Book Read Free

The Rules Series

Page 13

by LaShawn Vasser

  Ang turned his blazing eyes towards me. “You help me find out who that bastard was who just killed my wife, and you’ll get my vote and anything else you want.”

  Slowly, I nodded already starting to rethink and formulate parts of my strategy. “I can do that.”

  Ang yelled at me. “I need to get home, Gina! Either kill me or we help each other. Which is it?”

  “Okay. I’ll help you. But, Ang, if you double cross me, I promise I’ll bury you and what’s left of your family.”

  He nodded. Once I knew we understood each other, I got out of his car. It would take me no time at all to get to the bottom of who was at Ang’s home because I already knew. I recognized that voice immediately. It was Nina.

  Hahn was at my side immediately as we walked back to our car. It was hard to hear him above the screech of Ang’s tires as he pulled off and raced towards his home. “I just got word Nina is at the Woo estate and shit is going down over there.”

  “Change of plans. Nina’s the other person gunning for the leadership position. She threw me off when she asked that I get her a seat on the council. She’s trying to use Ang’s daughters as leverage for his vote. If she has those girls, I could be screwed. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  Before I could bark out any orders, Hahn was already on top of it. “I’ll start making calls to the people watching her now. What do we do about Ang’s mistress?”

  “Call the pack off . . . for now.” Hahn did as he was told, and I was left with my own thoughts. Dammit! I’d promised myself not to fall prey to underestimating an opponent, and I’d done exactly that with Nina.

  Why is it always the ones closest to you that have the deadliest bite? Two things I knew for sure. Nina was more driven than I’d originally thought, and I wouldn’t make the same mistake of underestimating her again.

  Chapter 5

  Layla Windham-Lawson, the oldest of the Windham children, stood around her brother’s bedside with the rest of her family fighting back tears. “I don’t understand who would want to hurt Brody like this?” Disbelief and pain were etched onto her face. “You mean to tell me a group of men showed up on a private airstrip with guns and ambushed him? Why? And, where was his security? It just doesn’t make any sense.”

  Her sister, Lisa Windham-Cornwall, who was younger than Brody but older than her other siblings Lauren and Michael, nodded in agreement. “Right. Brody’s not into anything shady that I’m aware of. As far as I know, his businesses have always been aboveboard.” She turned desperate eyes toward their youngest sibling. “Michael you talked to him last. What did he say?”

  Michael ran his hands down his face. “Nothing more than I’ve already told everyone.”

  Ethan and Lydia Windham turned to their youngest child eager to hear his response too.

  Michael’s own chest ached as he looked at his brother’s body. He’d always hero-worshipped Brody and to see him lying on the bed weak and barely clinging to life was more than he could handle. The mere thought that they could lose him was like an earthquake to his mind or a cosmic shift in the world to his heart.

  He turned towards his parents and three sisters as they desperately waited for answers. “He didn’t say much. We didn’t actually talk, we texted each other.” Michael rolled his head around his shoulders. “Brody said something came up; he would be in Guilin for a few days and that he’d let me know when he got there. He was light on details, and I don’t know any more than that.” Michael pinched the bridge of his nose. None of them had had much sleep since the phone call came about Brody’s condition less than twenty-four hours ago.

  Layla was like a dog with a bone. Someone almost killed Brody, and she intended to get to the bottom of it. Whoever was responsible was going to pay. But, right now, she just needed to use her strength and will him back to health. Nervously, Layla chewed her bottom lip. “He didn’t mention anything to me about a trip to China when I talked to him a few days ago.” She turned toward her parents. “Mom, Dad, you guys spoke to some woman. What was her name? Gina Lee-Something? Who is she?”

  Lauren Windham, the youngest daughter in the family but older than Michael by eleven months, had been quiet. She was terrified her brother might not pull through. Lauren and Brody were very close, but then again he was close to all of his siblings. She’d stayed mostly silent since they landed in Guilin, but for a moment, she took her eyes away from Brody to gaze at her parents as she chimed in. “Did she say who she was to him? He’s never mentioned her to me either.” There were way more questions than answers.

  Michael could barely contain his exhaustion and worry when he spoke to his parents. “Mom and Dad, you guys probably know more than I do since you talked to the woman he was traveling with. Did she say anything else other than he’d been badly hurt and was in the hospital?”

  Ethan Windham shook his head, no. It was clear that he had the dominant genes in the family. His sons and daughters were all fair-haired with crystal blue eyes like him except for Lauren. Her eyes were the color of her mother’s, a unique violet. Brody and Michael were the spitting images of their father. They also inherited his height of over six feet and a chiseled jaw line; the Windham jaw line. Father time might have gifted Ethan Windham with a little gray mixed in with his golden blonde locks, and maybe even added a few more age lines around his eyes and mouth, but he was no less handsome than his sons. He cleared his throat. His voice was strong, deep. “No. She didn’t say much more than that. Only that she would arrange transportation for us and meet us here.”

  Lauren asked what everyone was thinking. Her anger boiled over. “Then where is she? Why wasn’t she here to meet us when we arrived at the hospital? She had to know we would have a million questions.”

  Lydia Windham had been silent. She was the quiet power that always kept everything running smoothly in the family calm. She could have easily passed as an older sister to the girls. She kept her dark blonde hair shoulder length, and her violet eyes were mesmerizing. Her button nose, pretty pink lips, and delicate features might be misconstrued as weak; however, Lydia was anything but. She stood only a few inches shorter than Ethan.

  She hugged her body then ran her hands up and down her arms. She was chilled. It wasn’t the temperature in the room, but the thought that she could lose her oldest son that made her cold. Her lips had been pressed into a thin line as she focused on him. Her voice left no room for argument. “I know we’re all worried, but I think a better use of our time and energy should be spent on making sure Brody has the best care available. He needs to feel our love and positive energy surrounding him. Once he’s better, we can deal with everything else.”

  Almost as soon as Lydia Windham finished speaking, Brody’s hospital door opened and in walked Gina Lee-Xiou.

  Chapter 6

  I’d only been gone for a few hours, but a lot had happened during that time - my visit with Ang Woo for one. That meeting had me scrapping my current plan and mapping out an entirely new approach for the next couple of days but especially for the vote tomorrow night. I was going to need not just a Plan A but back-ups from B to Z. My attorney, Lim, Hahn, and I sketched out a rough blueprint for a way to move forward, but I left them to work out the details. They were good at their jobs, and I needed to trust that. Still, I should have been glued to the chair huddled up next to them for this marathon strategy session because the stakes were high. After everything that had gone on up until now, I could lose a lot more than the vote tomorrow night.

  Even knowing that my life could very well depend on my actions over the next couple of days, my feet still directed me back towards the hospital.

  It was late when I arrived. Jamal was standing guard outside of Brody’s hospital door along with another guy I recognized from his team. I acknowledged them as I was about to enter the room, but Jamal’s voice stopped me.

  “Ms. Lee-Xiou, the Windhams have arrived.”

  I was tired. The day had been long, and now I needed to wear a mask that I wasn�
��t used to wearing. It had been a long time since I’d been around people who deserved respect. I wasn’t sure I could master it since I hadn’t practiced it since before Laurette left. I needed to dig deep, deep, deep within my soul to pull on those experiences. “Okay . . . good. I’m glad his parents were able to get here so soon. Thanks for the heads-up.”

  Jamal placed his heavy hand on my arm to prevent me from going inside. Apparently, I’d missed the message he was trying to send. “I’m sure you’re aware they are a close-knit family.”

  I looked down at his hand on my arm before looking up at him, then slowly responded. “Yes.”

  This man was bold to think I was just some chick he could touch. Instead of snappin’ on him, I decided to let it go, but only because of his loyalty for Brody. I wouldn’t if it happened again.

  He nodded. “The entire Windham clan is here, and obviously, they are pretty upset. Don’t take whatever comes out of their mouths too seriously.”

  I was touched. In his small way, he was trying to look out for me. I had to admire and respect that. Maybe he deserved a bit more leeway than I’d initially been willing to give. “Understood.”

  I opened the door and finally went inside. His parents, three sisters, and brother were all hovering around Brody’s bed. With less than twenty-four hours’ notice, the Windhams had shown up in full force. As soon as they heard me enter all eyes turned towards me. To say I felt like a fish in a large bowl was an understatement.

  It was Brody’s mother who addressed me first. “Are you the woman who called us? Are you Gina?”

  My mouth was a little dry. I couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, I’d met the parents of someone I was dating. Not that Brody and I were dating per se. Still, I could admit that I had a few nerves meeting his family. It was a little unsettling. Even though I knew they were coming, I could have used a little more time to adjust to everything going on around me before they showed up.

  There was no rest for the weary. As always, I just had to do what needed to be done. In this case, I plastered on something that resembled a smile and extended my hand to her. “Yes. I’m the woman who called you. I’m Gina Lee-Xiou.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Windham both shook my hand. “I’m Ethan, and this is my wife, Lydia.”

  Apparently, Layla thought the pleasantries in this situation were silly and couldn’t contain her frustration. She blurted out, “Where the hell have you been?”

  I watched as Ethan glared at her. That was all it took for Layla to hold back whatever else she was about to say.

  His voice boomed throughout the room. “My apologies, Gina. We’re all a bit worked up as you can surely understand. Thank you for sending cars for us.”

  Keep it together, Gina. Layla’s upset about her brother, and that’s why she’s talking so reckless. I needed to remind myself of that. “Yes, I know, and I’m sorry I couldn’t be here to greet you when you arrived. There were some pressing matters that needed my attention.”

  I stretched my neck to look around Brody’s family and take a peek at him. “Has there been any change?” It was apparent from everyone’s body language that there hadn’t been.

  Mr. Windham responded on behalf of his family. “Sadly, no.”

  I couldn’t help but think, in some ways, it was good news. The doctors hadn’t expected him to make it through the night. Yet, he was still here and fighting. “I’m sure he feels everyone’s presence.”

  Lydia Windham had been quietly studying me. “I believe that too.”

  I turned back towards her, and it was easy to see the questions in her eyes. She didn’t voice them. At least, not yet, but I knew eventually they would come. Until then, I attempted to do something I’d never done before—de-escalate the tension in the room. “I recognized you and Mr. Windham from your pictures at Brody’s home. I do feel I’m at a slight disadvantage. You all know who I am, but I don’t know who you are.”

  Lauren mumbled underneath her breath but loud enough for me to hear it. “We have no idea who you are either, or why my brother is fighting for his life.”

  Ethan cleared his throat slightly irritated by Lauren’s rudeness. “Right. Let me introduce you.” He pointed toward each of his children. “These are Brody’s very protective sisters Layla, Lisa, Lauren, and his brother, Michael.”

  I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be in their shoes. I’d never had to. I had hated my father, had never really got to have a relationship with my mother, and my sister was trying to kill me. My family was like a horror story. Brody’s family seemed to be ripped out the pages of a 1980’s American sitcom.

  “It’s nice to meet all of you. Again, I’m sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let me know.”

  “It would be nice to know how these circumstances happened.” Lisa couldn’t help herself. She had questions. Everybody did.

  I couldn’t even be mad, not really. It was refreshing to see how fiercely protective Brody’s family was of him. “Right. I’m sure you do.” It was awkward not being the dominant figure in the room. “I’ll do my best to answer them.”

  “Can we start off with the obvious? What happened?” Eager eyes from Lauren penetrated my shell. They reminded me so much of a younger version of Nina.

  I made an attempt to explain but being very careful with some of the details. “Brody is such a gentleman. I met him at the Capitol in Washington. I’d gotten caught up in a bit of trouble there. He took me into his home for a day so that I could get my bearings. He wanted to make sure I arrived back—here—safely. When we got off of his private plane, there was gunfire almost immediately. Unfortunately, Brody was shot.”

  Michael finally chimed in, looking so much like his brother. He had Brody’s mannerisms, even the way he held his stance was the spitting image of him. “That trouble wouldn’t have been the shootout in the Capitol garage that’s been all over the news?”

  Slowly, I nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid so.”

  Lisa was next to ask the obvious. “So they were after you?”

  Something akin to guilt tugged at me. I didn’t want to get into the details, but they would find out soon enough so it might as well come from me. “Yes. I’m pretty sure I was the target.”

  The room went quiet with unsaid words. It was your fault hung in the air. I felt an uncomfortable need to explain further. “My father recently passed away. There is a fortune, a business, and a legacy at stake. The people who were at the airport weren’t aiming for Brody. They had me in their crosshairs.”

  The desperation in Layla’s voice couldn’t be masked. “Have the people who are responsible been caught or are they still out there? Is that why the guys with guns are standing outside Brody’s door?”

  I balled my fists up at my sides thinking about who had done this. Nina. She was responsible. It was my turn to hide my anger and frustration. “No. They have not been caught. But, soon. I promise you, they will pay for all of this.”

  The conviction with which I said my words left no room for doubt. The distrust in their gazes didn’t completely disappear but diminished in its intensity.

  Michael nodded and responded. “Good. I want to help get the assholes that did this to my brother.”

  Lydia Windham’s hand went to her throat. “Michael, no. I have one son who . . .” She choked up and couldn’t finish the sentence. “I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger. Let the proper authorities handle this situation.”

  I could see Michael was ready to protest, so I quickly intervened in the conversation.

  “I’m currently working with a team of people, and we are doing everything in our power to make sure those who are responsible are brought to justice. That’s part of the reason why I couldn’t meet you at the airport. We are making a lot of progress. So for now, Michael, I think we have it covered.”

  It seemed no one really knew what else to say. Lisa just had one more question. “You’ve been to my b
rother’s house. What exactly are you to him?”

  The edges of my lips curved up just a little. “He’s a very special man to me.”

  Mr. Windham answered back in response. “If Brody flew all the way down here to be with you, it’s probably safe to say that you’re pretty special to him too. That means you need to be careful dealing with the bastards who did this to my son. When he wakes up, and he will, if something were to have happened to you—there would be hell to pay.”

  I mumbled underneath my breath. “There’s already going to be hell to pay.”

  Chapter 7

  I woke up when Michael Windham came into the hospital room with coffee and donuts. I had a crick in my neck from sitting in the uncomfortable chairs, napping on and off throughout the night. Someone must have placed a light blanket over me because it wasn’t there when I fell asleep.

  Of course, Michael went over to his mother and father first.

  Layla yawned and stretched. “Did you get my coffee with two creams and two sugars?”

  Michael frowned and twisted his lips to the side. “Are you seriously being picky all the way over in another country? I can barely read the signs, so you better be glad I got your coffee, period. Take what I got and be happy.”

  Smiling cheekily, Layla reached for her drink then kissed him on the side of his face. “Sorry. I’m cranky in the morning.” He whispered in her ear so their parents couldn’t hear. “Your ass is always cranky. I don’t know how your husband puts up with it.” His eyes sparkled, so I knew the back and forth between them wasn’t serious.

  Layla sipped her coffee, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. “Oh thank gaaawd. It’s perfect. You little turd! You could have just said yes.”

  Lauren and Lisa got up and went over to get their coffee and donuts too. Lauren laughed. “It’s too much like right for this guy.”


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