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Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 11

by A. M. Brooks

  “Want to get out of here?” He adjusted his bag before lacing his fingers with mine. I looked at the others. “They’ll probably go for pizza or party at Ethan’s,” he said, following my line of vision.

  “Let’s go,” I said, letting him lead me away. Whistles and cheers sounded behind us, Darrian used his free hand to flip them off. We had only been on good terms for a few days and had yet to move past kissing again. While I craved him, I also shied away, still wounded by the way he had torn me down. What we had before seemed belittled. I also wasn’t too sure he hadn’t slept with anyone else in the time we were not together. Flashes of Mikayla sitting on his lap and a few other blondes hanging around was on my mind the rest of the ride.

  Surprisingly, we pulled up out front of my house. The outside lights were off letting me know my dad had not been home as usual. Darrian took my hand again as we walked up to the front door, never breaking contact while I unlocked it and let us in. He strolled in like he owned the place, heading right upstairs to my bedroom. I followed him, slightly conscious that we hadn’t been together in my house since the incident leaving me feeling nervous which I hated. Not Darrian though. He dropped his bag by my desk before heading straight for me. With no time to think, my hands clutched him back while he fisted my hair with one hand, gripping my hip with the other, his lips devouring mine. The mint from his gum assaulting my tongue.

  “Dar—” I moaned into his mouth. “Wait! Stop,” I said, pushing him back from me. Panting, he looked at me with hooded eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, playing with my fingers while we stood facing each other slightly disheveled. I shook my head embarrassed to bring it up. I should have let him just keep kissing me until I couldn’t think.

  “Nora,” he said, bringing me closer. “No lies. We agreed on that and to tell each other things from now on even if they make the other person mad.” He was right. We had made that stupid deal on the yacht the other night.

  I sighed and closed my eyes. “I’m still hurt by what you said about me to everyone, I’m nervous to go there again with you. Also, did you sleep with anyone else while we weren’t together?” Word vomit. There is no other way to describe what just happened. Part of me wanted to laugh. Darrian’s face was serious though.

  “I wish I could take it back and not hurt you that way,” he said, gently pushing my hair back from my eyes. “I just wanted you to feel used like I was feeling. It wasn’t right though.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. He pressed his lips to mine softly.

  “There is nothing wrong with you, Nora. You’re beautiful this way and naked,” he said, a hint of a laugh in his voice. I smiled.

  “What about the other thing?” I asked quietly, searching his eyes.

  “I’m not going to lie, I made out with a girl at the homecoming party, right after you had been there. I was angry at myself and felt weak because I missed you. I did not sleep with her though.” He pulled our hands up to his chest laying mine over his heart, I could feel it beating strong. “I promise,” he said.

  I looked from our joined hands over his heart up to his face. It wasn’t the dark expression he wore daily, it was the open, fiercely intense look he wore when he was with me. What I liked to call the real Darrian. With renewed confidence, I pushed up on my tiptoes connecting my mouth with his. He stopped long enough to yank the end of my T-shirt up and over my head, my jeans followed, landing in a puddle at my feet. I practically dragged his T-shirt off and in one yank his warm-up pants fell to the ground. I was throbbing with excitement when he yanked me up his body and started walking.

  “Ah,” the sound ripped from my throat as my back connected with the cool tiles of the shower. Steaming water poured down on us in the next instant making my grip on his shoulders tighter so I wouldn’t fall. The hook of my bra loosened, the material slipping off next to the drain. His hands slid between us removing the last of the barriers so we were skin to skin. There was not time to enjoy the feeling before he slammed into me. The urgency, the force of his hips slamming into me caused my thighs to shake and my head fall back against the tiles.

  “Fuck, babe,” he groaned against my chest, sucking and pressing kisses against my skin.

  All I could do was hold on and enjoy the sensations Darrian was creating. My climax ripped through my body quickly, my pussy clenching tightly around him as he continued to pump in it. Before I had a chance to turn limp, he shut the water off with one hand, still gripping my backside with the other. Wet and naked, we spilled onto my bed, the sheet instantly drenched from my hair. Darrian walked over to his bag coming back with a condom in hand, rolling it down his length. I watched fascinated before he was grabbing my hips and turning me over, filling me slowly this time. My hands clutched the sheets as my arms threatened to give out.

  “Can you come again?” Darrian’s voice melted over me. I nodded my head unable to answer.

  One of his fingers glided down to where we joined stroking and playing me. A few more strokes before I felt Darrian jerk inside me with his own relief. My arms finally gave out as we both laid on the bed. Darrian moved first, tucking the blanket around me before heading back to the bathroom. The sound of the shower sounded next and I knew I should probably get up too, but my body was too relaxed. Making up with Darrian was almost as great as the first time. I snuggled deeper into the covers moving away from the damp spot my hair created over the pillows. Next thing I knew, Darrian was sliding in next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. In his cocoon, I felt at peace again.

  Most people would think it was stupid to just go back with the guy who made your world miserable for months. I can already hear the self-proclaimed feminists wondering where my backbone is. Doesn’t she respect herself? How could something that was wrong feel so right? Despite how he had created an exile for me I was beginning to see what Darrian meant when he said people used him because of his name. At the basketball games, crowds cheered for him, scouts were watching, and I knew the immense pressure he put on himself to play well and play fair. Despite his best efforts to not be the only name on the scoreboard, his teammates fed him the ball even when the play wouldn’t make sense that way. There was an actual Darrian King Day that was scheduled in January before playoffs. At the end of each game, he took me to the yacht or my house and things were just as intense as the first game. He was as fierce on the court as he was with my body afterward. Some nights he was so amped up after a game we didn’t sleep much at all. It amazed me where he got the energy from even though he was always telling me he needed to work harder to play consistently through the game. From my perspective, he didn’t have a problem keeping up.

  Anytime we went out to eat in the city there was a free meal, people wanting to shake his hand because they worked under his father at King Corp. It was insane. I could see where he was coming from not knowing if people like you for you. The weekends on the yacht or at Tilly’s was more my style. Even in late November, the air was still semi-warm then cooled off in the evenings. I felt guarded when we were out in public despite all his efforts to make me feel comfortable. Even though our relationship, or arrangement, was going smoothly, I still shied away from others assuming we were a couple.

  He also kept his promise that everything would be better at school and it had. The hallways were comfortable despite Mikayla’s sneer and Taylor’s watchful eye. Lily had told me she overheard Taylor saying she couldn’t believe how Darrian acted around me and it made Mikayla angry.

  Regardless of her feelings, no one was more surprised than me when she invited me to their annual “Friendsgiving” instead of Thanksgiving. Apparently, most of the crew’s family usually decides to work the holiday for the benefits. It was a tradition that started three years ago. Appetizers and drinks at Mikayla’s around dinner time. Her parents were home to have a late lunch meal as a family before everyone came over.

  “Am I supposed to bring something?” I whispered to Lily over lunch.

  “No,” she said, shaking he
r head. “Mik has everything prepared.”

  “Okay, well that’s a relief at least,” I sighed. Holidays around the house hadn’t been the best since I could remember. Memories of my mom trying to do something perfect and my dad being late, or both my parents being called away for work and I was sent to the neighbor’s usually was all I had known. I knew I was quiet the rest of lunch. Darrian kept giving me questioning looks, but I shook my head not wanting to talk about it in front of everyone.

  When the bell sounded dismissing us from the cafeteria, Darrian held my hand keeping me in place while everyone else filtered out first. When we were the last ones, he pulled me out the doors.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, confused and somewhat amused.

  “I’m walking you to gym,” he shrugged.

  “Okay,” I smiled but kept looking ahead. Darrian knew the struggles with my dad like I knew his, but we had yet to cross the territory of discussing our feelings about things.

  “So, are you coming to Mikayla’s then?” he asked. I could feel his eyes watching me, but I didn’t turn my head.

  I shrugged. “Probably. I should check in with my dad though just in case.”

  “Just in case what?”

  “I don’t know, maybe he wanted to do what we usually do.” I shrugged again feeling uncomfortable.

  “I’m asking, what do you usually do?” he sighed sounding annoyed. “Your dad doesn’t strike me as the type to be making a huge turkey meal.” I laughed at the mental picture.

  “No,” I smiled. “Definitely not. We uh, usually go to IHOP and eat the unlimited pancakes then see a movie. It’s his turn to pick this year.”

  “Oh,” he said. Silence fell between us.

  “It’s not the huge dinner everyone else does but it works for us,” I added, feeling the need to defend my dad. “What does your family do?”

  “I usually go to Elijah and Ethan’s.” He looked at me sideways. “My parents go to France every year over Thanksgiving. That’s just how it’s been my whole life. Like you said, it works for us.”

  I couldn’t respond for a minute feeling somewhat shocked at what Darrian had told me. I knew he was not blowing it up into a big deal, but I wondered if it really did bother him more than he let on. We reached the gym before I could find the courage to push him further.

  “So, should I pick you up at six tomorrow?” he asked, turning me to face him.

  “Oh,” I said, not thinking we would go together but meet there. “I’ll let you know. I’ll talk to my dad tonight, but we should be done by then.”

  “Okay,” he said before turning to leave. I watched him sprint back across the field to where his class was. Suddenly I went from never really having holiday plans to having two possible sets of plans. I should have been excited, but I felt anxious.

  When I got home after school, I was surprised to see my dad there sitting in our living room, looking like he was waiting for me.

  “Hey,” I said quietly, placing my bag on the couch before sitting across from him.

  “Hey sweetheart,” he said, sitting up straighter.

  “Everything okay?” I asked him. He laughed and ran his hands through his hair in a nervous gesture. My stomach started to sink thinking we were going to be moving already.

  “Things are fine, Nora. I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow real quick,” he said.

  I relaxed a little. “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Well usually we go get breakfast then see a matinee but I, ah—” he broke off. “Let me start this again, I met someone.” He looked at me expectantly. Over the years I had known my dad had affairs and a few girlfriends, but he never mentioned them to me.

  “Okay...” I said trailing off, not sure where he was going with this.

  “Her name is Jodi and we met at a work function a month ago,” he explained while I stayed silent letting the words sink in.

  “Umm, anyway, I really like her. It’s been awhile since your mom...but this feels different. I want you to meet her and she wants to meet you,” he rushed out the last part. Bomb dropped.

  “So, she’s coming tomorrow?” I asked slightly confused.

  “Well, that’s what I wanted to talk with you about. I was thinking we could still have breakfast just the two of us, but then we could all go see a later movie.” He looked at me hopefully. Everything about this was getting too awkward. I wasn’t sure I wanted to meet my dad’s new girlfriend. It was like betraying my mom and knowing my dad should be able to move on all mixed in my brain together. At least if he had a relationship, it could potentially keep us here longer.

  “It wouldn’t really make sense for me to meet her at the movie theater,” I explained, watching his face fall a little. “We wouldn’t really be able to talk.”

  “Yeah,” he said looking down at the floor. “Guess I didn’t really think of that.”

  I felt guilty for how sad he seemed. Before I knew it, I was telling him to invite her over after breakfast then they could go see a movie later because some of my friends were getting together.

  “Really?” he asked, looking hopeful “You’d be okay with that?”

  “Yeah,” I said trying to sound convincing.

  “Okay. I’ll go call her.” He left the room, but I could hear his voice as he walked down the hallway to his office. I sat back against the couch feeling tired and emotionally drained.

  The next morning wasn’t any better. We both got up and had a cup of coffee at the house. Dad went for a run like he always does while I replied to the Happy Thanksgiving text messages I was receiving.

  Darrian: Happy Turkey/Waffle day. See you tonight!

  I smiled at this and saved the message to my phone. I was ready by the time Dad got back and listened to the voicemail from my aunt Meredith while he got ready. Aunt Meredith was my dad’s younger sister and we rarely saw her, but she called every holiday and she had flown to see us when my mom passed. I liked Aunt Meredith, I just didn’t know her well. Even now she lived half a day away in Seattle, but we hadn’t visited her. I was debating calling her back when my dad emerged ready to go. I sent her a text instead wishing her a happy holiday.

  There was not an IHOP close by so we ended up at a restaurant that was serving brunch for Thanksgiving. They didn’t have waffles, so we had French toast, eggs, fruit, and bacon. It wasn’t all you could eat, but the portions were big enough. My dad was fidgety during the meal, and I wondered if he was actually nervous about Jodi and I meeting. Surprisingly, he asked me about school and if I was making friends. Keeping things limited I only gave him information about school and that yes, I had some friends. He didn’t ask for details and names, so I didn’t offer them.

  By early afternoon we were back at the house. I lounged on the couch watching reruns of Snapped on the Oxygen channel while Dad went back to his office. I sent Darrian a text asking what he was doing, hoping he was having a better day so far than me. He still hadn’t responded a few hours later when the doorbell rang. I froze on the couch as my dad walked by to get the door. I heard them talking, she laughed, and they kissed. I got up slowly, straightening out my shirt and running a hand quickly through my hair. When they rounded the corner, I was surprised to find that Jodi wasn’t what I had expected. She looked casual in a long black maxi dress, cream cardigan, and burnt orange scarf. Her light brown hair was cut in a sleek bob that framed her face perfectly. She was manicured and polished but not in the glitzy, fake tan, and slutty way I suspected my dad usually liked. Judging of course from what I saw of his last few receptionists.

  “You must be Nora,” she said, taking my hand in hers. Her grip was warm and not too firm.

  “Hi,” I said meekly while deciding what to say to my dad’s new girlfriend.

  “She is absolutely beautiful, Mark,” she said, turning to my dad. He smiled.

  “Thank you,” I said looking back and forth between both of them. My dad ushered us back to the couches before excusing himself to bring in a glass of wine for them
and water for me. He balanced a cheese and cracker platter in the other hand and I silently wondered when he had put that together.

  “So, your dad tells me you go to Araminta High?” she asked me.

  “Yup,” I said, taking a sip of the water. “I’m a junior this year.”

  “Exciting,” she said, giving me a smile. “I’m sure they’re wanting you to start looking at colleges soon.”

  “Yes, we had a mandatory program to attend last week about taking tours to places, but I already know where I want to go,” I told them. My dad looked at me questioningly.

  “I didn’t know you decided on a place,” he said, adjusting his collar.

  “It’s a recent decision.” I shrugged my shoulders. California had grown on me and I loved being in a warmer climate. UCLA was my top choice with North Carolina a close second. Although going back to my home state wasn’t very appealing anymore, it was still on my list.

  “A woman with her own mind,” Jodi said, raising her glass to me. “My nephews go to Araminta too,” she said after taking a sip.

  “Oh,” I said, taking a piece of cheese off the tray, nibbling slowly.

  “Ethan and Elijah King.” She nodded. “Maybe you know them?” I almost choked on the bite of cheese. Know them? I wanted to laugh, but I also felt panicked. Is this some test about bragging I know the Kings?

  “Uh, yeah,” I told her, trying to keep my voice calm. “I’ve heard of them.”

  “Isn’t Ethan the one you brought home with the other girls a while back?” my dad asked, clearly not letting this play out in a settled manner.

  “Yeah,” I said, shrugging. “I gave them a ride home after the beach.”

  I let the conversation drop and they resume talking to me more about my classes this year. I guess it was safe to say we hit it off okay. They stayed until the appetizers were gone and we talked more about Araminta and places to go in the nearby cities. They met at a party for one of my dad’s clients, but Jodi actually lived outside the city limits near Summer. I also learned Jodi was covering the party for a story and was a journalist. It fit her. She seemed independent and I seriously wondered why she was with my dad.


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