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Page 31

by Veronica Lancet

  What had he said? That Guerra had taken everything from him.

  Who knows just how many others he's hurt because of that? Daiyu's claim that he had dishonored her comes to mind. Just how far would he have gone for his revenge?

  "That's why you were so intense that day," she adds with a blush. "It all makes sense now."

  "Sunshine," I reach across the table and I take her hand in mine. "I won't sit here and place all the fault on Cisco when I know I did the damage with my own hands. He was damned smart, that's for sure. He knew I had my own issues due to my mother's death, and the rumors about you only exacerbated the image I already had of you," I say as I explain that I had never realized just how much my mother's reputation and her death had affected me.

  "Bass, I'm sorry," she whispers, but I stop her.

  "Don't. I was nothing but a prejudiced bastard. That's why it was so easy for Cisco to poison my mind. Because he knew exactly where to strike. He knew I hated women like my mother so he painted you like one."

  She gives me a tight smile.

  "That's why I didn't tell you I was a virgin either. With my reputation, who would have believed me?" she gives a dry laugh. "You'd have probably thought I was trying to manipulate you."

  "I'm sorry," I tighten my fingers over hers. "And that is my fault too. I should have made it easier for you to trust me. To trust that I'd trust you."

  Her lips press in a thin line as she lowers her head, almost in shame.

  "My panic attacks started after the incident with Clark," she confesses. "I couldn't let any man touch me or I'd have a breakdown."

  "Shit, sunshine! I should have known. I should have fucking known, because it was right there in front of me. But I was so set in my ways I couldn't see past that. All I saw was your beauty and how every fucking man was obsessed with you and it was enough to believe you were everything they said you were."

  Her eyes widen at my outburst, but I just continue.

  "Because I hated it. I fucking hated the thought of anyone touching you. I hated to think you with another man and fuck... sometimes I'd have sleepless nights imagining you with others..." I breathe harshly, the admission pouring out of me.

  "Your inexperience was right there for me to see, but I was too blind. I was so wrapped up in you that I didn't even stop to think about that, and that is on me."

  "Bass," she wets her lips, taking my hand between both of hers, her touch tentative and soothing. "I can sit here for an eternity and claim you should have trusted me, that I would have never betrayed you like you saw in that video. But the truth is, if roles were reversed, I don't know if I'd have reacted any differently. There was just so much we hid from each other..." She shakes her head. "We didn't know each other. That's the reality, and the reason it was so easy for others to poison us against one another."

  "And where does that leave us? Now." I ask, almost afraid of her answer.

  "Lara, your break's done, girl. Kayla needs your help in the back," someone yells at Gianna.

  "I'll be right there," she says right as she gathers her plate and what's left of her food and gets up.

  "Walk me home tonight?" Gianna turns to me, giving me a small smile.

  I find my own lips twitching as they stretch across my face.

  "I'll wait for you," I nod at her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It's late at night when my shift finishes. My entire body aches from the exertion since it had gotten quite busy late in the afternoon.

  Changing out of my uniform, I go out, a little too excited at the prospect of seeing Bass again.

  Hearing more about what had happened and what had prompted Bass to act as he did had helped me understand him better—understand us better. It has helped me put things in perspective in order to make a decision for my future—for our future.

  It may not be the easiest thing, but if possible, I do want to get to know him as him. No more secrets and no more lies. I want to see if there's a chance for more. Because if he's truly sincere about everything...

  I don't dare hope. My heart is already doing somersaults in my chest, my palms sweaty, my entire being restless as I think about seeing him.

  But as I go out, I realize that he's not here.

  He'd left soon after we'd talked, but he'd promised he would be back.

  My smile falters as I look around, and a deep disappointment settles in my gut.

  This is what I get for getting my hopes up.

  With a forlorn sigh, I clutch my bag next to my body and I start walking home. I barely get to the side of the road, though, when a car pulls up.

  "Hop in," Bass swings the door open, inviting me inside.

  I blink at him, wondering where he would have gotten the car from.

  "Bass?" I ask tentatively as I slide into the passenger seat.

  "Sorry I'm a little late. I had to take care of something."

  I frown.

  "Of what?"

  "There's a present for you in the back."

  "For me?" My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and I'm quick to turn to look in the back.

  "Not yet," he chuckles. "You'll see when we get home. But first," he switches hands so he can maneuver the car easier, taking a tablet from a compartment and passing it to me.

  "Search your name on the internet."

  "What, why?"

  "Do it. Please," he gives me half a smile, so I indulge him.

  I type up my name and hit search.

  My mouth hangs open in shock as I look through page after page, checking each article in part.

  "The video," I whisper. "It's gone."

  He nods.

  "I had someone delete it from the internet. He thinks he caught most of them, but if anything related pops up, he'll make sure it's deleted."

  "Wow, thank you," I tell him sincerely, but he just grimaces.

  "Don't thank me for something I caused in the first place, Gianna. You have no idea how sorry I am about what I did to you."

  "Still, this means a lot. Thank you."

  We drive in silence the rest of the way, and as he parks the car, he goes to the back to remove a big box.

  "I'm guessing that's my present?" I crack a smile when he doesn't let me touch it.

  "It is. And you'll see what it is when we get to your house," he adds a little sheepishly, which only serves to make me more curious.

  "Just promise me you won't scream."

  "Damn, Bass, but you're really keeping me guessing."

  "It's... personal," he chuckles.

  I walk briskly as I fumble with my keys to open the door, inviting him inside.

  He places the box on the kitchen counter, turning to me rather sharply.

  "Oh no, something is leaking," I point to a wet corner on the package, the white of the box turning a muddy red. My eyes widen as they swing to him. "Bass... tell me that's not what I think it is."

  "I don't know what you think it is, or who..." he trails off as he turns to unbox it.

  I take a hesitant step forward, gasping when I see what's inside.

  "You didn't," is the first thing that's out of my mouth. "You... How? When? Bass... I don't know what to say."

  And I don't.

  Because I'm staring at Clark's decapitated head laid in a box, his eyes wide open, his mouth parted. There's blood leaking from the place where it had been severed, and it's soon going to stain my kitchen counter.

  Turning to Bass, I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I give him a loud kiss on the cheek.

  "Thank you! This means a lot," I tell him, tears glistening in my eyes.

  "I know you tried to kill him and it failed. You'll never have to worry about him again, sunshine. For good now."

  "God," I whimper, burying my face in the crook of his neck. "I can't believe you did this for me... Bass... Thank you," I continue to speak until my words turn into sobs, a freedom unlike any other claiming my body at knowing that he can't hurt me anymore.

  I am free.

; I am finally free.

  "But please get rid of it now," I whisper. "I appreciate the gift. I've seen it, and I'm now convinced he is dead, but please get rid of it before it stains my counter, or worse, before it starts smelling."

  "Your wish is my command," he says, giving me a kiss on the forehead before wrapping things up and taking the head with him.

  "I'll be right back," he says before he leaves.

  Meanwhile, I start cleaning my room a little, suddenly self-conscious about the sorry state of my accommodation.

  "I should at least make my bed," I mutter to myself, debating what requires more effort. "But maybe we'll make it messy again..." I blush at the sudden idea, and instead of focusing on the room itself, I decide to pay more attention to myself. I take a shower and I make sure my skin is moisturized before I put on some of the nicer underwear I own. It's not much, but since I don't have that many clothes anyway, it will have to do.

  Taking out my contacts, I put on a little make up and finish everything with a dab of perfume.

  And when the knock comes at the door, I take a deep breath and I answer the door.

  "Damn," he whistles as he sees me.

  "What did you do with the head?" I ask, worried it might lead back to him. With his record, it wouldn't be a good idea.

  "It's gone," he winks. "No one will find it."

  "Thank you. I mean it. You have no idea how at peace I feel now."

  "Oh, sunshine." His arms come around me, bringing me against his body, and for the first time I let myself breathe, relieved.

  He scoops me up, depositing me in the middle of the bed before joining me, his arm around my shoulders as he settles me on his chest.

  "Can we..." he trails off, clearing his throat. "Can we try again? This time as ourselves—our true selves. I want you, sunshine, and I want to make you happy. I want to be what you need, when you need me."

  Tipping my chin up, I see the sincerity in his eyes as he gazes at me. Bringing my hand to his cheek, I trace the hard planes of his face, the harshness of his scars but also the sharpness of his features.

  His eyes are fixed on me, intently watching my every move.

  Making courage, I raise myself up his body, straddling him as I prop my hands on his big shoulders.

  "What are you doing, sunshine?" He asks in a rough voice.

  His hands are twitching by his side, yet he's not touching me. He's letting me go at my own pace, and that makes me even more daring.

  Settling my body against his, I feel his unmistakable hardness under me, and for the first time, there's no fear, no dread—just anticipation.

  I cup his cheeks in both my hands, leaning forward to brush my lips against his.

  Closing my eyes, I simply inhale his essence. Our lips are barely touching, yet I feel this one kiss in my very soul.

  Drawing back, I realize tears are pouring down my cheeks, yet they aren't sad tears. They're tears of relief.

  "Oh, sunshine," he finally brings his hands up as he swipes the tears from my cheeks, his face full of worry. "We don't have to do anything," he assures me, and I give him a tight smile.

  "I'm just... " I swallow, "I can't believe it's over. It's so hard to think that the bad times are in the past. I keep thinking that something else is going to happen and..."

  "I know," he pulls me close, resting his chin on top of my head. "I know. And I promise that I'll never let anyone harm you again. It's the vow I make to you, Gianna."

  I pull back, inspecting his features and finding myself nodding in return.

  "If you hurt me again," I shake my head. "I don't think I could bear that, Bass."

  "I won't. I'd rather die than see you cry because of me again."

  "I do love you, Bass," I confess and his features light up. "I love you more than anything, and because of that love I am willing to try again. But there won't be a third chance. There won't be two and a half either. You hurt me, and against everything telling me not to, against my common sense, I am willing to try again."

  "Sunshine," he groans, his eyes glossy with tears. "I promise you won't have to give me two point one either," he fires back and I feel a smile pull at my lips.

  "Do you know why I call you sunshine?" He suddenly asks, serious.

  I shake my head, raising my eyebrows in question.

  "Because the first time I saw you, you were like the sun. The brightest fucking star, and I felt myself blinded by your light. You shine brighter than anyone I've ever seen, Gianna, and I can only say I'm the luckiest motherfucker that you choose to share your light with me."

  "Bass," I smile, his words touching me. "You can be very sweet sometimes."

  "I love you, Gianna. I may not have told you before, but I've loved you for so long it feels like forever. That you're giving me another chance..." he shakes his head in disbelief. "I'll cherish it, and I'll cherish you, my very own ray of sun."

  "Flatterer," I poke at him.

  "I miss your blonde hair, you know," he notes as he brings a strand of my hair to his nose, closing his eyes and inhaling my scent.

  "I'll grow it back. For you," I add cheekily, and he regales me with a smile.

  "What a good girl you are," he drawls, and the atmosphere suddenly shifts. There's a heavy current that moves between us, and before I know it he has me flush against his body, his mouth open on top of mine as he ravages my lips in a kiss that has my toes curl in anticipation.

  Because God, this feels like heaven on earth.

  There's absolutely no panic, no anxiety as I find myself cocooned deep into his arms, his mouth plundering mine as he kisses me so deep I don't ever want to reach the surface again.

  My body, too, rejoices at the reunion, feeling at home for the first time in forever. He's everywhere, surrounding me with his heat and that raw energy he emanates when he's taking over me.

  "Fuck," he curses as he breaks the kiss, his eyes glazed with desire as he stares into mine. "You're driving me crazy, sunshine, and I want to take this slow. Make up for the last time. Fuuuck," he closes his eyes, reaching between us to adjust his erection.

  "I don't want slow, Bass. I just want us."

  I reach out to caress his face, my lips pulling up in a smile meant to convey everything I'm feeling.

  "I don't know what I've ever done to deserve you, Gianna. But I promise you I'll spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me." He pulls my hand to his lips.

  "Ok," I breathe in, biting my lip. "Why don't you start now," I move my hand down his chest, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt. Reaching for the hem, I pull the shirt over his head, unveiling his sculpted torso.

  Just like the first time I'd seen him naked, I can't help my fascination with his form. I bring my fingers over his pecs in a light caress, noting the twitch of his muscles under my touch.

  Not everything is flawless, though. There are countless scars that run all over his chest, some more recent and angry looking, while others are old and faded.

  Keeping eye contact, I move closer, placing my lips on the wound I caused when I'd stabbed him with my knife. Opening my mouth, I let my tongue skirt around the wound.

  He's breathing harshly, and I know my small ministrations are driving him crazy, even though he's trying his best to hold himself still.

  And as I move my hand lower, brushing against the band of his pants, he finally stops me.

  "My turn now," he rasps, and I don't even get to reply as he has me on my back, his big body looming over me as he simply watches me.

  His eyes move over my body, and I'm happy I put some effort into my appearance. Because if the glint in his eyes is any indication, he likes what he sees.

  "This needs to go," he says as he all but rips the shirt off me, quickly unsnapping my bra too until my breasts bounce free under his hungry gaze. And it is hungry as he lowers his mouth to my neck, trailing his lips in a ghost of a touch.

  My thighs clench together, goosebumps covering my entire body as the anticipation grows and

  He stops right above the swell of one breast, opening his mouth and licking a trail down to my nipple before wrapping his lips around it, sucking it into his mouth.

  I release a moan, my hands going to his shoulders as I hold him to my chest, urging him to keep doing what he's doing. The flick of his tongue against my nipple is making me writhe under him. My panties are already soaking wet, and I can't wait until he'll get there.

  He moves from one nipple to the other, giving each the attention they crave, biting, licking, sucking until I'm thrashing so bad he has no choice but to move even lower—to that place that demands his attention the most.

  "Your greedy little pussy missed me, isn't that right, sunshine?" I feel his breath on my stomach, his fingers grabbing on the band of my panties and slowly pulling them down my legs.

  "Yes," I whimper. "Please," I whisper, my eyes fluttering rapidly as my arousal mounts.

  "Did you touch yourself?" he suddenly asks.

  My pussy is already bared to him, and I can feel the warm air fanning over my wet lips, the sensation only driving me crazier.

  "Yes, yes," I answer promptly. Everything so he would just touch me and put me out of my misery.

  "Show me," he demands, taking my hand and bringing it between my legs. "Show me how you pet your pussy when I'm not there, sunshine!"

  There's a harshness to his tone that speaks of urgency and need, not the slow torture he thinks to wreak on me as he denies me his touch.

  My fingers meet my wetness as I dip them low between my legs.

  He's watching intently, almost in awe.

  "Tell me you were thinking of me," he grunts. "Tell me!"

  "Yes," I breathe out on a moan as my finger brushes against my clit. "I was thinking of your rough hands. Of your big fingers sliding inside me, stretching me."

  "Fuck," he curses, his pupils engulfing his irises and showing his desire for me.


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