Byron's War
Page 41
40. Island IV 270.
41. Island IV 351–2.
42. Diary: 1 March 1823.
43. NLS MS 43530: William Smith to B, 8 March 1823, includes the earliest list. See also Dakin, Philhellenes, 42–4; Rosen, Bentham, 305–7.
44. Nat. Lib. Athens K1: [Bowring,] draft, 28 February 1823 (initialled, authorship indicated by address, 5 Jeffreys Street).
45. Nat. Lib. Athens K10: Negris to Bowring, 22 April 1822, responding on behalf of the government to his of 18 January; St Clair, That Greece, 142. See also Bowring, Recollections, 323, for his meeting with Korais (Coray) in Paris in August 1821.
46. Nat. Lib. Athens K10: Ignatios to Bowring, 19 August 1822.
47. Blaquiere, Report, 3–4; Historical Review.
48. Bowring, Recollections, 135–7.
49. Rosen, Bentham, 77–9.
50. Bulldog 335–6: Hobhouse to B, 8 July 1823, seeming to contradict Bulldog 326: Hobhouse to B, 2 March 1823.
51. Nat. Lib. Athens K1: several letters addressed by Blaquiere, March to May 1823.
52. Rosen, Bentham, 77–9, 128 and n. 19.
53. Nat. Lib. Athens K1: Bowring to Negris, 28 February 1823; IAM III 158 no. 506: Gordon to Mavrokordatos, 2 March 1823.
54. Nat. Lib. Athens K1: Bowring to J. Reeves, 26 March 1823. See also St Clair, That Greece, 150, citing a later letter to the same recipient, which gives yet another version of the purpose of Blaquiere's mission.
55. NLS MS 43530: Bowring to B, 14 March 1823, cited without source by Nicolson (Journey, 76).
56. Bulldog 326: Hobhouse to B, 2 March 1823, layout transcribed in PC (Byron's Correspondence); BLJ X 124–6: B to Hobhouse, 19 March 1823 (p. 126 quoted).
57. Gamba 3–5.
58. BLJ X 114: B to Kinnaird, 1 March 1823; cf. BLJ X 118: B to Kinnaird, 8 March 1823.
59. See e.g. Bulldog 333: Hobhouse to B, 11 June 1823.
60. DJ XIV 32, 45–7.
61. DJ XIV 79–80; cf. BLJ X 139: B to Lord Blessington, 5 April 1823.
62. BLJ X 123: B to John Hunt, 17 March 1823; cf. DJ XIV 81–96. See also BLJ X 109, 120, 126, 138, 161.
63. Blessington 35; BLJ X 136–7: B to Moore, 2 April 1823; cf. BLJ X 131–2.
64. MacCarthy, Byron, 450–1; cf. TG 529 and n. 7; Peach, ‘Portraits’, 113–18.
65. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, Saturday 7 [for 5] April 1823.
66. BLJ X 139: B to Blaquiere, 5 April 1823.
67. BLJ X 142: B to Hobhouse, 7 April 1823; cf. Blaquiere, Narrative, II 28 (written May 1824, Zante); Gamba 5; TG 527, 559 (the latter incorrect about the content of Bowring's letter of 14 March).
68. NLS MS 43530: Bowring to B, 14 March 1823, enclosing William Smith to B, 8 March 1823. For the date of receipt of both letters, see BLJ X 179: B to Bowring, 21 May 1823.
69. BLJ X 154: B to Kinnaird, 19 April 1823.
70. BLJ IX 197: B to Moore, 27 August 1822; BLJ VIII 214: B to Moore, 19 September 1821.
71. BLJ X 168–71: B to Bowring, 12 May 1823. On the letter's publication, see PC (Byron's Correspondence): John Hunt to B, 6 June 1823; cf. Bulldog 332: Hobhouse to B, 11 June 1823; BLJ X 200: B to Hobhouse, 19 June 1823. Bowring wrote to Byron on 2 June, the day of publication, slightly defensively explaining his action (NLS MS 43530).
72. BLJ X 149: B to Hobhouse, 14 April 1823; cf. BLJ X 150: B to Kinnaird, same date.
73. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, 11 April 1823, from Rome.
74. Marchand, Biography, III 1099 n.
75. NLS MS 43427: Lord Blessington to B, 23 May 1823. Marchand transcribes part, only, of this letter.
76. Kennedy 197.
77. HVSV 447; cf. Bieri, Shelley, 588. For July as the month of planned departure, see BLJ X142, 178, 193–4, 201.
78. BLJ X 153: B to Kinnaird, 19 April 1824; cf. BLJ X 151: B to Hobhouse, 17 April 1823; Blessington 221.
79. BLJ X 157: B to Lord Blessington, 23 April 1823.
80. BLJ X 152: B to Hobhouse, 17 April 1823; cf. BLJ X 169: B to Bowring, 12 May 1823 (‘so as to alleviate in part their distresses’).
81. BLJ X 177–8: B to Kinnaird, 21 May 1823; cf. HVSV 373–5.
82. BLJ X 200: B to Hobhouse, 19 June 1823; BLJ X 157: B to Lord Blessington, 23 April 1823; cf. Blessington 220.
83. Blessington 83.
84. Blessington 181–2; HVSV 381 and Marchand, Biography, III 1089; MWSL I 384–5: Mary Shelley to Leigh Hunt, 13 September 1823.
85. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, 28 April 1823, from Zante (part cited in St Clair, That Greece, 152), arrival date indicated by postmark; reading collated with a copy in Nat. Lib. Athens K1. The copy has a note in B's handwriting forwarding it to Bowring in London. Marchand (Biography, III 1076) recognises the significance of this letter but does not quote from it.
86. BLJ X 195, 197, 199: B to Kinnaird, 8 June; B to Lady Hardy, 10 June; B to Trelawny, 15 June 1823.
87. Nicolson, Journey, 82–3; Marchand, Biography, III 1078–9.
88. MWSL I 384–5: Mary Shelley to Leigh Hunt, 13 September 1823; cf. Hunt, Lord Byron, 70.
89. BLJ X 200–2: B to Hobhouse, and to Barry, 19 June; to Edward Church, 21 June 1823.
90. BLJ X 180: B to Bowring, 21 May 1823.
91. BLJ X 211–12: B to Kinnaird, and to Bowring, 10 and 12 July 1823; Nat. Lib. Athens K6: Memorandum by Col. Stietz, 22 April 1824.
92. NLS MS 43449 and PC (Byron's Correspondence): Leigh Hunt to B, 28 June 1823; cf. HVSV 376; Marchand, Biography, III 1087 and notes 122–3; Gamba 9.
93. BLJ XI 81: B to Barry, 10 October 1823; cf. BLJ X 152: B to Kinnaird, 19 April 1823 (see also BLJ X 110–11, 113, 118).
94. Marchand, Biography, III 1077: Barry to B, 18 June 1823; BLJ X 200: B to Hobhouse, 19 June 1823; Records 198–9; additional details in Prell, Sailing with Byron.
95. BLJ X 143: B to Hobhouse, 7 April 1823; BLJ X 176–7: B to Hobhouse, 19 May 1823.
96. TG 562, 568; BLJ X 178: B to Kinnaird, 21 May 1823; cf. TG 563.
97. BLJ X 183: B to Lord Blessington, 23 May 1823.
98. TG 553–5, 568–70; BLJ X 190–1: B to Countess d’Ysone, June 1823; BLJ X 197–8: B to Lady Hardy, 10 June 1823.
99. TG 571–4.
100. Origo, Attachment, 347: Teresa to Mary Shelley, 10 July 1823; Nicolson, Journey, 33–4: Leigh Hunt to B, 13 July 1823.
101. MWSL I 348: Mary Shelley to B, 13 July 1823; Seymour, Mary Shelley, 324–5; TG 575.
102. Buxton, Byron and Shelley, 14; cf. Lovell, ‘Byron and Mary Shelley’.
103. BLJ VII 102: B to Murray, 20 May 1820; Sunstein, Mary Shelley, 120.
104. MWSJ II 483: September 1824 (original ellipsis), and editor's note identifying Edward Williams and ‘perhaps’ B.
105. MWSJ II 478: 15 May 1824.
106. Records 200–1; Gamba 9–13; TG 575–8; Moore II 668; Hobhouse, Diary: 26 October 1826 (cited in Marchand, Biography, III 1089).
107. For the last two, see, respectively, Clubbe, ‘By the Emperor Possessed’; Records 232.
108. Blessington 83.
109. Blessington 32; cf. Kennedy 295–6; Moore I 213.
110. BLJ VIII 238; cf. VIII 18; Stanhope 511.
111. Mitford, History, I 482; Miliori, ‘Greek Nation’, 21–30.
112. Records 212; cf. 201; Stanhope 523; cf. BLJ X 181: B to Bowring, 23 May 1823: ‘the Bavarian wonders a little that the Greeks are not quite the same with those of the time of Themistocles – (they were not very tractable then by the bye)’. See also pp. 25–6, above.
113. Blessington 83; HVSV 413.
114. For example, Millingen 6–7, recording a conversation that probably took place in Missolonghi in January 1824: ‘Heartily weary of the monotonous life I had led in Italy for several years; sickened with pleasure; more tired of scribbling than the public, perhaps, is of reading my lucubrations; I felt the urgent necessity of giving a completely new direction to the course of my ideas; and the active, dangerous, yet glorious scenes of the military career struck my fancy, and became congenial to my taste.
115. BLJ X 153: B to Kinnaird, 19 April 1823; Blessington 183.
116. BLJ X 182: B to John Hunt, 21 May 1823.
117. BCPW VII 77 = BLJ XI 29: ‘Journal in Cephalonia’, 19 June 1823.
118. Frankenstein 63; cf. 259 and 27 (editor's introduction).
Chapter 7
1. PC (Byron's Correspondence): Metropolitan Ignatius of Arta to B, 21 June/3 July 1823. For date of receipt, see PC (New Byron Letters): B to Giorgio Vitali, 7 July 1823.
2. NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, nos. 13–18 (all dated 21 June [/3 July] 1823).
3. NLS MS 43530: Bowring to B, 2 June 1823; Stanhope 212.
4. For the earliest indication of this shift, see Μνημεία [Monuments], vol. 4, fasc. II 145–6: Ignatios to the Government of Western Greece, 26 September [/8 October] 1822.
5. IAM III 355 no. 704: Ignatios to Mavrokordatos, 29 June [/11 July] 1823.
6. IAM III 420 no. 753: Ignatios to Mavrokordatos, 29 July [/10 August] 1823.
7. PC (New Byron Letters): B to Vitali, 7 July 1823; Gamba 287.
8. NLS MS 43519: C. N. Mavrogordato to Barry, 26 June 1823; Gio. L. Mavrogordato to Mr Barker, 28 June 1823; C. N. Mavrogordato to B, 5 July 1823 (partly translated in Nicolson, Journey, 88, where the writer is wrongly identifed as a ‘brother of Alexander’ Mavrokordatos).
9. BLJ X 213–14: B to Bowring, 24 July 1823; cf. Browne in Stanhope 502.
10. NLS MS 43519: George [sic] Vitali to B, from Livorno, in French, 28 June 1823. Cf. IAM III 355 no. 704: Ignatios to Mavrokordatos, 29 June [/11 July] 1823.
11. Browne, ‘Voyage’, 65–6; S&M IV 950–1: Trelawny to Mary Shelley, 23 July 1823.
12. S&M IV 975: Trelawny to Mary Shelley, 6 September 1823.
13. Browne, ‘Voyage’, 56–7.
14. Browne, ‘Voyage’, 66.
15. BLJ X 213: B to Goethe, 22 July 1823.
16. Respectively: Gamba 17; Records 209–13 (209 quoted); Records 204–5 (not in Recollections, see 186); Browne, too, records something similar (in Stanhope 506, not repeated later in ‘Voyage’); Browne, ‘Voyage’, 59.
17. On reasons for calling at Livorno: Gamba 14; Records 201. For B's plan to pick up the passengers without stopping, see Browne, ‘Voyage’, 56; PC (New Byron Letters): B to Vitali, 12 July 1823.
18. S&M IV 950–1: Trelawny to Mary Shelley, 23 July 1823; cf. Records 201; Gamba 14; BLJ X 214: B to Barry, 24 July 1823; BLJ XI 140: B to Barff, 22 March 1824.
19. Nicolson, Journey, 108.
20. Finlay II 37.
21. Papanikolaou, Καθημερινή ιστορία [Day-to-Day History] 229; Anemon Productions, 1821, DVDs 4 and 5; Kremmydas, Τρικούπης [Trikoupis], 72–80; Pizanias, Greek Revolution; Rotzokos, Επανάσταση [Revolution].
22. Gordon I 222.
23. Finlay I 189.
24. Μνημεία [Monuments], vol. 4, fasc. II 151: Kolokotronis to Ignatios, et al., 26 January [/7 February] 1823.
25. Arch. Lond. II 41–2: Proclamation of 24 February [/7 March] 1824; cf. Karapostolis, Διχασμός [Schism], 31–55.
26. Rotzokos, Επανάσταση [Revolution], 38.
27. Minta, ‘Mavrokordatos’, 127; Loukos, ‘Οι «τύχες»’ [‘The “Fortunes”’], Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos], 91–5.
28. Fotakos 473.
29. Papanikolaou, Καθημερινή ιστορία [Day-to-Day History], 218–27; Gordon II 7; cf. Blaquiere, Report, 8.
30. Nat. Lib. Athens K5: Mavrokordatos to B, from Tripolitsa, addressed to Genoa, 14 July 1823.
31. IAM III 258–62 no. 629: Charles James Napier, Memorandum to the Greek government (in English), ‘1823 April’; Fotakos 493–4.
32. Millingen 64.
33. Nat. Lib. Athens K5: [Browne,] ‘Substance of a conversation held with Colocotroni in his palace’, enclosed with Browne to Byron, 13 September 1823.
34. Browne, ‘Narrative’, 404 (omitted from the report cited in the previous note).
35. Dakin, Struggle, 109; Rosen, Bentham, 78–9; NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, 9 May 1823, from Tripolitsa.
36. See IAM III 354–5 no. 703: Blaquiere to Mavrokordatos, 28 June 1823; IAM III 371–3 no. 712: Blaquiere to Mavrokordatos, 9 July 1823.
37. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, from Tripolitsa, 9 May 1823 (‘my anxiety to learn what your Lordship's plans are, will induce me to prolong my stay’).
38. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, from Tripolitsa, 10 June 1823; cf. Nicolson, Journey, 120. There is no basis for Nicolson's assertion that B found this ‘paltry note’ waiting for him on his arrival in Cephalonia. As it had been addressed to Genoa, it must have been among the forwarded letters that Byron received on 1 September (see pp. 170–1, below).
39. Nat. Lib. Athens K4: Mavrokordatos to Bowring, 5 July 1823.
40. IAM III 347–51 nos. 698–700, all dated 22 June/4 July 1823, and particularly no. 698: Mavrokordatos to Canning, referring explicitly to a previous letter carried by Blaquiere.
41. Dragoumis, Ιστορικαί αμαμνήσεις [Historical Reminiscences], 240–4: Mavrokordatos to Orlandos and Louriotis, 22 June [/4 July] 1823 = Loukos, Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos], 111–14.
42. IAM III 357 no. 705: Mavrokordatos to Louriotis, 30 June/12 July 1823.
43. Trikoupis III 50; Nat. Lib. Athens K5: [Browne,] ‘Substance’.
44. Fotakos 495–6; Arch. Pal. II 114: Proceedings of the Legislative Body, 10 [/22] July 1823.
45. IAM III 375–8 nos. 716–20: Vice-President of the Legislative Body to the President of the Same [Mavrokordatos], 11 [/23] July 1823.
46. Arch. Pal. II 117 = IAM III 378–9 no. 722 (cf. Arch. Pal. II 118–25); IAM III 380–1 nos. 723–4: Vice-President of the Executive [Kolokotronis] to Mavrokordatos and reply, 12 [/24] July 1823.
47. Nat. Lib. Athens K5: [Browne,] ‘Substance’; cf. Browne, ‘Narrative’, 404; West. Rev. 233; S&M IV 981–9: Trelawny to Mary Shelley, 24 October 1823 (cited in Marchand, Biography, III 1130); Fotakos 496; Kolokotronis, Απομνημονεύματα [Memoirs], 136 (‘I’ll come and chase you out with lemons, in the same frock-coat you came with’).
48. Mavrokordatos’ resignation letter is given in IAM III 383–5 no. 727 = Arch. Pal. II 123–5.
49. Kolokotronis, Απομνημονεύματα [Memoirs], 136.
50. Protopsaltis, Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos], 92; Gordon II 10.
51. Trikoupis III 50–4, 57.
52. Origo, Attachment, 369: Pietro Gamba to Teresa, 26 November 1823.
53. S&M IV 964: Trelawny to Leigh Hunt, 11 August 1823; cf. Origo, Attachment, 353: Pietro Gamba to Count Ruggero Gamba, 4[?] August 1823.
54. Trikoupis III 42, 46–9; BLJ XI 16: B to Barry, 10 August 1823.
55. Records 217; cf. BLJ XI 15, 16, 22, 30, 41,108.
56. BLJ X 213–14: B to Bowring, 24 July 1823.
57. NLS MS 43529: Blaquiere to B, 9 May 1823, from Tripolitsa. Byron had received this letter, in Genoa, on or shortly before 10 July (see BLJ X 211).
58. BLJ XI 30: ‘Journal in Cephalonia’, 28 September 1823 (‘As rather contrary to my expectations I had no advices from Peloponnesus…’). Nat. Lib. Athens K5: Mavrokordatos to B, 14 July 1823, from Tripolitsa, addressed to Genoa.
59. Gamba 19.
60. IAM III 259 (see n. 31, above). ‘Single’: ‘simple’ in the published text.
61. BLJ XI 25: B to Hobhouse, 14 September 1823; BLJ XI 73: B to Bowring, 10 December 1823.
62. HVSV 410 and 642 n. 15.
63. Moore II 701, 709; Millingen 18.
64. IAM III 421–3 no. 754: D. Dalla Decima [Delladecima] to Mavrokordatos (in Italian), 31 July [/12 August] 1823; cf. Arch. Pal. II 138–9: Proceedings of the Legislature, 31 August [/12 September] (the latter cited in Marchand, Biography, III 1115 and n.); BLJ XI 54: B to Barry, 25 October 1823.
Chapter 8
1. BLJ XI 19: B to Captain Knox, 26 August 1823; BLJ XI 22: B to Hobhouse, 11 September 1823; BLJ XI 30–1: ‘Journal
in Cephalonia’, 28 September 1823; BLJ XI 46: B to Augusta Leigh, 12 October 1823; Gamba 21–8; Records 217–21; Browne, ‘Narrative’, 392–6; Smith, ‘Journal’ (part reprinted in HVSV 412–25).
2. Records 218; Browne, ‘Narrative’, 392; cf. Gamba 25.