by Eric Garcia
Lhamon, Catherine, 72
Lieberman, Steve, 63
Life magazine, 117
Life of Brian (movie), 166
Link, A. J.
description/autism, 176, 193–94
diagnosis, 178–79, 180
law school, 176
police and, 193
living conditions. See housing/living conditions
Look Me in the Eye (Robison), 24, 59
Loop (film), 170–72
Lovaas, Ole Ivar
ABA and, 117, 148, 215
on autistic people, 215
Feminine Boy Project/homosexuality “conversion,” 148–49
See also applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
Love of the Spectrum (Netflix documentary), 135
“lower support needs”/“higher support needs” terms, xviii
Loyola Marymount University, 51–52, 130
LSD, 114
Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, Brandeis, 39
Luterman, Sara, 180, 209
Lutz, Amy, 99–100, 102
McCain, John, 18, 19
McCarthy, Jenny, xii
McClain, Elijah, 189–90
Maitland, Theresa, 36
Mak, Tim, 198
Mandell, David, 84, 102
Marble, John
autism realization/getting diagnosed, 53–54
autistic people’s employment, 60–61, 64, 76–77, 79–81
background, 53, 54
LGBTQ/Stonewall Democrats and, 148
meeting other autistic people/retreat, 54
Ne’eman and, 54
Neurodiversity Pathways, 54–55, 60, 80
Office of Personnel Management, 53
Pivot Diversity, 80–81
March, Mary Tyler, 46–47
MarketWatch, 58–59, 63, 73–74
Marshall University, West Virginia
“adaptive living skills,” 42–43
Allies Supporting Autism Spectrum Diversity program, 41
Autism Training Center, 30–31, 41
program costs and, 43
“social radar,” 42, 43
masking/autistic people
autistic people of color, 179
females, 161–62
relationships, 140–41
Star, Eryn/harm, 163–64
Matthews, Dylan, 209
Mead, Kit, 98
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, 16
Medicaid, 71, 73, 91, 121, 178, 203, 205, 207
See also HCBS (Home- and Community-Based Services) waivers
Medical Care, 96
medical model vs. social model, 44, 111
meditation, 142
meltdowns, 53, 89, 109, 119, 171–72, 179
Méndez, Juan, 15
Menendez, Robert, 63
chelation therapy, 116
vaccines/autism myth and, xi–xii, 18, 116
metrazol, 114
Microsoft, 61, 62
Migyanka, Joann, 126
Milsom, Erica
Loop, 170–72
research/autism, 170–72
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), 116
Molecular Autism, 160
Money Follows the Person, 105–6
Montgomery, Cal
on autism, 130–31
background, 85–86
housing for autistic people, 86, 95, 102–3
institutions and, 85–86
Monty Python, 166
Moore, Mary Tyler, 46
Morrow, Barrow, 87
Mötley Crüe, 8
movie theater, Aurora, Colorado shootings, xiii
Mozart, 22
Muhammad, Khalil, 188–89
Murphy, Kirk (“Kraig”), 149–51
Muscular Dystrophy Association, 13
myths on autism
autism as problem/menace, xiii–xiv
autistic shooter, xiii–xiv
empathy and, 134–35, 136, 141, 158
extremes/stereotypes, 75–76
incapacity of being good partner, 134–35
job loyalty and, 62–63
low expectations and, 55
as males/white males condition, xv, xvi, 41, 157, 175–76, 177, 180–81
“refrigerator mothers/parents,” xi–xii, 11, 84, 114, 150, 177, 202
STEM fields and, xv, 32–33, 48–49, 55–56, 63–64, 75
See also specific issues; vaccines/autism myth
National Autism Indicators Report, Drexel University, 60
National Council on Disability, 22, 54, 72, 125
National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), 156
National Council on Severe Autism (NCSA), 69, 70, 71, 99–100
National Institute of Mental Health, 17
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 127–28
National Journal, x, xii, 21, 58–59, 74, 75, 198, 199, 207
National Society for Autistic Children (NSAC)
Information and Referral Service, 30
Rimland/treatments and, 12, 30, 112
Sullivan and, 12, 30
See also Autism Society of America
Nebeker, Lindsey
background, 146
Hamrick (husband) and, 145–46, 147, 155
sex/consent and, 145, 146, 147
as sexual abuse survivor, 146–47
Ne’eman, Ari
appointments/committees, 22
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), 12–13, 21, 203–4
background, 21, 212
on developmental disability world vs. autistic world, 12–13
disability rights, 12–13, 21, 204–5
Marble and, 54
National Council on Disability, 54
protesting ads, 13, 21
Shestak and, 25
on shift in views, 212, 213
networking, D.C., 197–98
Neurodiversity Pathways, 54–55
neurodiversity working group, College of William and Mary, 47–48
Neuro Tribes (Silberman), 86–87, 112, 134, 199–200, 202
Newby, Paul, 45–46
Newman, Judith/Gus, 151–52
New Republic, 58
New Yorker, 194
New York Times, 25, 151, 207–8
Ng, Claudia, 78
Nicolosi, Joseph, 150
Niou, Yuh-Line, 2
Nobody Nowhere (Williams), 20
nonspeaking autistic people examples, 26
See also specific individuals
NPR, 205–6
nutritional therapies, 115
See also specific therapies
Obama, Barack
administration/presidency, 54, 58, 204–5
Affordable Care Act, 203
autism and, 18–19, 22, 23, 69
Ne’eman and, 22
presidential campaign (2012), 45, 46
primary campaign (2007), 45, 46
Wired magazine and, 22
Obama, Michelle/daughters and Bo, 57, 58
Olmstead v. L.C. (1999), 94
Olshan, Jeremy, 74
Onaiwu, Morénike Giwa
autistic females diagnoses, 160
book/autistic people of color, 200
intersectionality identity, 182
police and, 193
oppositional defiant disorder, 179
Oprah Winfrey (show), xii
Overbee, Mary, 77
Pale Blue Dot (Sagan), 193–94
Paradiz, Valerie, 24
Parents magazine, 13–14
Pediatric Annals, 167
Pediatrics, 184
Pence, Mike, 50
Perry, David M., 208
Perry, Joe, 9
“pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS),” xvii, 3–4, 5
Pitney, John M., Jr., 11, 84, 93–94
Pittsburgh Center for Autistic Advocacy, 26–27
Pivot Diver
sity, 80–81
Pixar Animation Studios, 170
Plant, Robert, 8
Police Practice and Research, 190
police violence/autism
autism training for police, 190
echoing and, 189
eye contact and, 175, 189
Hayes case, 188–89
Kinsey/Rios-Soto, 174–75, 189
McClain case, 189–90
people of color treatment and, 175
police officer with autistic son, 189
stimming and, 175, 189, 193
Watts case, 188–89
white people/innocence assumption and, 175
See also police violence/race
police violence/race
Blake, Kenosha, 187
Brown, Ferguson, 175
Castile, Minnesota, 175
defunding police and, 190–91
Floyd, Minneapolis, 187
intersectionality and, 181
public opinion shift, 187–88
Taylor, Louisville, 187
white people/innocence assumption and, 175
See also police violence/autism
Politico, 207
Politics of Autism, The (Pitney, Jr.), 11, 84
Pollak, Richard, 85
poverty and autism, 49
Pressley, Ayanna, 206
Pretending to Be Normal (Willey), 162
Prizant, Barry, 200–201
Psychology Today, 117
race and autism
autism as “white” condition/myth, xv, 175–76, 177, 180–81
Black parents and, 180–81
diagnosis/late diagnosis and, 177–79
incidents/data and, 188
intersectionality and, 181–82, 194
Kinsey/Rios-Soto example, 174–76
language barrier/diagnosis, 183–87
masking, 179
parental knowledge of autism and, 181, 186–87
“problem children/behavioral issues” and, 179–80
proving you belong and, 182–83
punishment and, 180
See also police violence; specific individuals
racial diversity in newsrooms, 209
Rain Main, 30, 86–87, 171
Ray, Ashia
description/background, 162
late diagnosis, 163
Reagan administration, 7
Refrigerator Mothers (documentary), 177
“refrigerator mothers/parents,” xi–xii, 11, 84, 114, 150, 177, 202
Regan, Ruti, 108
Rekers, George
Family Research Council, 149
Feminine Boy Project/homosexuality “conversion,” 148–49
relationships/autistic people
bad behavior/consequences and, 136–37, 143, 144, 145
consent and, 143–47
coronavirus pandemic and, 140
disclosing autism and, 139–40, 154–55
empathy myth and, 134–35, 136, 141, 158
Garcia, 137, 138–40, 141, 153–55
having children and, 138–39, 151–53
incapacity of being good partner/myth, 134–35
infantilization of autistic people and, 143–45, 151–52
LGBTQ autistic people, 147–48
marriage and, 138
masking, 140–41
media and, 135–37
men/stereotypes and, 135–37, 143
online dating, 133–34, 140
pity and, 135, 155
sexuality/stereotypes, 143–47, 165
stereotypes and, 135–36
See also specific individuals
on autism, 127–29
finding “cure,” xiv
improving services and, xiv–xv
Residential Information Systems Project, University of Minnesota, 91
Rhywiol, Kaelan, 152
Rice, Damien, 133
Rimland, Bernard
Autism Research Institute, 114
autism treatments/cure, xi–xii, 12, 30, 112, 114, 115
Defeat Autism Now!, 12, 114, 115
institutions and, 87–88
Mark (autistic son), 12, 87, 98
NSAC and, 12, 30, 112
Rain Man and, 87, 171
vaccine-autism link and, xi–xii, 16
Wakefield and, 16
Rios-Soto, Arnaldo, 174–76
Ritvo, Edward, 151
Rivera, Kerri, 116
Robertson, Scott, 21
Robison, John Elder
advocacy, 24, 47–48, 120
on autism, 120
autistic people in academia and, 47–48
background, 47, 59
Roll Call, x, 58–59, 75, 112
Rolling Stone, 100
Romano, Neil, 72
Romney, Mitt, 45, 46
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 68, 72
Rosa, Leo
camp, 103–4
description/functioning labels and, 83, 84, 88–89
family’s insurance/in-home services, 103
Rosa, Shannon Des Roches
as “not a victim,” 89
not looking for cure, 209–10
son and, 83–84, 88–89, 211
Rosenberg, Jacob, 45, 46
Rowling, J. K., 168
Saavedra, Ryan, 208
Sacks, Oliver, 194
Sagan, Carl, 193–94
Salesforce, 61
Sanchez, Brandon, 15–16
Sanchez, Eddie, 15–16
Sanders, Bernie, 205
Sandy Hook shootings, xii
SAP, 61, 62
Savicki, Andrew
background/education, 47, 67
job, 218–19
politics and, 47, 67, 218–19
Scarborough, Joe/Andrew, xiii
Schere, Dan, 47
schizophrenia, childhood, 3, 4
Schumer, Amy, 155
Scientology, 116
secretin hormone, 12, 13, 211
Seger, Bob, 133
beginnings, 1–2
high support needs and, 26
history, 1–2, 10–16
meaning, 2
movement overview, 19–27
problems without (summary), xi
progress, 202–3, 211, 212–14, 215–16
tension with parent advocacy, 10–16, 69, 73, 88, 97–106
trust in, 26–27
See also Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN); specific groups/individuals
sensory dysregulation, 117
Sesame Street (television show), 171
Sexuality and Disability, 133–34
shared living, 91–92
sheltered workshops, 64, 68, 69–71, 72–73
Shestak, Jonathan, 25, 114
shock therapy, 13, 15–16, 86, 114, 117, 131, 207
Shore, Stephen, 24
Silberman, Steve
“autism epidemic” idea and, 199
as gay/discrimination, 200
Neuro Tribes/autism and, 86–87, 112, 134, 199–200, 202
services for autistic people and, 199
Silicon Syndrome: How to Survive a High-Tech Relationship (Hollands), 136
Simmons, Gene, 8
Sinclair, Jim
Autism Network International, 19–20, 21
on autism/parents with autistic children, 19–21
Autreat, 20
description/background, 19
Singer, Alison, 18, 102
Skrodzka, Agatha, 14
Slash (Guns N’ Roses), 57
Smith, Chris, 9–10
Smith, Dean, 51
Smith, S. E., 209
Snider, Dee, 9
Snyderman, Nancy, 55
social model
description, 44, 111–12
medical model vs., 44, 111
neurodiversity and, 112
“social radar” development/issues, 42, 43
social safety net
> “deserving”/“undeserving” poor dichotomy and, 66–67
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), 66–67
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 66–67
Social Security Act, 68
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), 66–67
Solotaroff, Paul, 100