by Eric Garcia
Combs, Richie
accommodations, 30, 42
Discovery Groups, 43
Marshall University, 30, 42–43
Commission on Civil Rights, 72
community-based non-work services, 70
community-based participatory research (CBPR) model, 129
community employment, 60
Congressional Autism Caucus, 9–10
consent issue, 143–47, 165
conversion therapy, 150
Corby, Karen, 125
Corby, Paul, 125
coronavirus pandemic, 101, 140, 205–6, 208
corporal punishment, 85
Craft, Samantha, 61
See also Ciampi, Marcelle
Crane, Samantha
ASAN, 86, 97, 119
autism as disability vs. embracing neurodiversity and, 119
on housing for autistic people, 86, 97
supported decision making, 105–6
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 181
Cromer, Kayla, 170
Cruise, Tom, 86
Cuarón, Alfonso, 23
Cunningham, Tara, 62–63
Cure Autism Now, 25, 114
See also Autism Speaks
“cure” for autism
Autism Speaks and, 10, 23–24, 102, 114
Combating Autism Act, 10, 20, 22
cottage industries of supposed cures, 115
current views, 112–13
dangers from concept, 115–16
JRC and, 15–16
magazines/autism as tragic, 13–14
musicians/PSA, 8–9
Ne’eman on, 13
people wanting to be cured, 118
people with higher support needs, 25
research, xiv
Sinclair on, 20
Trump and, 23
See also specific “cures”; specific individuals/groups; vaccines/autism myth
“cure” for LGBTQ people, 9, 150
Curtis, Lois, 94
Daily Beast, 198
Daily Tar Heel, 45–47, 51, 154, 191–93
Daltrey, Roger, 8
Davin, Anlor
AASCEND and, 141–42
autism of, 141, 142
description/background, 141
meditation, 142
Yates and, 141, 142–43, 155
Davis, Megan, 29–30
death causes (autistic people), 128
debate watching party (2015 Republican presidential primary), xii
Defeat Autism Now!, 12, 114, 115
depression, 129–30
Des Moines, Polk County Democratic Party steak-fry, ix, x
Developmental Disabilities Act, 12
Developmental Disabilities Council for the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, Arizona, 91
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
autism spectrum disorder, xvii, 5, 6, 200
autism term/diagnosis changes, xvii, 3–5, 6, 55
diets as autism treatment, 12, 14, 115–16
Dio, Ronnie James, 8
Disability and Health Journal, 161
disability rights activists/telethons, 13
Doris-Pierce, Molly, 206
Douglas (Gadsby special), 169–70
Douglass, Frederick, 214, 215
Doyle, Mike, 9–10
driving and autism examples, 95
DSM.See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
“dysregulated,” 88–89
echolalia, 3
college possibilities for autistic people (summary), 31, 47
community college and, 31–35
community college statistics, 32–33
individualized education plans (IEPs), 55
loneliness and, 44–47
neurotypical leadership and, 48–51
open autistics/academia and, 47–48
STEM studies, 32–33
tutoring centers, 32
See also accommodations/education; specific colleges/individuals
Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 5
See also Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1990/IDEA)
Einstein, Albert, 22
Emergence (Grandin), 158
employment. See work
Empty Fortress, The (Bettelheim), 11
autistic people developing, 127–28
as cause of death, 128
Ereneta, Chris “C. J.,” 77, 78, 79
Escher, Jill, 100, 119
Everyday Aspergers (Craft), 61
Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, 170
executive functioning
autistic people and, 27, 31, 41–42, 43, 44, 90, 91, 93, 107, 178
description, 41–42
Expandability, 54
See also Neurodiversity Pathways
“extreme male brain” theory
description, xviii, 158–59
disagreements over, xviii
EY, 62
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 68, 72
Family Research Council, 149
Favreau, Jon, 58
consent and, 165
diagnosis, 158–62
empathy, 158
gender expectations and, 157, 159–60, 172–73
LGBTQ and, 157
males-only myth and, 157, 158–59, 165, 173
masking and, 161–62
media and, 169–73
research and, 158
sexual abuse, 164–65
“special interests,” 159
studies/findings, 159–60
See also specific individuals
Feminine Boy Project, 148–50
Fischer, Chris, 155
Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD Bridge Program, 49
Floyd, George, 187
Food and Drug Administration
MMS/bleach drinking and, 116
“shock therapy” and, 15, 207
Ford, Gerald, 12
Ford Motor Company, 64
Fournier, Ron, 199
Frazier, Cori, 26–27
Frist Center for Autism and Innovation, Vanderbilt University, xix, 50, 51
functioning labels(“high-functioning”/“low-functioning”)
described, xvii–xviii, 26
use/problems, xvii–xviii, 25, 26, 38, 66, 67, 83, 84, 108, 128, 160–61, 201, 214, 219
Gadsby, Hannah, 169–70
Garcia, Arianne, 185–86
Garcia, Eric
Bob (“stepfather”), 7, 51–52, 56, 138, 196
childhood/teenage years, ix, 8–9, 137–38, 153, 195
commencement, University of North Carolina, 51–52
community college, 31–35
depression/suicidal thoughts, 74, 129–30
descriptions/support and, xix–xx, 6–8, 90–91, 92–93, 107
diagnosis timing/Spectrum Generation, xvi, xvii, 28
family identities, 195–96
family support, xix, 59
father, 7, 35, 51–52, 56, 138, 196
honors program and, 33–34
housing/living conditions, 91, 106–7
journalism/politics, ix–xi, 45–47, 56, 58–59, 73–75, 112–13, 153–54, 197–98, 201, 208–9, 213
Mexican roots/Spanish language and, 183–84, 195
mother/support of, xii, xix, 7, 26, 31, 32, 33, 51–52, 191
music/stories behind, ix, 8–9, 31, 56–57, 153
parents divorcing and, 138
police encounters, 191–93
Stephanie (sister) and Benny (husband), 7, 51–52, 130, 196
therapy, 74, 130, 137, 141
University of North Carolina/journalism and, 6, 35–36, 40, 44–47, 51–52, 58, 154, 191–93, 212–13
writing about autism and, 198, 208–9, 210, 213
Garcia-Spiegel, Charlie, 167, 168, 19
Gardiner, Finn
background, 38, 179–80
support/accomplishments, 38–39, 40
Gardner, Sara, 43–44
gender dysphoria, 166, 167
gender variance, 167
Georgetown University, 39
George Washington University, 70
Gerson, Michael, 55
Ginsberg, Allen, 200
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 94
Goldman Sachs, 61
Goldstein, Steve, 74
Good Doctor, The (television show), 171
Good Morning America, 58, 145–46
Google, 61
Gordon, Timotheus, 34, 182–83, 195
Gore, Al, 53
Grandin, Temple, 22, 59, 158, 194
Grant, Xenia, 20
Gravino, Amy, 118, 144–45, 147
Greene, Tim, 32
Grinker, Roy Richard, 84
Groomer, Dorothy/Stephen (son), 177
Grove City College, 37–38
Growing (Schumer comedy special), 155
Biden and, 205
self-advocates vs. parent advocates, 104–6
supported decision-making and, 104–6
Guillory, Ferrel, 40
Guin, Kris, 168
Guns N’ Roses, 57
Gupta, Sanjay, 26
Guthrie, Peter, 86–87
Halford, Rob, 9
Hampton, Ron, 189
Hamrick, Dave
consent and, 147
Nebeker (wife) and, 145–46, 147, 155
Hansen, Rebecca, 41, 42, 43
Harkin, Tom, 17–18
Harris, Kamala D., 207, 208
Harrison, Kris
on autistic males/females, 165–66
Autspace, 195
description/background, 166
Harris, Tyneisha, 79
Hassan, Maggie, 69
Hayes, Ricardo/family, 188–89
HCBS (Home- and Community-Based Services) waivers
autistic people and, 94–97
benefits, 96–97
capping/waitlists, 95–96, 99
government cost savings, 96–97
purpose, 93
self-advocates vs. parents, 97–103
shift in use, 93–94
HCBS (Home- and Community-Based Services) waivers/“settings rule”
farmsteads/residential farms, 98
gated communities, 99
goal, 98
isolation/segregation and, 98
residential schools, 99
same site/same controllers, 99
self-advocates vs. parents, 97–103
types not allowed, 98–99
health/health care
“autism as disability” and, 118–19
autism placement and, 111
autism services need, 112
design of emergency departments and, 126
health care professionals misconceptions and, 123–26, 131
research, 127–29
See also specific components; specific individuals
heart transplant need story, 125
“higher support needs”/“lower support needs” terms, xviii
Hill, x, 58–59, 75, 208
Hoffman, Dustin, 86
Hollands, Jean, 136
homophobia, 148–51
Horn, Kendra, 47
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, 16, 17
housing/living conditions
before twentieth century, 84
community life experience and, 91
government assistance and, 93–97
group homes, 97
Hollywood/Rain Man and, 86–87
“host”/“foster family” homes, 91
intentional communities, 100
parents worries of future, 101–2
self-advocates vs. parents, 97–106
shared living, 91–92
See also HCBS (Home- and Community-Based Services) waivers; institutions; specific individuals
Humble, Jim, 116
hyperbaric chambers, 116
institutional living and, 84, 102–3
See also housing/living conditions
individualized education plans (IEPs), 55
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1990/IDEA)
autism as developmental disability/effects, 6–7
effects, 72–73
passage of bill, xvi, 5–6, 212
“infantile autism,” xvii, 3, 11
In My Language, 26, 217–18, 219
Insel, Thomas, 17
“inspirational” stories, 40
Bettelheim and, 84–85
as dated approach, 84
descriptions/conditions, 84–85, 86, 87–88
examples of, 85–86
France and, 142
Harris and, 207
misdiagnosed autistic people, 84
mistakes and, 85, 108
parents vs. self-advocates, 88
Rain Man and, 86–87, 171
Rimland and, 87–88
those still wanting, 84
insulin shocks, 114
Interagency Autism Coordinating Community, xiv
intersectionality, 181–82
Iowa Supreme Court, 152
Islands of Genius (Treffert), 87
Israel, Matthew, 15
Iversen, Portia, 114
Jatich, Alida, 85
Johnson, Lyndon, 113
Jones, Eric, 58
Jordan, Michael, 51
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 129
Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 159–60, 178
Journal of Applied Research for Intellectual Disability, 96
Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 84
See also Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 12, 32–33, 44–45, 84, 144, 164, 165, 177, 179, 188
Journal of Children and Media, 13
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 159
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 129
JP Morgan Chase, 61, 62
Judas Priest, 9
Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (JRC), Massachusetts
description, 15
shock therapy/criticism and bans, 15–16
Just, Richard, 198
Kagan, Jeff, 45–46
Kaiser Family Foundation, 95, 97
Kanner, Leo
autism/socioeconomic classes, 177
drugs used, 114
latter views, 11
parents/“refrigerator mothers/parents” and, xi, 10–11, 150
people of color and, 177
study of autism/myths, xi, 4, 10–11, 72, 114, 150, 158
Kaplan, Roberta (“Robbie”)
autistic son and, 210–11, 212
LGBTQ rights, 210
Rachel (wife), 210–11, 212
Karraker, Keith, 200
Kendrick, Michael, 104–5
King, Gayle, 14
King, Larry, xii
Kinsey, Charles, 174–75, 189
Kiss, 9, 59
Krieger, Anna, 105
Kriss, Alan, 65
Kushner, Adam, 75
Lavine, Rachel, 210–11, 212
L.C., Olmstead v. (1999), 94
Led Zeppelin, 8
Lee, Tommy, 8
legal protections (autistic people)
beginnings, 1
See also specific components
Lewis, Jerry, 13
Lewis, Zachariah, 30–31
LGBT Health, 167
LGBTQ people
autism and, xviii, 147–48, 167–69, 173
conversion therapy, 150
“cure” and, 9, 150
discrimination against autistic peop
le and, 148–50, 200
fates/fates of autistic people, 150, 173
Feminine Boy Project, 148–50
identity and, xviii
intersectionality and, 181
same-sex marriage opposition, 149
See also specific groups/individuals