person that’s spoken to her in the past week.

  I’m not sure if she was this popular before she became my girlfriend, but she sure as fuck gets a lot of attention now, especially from males.

  Not that I could blame anyone for looking twice, not when she’s still rocking barely-there shorts every god damn day.

  I blame those very shorts for my stupid decision to crash her girls’ weekend.

  That was never part of the plan, but when she stood there in my living room, her sassy attitude and her sexy legs cracked me.

  I don’t know who the fuck this chick thinks she is, trying to refuse security, but I wasn’t having it. So now she’s not only got her bodyguard coming, but me, Josh and my security too.

  I smirk to myself as I think about the look on her face when she realised I was going to be there all weekend.

  I intimidate her, I know I do. I know that she’s attracted to me too. But she’s also attracted to my best mate, and that pisses me off way more than it should.

  It’s probably going to make for a spectacular clusterfuck of a weekend if I had to guess.

  I glance around the room once.

  Morris has already taken my bag; it’ll be in the back of the Range Rover by now. He might be too formal for my liking, but at least he’s efficient.

  As I stroll down the hall, I can hear Josh singing at the top of his lungs downstairs, and it’s so fucking bad I can’t even make out what song it is.

  I hear Billie laugh and I pause, watching them with interest as they come into view.

  My girl is sitting up on the bench, her wild hair in waves around her shoulders. She’s smiling wide and looking fucking incredible in a black dress.

  Josh is sweeping Avery off her feet, quite literally dancing her around my kitchen as he destroys the song he’s still trying to sing.

  They look so relaxed, so normal.

  I should go back upstairs, make an excuse and leave them to a fun weekend without me ruining what should be a good time, but when Billie’s hazel eyes find mine, I’m too selfish to walk away.

  I step the rest of the way down, paying no attention to anything but the woman that the world thinks belongs to me.

>   Her cheeks pink and her tongue darts out to moisten her bottom lip as she watches me approach.

  I should run in the opposite direction, but I can’t seem to do anything but move towards her.

  Josh bumps into me and Avery mutters an apology, but I don’t even so much as glance at them.

  “Hi,” Billie whispers as I stop right in front of her.

  Her legs fall open and I step even closer, so I’m between her thighs. Her breath hitches and I almost grin.

  I haven’t let myself get this close to her, but my control is waning, as is my desire to give a fuck.

  She’s too tempting.

  The zip of my jeans presses against the bench top as my hands land on the cool surface on either side of her hips.

  “Hi,” I reply, my eyes grazing over every detail of her face.

  Josh is still murdering Ed Sheeran’s ‘Castle on the Hill’, as I now recognise it to be, behind me, but Billie doesn’t seem to notice that our friends are even in the room.

  “Are you ready to go?” she asks, her voice shaky.

  I let my gaze wander lower, ignoring her small talk.

  “You look sexy as hell in this dress, sugar.”

  I watch her throat move as she tries to settle her nerves.

  “Thank you,” she finally whispers as I take my fill of her, right down to her bare feet.

  Her toenails are painted the same pink as her fingernails and, I don’t know why, but it only makes her more appealing.

  I should back away, but I can’t seem to make myself.

  “So… you’re driving?” I question as her eyes pull me back to her face.

  She nods slowly. “If you trust me driving that expensive car?” she replies softly.

  I couldn’t give a fuck about the price tag. It’s just money.

  “You know how to drive, sugar?” I question as I lean in a fraction closer, the sweet scent of her filling my nose.

  I inhale deeply and watch her shudder, a trail of goosebumps pebbling her exposed skin.

  “Mmm hmm,” she murmurs.

  Her hand lifts from her lap and she reaches for me bravely.

  I glance down, watching as she rests her palm against my chest, right over my rapidly beating heart.

  My own hand reaches up, and I clasp her chin between my thumb and forefinger.

  I lean closer and her eyes flutter closed.

  I pull away just as our lips brush against one another, straightening up and stepping away, taking the zing of electricity with me.


  Her hand falls back to her lap as her eyes snap open.

  She watches me curiously, the hurt I expected to see in her eyes absent, instead all I see is desire.

  “We should go,” I say.

  “Shot gun,” Josh yells, and it hits me that he and Avery are still in the room, probably watching everything that’s just happened.

  I turn away from Billie and head towards the garage with purpose in my stride. I need to get some space from her – clear my head… but I don’t know how the fuck I’m planning to do that when I’m about to spend an entire weekend in her presence.

  “You can’t call shot gun if you can’t see the car,” Avery protests.

  I hear Josh start to run up behind me and I hold out an arm to stop him. “If you think I’m sitting anywhere but in the front of my car, you’re fucking high.”

  “Asshole,” he grumbles.

  I smirk with my back to him.

  I get into the bright red car and nod to Eric and Oliver, letting them know we’re ready to hit the road.

  I feel Billie slip in next to me, but I can’t look at her right now – not behind the wheel of my car, not looking like that.

  I tug my sunglasses from my head to cover my eyes as the engine purrs to life.

  This is going to be a long fucking weekend.


  I glance over at her again, her hair whipping around her face, and that god damn dress riding higher up her thighs from the wind.

  She gave up on the driving after about an hour and handed over the reins to me – thank fuck. The only thing hotter than a beautiful girl in your ride, is when she’s behind the wheel or got her head in your lap.

  Music is blasting from the stereo and it’s a perfect result for me – it means there’s no time for talking.

  I glance in the rear-view mirror at Josh and Avery, who have gotten closer and closer over the trip. They’re sitting as near to one another as humanly possible, and Josh is clasping one of Avery’s legs in his lap, her body twisted in her seat to face him as she giggles and speaks into his ear.

  He catches my eye and grins.

  Fucking smug bastard.

  My eyes roam lazily over the blonde that is bound to wind up in his bed before the weekend’s out – she’s pretty… hot body, but she’s got nothing on Billie.

  I shake the unwanted thought from my head.

  I really need to get laid.

  I just need to find a sexy, willing participant and screw her brains out so I can stop thinking about the woman I’m paying to be my girl.

  I feel something touch my arm and my eyes snap back at Billie, and hell, her soft fingers are on my skin.

  She waits until I’m looking at her face and then holds up her hands in a ‘T’.

  I huff out a laugh, my lips curling up into a small smile that I hope she doesn’t notice. I’m not exactly known for smiling.

  She grins and points to a sign stating that there are restrooms up ahead.

  I tip my chin in response.

  I see the rest area and ease the speeding car off the road, slowing down to stop for her.

  Oliver and Eric are in the SUV behind us, and I see them indicate to follow us in.

  I pull up to the side of the building and kill the engine, the blaring music cutting off with it.

  “I really have to pee!” Billie cries as she rushes from the car in the direction of the toilet block. Avery leaps out after her.

  Eric flies out of his vehicle, going to follow them, but I wave him off. “They’re good,” I yell after him.

  We’ve been on the road for a long time now, we weren’t followed, and no one around here is going to be looking for me or my girlfriend. We’re in the middle of nowhere. That’s why I love this place so much. The nearest town is a twenty-minute drive from my holiday house.

  Eric nods warily and retreats back to his vehicle.

  Poor bastard, I’ve never seen him move so fast. Maybe I’ve been a bit dramatic with the demands when it comes to Billie.

  Josh leans through the middle of the front seats, his ever-present grin beaming at me. “So, I know you said FG was off limits, but her friend is fair game, right?”

  I let my head fall back against the seat. “As long as you’re not touching Billie, I don’t give a fuck who you’re doing what with.”

  He fist-pumps the air, and I try not to let his enthusiasm rub off on me.

  “You know what I think?” he says just when I’m appreciating the silence.

  I shake my head, lowering my glasses down my nose to get a better look at the toilet block the girls still haven’t emerged from.

  “I couldn’t even imagine,” I drawl as I push the dark lenses back into place, frowning.

  “I think you like her.”


  “Billie. You like her.”

  “I don’t dislike her.”

  He shoves my shoulder. “Bro, you know what I mean.”

  “Do I?” I ask tightly.

  “She gets your dick hard. Try and deny it.”

  She gets my dick real hard, but I’m not about to tell him that.

  “I haven’t had sex in three months, my dick is always hard.”

  “You should take care of that.”

  “Plan to,” I mutter.

  I glance at the door again, but there’s still no sign of the girls. “What the fuck is taking them so long?” I demand.

  He shrugs. “They’re chicks, man, I�
��m not going to pretend I understand what they do when they go into a bathroom together.”

  “I’m going to go find out.” I reach for the handle of my door so I can go and see what’s taking so long, but Josh’s hand lands heavily on my shoulder.

  “They’re females, give it another couple of minutes. Trust me.”

  I drop my hand and reluctantly nod.

  I watch two more minutes tick over on the clock and I’m just about to go and see if Billie is alright when the door opens and the two of them appear, giggling about something.

  I relax back into my seat.

  “Try telling me again how you’re not into that girl, man, just try me,” Josh says as I start the engine, so I can drown out his words.

  Stupid smug bastard couldn’t be more wrong.



  “This is some beach house,” I breathe as I turn in a slow circle, taking in the mansion before me.

  I was expecting something small, cute… not this.

  “It’s sick, right?” Josh drawls, his grin somehow wider than it was when we pulled in.

  I roll my eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you, Joshy, this isn’t your house.”

  He scowls. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just call me Joshy.”

  “You can pretend all you like, it won’t make it any less true.” I smirk as I slide open the huge glass doors that lead out to an unbelievable view of the beach.

  There’s a pool, a fire pit… everything you could ask for.

  “I can feel my dick shrinking just thinking about that pansy nickname.” He shudders as I turn back around to face him.

  “Could be worse, I could have gone with Joshikins.”

  I can’t help it, the look on his face is one of pure horror. I’m still laughing when Avery comes back into the room.

  “I think the downstairs bathroom is bigger than our whole apartment,” she hisses, eyes wide.

  “You should see the cinema,” Josh says, his torment over his penis forgotten the minute she entered the room.

  “Cinema?” Avery demands.

  “It’s just a fucking media room; I’m not that much of a tool.” Masen’s voice comes from the doorway and my eyes instinctively follow the sound until I’m looking right at him.


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