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Byron's War

Page 43

by Roderick Beaton

  61. NLS MS 43519: Mavrokordatos to B, 1/13 December 1823.

  62. Arch. Hydras IX 506–7: Mavrokordatos to the Primates of Hydra, 12 [/24] December 1823; cf. IAM III 688–9 no. 964: Psalidas to Mavrokordatos, 16 [/28] December 1823; IAM III 593 no. 880: Mavrokordatos to Praidis, 9 [/21] December 1823. Similar things are reported by Gamba 114 and in letters from Stanhope to B dated 15 and 20 December (NLS MS 43530, not in Stanhope).

  63. BLJ XI 85: B to Hobhouse, 27 December 1823; NLS MS 43519: Mavrokordatos to B, 8/20 December 1823.

  64. BLJ XI 85–6: B to Hobhouse, and to Kinnaird, 27 December 1823.

  65. BLJ XI 85–6: B to Kinnaird, 27 December 1823; BLJ XI 81–2: B to Barry, 23–4 December 1823.

  66. BLJ XI 80: B to Kinnaird, 23 December 1823.

  67. BLJ XI 89: B to Muir, 2 January 1824; Gamba 67.

  68. Muir, ‘Byroniana’ = Prothero, Letters and Journals, VI 426–31; HVSV 488–9; Kennedy 279–80.

  69. Benaki 146/1 no. 1125: Delladecima to Mavrokordatos, 19 [/31] December 1823.

  70. Langley Moore, Accounts, 395–6.

  71. Muir, ‘Byroniana’ = Prothero, Letters and Journals, VI 426–31; NLS MS 43387: ‘MS biographical notes on Byron by Edward John Trelawny’ (1832).

  72. BLJ XI 89–9: B to Muir, and to Hancock, 2 January 1824; Gamba 88–9 (with minor discrepancies); cf. Green, Sketches, 164.

  73. BLJ XI 89: B to Muir, 2 January 1824; Green, Sketches, 166–7: letter dated 4 February 1824.

  74. BLJ XI 86: B to Stanhope, 31 December 1823; cf. BLJ XI 88, 90.

  75. BLJ XI 88, B to Muir, 2 January 1824.

  76. NLS MS 43519: Mavrokordatos to B, 21 December 1823/2 January 1824 (translated, without date, in Nicolson, Journey, 186).

  77. BLJ XI 90–2: B to Lord Sydney Osborne, 7 January 1824; B to Hancock, 13 January 1824; Howe, Sketch, 178.

  78. BLJ XI 91–2.

  79. Langley Moore, Accounts, 367–8, 400 n., correcting Nicolson, Journey, 187; cf. MacCarthy, Byron, 490–1.

  80. Gamba 84; cf. Zambelli in Langley Moore, Accounts, 400.

  81. NLS MS 43387: ‘MS biographical notes’.

  Chapter 10

  1. NLS MS 43551: [James Forrester,] ‘Lord Byron in Greece’, cutting from the Examiner (1824). For description of B by the same observer, see Marchand, Biography, III 1167–8; MacCarthy, Byron, 492–3.

  2. BLJ XI 124: B to Murray, 25 February 1824.

  3. Arch. Kound. II 41–2: Mavrokordatos to Legislative Body, 6 (/18) January 1824; IAM IV 71 no. 1125: Mavrokordatos to Negris, 16 [/28] January 1824; cf. IAM IV 100 no. 1150: Mavrokordatos to Government, 26 January [/7 February] 1824.

  4. Finlay II 24; cf. Minta, ‘Mavrokordatos’.

  5. Gamba 113, 123, 148–9; Parry 78 (quoted).

  6. BLJ XI 90–1: B to Lord Sydney Osborne, 7 January 1824; Arch. Kound. II 15: Mavrokordatos to Georgios Koundouriotis, 6 [/18] January 1824.

  7. IAM III 565–6 nos. 864, 865: [Orlandos and Louriotis] to Executive Body and Legislative Body (drafts), 1/13 November 1823 (‘Lord Byron told us also, that Canning is complaining about the actions of the Greeks at sea…and that, if the Greek Government does not take proper care, his excellency [Byron? or Canning?] will be compelled to respond with great displeasure’).

  8. Konstantinos Metaxas in Apomn. VI 111–12; BLJ XI 91: B to Osborne, 7 January 1824.

  9. Gamba 89.

  10. IAM III 720–3 no. 990; cf. Kasomoulis I 354–6; Millingen 72–9.

  11. IAM III 726–8 no. 994: ‘Declaration’, 26 December 1823 [/7 January 1824]; Trikoupis III 117–18; Millingen 77–9.

  12. Gamba 99–101.

  13. BLJ XI 93, 94: B to Hancock, 13 and 17 January 1824; Arch. Kound. II 41–2: Mavrokordatos to Legislative Body, 6 [/18] January 1824.

  14. BLJ XI 35: ‘Journal in Cephalonia’, 17 December 1823.

  15. BLJ XI 91: B to Osborne, 7 January 1824.

  16. NLS MS 43519: Mavrokordatos to B, 1/13 December 1823.

  17. IAM IV 55 no. 1108: Mavrokordatos to Government, 10 [/22] January 1824; Arch. Pal. II 239: Minutes of Legislative Body, 28 January [/9 February] 1824; IAM IV 96–7 no. 1147: Document dated 24 January 1824; cf. Gamba 133–4.

  18. IAM IV 71 no. 1125: Mavrokordatos to Negris, 16 [/28] January 1824.

  19. Stanhope 68–9, 71: Stanhope to Bowring, 3 January 1824; Arch. Pal. II 223; Gordon II 94–5; Trikoupis III 79–80.

  20. Arch. Kound. II 3: Mavrokordatos to Georgios Koundouriotis, 2 [/14] January 1824 and II 41–2: Mavrokordatos to Legislative Body, 6 [/18] January 1824; Gamba 105; cf. 92, 158–9.

  21. Gamba 105; BLJ XI 94: B to Hancock, 17 January 1824. For the letters, see Arch. Pal. III 4 = NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 29 and Arch. Pal. III 9–10 (and summary in Arch. Pal. II 219) = NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 30: Legislative Body to B, signed by Bishop Theodoretos, 21 and 22 December 1823 [/2 and 3 January 1824].

  22. Arch. Pal. III 3–4: Legislative Body to Mavrokordatos, signed by Theodoretos, 21 December 1823 [/2 January 1824]; cf. Arch. Pal. II 217–19: Minutes of Legislative Body, 21 and 23 December 1823 [/2 and 4 January 1824]. For date of receipt, see Gamba 105.

  23. GAK 912: B to Mavrokordatos, 16 January 1824 (in Italian), previously published only in IAM IV 68 no. 1122, from a contemporary fair copy adjacent in the file, which is not quite accurate. I am grateful to Peter Cochran for confirming the authenticity of B's autograph from a photocopy. See PC (Byron and Mavrocordatos) for transcription and translation (here slightly adjusted).

  24. Arch. Kound. II 41–2: Mavrokordatos to Legislative Body, 6 [/18] January 1824 (‘I see that he is entirely disposed [to give it]’); Gamba 105; BLJ XI 94: B to Hancock, 17 January 1824.

  25. Byron Journal 1 (1973), 27: Mavrokordatos to B, 5/17 January 1824 (= PC, Byron's Correspondence), date corrected by Peter Cochran – personal communication; BLJ XI 96: B to Hancock, 19 January 1824.

  26. BLJ XI 93: B to Hancock, 13 January 1824 (PS dated 14th); Arch. Kound. II 41–2: Mavrokordatos to Legislative Body, 6 [/18] January 1824.

  27. Gamba 118; cf. Stanhope 88, 89: Stanhope to Bowring, 18 and 21 January 1824.

  28. Gamba 120; BLJ XI 140: B to Barff, 22 March 1824.

  29. BLJ XI 95–7: B to Hancock, and to G. Stevens, 19 January 1824; cf. BLJ XI 93: B to Hancock, 13 January 1824; Stanhope 543–4. The affair would surface again briefly in early March, occasioning Gamba's abject letter of mixed explanation and apology quoted by Nicolson (Journey, 239, followed by Marchand, Biography, III 1208) and wrongly dated 24 March (NLS MS 43529: Gamba to B, 4 March 1824; cf. ibid.: Hancock to B, 1 March 1824, reverting to the issue).

  30. BLJ XI 97: B to G. Stevens, 19 January 1824.

  31. BLJ XI 93: B to Hancock, 13 January 1824; BLJ XI 110: B to Kinnaird, 9 February 1824.

  32. Gamba 121–3.

  33. ‘On this day…’ 1, 22, 29 (BCPW VII 79–81); Gamba 125–8. For contrasting readings, see McGann, Don Juan, 152; Blythe, ‘Greek Independence’, 185–7; Gurney, ‘Publicly Private’.

  34. Stanhope 54–5: Stanhope to Bowring, 23 December 1823; Parry 32–4; Koumarianou, Τύπος [Press], 34–50.

  35. Stanhope 73: Stanhope to Bowring, 6 January 1824.

  36. Stanhope 91: Stanhope to Bowring, 24 January 1824.

  37. Koumarianou, Τύπος [Press], 26.

  38. Stanhope 92; cf. Millingen 81–2; Parry 33.

  39. IAM IV 54 no. 1107: Maris Louverdos to B, 9 [/21] January 1824.

  40. Gamba 135–9; Marchand, Biography, III 1167–8; cf. MacCarthy, Byron, 492–3.

  41. Stanhope 96: Stanhope to Bowring, 28 January 1824.

  42. BLJ XI 99: B to Greek captains of privateers, 27 January 1824; BLJ XI 102: B to Bowring, 28 January 1824 (quoted).

  43. Stanhope 96–7; Gamba 140.

  44. Gamba 103, 140; cf. Stanhope 98: ‘Well; you shall see: judge me by my acts.’

  45. Ell. Chron. no. 6: 19 [/31] January 1824; cf. Ell. Chron. no. 9: 30 January [/11 February] 1824 and no. 10: 2 [/14] February 1824.

p; 46. Ell. Chron. no. 14: 16 [/28] February 1824; no. 18: 1 [/13] March 1824.

  47. Ell. Chron. no. 20: 8 [/20] March 1824; nos. 20–1: 12 [/24] March 1824; cf. Millingen 81–2; Koumarianou, Τύπος [Press], 27.

  48. St Clair, That Greece, 187. For Byron's principles in regulating the Telegrafo Greco, see Gamba 209–14, 305–7; cf. Millingen 113–14; BLJ XI 134: B to Hancock, 10 March 1824.

  49. BLJ XI 103: B to Bowring, 28 January 1824.

  50. Gamba 161–3; Millingen 94–7 (p. 95 and GF quoted).

  51. BLJ XI 108: B to Hancock, 7 February 1824; BLJ XI 144: B to Kinnaird, 30 March 1824; Parry 12–21; cf. Stanhope 111: Stanhope to Bowring, 11 February 1824 (‘Parry is all life and activity’). For contrasting modern assessments, see Nicolson, Journey, 210–12; St Clair, That Greece, 177–9; Rosen, Bentham, 187–94; Crane, Jackal, 363.

  52. Parry 99; cf. 32–3, 83–4 and Gamba 209–10.

  53. Parry 233–4.

  54. See e.g. Stanhope 147: Stanhope to Bowring, 21 March 1824; cf. IAM III 753–4 no. 1052: Praidis to Levidis, 12 [/24] November 1823 (on the need to tone down references to a monarchy, in deference to the London Greek Committee – this after Praidis’ first meeting with Stanhope in Cephalonia).

  55. BLJ VIII 26: ‘Ravenna Journal’, 13 January 1821.

  56. Parry 173–4; cf. 211; BLJ III 242: ‘Journal’, 16 January 1814, Kelsall, ‘Politics’, 50, and p. 31, above.

  57. Gamba 96, 122, 281; Parry 30, 90–3.

  58. Parry 183–4, 233–4.

  59. Gamba 213–14; cf. Parry 183.

  60. Butler, ‘Orientalism’; Leask, Romantic Writers, 23–4. For Mavrokordatos’ treatise on the subject written in 1820, see pp. 69–70, above. Very similar ideas are expressed in IAM III 348 no. 698: Mavrokordatos to George Canning, 4 July 1823 (in French) and IAM IV 614–15: Mavrokordatos to Government, 8 July 1824.

  61. Pizanias, Greek Revolution; Gamba 121, 210–13; Parry 83, 170.

  62. Gamba 210; cf. Parry 83.

  Chapter 11

  1. IAM IV 73 no. 1128: Zaimis to Mavrokordatos, 17 [/29] January 1824; Arch. Hydras X 55–61: President of Executive Body to the Hellenes, 24 January [/5 February] 1824 (p. 56 quoted).

  2. IAM IV 103–6 no. 1155: Zaimis and Andreas Londos to Mavrokordatos, 28 January [/9 February] 1824 (p. 105 quoted). Gamba's account of these rumours (167–8) is slightly fanciful. On the Knights of Malta, see St Clair, That Greece, 129–31; Lignadis, Δάνειον [Loan], 97–100; cf. BLJ XI 104: B to Blaquiere and editor's note; Bulldog 342–4: Hobhouse to B, 12 February 1824; Arch. Hydras X 44–5: Orlandos and Louriotis to the Primates of Hydra 17 [/29] February 1824.

  3. IAM IV 112 no. 1161: Zaimis and Andreas Londos to Mavrokordatos, 29 January [/10 February] 1824, from Vostitsa.

  4. Gamba 164.

  5. Millingen 90; Stanhope 77, 79: Stanhope to Bowring, 8 and 14 January 1824. Cf. Arch. Kound. II 5: Mavrokordatos to Anastasios Londos, 1 [/13] January 1824 (‘His Lordship will perhaps agree to go to the siege of Lepanto’ (emphasis added)).

  6. Gamba 192–4 (193 quoted), 96–7.

  7. Ell. Chron. no. 9: 30 January [/11 February] 1824; NLS MS 43530: Muir to B, 23 January 1824, from Cephalonia.

  8. Gamba 165–7 (167 quoted).

  9. NLS MS 43354 no. 22 (original version); BLJ XI 111–12: [‘Note on Suliotes’,] 15 February 1824.

  10. Gamba 171–4.

  11. BLJ XI 113–14: ‘Journal’, 15 February 1824 and BLJ XI 121, 123–5; Gamba 174–7; Stanhope 115–16: Stanhope to Bowring, 18 February 1824; Origo, Attachment, 377: Pietro Gamba to Teresa, 24 February 1824; Parry 41–6; Millingen 117–20.

  12. Gamba 169–70.

  13. The evidence for this sequence of events is to be found in five unpublished letters: Hist. Mus. 19441: Nicolla Zavella [Nikolos Tzavellas] to B, 6 November 1823, from Gastouni (where he has arrived, on B's orders, and is waiting to escort him to Sisinis at Pyrgos), in Greek; NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 27: Sisinis to B, 6 [?/18] December 1823, acknowledging a letter from Corgialegno on behalf of B that introduced Tzavellas and heralded B's imminent arrival at Gastouni, in Greek; Hist. Mus. 19444: Athanasios Drakos to B, 18 February 1824, from Missolonghi, in Italian, in a scribal hand; Hist. Mus. 19443: G. Drakos to B, 8/20 February 1824, in Italian, in the same scribal hand; Hist. Mus. 19450: Athanasio Draco to B, 28 March 1824, in French, in a scribal hand (including details of his mission to Sisinis at Gastouni on B's behalf, along with ‘le Capitain Nicola Ziavella’, and their stay there throughout December and January).

  14. BCPW I 224–5.

  15. Parry 74–5.

  16. Parry 62; cf. Gamba 187.

  17. Stanhope 537; cf. Parry 63; BLJ XI 124: B to Murray, 25 February 1824.

  18. Parry 63. Probably the same meeting was described by Kasomoulis (I 364, partial English translation in Marchand, Biography, III 1190).

  19. IAM IV 247 no. 1289: Mavrokordatos to Government, 11 [/23] March 1824.

  20. NLS MS 43530: [Mavrokordatos] to B, ‘Rapport de l'homme venu d’Arta’ (unsigned, undated, but giving the date of Omer's withdrawal as 16 [/28] January); IAM IV 160 no. 1202: Mavrokordatos to Government, 10 [/22] February 1824; IAM IV 183–4 no. 1224: Mavrokordatos to Government, 19 February [/2 March] 1824; Kasomoulis I 367–8; Trikoupis III 119.

  21. Gamba 191–2; Langley Moore, Accounts, 410; IAM IV 183–4 no. 1224. A formal receipt for one month's wages for the Souliots, in Greek, signed by Mavrokordatos and two officials ‘of the Economy’, is dated 9 [/21] February 1824 (NLS MS 43550).

  22. IAM IV 249 no. 1289: Mavrokordatos to Government, 11 [/23] March 1824; cf. Gamba 180.

  23. BLJ XI 117: B to Kinnaird, 22 February 1824; Gamba 192; cf. Marchand, Biography, III 1191 (‘Byron could not quite admit the extent of his defeat, either to his friends in England or to himself’).

  24. BLJ XI 142: B to Barff, 26 March 1824; BLJ XI 144–5: B to Kinnaird, 30 March 1824; Parry 71–2; Millingen 94–6.

  25. IAM IV 183–4 no. 1224.

  26. IAM IV 55–6 no. 1109: Georgios Koundouriotis to Mavrokordatos, 10 [/22] January 1824; Arch. Kound. II 58: Mavrokordatos to Georgios Koundouriotis, 26 January [/7 February] 1824.

  27. Arch. Kound. II 101–2: Mavrokordatos to Georgios Koundouriotis, 19 February [/2 March] 1824.

  28. BLJ XI 80: B to Kinnaird, 23 December 1823 and p. 203, above.

  29. Gamba 96; cf. 122, 218; BLJ XI 128, 130: B to Barff, 5 and 10 March 1824; cf. Parry 30, 90–3.

  30. Gamba 193; Parry 181–2.

  31. Gamba 122.

  32. Arch. Kound. IV 205: Mavrokordatos to Georgios Koundouriotis, 8 [/20 April] 1824.

  33. BLJ XI 134–5: B to Demetrius Parucca [Peroukas], 11 March 1824; cf. BLJ XI 130, 138, 141, 143; Gamba 207–8; Parry 91; IAM IV 168–9 no. 1208: P. Rodios to Mavrokordatos, 14 [/26] February 1824 (warning Mavrokordatos that Peroukas is being ‘used’ by the deposed Executive for its own ends). For B's previous acquaintance with Peroukas, not otherwise attested, see Nat. Lib. Athens K5: Browne to B, 13 September 1823 (‘we met…[Charalambis] Perruca the Minister of Finance[;] he begs to be remembered to Your Lordship, he mentions your having passed some time in his residence at Argos. I believe that he has written to you’). Byron's correspondent was the brother of this Minister in the deposed Executive.

  34. BLJ XI 128: B to Barff, 5 March 1824.

  35. BLJ XI 138: B to Barff, 19 March 1824 (quoted). NLS MS 43519: Conte Pier Andrea Mercati to B, 14 March 1824, from Zante, conveys numbered terms on behalf of Sisinis, to which Mavrokordatos gave B a point-by-point response (NLS MS 43530: ‘Nouvelles de Corfou’, pp. 3–4); cf. BLJ XI 138, 141. See also NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 52: Georgios Sisinis to B (in Greek), 16 [? /28] March 1824 (asking for cannons) and B's reply (ibid., subfile 1, no. 55, also in Greek), 24 March [?/5 April] 1824 (translated extract in MacCarthy, Byron, 510 and PC (Byron's Correspondence: New Letters)); cf. IAM IV 248 no. 1289 (Mavrokordatos’ distrust of Sisinis).

  36. NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 42: Executive to B, 20 February
[/3 March] 1824 (requesting redeployment for relief of the siege of Patras); IAM IV 247 no. 1289: Mavrokordatos to Government, 11 [/23] March 1824 (refusing redeployment of same troops against Sisinis). The real purpose of the request and the impatience of the new Executive are made clear in IAM IV 227 no. 1264: Kolettis to Mavrokordatos, 2 [/14] March 1824.


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