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Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 25

by A. M. Brooks

  “Better than a trust fund baby with a drug problem,” I stated, my voice strong despite the way my body vibrated

  “It’s good to be a King.” His words were venomous, hatred attached to every single one. “Leave Sutton, no one wants you here.”

  It was the last time he had to tell me, I turned and ran from the room of nightmares. My chest constricted with sobs, yet I managed to make my way down the stairs. I imagined I could still hear Hannah’s laugh and saw Mikayla’s grin as I pushed through the crowd. I needed air, I needed to escape. All I really wanted was to leave town.

  “Come on.” Ethan appeared at my side and grabbed my arm to pull me out the door.

  I stumbled to keep up with his long stride. Before I knew it, he was helping me into his truck and peeling out of his own driveway. I couldn’t stop crying though. I clutched my arms around my torso holding myself together. If I let go, I felt like I’d shatter into jagged pieces all over his car floor. The whole year of this thing with Darrian played through my mind. The many make-ups and cruel things he’d throw my way. I had handled it all in stride, but how could anyone ever move past cheating. My traitorous heart wanted to argue that we weren’t a couple, so it wasn’t cheating, but I shut her up right away. He still had sex with someone else when we were together, something he had said he’d never do.

  “I don’t understand,” I whispered to myself, but I knew Ethan heard.

  “It’s not you.” Ethan shook his head before hitting his hand on the steering wheel. “Look it’s stupid, but for some reason, Darrian’s dad thinks your dad stole money from the company. They fired your dad and there is this big investigation. Darrian’s an idiot and thinks he needs to protect his family by helping push you and your dad out of town.”

  “My dad wouldn’t do that, Ethan,” I sobbed, turning toward him, hoping he’d believe me.

  “Look, my aunt is already all over it investigating. She’s pissed Darrian’s dad just fired him without looking into it. She thinks something else is going on.”

  He grabbed my hand and squeezed tight. This had to be a bad dream. The whole thing didn’t even make sense. The long nights and phone calls to Anders my dad made replayed in my head. He said things were fine though, taken care of. Obviously not. I saw Jodi today too and she never said anything. Everyone was lying and I couldn’t handle it.

  Ethan maneuvered his truck up my driveway. We saw my dad hauling boxes to the SUV.

  “Tell him to relax,” Ethan said unbuckling me. “Seriously, my aunt is going to look into it.”

  “It’s too late,” I told him, my watery gaze catching his concerned one. “We’re leaving, Ethan. My dad has too much pride. He’s been fighting with Anders for a while now. I’m sorry,” I told him before opening the door.

  “Nora,” I heard him say, but I shook my head and waved goodbye.

  “Dad,” I said as I approached him. Looking up he finally realized I was there.

  “I didn’t do it,” he told me, holding out his arms and I walked into them. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, we were just getting comfortable here. I didn’t do it though, I promise. I’m going to prove it.”

  I nodded against his chest, letting him comfort me. “Where are we going?” I asked quietly.

  “Seattle. Aunt Maggie said we can stay there until things clear up,” he answered against my hair. I nodded again. “Jodi is working on it, I just don’t know how long it could take to prove I’m innocent.” His words tugged at what’s left of my bruised and battered heart. I wanted him to have Jodi and be happy, but I also couldn’t stay here anymore.

  “I’ll grab my things.” I ran into the house and up the stairs, my heart beating a million miles a minute. I wanted to get as much distance between myself and this backward town as I could. I wanted to be as far away from any Kings as I could.

  Ripping off my dress, I quickly threw on my sweats and shoved everything else into the boxes I had left unpacked. Going into the bathroom, I threw everything in another bin and handed it to my dad who is waiting by the door. He said to leave the big furniture and we can have movers get it later.

  Nodding, I made sure I had my earbuds and Kindle before leaving the room. My eyes drifted one more time to the discarded dress on the ground. What a waste. I ran down the stairs and jumped into the SUV. My phone was dinging with texts from Lily, Trent, and Olivia but I ignored it. Instead, I changed the settings to Airplane mode and turned on my music. I curled up in my seat, hugging my sweatshirt around my knees. My dad didn’t say anything as he drove us out of town and onto the highway heading north. Moving had been so easy for him before. This time I could tell he was struggling.

  We drove in silence, except for the occasional sniffle from me. Nothing except eventually passing out would stop my tears. I physically ached thinking about how the night went so wrong. How I went so wrong to get tangled with a boy who made it his mission in life to hurt me. A boy who selfishly never cared to question anyone else around him except for me. No matter how much I loved him or wanted to fix him, I realized it’s better to accept that the King’s crown was jagged and tilted on his privileged head. Before closing my eyes, I set my tiny playlist to repeat.

  “Take A Bow”- Rihanna

  “The Night We Met”- Lord Huron

  “I hate you, I love you”- Gnash

  The base shook the floor beneath my bed as I inhaled in and breathed a dense cloud of smoke out. Another party, another night where people pretended they knew you, pretended you’re friends and they felt so honored to be there. You’d think I’d actually wanted to be present at my own party, at my own house, but fuck it. All I wanted these days was to sit in the drug-induced haze and forget. Forget about sun-kissed dark locks, eyes that held too much expression, and a mouth that whispered the three words I’d been running from. I love you. My fists balled up in anger. The feelings weren’t going away. The betrayal that flashed across her beautiful face wouldn’t go away. I pushed it down and set it aside. I needed to remember her family tried to fuck with mine. It had to be done. Although the aftermath hadn’t been too pretty. A full out investigation into King Corp was launched by government officials. People were panicking, thinking they were losing their jobs or worse that my family was going under. Yeah right. Charles King would never let anyone close enough to destroy his empire.

  Laughing to myself, I took another hit, exhaling before laying back. The base thudded through my chest drowning out the silence. I could feel my organs shaking inside my body with each vibration.

  “Dude!” Ethan barged into my room, Elijah following behind closing the door. “You need to get the fuck up. I’ve been calling you for two hours.”

  “Cuz, get the hell out.” I waved him away, my response was slow now that the drugs were hitting my system.

  “You need to watch the goddamn news,” he shouted, flipping my TV on.

  “And tonight’s top story, from Araminta, California, where family-owned company King Corporation has new revelations to the devastation that rocked the small town just two weeks prior. Jodi to you...” I sat up as the camera panned to Ethan and Elijah’s aunt who was standing outside an airport runway.

  “Thank you, Sara. Yes, a few weeks ago we brought you the story first that King Corporation had taken a financial hit when a colleague was suspected of embezzling millions of dollars from the company’s clients. Tonight, we’re here to bring the sought after truth which comes after Mr. King’s longtime partner Anders Jackson has been arrested after attempts to flee the country.”

  I sat up straighter, leaning closer to the TV like it would help me understand better.

  “Mr. Jackson’s clients had stepped forward in the investigation and painted prosecutors a very different picture. It was just hours ago Mr. Jackson attempted to leave on his private jet at this small airspace right behind me. He has since been arrested and we are told the pending charges against Mark Sutton will be dropped.” Her voice faded out as my dad’s image fills the screen expressing his condolences, dis
belief, and delivering a strong message about King Corp. I didn’t hear it though. I was still stuck on the part about charges being dropped against Mark Sutton.

  “He’s innocent?” I asked, dumbfounded. Ethan was shaking his head while Elijah just watched me.

  “Yes! It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, man,” Ethan replied as he walked over to my window to crack it open. I kept staring at him letting everything process.

  Her words, the tears, her face haunted me. It was all for nothing. My chest restricted when realization hits. It was all for nothing. The big elaborate plot to run Mark Sutton and his daughter out of town had been for nothing.

  “Where are my keys.” I stood quickly, grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head. I checked under my pillow and on my dresser but came up empty-handed.

  “D, you shouldn’t be driving right now, man,” Elijah said from his station over by the door. Somewhere in my mind, the words registered but I disagreed. I needed to find Nora. It was all for nothing.

  “Where is she?” I asked Ethan. If anyone knew it was him.

  “They’re in Seattle with her aunt,” he answered, holding up his hand in front of me stopping my progress. I growled. “Seriously cuz, you shouldn’t drive right now. Wait ‘til tomorrow, I’ll ride with you.”

  Not waiting, I pushed him aside and barreled down the hallway. My vision tilts, but I kept going. Soft skin, breathy moans, and her heart-shaped mouth filled my mind. The need to find her intensified. It was all for nothing. I didn’t even know what I’d say to her, but I needed her to come back to Araminta. I knew I ruined things a million different ways, but she’d have to forgive me when she learned why I did what I did. I felt like that’s all I ever do with Nora. I always messed up and explained why after. Jesus, my house is fucking crowded when all I wanted to do is get to my Jeep. I started pushing people out of the way until I got to the door. I’m aware I staggered down the front steps, I kept blinking my eyes shut trying to regain focus. That last hit though...

  “D!” I heard Elijah shout, but it was already too late. I’m way ahead of him, pulling my Jeep out onto the street that will get me to the major highway. I wasn’t aware of my speed climbing as I drove down the street and beat curbs with my tires. Guilt coursed through me. It was a foreign feeling, but it was there lurking. My own words haunted me from that night.

  “Fuck!” I banged my hands against the steering wheel over and over, my speed increasing with every hurt look on her face that I had stashed in my memory. My private bank where I kept all the information I needed to keep her but to hold her at a distance. Because I’m a King and I was leaving for college. Love? I hadn’t had time for it, but something about the hidden pain in her hazel eyes, the innocent giggle, and the tight way she squeezed around me had broken me.

  The road curved suddenly, my brain was slow to process. Between the drugs and the memories of the girl I realized I love, I fought to keep my attention on the road. My hands jerked the wheel reflexively, causing my back wheels to whip too far right. When I tried to correct again, the motion sent the Jeep, tires squealing, straight into a cement blockade. Pain shot down my leg and across my chest. I was vaguely aware of the warm trickle, probably blood, dripping onto my cheek. I blinked again trying to clear my mind and focus. It was hard to concentrate, it was painful to breathe. Black edged my vision, I shook my head to push it away. I tried to ignore the car alarm blaring and echoing around me. I couldn’t fight the darkness that wanted to pull me under. I just wanted to see her face. I couldn’t win. I felt numb before my eyes closed and I lost to the shadows.

  Hearts and Bruises

  Hearts and Flowers—Summer 2019



  Twitter: @brooksauthor

  Instagram: ambrooksbooks


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Hearts and Bruises




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