Walk With You (With You #1)

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Walk With You (With You #1) Page 3

by Anna Heal

  Okay, let’s get this over with.

  Chapter 10

  “Get a move on honey! We’re going to be late!” My dad shouts up the stairs after my Mom. They’re going to a function for my Dad’s work again, some sort of formal dinner where they dress up like dolls.

  “Alright, alright. I’m done, what do you think?” Beautiful would be too casual of a word to describe my Mom, she is flawless. Tall, leggy, with dark hair, dark eyes and beautiful porcelain skin. My Dad on the other hand complete opposite, light hair, light eyes and medium skin but just as flawless. People say I’m the perfect mix of both, I personally don’t think I could ever compare to them though.

  My Mom twirls in her long red dress as my dad claps his hand to his chest like he just saw the most breathtaking sunset. I’ve never met any parents quite like them. All my friends’ parents are always fighting, or not talking at all. I’m the lucky one, loving parents in a loving home. A concept you don’t see very often anymore.

  “You look perfect Mom.”

  She beams at me “Thanks honey!”

  The doorbell rings and I know it’s my Aunty Nadine. A little older than my Mom she definitely has a completely different personality. Likes to keep to her own mostly, but always there if you need her. Not as outgoing at all but nice nonetheless.

  “Hi Isabelle. How are you tonight?”

  “Great, don’t Mom and dad look awesome?”

  Aunty Nadine gives them a onceover and offers them a small smile, “Yes they do. You look lovely the both of you, but you better get going or you’re going to be late. I’ll take it from here.”

  My dad grabs his keys and wallet and turns to me to say goodbye. “Come here, give me a big hug!”

  He wraps me in a big bear hug, he’s so good at them I make sure I get one daily just to remind myself how good they are.

  “I love you Izzy! Have a good night with your Aunt and we’ll see you in the morning.”

  I let him go only to get swept up in another huge hug from my Mom. “Oooh how I love you baby girl. Get to bed at a decent hour tonight and have fun.”

  “I will, and I love you guys too. Have a lot of fun and dance a bunch together.”

  They give each other the most love filled gaze and grab each other’s hand as they exit the door. I leave the door open and watch them walk to the car hand and hand. They both pause to wave and blow kisses in my directions.

  “Dream sweet dreams baby girl and know that we love you.”

  If I could pause that moment in time and relive it over and over, I would. I would dream it and hold on to it and never wake up again. But I can’t. I wished for a long time that I could’ve stopped them. Made them stay at home that night with me. Made them tuck me into bed like they always do and have my dad read me a story. My mom telling us to stop because we were supposed to be done ‘one more chapter’ three chapters ago. Instead I woke up to my Aunts trembling voice telling me to come downstairs and two police officers with a look of pity in their eyes. Same look I get every time someone asks me about my parents. I loathe it. I wish I could slap it off people’s faces when I’m having a bad day. I don’t want to be pitied.

  I had them for 10 wonderful years of my life and even though they were taken from me too soon, they were taken together and that gives me some semblance of peace.

  But, I miss them.

  Every day. Every breath.

  I miss them.

  Chapter 11

  “No, actually they passed away when I was 10.” I don’t bother looking over at him, I don’t want to see it. He sucks in a sharp breath just loud enough for me to catch it.

  “How did they die?” he asks carefully.

  “Car accident. A drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel and crossed over the line and hit them head on.”

  The officers said they died instantly which made me feel slightly better knowing they didn’t suffer at all.

  “That must’ve been pretty tough for you being so young.”

  “Yeah it was, I went to live with my Aunt. She was cool, did the best she could for someone who never wanted children in the first place. We stayed out of each other’s way for the most part. I respected her because she never pushed, never hovered. Two years later I met Ella and she brought back some life into me again and we’ve been best friends ever since.”

  Feeling the need to look at him I turn my head bravely and look into steel blue eyes. His beautiful face completely impassive, no sadness, no tears and most of all to my complete surprise, no pity. The only thing I can make out in his eyes is a spark of curiosity. How can someone I just met say and do everything I need him to when I need him to do it? How can someone know me so well without knowing me at all? Baffled to say the least about the person in front of me he carries on with new knowledge and sensitivity.

  “Sounds like you have some pretty special friends.”

  That brings a small grin to my face. “They’re definitely special to me.”

  “Maybe I’ll get to meet them someday. You know, at my trial after I get arrested for stalking you like a creeper.”

  I burst into laughter and just like that my solemn mood and mention of my parents fade into a breezy effortless conversation of getting to know each other.

  “Maybe I’ll get to meet them someday”

  Maybe, just maybe.

  Chapter 12

  The warm fluttering feeling is back; I don’t know how else to describe it. Sometimes it feels like my stomach is doing warm somersaults and it carries on all the way up to my chest. Maybe I’m just tired, I definitely am getting hungry again which means only one thing. Evan must be starving.

  “You getting hungry?”

  Evan sighs in relief “I thought you’d never ask. I didn’t want to say anything because we were making such good progress and your feet are starting to hurt.”

  How did he know?

  I feel like I need to create a shrine to my flats after tonight. My nude pumps might be cute but at this point they would’ve been at the bottom of the East River and I would’ve been hiking it barefoot. Or Evan could’ve carried me fireman style, in his strong arms, maybe even lose his shirt somehow… Focus woman!

  “Nope I’m definitely hungry. For food.” Smiling nervously at where my thoughts have turned, we come up to cross the street into Union Square. Trees still green and flourishing from summer we take in the big statue in the middle and the Empire State building in the distant background.

  With a cheeky grin and a mischievous laugh, I run forward toward the statue making sure no one is around. Evans footsteps right on my tail I turn and say “Ready?”

  “Born ready! Wait, ready for what? What are you doing?” Tip toeing over the flowers and reaching my hands up to the base of statue I begin to climb.

  “Woah, Izz, what are doing? You’re going to get yourself arrested.” I laugh under my breath as to not draw attention.

  “Oh come on Ev! Live a little, we can share a jail cell if I’m caught.”

  Shaking his head and looking around the square he gives me a lopsided grin and starts forward to climb next me. Giggling like two years olds, we attempt to climb the horse’s legs when my foot slips off and I start to slide down. Evans huge arm wraps around my waist turning me, as he catches me and pins my body against him and the statue while holding himself up with his other hand. Face to face, body to body. I can feel his warmth and hear his breath pick up. My heart starts doing a tap dance inside my chest as I stare at his chiseled features. The rest of the world goes black, New York in silence. The only thing I see and hear is Evan. Lowering his face down while staring at my parted lips I brace myself for impact.

  A blinding white light sends us scrambling to hide our eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Oh crap!

  Evan releases me and I hit the ground hard.


  He shouts and leaps down off the statue with a huge thud in the grass and grabs my hand and pulls with such force I stumble. Righting myself
using his hand we haul ass through the square. Footsteps behind us and the flashlight bouncing off the trees. Everything becomes a blur as we rush past some wandering pedestrians and break through the trees and into the street. My lungs start to burn as the footsteps behind us start to die away and the flashlight turns back to streetlamps.

  Crossing E 17th Street, we make our way back onto Broadway where we finally slow to a stop to catch our breath. Coughing from my dried throat I hear Evan begin to laugh unexpectedly, at first looking at him like he’s lost his mind, I then find myself uncontrollably joining in. Before I know it both us are laughing so hard we’re silent, only our shoulders shrugging up and down giving us away.

  “I can’t believe we just tried to do that.”

  Still laughing he says, “I know, my assistant would’ve just had a heart attack if he knew I did that.”

  Assistant? I think before he continues,

  “You are a bad influence on me!”

  “Me? Screw you, I’m perfect!” We continue laughing till it hurts until Evan reminds me of my earlier hunger.

  “Holy crap, I’m hungry! How do you feel about stopping for fuel?”

  “Considering I’m debating whether or not to break into that Mexican place right now, I’d say I’m down with that.”

  Thank god, I really didn’t want to have to choose between Evan and food. I would need to make a pros and cons list for that one. “Come on, I know a place.” Not wanting to over analyze what just happened near the statue I follow Evan without word. I just need to get food in me then I can act like a complete girl.

  Chapter 13

  Walking for what seems like ages and all I can hear over the traffic is my stomach yelling at me, I ask. “Where are we going?”

  “Just someplace I’ve been to a few times before, it’s laid back and has really good food.”

  Entering the Flatiron District and walking past the famous Flatiron building I’m reminded of the breathtaking structures New York has to offer. Ella has always wanted to come here, so much that as a graduation present I’ve planned a trip for the four of us to come here for a vacation near Christmas time. She’s going to pass out when she opens those tickets. I can’t forget to take a picture of her face when she reads them. Of course I can’t get a photo right now as I don’t have my damn camera. Ugh!

  We walk up the street and near a crowded entrance to what looks like a bar, numbers reading 40/40 club on a beige awning above them. Evan grabs my hand and pulls me towards the front of the crowd. He leans forward to talk to the hostess while I admire him from afar. A spark of recognition lights up her face and a small blush spreads across her cheeks as she bites her lower lip and nods her head for us to follow.

  Apparently he has been here before.

  Walking through the dimly lit lounge, huge TV screens adorn most of the walls while small white tables are surrounded by comfy looking sectionals. A hug bar in the middle lit up from floor to ceiling draws my attention while Evan tugs my hand gently to follow him and little-miss-blush-a-lot. We climb stairs past cascading tables to what looks like a more private area. Lucky us!

  Sitting across from one another on two of the plushest chairs I’ve ever sat on at a restaurant. The hostess asks if we want anything to drink. Evan orders a Stella while I’m still looking around to see if I’m dressed okay for this place, it’s so upscale. I start to feel incredibly out of place when I notice the hostess staring at me impatiently. Really starting to not like her.

  “What he said.”

  With a slight roll of her eyes at me and seductive glance towards Evan that goes unnoticed because his eyes are pinned on me, she saunters away swaying her hips unnecessarily.

  “This place is nice, like really nice. How did we get seated so fast?”

  With a shrug of his shoulders he nods towards the menu.

  “Take a look at what they have, I’m starving so I’m thinking one of everything.”

  Staring down and feeling my stomach rumble I start to agree when, “How’s everyone doing tonight?”

  Looking up I see a cheerful tall drink of water standing next to our table.

  “You guys get your drink orders in? Decided what you want yet?”

  Smiling down at me I feel my cheeks heat slightly and bury my face into my menu.

  “We need a minute.”

  Evans clipped voice cuts through my embarrassment. I look up to see him scowling at the poor waiter as he turns to carry on at his job. Realizing neither of us were kidding about ordering the entire menu of food, we both order appetizers, a main course as well as jumbo onion rings to share.

  “A girl that can eat, that’s refreshing.”

  “Oh and I do, unless I’m working a four-day stretch than I basically have to set an alarm to remind myself to eat. Oh how I love food though.”

  The waiter arrives with our finger food and we dig in but not before he graces me with a small wink and smile before leaving our table.

  “What’s with that guy?” Evan growls while I smash an onion ring in my face in an unladylike fashion and roll my eyes at him.

  “He’s just trying to get a good tip. He’s harmless.”

  “He’s about to be something alright.”

  Is he jealous?

  No way, that can’t be right. I’m about to poke fun at the little v forming between his eyebrows when Miss-I’ve-had-my-boobs-done-wanna-see sways back towards our table. If she keeps this up, I’m pretty sure I’ll body slam her by the end of the night.

  Chapter 14

  “How’s everything tasting so far? Up to your satisfaction?” Flashing her pearly whites at Evan I answer.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Completely ignoring me Miss-my-skirt-is-far-too-short only has eyes for my dining partner. Oblivious, Evan looks from me to her when she doesn’t say anything back to me. Thinking she didn’t hear me he repeats what I just said and batting her lashes she replies, “Let me know if you need anything from me.” And walks away so we can be served our appetizers.

  “God she’s practically throwing herself at you.”

  Evans head snaps up to give me a confused look as he shoves a taco in his mouth. I swear he eats 5 bites for every bite I take. Swallowing he asks, “What do you mean, she’s just being nice.” Dropping my fork into my Mac ‘N’ Cheese I give him a look of derision followed by a big sigh.

  “You really have no idea do you?”

  “Idea of what?”

  “How good looking you are. How everywhere we go women seem to try and throw themselves at you. How you never even notice when they ‘accidentally’ brush up against you.”

  Counting on my fingers, he adds “You think I’m good looking?” with a smug smile plastered across his handsome face I can feel slight panic rising as my voice trembles slightly.

  “No, I mean yes you are but…” he cuts me off.

  Thank god!

  “You are one to talk considering every man walking by with two eyes have them pinned squarely on you. I saw a guy almost run into a pole staring at you near Grand Army Izzy, a pole! Not to mention Mr. Flirts-a-lot over there.”

  Caught completely off guard, I don’t really know how to respond to him especially since he is now frowning into his empty plate looking like he wished his tacos would reappear. “Did you even taste your tacos?” I say with a slight laugh trying to extinguish some of the fire. He looks up at me with an unknown look in his eyes that leaves me feeling exposed and flustered.

  “Look Izzy, I need to tell you something…”

  “Okay so I’ve got the braised beef short ribs and the bone-in ribeye.” The waiter leans close enough when he puts my food in front of me that I can make out his name tag ‘Ryan’. We say thank you as Ryan grabs the back of my chair and says, “If there’s anything I can get you please let me know.”

  Evan takes a long swig of his beer and replies shortly, “We’re fine, thanks.”

  Not taking his eyes off me Ryan lingers a while longer until realizing Evan has spoken f
or me and nothing further needs to be said and disappears into the crowded lounge. Turning to my meal that smells like heaven, I peer up at Evan who is attacking his short ribs with vigor.

  “What were you going to tell me?”

  Stopping mid chew and looking anywhere but at me he says, “Nothing, let’s just eat our meals before they get cold.”

  Cold. Good analogy right now.

  Chapter 15

  I feel like I can’t move, I am so full. I wonder if I could roll the rest of the way to the hotel.

  Maybe it’s on a downslope?

  “I think I ate too much.” Evans says while leaning back in his chair and rubbing his perfectly flat stomach. I on the other hand feel like I have two food babies; thank god for stretchy sun dresses.

  “It was so good though.”

  The lounge has become so incredibly busy around us that the staff running around just look like blurs. To Evans delight our waiter has been so swamped that some of the hostess’ have been helping him clear his tables and he hasn’t been back.

  “I need to use the restroom; I’ll be right back.”

  He gets up from the table and disappears into the crowd. Alone for the first time since the night began, I can’t even fathom what has happened still. Now I’m out at an upscale restaurant with a gorgeous guy and it’s not even a date. I wonder what Evan is like on a date? I wonder if he’s old fashioned and holds doors open or pays for food.

  Holy crap! Pays for food!

  I didn’t even realize that I didn’t have any money. Between being chased down a dark street and Miss-would-you-like-fries-with-that-shake, I completely forgot all about it. Now Evan will have to pay for the food, that or I’m going to have to do dishes for 3 months in the kitchen to pay it off.

  Come on Isabelle, you’re better than this.

  Scolding myself for being so wrapped up in tonight events I look up to see Evan talking to the hostess. If I wasn’t already plotting her death, I would be now. She’s leaning into him touching his bicep with her fingers and throwing her head back laughing. She pulls out what looks like a piece of paper from her apron and a pen and hands it to him.


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