Book Read Free

Taking a Shot at Love

Page 22

by KC Richardson

  Lisa had a death grip on the phone receiver. She’d been hoping for a phone call like this. This was her opportunity to get back into the big leagues.

  “I say yes, Mr. Thomas. Let me get my flight and I’ll call you.”

  “Oh, Coach, we’ll fly you out here on our dime and set you up in a hotel close to campus. Just let me know what day is good for you.”

  “How’s Thursday?” It was soon, but if this turned out to be a good fit for her, she’d have to let her athletic director know so they could start looking for a coach.

  “Terrific. I’ll email you your itinerary along with my contact information.”

  “Thank you for your call, Mr. Thomas. I’ll see you on Thursday.”

  Lisa hung up the phone and stared off into space and had a quick daydream of what it would feel like to be back coaching at the Division I level. She wasn’t looking forward to telling Celeste though. Or Athena for that matter. They both knew that this had been her dream so she’d hoped they’d be happy for her. In case they weren’t though, she’d tell them later.

  * * *

  Celeste finished lecturing by ending with a corny joke. Her students gave her an obligatory laugh, and Celeste thanked them for their generosity. A few of her students waited patiently to talk with her. When Lisa came through the door, Celeste had held up her index finger to tell Lisa she’d be a little while. It was ten minutes later when she was finally alone with Lisa. Things between them had been a little distant since Lisa got home from the tournament. She’d been upset that they lost, and it seemed over the past couple of days, Lisa had been in her own head. Celeste had questioned herself over and over again if it had been too soon to tell Lisa she loved her. She thought maybe Lisa felt the same way, but she’d yet to say those three words to Celeste. Even now, Lisa looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Celeste put her papers in her leather briefcase and took a seat next to Lisa.

  “Hi. What brings you by?”

  “I got an interesting phone call this morning. Northeastern University is flying me out on Thursday to interview me for their head coaching position.”

  Well, if that wasn’t a punch in the gut. Celeste leaned back in the chair and felt her mouth open but no words came out. She cleared her throat in hopes of producing some sort of question or sentence.

  “I don’t know where that is, but if the name is any indication, I’m guessing it’s in the northeastern part of the country?”

  “Yes, in Boston.”

  “I see.” Celeste felt deflated. Just when she thought she’d found someone who really liked her, really cared for her, she was going to leave. “Well, this is what you’ve wanted.” Celeste just wished Lisa wanted her more.

  “I thought you’d be happy for me.”

  Celeste sighed and placed her hand over Lisa’s. “I am happy for you, honey, but I’m sad for me.”

  “Even if I take this job, Celeste, we can continue to see each other.”

  “When? On summer break? I don’t want a part-time lover. I’m almost fifty years old. I want someone that wants to be with me and wants to spend the rest of our lives together. Maybe we should just make a clean break now before we get in too deep.” As the words came out of Celeste’s mouth, her heart broke, knowing she was already in deeper than she’d expected to be.

  “Wait a minute. We don’t even know if I’m going to get offered this job or if I’ll think it’s a good fit.”

  “Come on, Lisa. You know they wouldn’t be flying you out there if you weren’t already their first choice. It’s your decision if you take the job or not.”

  “Celeste, please don’t do this. I’m starting to have feelings for you. I want to be with you.”

  Celeste felt that she would start crying any minute so she needed to make this quick and get out of there. “Please don’t take this as a threat, Lisa, because it’s not meant as one. But if you move away, we’ll have to break up. Like I said, I want a full-time partner.” Celeste stood and cupped Lisa’s cheek with her palm. “The proverbial ball is in your court.”

  Celeste walked out of the room as fast as her heels and dress would take her. She kept willing the tears away, but once she reached her office and locked the door behind her, she allowed them to fall.

  * * *

  That night, Lisa and Athena were having dinner together in their home. She’d told Athena earlier about the interview and Athena had been quiet ever since, only speaking when she asked what Lisa wanted for dinner. This day should have been a happy one for Lisa, but it had turned out to be a shit show. Lisa knew it would be hard to tell her girlfriend and best friend, but not this hard.

  “Are you going to talk to me at all?”

  “Yes, but just give me a minute. This kind of took me by surprise.”

  “Why? You knew this was my dream to move up.”

  “Yeah, but that was before this team and the season we had. And before Celeste. What about her?”

  “She broke up with me today.”

  Athena’s fork clanged on her plate. “Are you serious?”

  “Yep. Said she wants a full-time partner not a long-distance relationship.”

  “And you’re willing to let her go that easy?”

  “Dammit! I don’t even know if I’m going to get the job.”

  Athena rolled her eyes at Lisa and resumed eating. Even Lisa had a difficult time believing that statement. She’d been around long enough to know the excitement in the Northeastern’s athletic director’s voice that it was her job if she wanted it.

  “Well, I guess we’ll just wait and see. If you go, I’m really going to miss you.”

  “You’d stay here?”

  “Yes. Stephanie and I are getting closer, and I want to see where it goes.”

  “Oh, I see.” Lisa didn’t, really. She knew it was a possibility that Athena would stay. She’d not been shy about expressing how much she liked GU and Old Town. They’d been friends for so long that Lisa didn’t want to think about not having Athena on the bench next to her.

  “Look, Lisa. I understand why you want to coach at the Division I level, but sometimes there are more important things, and people, to consider. Sometimes, what you thought you wanted turns out to be something entirely different. It’s okay if your dreams change along the way.”

  The next afternoon, Lisa was in her office on the phone when there was a knock on the door. She looked up to see Emily standing in the doorway. Lisa waved her in and ended her call after Emily sat down across from her. Emily looked like someone had died, her face was long and her gaze was in her lap.

  “What’s up, Logan? Why the frown?”

  “Are you leaving, Coach?”

  Crap. How did Logan find out? “Where did you hear that?”

  “I overheard Professor Bouchard talking with Professor Daniels and telling her that you had a job interview somewhere back East.”

  “Professor Bouchard said that in front of you?”

  “Not exactly. The door to her office was open. They were talking. It looked like Professor Bouchard was crying so I ducked out of sight.”

  “So, you were eavesdropping.”

  Emily shrugged. “I guess. Is it true, Coach?”

  “Yes, Logan, it’s true, but keep it quiet for now, okay? It’s just an interview. I haven’t decided if I’ll take it if they offer the job.”

  “Can I say something, Coach?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t want you to go. I owe who I am to you and I want you to help me grow more.”

  Lisa wasn’t sure what Emily was talking about. “Can you explain?”

  “Before I came here, I was raised to be quiet and do as I was told. I was taught to be a follower. But when I came here, you taught me how to lead. You believed in me, not only in basketball but in academics. Your faith in me made me want to be a better person. I want to be like you, Coach. If you decide to leave, I’ll miss you like crazy, but they’d be lucky to have you. For my sake, the team’s sake, and
Professor Bouchard’s sake, I hope you stay here.”

  “Logan, about Professor Bouchard.”

  “I know to keep quiet about that, but it’s obvious you like each other. I think that’s why she was crying. I think she’s in love with you.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Yep. She’s a real catch, Coach. If I was old like you, I’d want her to be my girlfriend.”

  “Who are you calling old, kiddo?”

  Emily laughed and stood, and Lisa came over to stand next to her.

  “Look, Emily, I appreciate what you said. You’re an exceptional young woman and I’m proud of you.”

  Emily threw her arms around Lisa and hugged her tight before letting go and walking out.

  Well, shit.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Northeastern University sent a car to Lisa’s hotel Friday morning to bring her to campus. She’d had dinner with William Thomas the night before, and he discussed what her salary would be as well as her benefits. He’d asked her about her playing days in college and the pros. It was a “getting to know you” dinner, and Lisa really liked him. He appeared to be down-to-earth and an advocate for women’s sports. He gushed about women’s volleyball and the men’s and women’s ice hockey teams. He’d been at Northeastern University for almost twenty years, and it sounded like he was the person responsible for women’s athletics’ equality. This would definitely be a good place to be a woman coach for a women’s sports team.

  They pulled up to the front of the campus and William was standing in front of a long brick sign that displayed the name of the university. Lisa had seen the same picture when she took a virtual tour on the website. It had looked impressive in a picture but even more so in person. She stepped out of the car and shook William’s hand, then they were on their way to tour the campus.

  He had saved the athletic department for last. He took her to the gym they would play their games in. It wasn’t quite as big an arena as she was led to believe by the virtual tour, but it was definitely bigger than GU’s. She tried to imagine coaching, and her current team kept popping into her head. She gave herself a little shake to try to dispel the image. Stay in the moment and pay attention. He then took her to the locker room. It wasn’t much different from the one at GU—the lockers were in good shape, benches between the rows, showers were clean. She exited to find William waiting for her. They made their way to the weight room. It was also impressive. Large. State-of-the-art equipment. But so was GU’s. Last stop of the tour was the coach’s offices. She was introduced to some of the coaches, who seemed nice enough. The offices were spacious and well equipped with computers and a flat screen TV on the wall. No more watching game film on her laptop or a fifteen-year-old television. It was about twice the size as her current office.

  Lisa shook William’s hand once more, told him she’d be in touch soon to give them her answer, and left to walk around the area. She had told him she would catch a cab back to her hotel. She’d been to Boston only a few times, so she decided to take advantage of her free trip to walk around and see the sights. She walked by Fenway Park, which was kind of cool given the history of the baseball stadium. She stopped in a little eatery and had a lobster roll and enjoyed the rest of her walk around central Boston. Once she made it back to the hotel, she lay on the bed and contemplated the day’s events.

  Northeastern University was a gorgeous campus. It had a few different quads throughout, plenty of buildings and trees. Lots of students milling about. There were a few times where she thought she saw Celeste, but obviously it wasn’t her. She thought about Athena and her team at times too.

  The head coach position was a good opportunity for her though. It would get her back in the coaching ranks of Division I. It was lower-level but still Division I, which meant more money, better equipment, and better travel. It shouldn’t take her more than five years to get to a higher Division I school or maybe even as an assistant coach at the professional level. Everything had gone according to plan except for one thing. Falling in love with Celeste Bouchard. If it hadn’t been for Celeste, Lisa might have already accepted the job. She went back to what Athena said. That it was okay if dreams changed along the way, and sometimes what she really wanted had been in front of her the whole time.

  Lisa had spent her life eating, sleeping, and breathing basketball. She’d known from an early age what she wanted, but was she willing to give up that dream?

  She called the number that was newly stored in her phone. “Hi, William. It’s Lisa Tobias. I have an answer for you.”

  * * *

  Lisa paid the Lyft driver when they pulled up to the front of the house, and she exited the car. It felt like she had been gone forever, but she was excited to make a new start. She’d made a tough decision the night before, but she had to do what was best for her. Now it was time for Lisa to tell Celeste her decision. She knocked on the front door, and Celeste had thankfully answered. Apparently, she was working out on the pole, given the way she was dressed.

  “Lisa, what are you doing here?”

  “May I come in? There are some things I need to say.”

  Celeste stepped aside so Lisa could enter. Lisa felt the chill coming from Celeste, and she was hoping she’d be able to thaw her out.

  “How did the interview go?”

  Lisa hadn’t been expecting that question, and from the tone of Celeste’s voice, she didn’t seem to really care. She probably did, in all honesty, but Lisa knew Celeste was trying to protect herself. She didn’t blame her. Lisa decided to be honest and tell her everything. At that point, she’d had nothing to lose.

  “It went really well. Beautiful campus, really nice facilities, the athletic director is very supportive of women’s athletics, and the salary they offered would be the most I’ve ever made as a coach. He presented me with a really great opportunity.”

  “That’s nice. Congratulations. I’m glad you’re getting what you want.”

  Celeste turned away from Lisa, and Lisa remained where she was.

  “I turned it down.”

  Celeste turned back around. “What did you say?”

  Lisa took her hands out of her pockets and shrugged. “I said, I turned it down.”

  “Why? I thought that was your dream.”

  “It was my dream. Turns out I had another dream that I became recently aware of.”

  “Which is?” Celeste crossed her arms across her body, almost looking afraid of the answer.

  “You. You’ve become my dream come true, Celeste. I love you. I think I fell in love with you when I saw you at Gerald’s faculty mixer. From that first moment, I’d been unable to get you out of my head, and now, I can’t get you out of my heart.” Tears filled Celeste’s eyes, and that was Lisa’s cue to finally go to her.

  “You love me?”

  “I do. I love you more than anything.”

  “Even more than basketball?”

  Lisa put her finger on her chin and looked like she had to think about that. Celeste smacked her arm, causing Lisa to laugh. “Yes, baby. Even more than basketball. This little quaint private university grew on me. Old Town grew on me. I love my team and support staff. But most of all, I love you. When I was getting the tour of the campus yesterday, I thought I kept seeing you, Athena, and my players. Then I kept comparing everything to what I have here. I realized last night in my hotel room that what I’d wanted, I already had.”

  Celeste threw her arms around Lisa and kissed her, letting her know what every day with her would be like.

  “I love you so much, Coach. Are you going to be happy coaching at this level?”

  “Yes, I had a great time coaching these kids. But I promise, if I decide I need more, I’ll only apply to schools in this area. I will never, ever leave you, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how special you are to me.”

  “Why don’t you start now?” Celeste took Lisa’s hand and led her to her bedroom. Lisa happily followed.

  * * *

sp; Lisa was back in her office on Monday morning. She had texted Athena that she was back in town on Sunday, and Athena had texted back that she was spending the weekend with Stephanie in Temecula wine tasting. She’d said that she would spend the night at Stephanie’s and just see Lisa at work. Athena came in about an hour later, looking tanned and rested but also a little nervous.

  “How was your weekend wine tasting?”

  “It was fun. We stayed at a bed and breakfast at one of the wineries. It was really pretty out there, seeing all of the grapevines lined up. I know way more about wine now than I ever thought I would know.” Athena laughed, and Lisa felt the knot in her stomach ease.

  “I have to ask you a question about you coaching next year.”

  “Okay.” Athena drew out the word like she was skeptical.

  “Would it be okay if I remained the head coach and you stayed on as my assistant?”

  “Here? At GU?”

  Lisa nodded.

  “Hell, yeah, it would!” Athena held Lisa in a bear hug. “What changed your mind?”

  “You. I listened to you and thought about my dreams changing. I went straight to Celeste’s house from the airport, told her I turned down the job, and that I love her.”

  “Way to go, Ice. It’s about damn time you told her.”

  “Yes, I know. Enjoy this while you can because it will never happen again, but you were right.”

  Lisa shoved Athena when she started doing her version of a happy dance in the middle of their office. It was good to have a home that she loved. The knock on their office door interrupted Athena’s dancing, thankfully.

  “Hey, Logan, come on in and shut the door. I wanted to let you know that I decided to stay at GU, so you’ll have to suffer with us as your coaches still.”

  Emily pumped her fist in the air and joined Athena in dancing. Lisa smiled at the scene and realized she probably wouldn’t have this anywhere else. There was something magical at the university, and Lisa was grateful to be part of it.


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