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Whispering Bay Cozy Mysteries Box Set

Page 16

by Maria Geraci

  He and the dispatcher exchange a few more words, then he clips his radio back onto his belt. “I’d ask who’s in charge here, but I have a pretty good idea.” He turns and looks directly at me.

  I swallow hard. “I can explain everything.”

  Phoebe looks around the now brightly lit room like she’s just lost her best friend. “Abby, are you gone? Abby, please come back.”

  “Abby was never here,” Aurelia says tightly. She stands and points a finger at me. “This one. She was faking it.” The accusation in her voice makes me wince.

  “Lucy!” Victor says, clearly shocked. “Is it true? Were you faking being Abby?”

  Everyone turns to look at me, except Gloria, who can’t very well throw stones here, can she? And Will, who knew my plan from the beginning. Everyone else looks at me with varying degrees of suspicion and disbelief, except for Brittany.

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Lucy would never lie to us like that. She’s the most honest person I know. Right, Lucy?”


  “You really are despicable,” Aurelia sneers. “First your carelessness almost got poor Cornelius killed, and now you mock the very sanctity of the séance! What kind of person are you?”

  Anthony wraps a protective arm around his wife’s shoulder. “I don’t know how we could have been so wrong about her.”

  “Okay, okay, I admit, that was me pretending to be Abby, but I did it because it was the only way to get to the truth. I really thought…that is, I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any kind of foul play behind Abby’s death. I did this for her.” Sort of.

  Brittany looks as if I’ve just told her there’s no Santa Claus.

  “You mean you thought I killed Abby?” Phoebe looks hurt, and that’s worse than any shock or disbelief.

  “Not killed exactly.” Even though it’s chilly, sweat trickles down my back.

  “I knew all along it wasn’t Abby we was talkin’ to,” Derrick says. “She never fooled me one bit.”

  “Not true,” I say. “Otherwise you would have never told everyone how you found your sister dead already.”

  This gets Travis’s attention. “People,” he says, “Listen up. I don’t know what you’re all doing here, and frankly, I don’t want to find out. But you’re all guilty of trespassing. So if you don’t want to spend the night in jail, then I suggest we break up this little campfire sing-along.”

  “Oh!” Brittany says, “Officer Fontaine, we weren’t doing anything wrong. I promise. I have every right to be here. See?” She reaches into a secret pocket in her snug yoga pants and produces a key. “I teach a Pilates class here on Tuesday and Thursday nights.”

  “This is a Pilates class?” he asks incredulously.

  “Not exactly,” she admits.

  “You all have five minutes to get out of here. Starting now.” The restrained fury in his voice puts everyone into motion.

  Gloria snuffs out the candles and begins putting away the mats. Victor and Phoebe woodenly follow her lead.

  “We need to talk,” Travis says to Derrick.

  I follow Derrick over to listen to whatever Travis has to say. “Not you, Lucy,” Travis says.

  “But I’m the reason he admitted to finding his sister dead!”

  Travis turns away to block me from the conversation, but no way am I going to miss out on this. So I hang back to listen.

  “What’s this about finding Abby dead?” he asks.

  “You already know I took the dog,” Derrick says in a whiny voice.

  Travis nods curtly.

  “So, I promised Abby I’d do whatever she needed to keep him. She’d paid me two hundred bucks, and she promised me another hundred if I just showed up that night. Kind of like backup. Not that I would have done anything to that other lady.”

  “What other lady are we talking about?”

  Derrick points to Phoebe. “That one. She wanted the dog too. So they were meeting here that night to duke it out. Abby just wanted strength in numbers, you know? But I got to playin’ poker and forgot about the time. After I finished playing, I got here as fast as I could. Abby had told me the side door was going to be open. When I got inside, she was already dead.” His voice falters. “I swear on my life. I would never do anything to hurt my sister.”

  “What time was this?” Travis asks.

  “About two fifteen in slow time, I reckon.”

  “Why didn’t you call the police the minute you found her?”

  He groans. “You know why. I got a record. I didn’t want anyone thinkin’ the wrong thing. I swear, there wasn’t nothin’ I could do for her. She was stone cold dead. Besides, I knew they’d find her the next morning when they opened up the place.”

  Travis gives him a hard stare. “Against my better judgment, I believe you.”

  “So I can go now?”

  “As fast as you can before I change my mind.”

  Derrick takes Travis’s advice and hightails it out the door.

  Gloria and the rest of her group brush past me without a word.

  I get it. They feel deceived.

  Anthony and Aurelia stop on their way out to confront me. Anthony looks down at me coldly. “We’d appreciate it if you never call us again. Any communication regarding Cornelius’s welfare can be made through Susan’s attorney.”

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to…make anyone feel as if I was—”

  “What?” Aurelia spits. “Poking fun at our beliefs?”

  “No! That’s not it at all.”

  She grabs Anthony by the hand, and they storm away.

  This leaves just the four us, Brittany, Will, Travis and me, looking at one another.

  “Sorry, man,” Will says to Travis.

  “I can’t believe she talked you into this.”

  Will shrugs.

  “But you have to admit, it worked, sort of,” I say. “Now we know how Paco got into the building before Abby, and how Derrick’s fingerprints got on the doorknob.”

  “Which in the long run, doesn’t change squat,” says Travis. “Abby died of a heart attack. Case closed. You got all these people riled up for nothing.”

  Brittany spins around to face me. “I hope you enjoyed making me look like a fool. I thought you were my friend. You could have told me your plan. I would have gone along with it. But instead… I even stood up for you! I have no idea why you dislike me so much, Lucy. Ever since kindergarten you’ve had it out for me. Well, I’m through trying.” She sniffs like she’s holding back tears, then runs out the door.

  Will gives me a look that makes my heart break. He wants to follow her, but he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. I don’t want him to have to choose between Brittany and me, so I’ll choose for him.

  “It’s okay. Go find her. I’ll get my own ride home.”

  “I’ll make sure Miss Misdemeanor gets home safely,” Travis says.

  “Thanks.” Before Will leaves he turns to give me the we’ll talk later look. I can practically feel the disappointment dripping off him.

  I feel awful. Everyone is mad at me. It’s like the day Mrs. Jackson accused me of taking the paintbrushes. All I wanted to do was help, but now I’m suddenly the bad guy.

  Travis makes that growly sound in his throat that I’m beginning to get way too familiar with. “I know I’m going to regret this, but can you tell me what in hell you thought you were going to accomplish here tonight?”

  “I thought I could get to the bottom of how Abby really died, so I had Gloria and the rest of the Sunshine Ghost Society arrange a séance to bring Abby back. And it worked. Sort of.”

  We stand there staring at each other. It occurs to me that we’re alone.

  “You’re dangerous, you know that?” His dragon green eyes bore into me. Right now, he feels kind of dangerous too, but in a totally delicious way.

  For one crazy second, I swear Travis is going to kiss me.

  Instead, he clears his throat and reaches over to turn off the lights. �
��C’mon. I’ll take you home. I got a city to patrol.”


  It’s Friday morning. Exactly one week ago today, I was happily serving customers, talking up the big rec center celebration and thinking about my Annette Funicello costume. The biggest worry on my mind was how high to tease up my hair and perfecting my mango coconut muffin recipe.

  Boy. What a difference a week makes.

  In Beach Blanket Bingo, the bad guys get their due, the surfers win the day, and Frankie and Annette end up together. But this isn’t a Hollywood sixties beach flick. It’s real life, and even though it’s barely been ten hours since the séance broke up, just about everyone in Whispering Bay has heard about last night’s debacle.

  The whole town hates me.

  Well, except Betty Jean, who thinks I’m a hoot.

  “I knew you were the right person to invite to join our book club!” She leans into the counter. “Everyone in the club wanted to blackball you after they heard about how you tricked Victor, but personally, I think we need your kind of spunky blood! Yep. I can’t wait to hear your take on the latest book. Have you gotten to chapter fourteen yet? It’s my favorite. If you know what I mean,” she says with a wink.

  This is another way that my life has changed. Last week, the thought of joining Betty Jean’s book club would have made me giggle. Now, all I can do is humbly nod and be grateful that at least someone in town wants my company. Someone besides Sarah that is. But she’s my partner, so she has to like me.

  The old Lucy might have lied and told Betty Jean that she’d already read the book or fake her way through the book club discussion, but I’ve changed my ways. No more lies for me. From now on, I’m going to be one hundred percent honest with everyone. No matter the consequences.

  “I’m sorry, I haven’t had a chance to read the book yet, Betty Jean, but I promise, I will.”

  “Okay,” she warns. “But make sure you do. I can always tell when someone hasn’t read the book. Oh, and bring muffins. Lots of them.”

  “Sure thing.” I fill her order and look up to see the next person in line.

  Yikes. It’s Gloria and Phoebe and Victor.

  Sarah comes out from the kitchen and immediately sees my dilemma. “I’ll take their orders, Lucy.”

  “Thanks, but I have to face the music.” I turn and give them my biggest smile. “Good morning, how can I help you?”

  “Coffee and a breakfast sandwich,” Phoebe says stiffly.

  “Would you like a muffin with that?”

  “No muffins for me. Not now and probably not ever.”

  My stomach sinks. “Okay. Coming right up.”

  Victor is equally frosty.

  Gloria is a little friendlier, but not much. “We thought about going to the Morning Side Café. Their biscuits are infinitely superior to the ones here, but why should we deprive ourselves of the view?”

  “Thanks… Look, I never meant to hurt anyone. For what it’s worth, I’m really sorry.”

  They ignore my apology and take their coffees over to their table. I guess I can’t blame them. In their minds, I made fun of something they truly believe. Which makes me a bully. Or worse.

  “Sorry about that, Lucy,” says Sarah. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Not really.”

  She pats my shoulder. “It’ll be okay. People will get over it.”


  “Yeah.” She smiles. “The good news is I signed all the waivers you forwarded me from The Cooking Channel. They have to pick you for Muffin Wars. Otherwise, why go to all the bother to come out here and film us?”

  “It does sound pretty positive, doesn’t it?” I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but on the other hand, this Muffin Wars gig is all I have to look forward to right now.

  “By the way,” Sarah says, “we just got a delivery from Armandi’s Supplies.”

  “Thank God. I was down to my last cup of flour.” Which is an exaggeration, but still. The Bistro’s pantry was getting pretty skimpy. “Did Tony say why he was so late with the delivery?”

  “He said he came by a couple of days ago but we were closed, and you weren’t here.”

  “Why does he insist on coming after hours all the time?”

  Sarah grins. “I think he’s hoping to catch you alone so he can flirt with you.”

  I laugh. “More like show off pictures of his thirteen grandchildren.” Tony Armandi must be at least sixty. He’s a total sweetheart, and his prices are the best for top quality items.

  “Say, how’s Paco doing?”

  “I called the clinic this morning. According to the vet, he’s good to go. I’m picking him up after the lunch crowd leaves.”

  “And it’s for sure that Will is going to take him?”

  I nod. “I’m going to have one last night with him then bring him over to Will’s in the morning.”

  “Did I just hear my name?”

  I turn around and see Will and Sebastian in line.

  “The usual?” I ask.

  They both nod.

  “I’ll get their food ready, Lucy. Why don’t you take a break?” says Sarah.

  Gratefully, I take her up on her offer. I pour myself a cup of coffee and join Will and my brother at a table as far away from the Sunshine Ghost Society as physically possible.

  “Get any sleep last night?” Will asks.

  “A little.” I glance at my brother. “I suppose like the rest of the town you already know all about last night?”

  Sebastian smiles in his kindly priest way, which means he must really feel sorry for me. “It’ll blow over.”

  “Eventually.” It seems as if that’s my word of the day.

  “How’s Paco?” Will asks.

  “Good. I’m picking him up from the clinic in a few hours. Thanks for letting me have one last night.”

  “He’s really your dog, Lucy. I’ll just be watching him for you.”

  “That’s not really true.” Boy, do I ever sound like a Debbie Downer. I do my best to smile and mean it. “So tonight’s the big date with Brittany. Don’t forget to put on deodorant.”

  Instead of laughing, Will makes a pained face. “I’m not sure tonight’s going to happen. Brittany is pretty mad at me. She thinks I was in on the fake séance, which I was. I guess I can’t blame her for being upset.”

  “But…that’s all on me!”

  “No worries, Luce. It’s not like I ever really stood a chance with her anyway.”

  My eyeballs practically explode out of my sockets. “Are you kidding me?” I shout. “What do you mean you never stood a chance with her? Will…you’re completely awesome! You’re brilliant and funny and kind and loyal and—”

  Sebastian looks at me funny.

  And Will looks…embarrassed.

  I slowly gaze around. The entire place is gawking at me. My gaze lands on Sarah. Her blue eyes are filled with sympathy.

  “And…your breath only stinks half the time,” I end woodenly.

  Will chuckles uncomfortably, but it’s too late. I’ve outed myself.

  Sebastian knows it. I know it.

  And Will knows it too.

  This is turning out to be the worst twenty-four hours of my life.

  I jump up from the table. “Don’t worry. I can fix it. I’ll tell Brittany that last night was all on me.”

  “Lucy, it’s okay,” I hear Will say.

  But I’m already halfway to the kitchen. I tear off my apron and toss it onto the counter. Sarah rushes to follow me. “I need to go,” I tell her. “Right now.”

  “Yes, no worries. Go get Paco. Take the rest of the day off.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter. I plan to do exactly that, but first I have to try and make things right again.

  The Whispering Bay Chamber of Commerce is located on Main Street next door to Heidi’s Bakery. I open the door and Ginny, the receptionist, automatically smiles. Then when she sees it’s me, the smile fades.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

; Really? Does no one in Whispering Bay have a freakin’ sense of humor?

  “Is Brittany in?”

  “May I ask what this is about?”

  Enough is enough. “Tell her that as a local business owner, I need to speak to her pronto.”

  Ginny falters a moment.

  “The Chamber of Commerce still works to promote local businesses, right? Which means you work for me.”

  She sighs. “She has five minutes before she has to leave for a meeting. I’ll let her know you’re here.” She picks up her phone and almost immediately, Brittany comes out of her office.

  Her auburn hair looks sleek and shiny. She’s wearing a black linen shift that fits her size two frame perfectly. With every step she takes in her four-inch heels, she exudes confidence and poise. No wonder Will is crazy about her. Who wouldn’t be?

  “Lucy,” she says stiffly, “how can I help you?”

  Apparently, we’re going to have to do this out here in the waiting room with Ginny as our audience.

  “Look, I came over here to tell you that Will had no idea what was going down last night, but that would be a lie. He knew I was going to pretend to be Abby and he went along with it. He didn’t do it to make fun of anyone or make anyone look foolish. He did it because I asked him to because he’s my best friend. He’s the best guy I know, Brittany. He’s… everything and more. And he really really likes you. He’s liked you forever. If you want to be mad at someone, then be mad at me. But Will doesn’t deserve it.”

  Brittany’s bottom lip quivers.

  “And for what it’s worth, I was never making fun of you. And… I’d like for us to be friends. Maybe. If that’s what you want.”

  “Oh, Lucy!” She grabs me in a hug. “Really? I want that too!”

  “So, we’re good?” I’m a little dazed by how well this is going.


  I can’t believe I’m about to say this. “And you’ll give Will a chance?”

  “Definitely. If you think he’s so awesome, then he must be.”

  Not exactly the answer I’m looking for, but it will have to do.

  “Okay, then.”

  “When can we have lunch?” she asks eagerly.


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