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Must Be Love

Page 1

by Baker, Tory

  Must Be Love

  Tory Baker


  Title Image



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  27. Epilogue

  28. Epilogue Two

  About the Author

  Also by Tory Baker

  Cade Martin took one look across a crowded bar and knew the auburn-haired beauty staring back at him was his forever.

  Aubrey Williams didn’t realize how a little alcohol on an empty stomach could hit her. She’s not much of a drinker in the first place. It was pure luck that Cade Martin stepped up and protected her, when she couldn’t protect herself. Although some of the night was a blur, she definitely remembered the tall, sexy man with chocolate brown eyes, well-worn jeans and flannel shirt. Calling to thank him was awkward, but it turned out to be the best thing she ever did.

  One night turned into more than either of them bargained for. It might have started out as a simple attraction, but now it’s definitely more and if the way Aubrey’s heart speeds up when she hears Cade’s voice is any indication… It must be love.


  For my readers

  Chapter 1


  I stopped by the bar and grill on the way home, it was one of those days. All I wanted was a cold beer, maybe some wings, and to watch the Saturday night football game. I wasn’t planning on working as long as I did, especially on the weekend. But life happens and plans always turn to shit.

  I guess that’s what happens when you run a logging company. Between making sure the guys are out doing their daily tasks and keeping up with the books, it’s getting harder and harder to maintain any kind of semblance of a social life. Shit, the only time I see my dad is when he’s in the office helping me get the guys started for the day.

  “What can I get you, Cade?” Mary the waitress asks. I’ve grown up in small-town Washington. Everyone usually knows everyone.

  “Bud light, bottle. How’s it going?” I respond.

  “It’s going. Getting new people moving in more and more. Better business for our town, I guess,” she responds, as she hands me my beer.

  “Yeah, may help boost the economy some, too,” I say, with a nod of my head.

  “Enjoy, I’ll be here if you’re ready to order more,” she walks away to help the next customer. I turn my bar stool around and look at the patrons. Some are eating, some are playing pool, and some are dancing.

  That’s when my gaze stops. There she is. She’s dancing to a country song on the jukebox. Her hips are swaying, her long hair whipping back and forth. She has me riveted. When she turns around and smiles at me, I nod my head in acknowledgement. Her eyes are green in color, as if they are leaves on an oak tree. They’re that dark. Her skin is milky white, and I wonder what my tan and weathered hands would look like up against her.

  Her auburn to my dark hair, she’s unbelievably gorgeous. When she goes back to dancing, only then do I turn around, order dinner, and another beer. I’ll only drink a max of two beers. Drunk driving is something I won’t do, or allow anyone else to do, if I can help it.

  “Here’s your order, Cade,” Mary says, as she sets down the piping hot wings and French fries I ordered, along with my beer.

  “Thanks, Mary. Who’s the new girl?” I ask.

  “She’s not that new, she’s been coming here for a while now. She works for Dr. Smith. The doc says she’s the best vet technician he’s ever had. That’s saying something coming from that old geezer,” she says with a laugh.

  “Damn, I’m so busy I can barely look up. I’ll have to pay more attention,” I say as I pick up a wing and start eating.

  “You do that, we miss seeing you around town.” She says before leaving me to eat.

  Chapter 2


  It’s Saturday evening. I moved here a couple of months ago and it’s still taking some time adjusting to. But I have to say, I love this town already. When I graduated college, I knew I didn’t want to live in a big city anymore.

  When the girls asked if I wanted to go out tonight and have a few drinks, I was excited. What I didn’t expect was them leaving me, and with a town this small, a taxi is going to be hard to find.

  I really shouldn’t have had that last Amaretto Sour without really eating anything. I make my way back from the dance floor to the bar. I see the handsome guy who grinned at me when I smiled at him. He’s in a baseball cap, flannel shirt, jeans that are well worn, and a pair of boots that, I’m sure, have seen many long days.

  I wanted to be bold and ask him to come out and dance with me, but my shyness won that round.

  I plop down on the bar stool, holding my head in my hand, as I prop it up on the bar.

  “Hey, Mary, can you call me a cab?” I ask her.

  “I would doll, but they quit running an hour ago. Do you have anyone else that can give you a ride?”

  “No, that’s okay. Can I have some water? I can walk home instead. I guess this is the downfall of living in a small town,” I mumble out.

  It’s going to take me a good thirty minutes to walk and I’m already feeling sluggish.

  “Sure thing, Aubrey. I’ll be right back with it.”

  “Thank you.” I rest my eyes for just a moment. This will remind me to never go out with this group of girls — well especially without back up in the form of transportation. I guess I can’t really blame them. They’re all married and have kids, not me. I’m twenty-three, single as the day is born, and a virgin. The girls in college used to tease me about not having sex. Ignoring them was easier than having to explain to them that I wasn’t ready to let just anybody inside me. I want to wait until I meant for me and only me.

  “Here ya go,” Mary says, as she sets my water down.

  “Can I close my tab out, too?” I ask as I grab my card out of my back pocket to hand it to her.

  “It’s already been taken care of,” she responds as she leaves. I hunker down with my cup of ice water and taking a few sips, hoping it’ll wake me up.

  Chapter 3


  I’m finishing my dinner up when Mary comes by and asks, “Can you take Aubrey to her place on your way home?”

  “Who’s Aubrey?” I respond.

  “The new girl, she came out with Trisha and Brittany. You know how those two are. They always leave and never care about anyone but themselves. Aubrey asked for a taxi, but you know they stopped running a while ago.”

  “Yeah, I’ll take her home. Hand me her tab, too,” I tell her as I look at the girl who had me thinking things I shouldn’t out in public. Taking her home won’t be hard. It’ll be leaving her there and not knowing how she makes out through the night, that will be the hardest.

  I pay my bill and Aubrey’s tab. The name is fitting for her, you can tell she’s small but she’s mighty. She has to be to work for old doctor Smith. That old man doesn’t know if he’s coming or going, unless it pertains to the animals he cares for.

  “Mary, I’m making a pit stop and then I’ll grab Aubrey and take her home. Keep an eye on her?” I ask.

e thing,” she replies.

  I go to take care of business and come back. Aubrey is slouched on the bar. It will only be a matter of time until she’s sleeping and waking up in a sticky mess from the bar.

  I tap her on the arm, trying not to scare her, but she still jolts up, almost falling off her stool. I hold onto her shoulders firmly.

  “Who are you?” she mumbles.

  “I’m Cade. Mary asked me to take you home,” I tell her.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can walk,” her eyes slowly start to close, and I know I’m going to be carrying her to my truck.

  “Up we go, Aubs,” I tell her, and I lift her up, bridal style.

  “Mary, can you grab the door and open my truck door for me?” I ask, as I walk to the bar door.

  “Right behind you,” she calls out and then I’m following her to my truck. It’s a damn mess from working out of it all week, but it’ll have to do in a pinch.

  “You have her address?” I ask Mary, then she rattles it off. It’s the apartments not too far from here. She takes Aubrey’s keys out her front pocket and hands them to me.

  “Thanks again, Cade!” She hollers as I’m backing out of the parking spot. Seems Aubrey is already passed out asleep.

  It pisses me off to think those two tarts left her there to fend for herself. Sure, she’s a grown woman. It still doesn’t make it right, especially if they gave her a ride to the bar. Hopefully, Aubrey learned her lesson and won’t hang out with them again.

  Chapter 4


  I feel weightless, as if I’m being carried. I snuggle in deep and can smell the scent of pine, fresh air, and fresh cut wood. I snuggle in deeper and I hear the rough grumble of someone’s voice.

  “I got you, Aubs,” he croons.

  I settle back in and take in the smell. I’m floating in and out of sleep, when I feel like I’m being lifted again. This time, I open my eyes and see the handsome man I saw at the bar. I smile thinking this must be a dream. He’s even hotter up close. He has a beard that’s trimmed down, it’s as dark in color, even darker than the hair I can see peeking out of his ball cap. His eyes are a chocolate brown with yellow flecks. His flannel shirt is open at the collar and I can see the white tee shirt he has underneath.

  I’m no sooner feeling weightless, and now I feel my bed beneath my body. I can smell the comfort of home. I roll over and snuggle into my pillow, feeling a shiver in the air.

  I kick off my shoes, thanking myself for wearing booties that are easy to take off. I grab the blanket, but it’s already being pulled on top of me.

  I close my eyes and whisper out, “Thank you, Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome,” and promptly pass out.

  Chapter 5


  She’s adorable when she’s drunk. I hate leaving her, but I knew I couldn’t stay while she was sleeping. I tucked her into bed and even chuckled when she thanked me. I go to her kitchen and look for a glass, fill it up with water, and bring it back to her room. I place it on her nightstand and see a pad of paper and pen on top of it.

  I scratch out my name and phone number. I place my hand on her back to make sure she’s breathing before I make my way to her front door. Her keys are hanging in their place by the door. Knowing I can’t lock her top lock unless I take her keys with me, I open the front door, lock the bottom, and head to my truck.

  Thank fuck tomorrow is Sunday. Hopefully, there won’t be any more catastrophes that need to be taken care of and I can work on my house.

  I bought forty acres for a steal a year ago and have been slowly building a log cabin home. The inside is nearly finished. It just needs some finishing touches throughout, mainly baseboards and trim. Now that it’s mostly done, I’ve been working on the land. The driveway is all woods as you come up to it, but the yard is what needs the most work. With all the trucks coming and going, there was no use working on the lawn until they were done. It’s something I’ll be working on come spring time.

  I wanted the yard done before fall hit but didn’t have much luck. I pull up to my home and instantly relax.

  As much as I wanted to stay with Aubrey, I knew it would freak her out. We barely even met.

  I’m really fucking hopeful she’ll text me tomorrow when she wakes up. I hop out of my truck and am greeted by my golden retriever, Axe. He’s been by my side for four years now. He has a doggie door and comes and goes as he pleases.

  I pet him for a while and then I make my way into the house. I stripped in the laundry room that’s right off the outdoor garage. This house is a two story, and the garage is basically a pole type barn. I wanted to be able to throw my clothes in the wash if I came home from a long day and not traipse shit into the house.

  After stripping, I head for the master bedroom, not even turning a light on in the house. I know exactly where everything is, and it’ll just be an extra task when I get through.

  Once I’m in the bathroom, I turn the water on, thankful that I upgraded to that tankless water heater and don’t have to wait for it to heat up, before I step in.

  My cock is rock hard, but I ignore it. I’m too fucking tired to deal with it throbbing and wanting to be inside Aubrey.

  “Fuck,” I exhale out. I soap up my body and then rinse off. I turn the water off and grab a towel.

  Drying myself, I go to my phone that I haphazardly threw on the bed, pick it up and charge it.

  I crawl into bed and close my eyes, hoping like fuck a pretty auburn beauty calls me.

  Chapter 6


  I wake up and I’m still in the clothes I wore out to the bar last night, the only thing missing are my shoes. When I roll over, I see a glass of water on my table beside the bed. I turn on the light and notice a name and phone number on a piece of paper.

  I flop back on my pillows, reading the note as everything comes to me. I see Cade is his name and it all comes back to me. It wasn’t a dream. He carried me out of the bar and to his truck. He did the exact same thing when we got back to my apartment.

  This is all so embarrassing. I never drink that much, but last night I did, and I did it on an empty stomach on top of that. How stupid of me.

  I look at my clock on the dresser and notice it’s only eight in the morning. It’s too early to call or text him with an apology and my thanks.

  I decide instead to get up and make a hot cup of earl grey tea. I was drinking so much coffee during college the doctor said I need to scale it back or quit coffee all together. I switched to having one cup of hot tea a day and the jitters I was getting so bad during exam time went away.

  I look at myself in the mirror in my living room and nearly jump out of my skin. The mascara and eye liner I put on last night is smeared, and not to mention my hair is sticking up every which way.

  I guess that means after my tea, I’m going to have to tame the wild beast that is my hair, and then maybe it’ll be late enough to call Cade.

  With that last thought in mind, I go to the front door and see my keys are hanging up and that the bottom lock on the door is locked. I smile as I unlock it to grab the Sunday newspaper.

  I come back inside and finish my tea, as I read the paper. My thoughts keep lingering back to Cade and how it felt to be held in his arms.

  Does he do this for all the ladies, was it a one-off thing, or did he do it because he wanted to see me home safely? All of these question rattle in my brain, and I guess I’ll never know the answer, unless I get to know him.

  I finish drinking my tea and reading the paper. It’s getting late in the day and the shower is calling my name, not to mention the grocery store if I want to eat this week.

  Being single and cooking for one is annoying, but I’d rather have home cooked food than eating out every day of the week.

  When I walk back into my room, the glass of water catches my eyes and I can’t help but smile. He was looking after me, even when I didn’t know I needed looking after.

  Chapter 7


didn’t fucking sleep a wink. My mind kept replaying Aubrey over and over again. Was she okay, would she even remember me, was she safe enough in her apartment?

  I’m up chopping wood out front this morning at the ass crack of dawn. Hoping she’ll call me sometime soon. Winters in Washington can get downright cold, and I know I won’t want to be chopping wood in the midst of a snowstorm this winter.

  Once I finish doing this batch, I sit down on the back-porch steps, and take a few gulps of water from the bottle I brought out here.

  Axe trots his way over by me with a stick in his mouth. It seems he always has one with him more often than not.

  “Whatcha up to ole boy?” I ask him. He doesn’t respond, but he lies down and goes to town on his stick. I lift my head to the sky and soak in the sunshine.

  My phone vibrating in my pocket knocks me out of my reverie. Pulling it out, I look down on the display, and it’s a number I don’t know.

  I answer the phone, “This is Cade Martin.”


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