David Years
Page 14
The crowd clapped. Several hooted.
“When I was fourteen, I was told the cancer was back. A month later the doctors told me there was nothing more that could be done to help me. I was going to die.”
Several girls had their hands to their mouths. A few students whispered to each other.
“And then my Auntie took me to a place called Puzzle House, and I met an amazing and godly woman named Rachel.” For a moment Nia thought she would break down. God give me strength and calmness. “Rachel taught this skinny black girl many things.”
A few chuckles.
“A lot of which I didn’t want to hear at the time. When Rachel told me that God had chosen her to be a healer, I didn’t believe her. I thought it was a scam. I didn’t believe in those kinds of miracles.” She looked out at the audience. “I’m sure a lot of you, maybe most of you, wouldn’t have believed her either. Sure, we believe in God and know that He can still do miracles, but faith healing…that’s pretty far out there. But the longer I stayed at Puzzle House the more I learned about God, faith, and power. Rachel liked to tell me that God was the power source, and she was only the cord, and I was the one who could switch on the lamp of faith if I wanted to be healed. I really wanted to be healed. I didn’t want to die so…it took me a while but in the end, I flipped the switch of faith and…” She moved out from the podium and did a little twirl. “And here I am. I’ve been cancer free for the past three years. God healed me.”
More clapping, whistles and hoots and hollers.
She waited until the people quieted. Could she do this? Tell them the truth?
This is your moment.
And I’m ready, Lord. “But that’s only part of the story. The other part of the story is the last time I saw Rachel, she was on her death bed. She took me by my hands. These hands.” Nia held up both hands. “And she asked me if I wanted to be a healer. I was completely shocked. I’m sure that’s exactly how David felt when Samuel chose him as the next King of Israel. When she asked me that, there was so much confusion, but I knew I wanted it so I said yes.”
The audience sat in rapt attention processing the revelation.
“Even though David was very young when he was anointed king, it took many years and many experiences before he actually became king. I’m sure David had lots of questions and doubts during those years, but he remained faithful even when it looked as though Samuel had chosen the wrong person.” Her gaze met Bart’s.
He nodded and smiled at her.
“These past four years have been my David years. Actually, my Auntie coined the term. I’ve had to learn to lose myself, and let God’s power work. I am only the conduit. Anyway, I’ve gone from elation to doubt and then back again more times than I can count. And as crazy as it sounds, I can tell you that I have no doubt that God has chosen me to be a healer. I’m in awe that He’s chosen me, and that’s what I plan to do for as long as God wants me to. With the power of God, I am His instrument for as long as he needs me.”
Dr. Danforth nodded and then stood up clapping. The audience joined her in standing and applause.
Tears filled Nia’s eyes. She’d done it. She’d told the world—at least her part of the world—that God had anointed her to be a healer. “Dr. Danforth. I can do the rest of my Freshman project now if you want.”
“Not necessary, Nia. I’ll read your paper.”
She smiled at the audience through her tears and then turned to walk off the stage. Before she got to the steps a young woman ran up them and blocked Nia’s way. “Oh, no you don’t. You don’t get to make that kind of announcement and then leave. I think it’s just a scam because you didn’t do your project.”
The applause faded.
Nia glanced out in the audience.
People were sitting back down and whispering to each other.
She waited for nerves to kick in. They didn’t. Instead she smiled at her heckler. “I don’t expect everyone to believe me. In fact, maybe none of you believe me. But God gave me a gift, and it’s time I tell people the truth about it. So I am. I did.”
“Yea, then go ahead and heal me.”
Tears glistening in the woman’s eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“What difference does it make? Go ahead and heal me. Prove that you’re not a fake.”
“God is not a genie in a lamp who comes out at my bidding. It’s the other way around. I’m here to do His bidding.”
“Yea, that’s what I thought. You’re a big fake. F-A-K-E. You’re just trying to make a nam—”
“She is not a fake.” Tanya rushed up on stage.
The woman turned to her. “Yeah, right.”
“Yeah right is exactly right. I know because she healed me. I…” Tanya hesitated.
“Tanya, you don’t have to do this. I’m fine.”
“It’s OK, Nia. I want to do this. A month or so ago, I drank too much. I don’t mean a little drunk. I had alcohol poisoning, and I lost consciousness. My heart stopped. I almost died. She saved me.”
“I didn’t save you. God saved you.”
Tanya kept talking. “And I found God that night. And I haven’t had or even wanted a drink since then. And that’s because Nia touched me with God’s healing power.”
“Is that true?” The girl’s question was spoken on a choked whisper.
Tanya nodded. “Every word is true.”
Dr. Danforth walked on to the stage and picked up the microphone. “This has certainly been one of the more memorable Freshman projects. And it’s been very enlightening. We thank you very much, Nia.”
Nia nodded.
“I think we’ll take a little break. Fifteen minutes and then we’ll be back for the rest of the projects.”
People started leaving the auditorium.
Dr. Danforth turned to the young woman. “Are you OK, Lizzie?”
Lizzie wiped at the tears she couldn’t stop. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Danforth. I didn’t mean to ruin her presentation. I just couldn’t stop myself. When I heard what she said, I just had to know if her gift was real. If it’s real, maybe she can help me.”
“I understand, Lizzie.” Dr. Danforth turned to Nia. “Well…”
“What I said was the truth.”
“So you can heal me?”
“I don’t heal. Only God can do that. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord Who heals.”
“But you’ll help me, right?” There was hope in her voice.
Nia nodded. “Of course, but one thing you need to know is that sometimes God chooses to heal us physically and sometimes He doesn’t, but He will always—always heal us spiritually.”
Three years and two months later.
Nia looked at Bart, and then back at Puzzle House.
They were standing in front of the steps.
She was wearing her wedding gown—even though the wedding had been two weeks earlier. She’d put it on just for this occasion. “Here we are, my husband.”
Bart smiled. “I suppose my beautiful bride wants me to carry her across the threshold.”
“Well, tradition is tradition but as much as I love you, my husband, I don’t think you can do it.”
“Is that a challenge?” He scooped her up and walked up the steps. “You really didn’t think I can carry this skinny, black woman up a few measly steps?”
She nuzzled his neck. “I knew you could. I was just giving you a little motivation.”
He stopped at the door. Her hand went to the doorknob but before she could open it, it opened.
Cooper stood there with a huge smile. “Welcome home.”
Bart carried her across the threshold. He gently placed her on the floor and then kissed her. “Sorry, I had to finish the tradition.”
Cooper laughed. “Not a problem. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson?”
“I love hearing that.” Nia said with a huge grin. “I’ll never get tired of it.”
Cooper smiled. “I know this is your honeymoon and all but we’ve h
ad a slight change of plans.”
“What do you mean?” Nia looked at him.
“Well there weren’t supposed to be any guests here to give you and Bart time to settle in to your new home but…” He pointed at the steps. “But there’s someone waiting to see you in your old room Nia. I didn’t have the heart to say no.”
“Who is it?”
“She’s waiting for you.” Cooper’s voice was filled with emotion. “Better go find out who it is.”
Nia looked at Bart.
“Go on. I’ll be down here with Cooper.”
“Do you know who it is?”
He shook his head. “I’m sure Cooper will fill me in.”
Nia remembered the first time she went up the steps and grinned. She’d always remember and always be grateful. She stopped in front of her old room and knocked on the door. Hearing a muffled response, she opened the door. Her eyes filled with tears. “Keisha.”
It had been more than two years since she’d seen Keisha. She’d been in and out of rehabs for the past four years—since her daughter was born. She’d be all right for a little while but then she’d start using again.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your honeymoon. But Cooper wouldn’t let me leave once I got here.”
“Good thing. I would have been quite upset if he had.”
“Sorry I missed your wedding.” Keisha looked down at the bed. “I was too busy getting high.”
“That’s OK. I’m so glad you’re here, but why are you?”
Keisha‘s gaze met Nia’s. “I…I want to be healed.”
There were many kinds of healing. And her friend probably needed all of them. But with God, all things were possible. Nia ran to put her arms around her friend. “Welcome to Puzzle House.”
A Devotional Moment
He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. ~ Psalm 78: 70-72
Whom God chooses to anoint to for a special purpose is often a mystery and contradiction to humans. David, a simple shepherd, was chosen to be king and to lead his people through some trying times. He was chased by enemies and went through a harrowing ordeal to reclaim the throne which God had granted him. Through it all, he maintained a relationship with the Lord, crying out in times of fear, war, death, destruction, and even in times of joy and peace. No matter how David’s life evolved, he spoke to God and wrote songs of praise to celebrate that holy relationship.
In The David Years, the protagonist is chosen at a young age to a position of leadership. She is given counsel to be like David, to learn all she can before her purpose is claimed. Through trial and error, and a hesitant, but trusting leap of faith, she learns that we all have “David years” in our path and God will sustain us through it all.
Have you ever felt as if things aren’t going as they ought, even though you know in your heart that you are on the path God chose for you? It can be difficult to stay on point and keep going—persevering—when everything in the natural seems to be against you. But, this is actually par for the course for Christians who are traveling the right road. Look at the hardships Moses faced, the hardships of Joseph, of David, of Mary and Joseph…of Jesus, Himself. You are not alone. No matter what it looks or feels like, if you are sure of God’s will for your life, stay the course. The tribulation will make you stronger.
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