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Vampire's Mate

Page 15

by Valerie Twombly

  A gateway opened behind Aidyn, he turned to Seth. “Remember, three days. I don’t care if you have to bring her back kicking and screaming.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Seth replied.

  Aidyn walked through the gateway, leaving them there to stare at the space where he'd once stood. Cassie had three days to find Marcus. Panic caused her mouth to dry out, and she threw up her coffee. What the hell is wrong with me? A flush crept across her cheeks, and sweat beaded on her brow.

  “Cassie, are you all right?” Seth asked, touching the back of her neck.

  “It’s just nerves. I’ll be fine...really.” She walked to where her belongings were and started to pack. “We should get going. Three days isn’t much time.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Marcus opened his eyes. The raging hard on pressing against his jeans nearly cut off his circulation. He searched the room and discovered he was alone. Thank gods. He steadied his breaths and tried to calm his body. Somehow, he'd managed to connect with Cassie, stepped into her dreams.

  Dream-walking, something he’d only heard of but had never done. Hell, he wasn’t even sure how he'd accomplished it. He sensed her nearby, maybe proximity held the key. He’d tried on several occasions since being captured to link with his brethren and Cassie, but the silver bands blocked him. Fear wrapped around him like a ten-foot python, squeezing the life from its prey. He warned her to go back. If Eliza found her, Cassie would be killed. If Cassie died, he’d be the one to start Armageddon and not Odage. There would be no stopping him. He would turn this world to ash. If you can hear me, sweetheart, run! I can’t help you now.

  Voices echoed from the hall. Great, Eliza stood outside the door. Would she kill another innocent? I swear to the gods I will kill you for good. No longer did he regret taking her life three hundred years ago. The only regret he had now was not knowing he’d slain the wrong woman.

  “Marcus, darling. I have a treat for you, a dear friend I want you to meet. Oh already know each other. Silly me.” Eliza gave a wave of her wrist then stepped aside. Behind her, a large, hulking Draki marched into the room.


  He tugged on his restraints, and blood ran down his wrists where he opened old wounds. “Eliza, that bastard killed your mother!”

  She turned to Odage with a raised brow. “Really?” She clapped her hands together. “I’m sure the bitch deserved it.”

  Who the fuck is this woman? He couldn’t believe she would act this way. She’d loved her mother. Somehow, Eliza had become infected. It was the only explanation he could come up with.

  Odage walked to the side of the bed. “How nice, Eliza has you all wrapped up for me.” He waved his hand and four Draki moved forward. Eliza stepped up with the key for the lock.

  “Wait. Before you move him, we might need this.” She slapped a silver band on each ankle. What little strength he had melted away. He was screwed in a big way. Eliza removed the chains, and then each Draki grabbed a limb. He wanted to fight, but darkness fogged his eyes.

  Cassie was anxious to renew the search for Marcus. The sun shone bright across a clear blue sky, indicating another warm day. She found the August weather in Romania enjoyable. Seventy-five degrees, the perfect temperature compared to the scorching nineties back home.

  Seth and Baal approached her with their packs already loaded up. Baal reached down and picked up her backpack. “Here, let me help you with this.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled, sticking her arms through the straps then hooking the belt around her waist. “So where are we headed?”

  Baal gave a nod toward the mountains. “Up there. There’s a lot of caves, and it’s a good place to start.”

  She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and donned a ball cap. Her gaze followed Baal’s. The mountains looked like they were miles away, and they only had three days. Biting her bottom lip, she said, “I hope we’re not walking.”

  He gave a devilish grin. “I’m going to flash us there.”

  “Why can’t Seth flash himself?”

  This time Seth spoke up. “If there are any dragons around, they will sense my power and know we are here. They will not think much of the energy used for the demon to flash.”

  “I guess that makes sense. Okay then, let’s get this over with.”

  “Since we know this location is safe, I’ll take Seth first so we can make sure it’s secure up there. I’ll be back in a flash.” Baal snorted. “I’ll be back in a flash, get it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I get it. You should be on Comedy Central...really.”

  Baal grabbed Seth’s arm, and they both vanished. Before Cassie could gather another thought, he returned.

  She touched her chest. “Crap! You scared the hell out of me.”

  Baal shrugged. “Sorry, doll, next time I’ll wear a bell.” He linked his arm through hers. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” Ready to find Marcus and get this trip from hell over with.

  Her head spun. It seemed flashing wasn’t any better than the gateway, but at least she seemed to be getting better at it. Seth stepped in behind her.

  “Cassie, I think you should rest for a bit.” He scanned the sky. “Dragons have been here. I am going to take a look around.” He looked at Baal. “Stay here with her.”

  She watched Seth walk off. I’m such a burden. She held back the team with her weakness.

  “Can I get you anything?” Baal asked.

  “Some water please.” She sat on a large boulder and looked out over the forest below. Even though her stomach rolled like she’d stepped off a roller coaster, she was grateful they didn’t have to hike it.

  He reached into her pack, pulled out a bottle of water, opened it and held it out to her, before taking a seat next to her. He reached into his own pack and pulled out a chunk of jerky.

  “Want some?”

  She looked at the offending piece of shriveled up meat and wrinkled her nose. “No, thanks.”

  “Suit yourself.” He bit down and ripped a huge hunk from his snack.

  Cassie chewed her bottom lip. “Tell me, do you happen to know what si itov wux means?”

  He stopped mid-bite and pierced her with his gaze. “It’s a very old language. Draconic, not many speak it anymore. Is that what Marcus said to you in your dream?”

  Heat rose up her neck to her cheeks. She picked at some gravel and prayed like hell he hadn’t whispered some dirty love talk. “Yes.”

  He reached out and touched her arm, she looked back at him. “Si itov wux means I love you.”

  She closed her eyes. It meant nothing really. Her imagination conjured up some erotic fantasy because she did not want to love him. Did she want him to love her? Yeah, a part of her did. A tear slid down her cheek, and Baal reached up with his finger and wiped it away.

  “Don’t worry, doll, he’ll be fine.”

  She stood and turned her back to Baal. “It was only a stupid dream anyway. It wasn’t real.”

  “No, it was real.”

  She spun around. “What do you mean?”

  “Immortals can dream-walk, although those that usually do are what you call nightmares. Somehow, he managed to find you in your dream state.” He scratched his chin. “His connection to you must be very strong.”

  Life got weirder by the minute. Dream-walking vampires? What next? She shuddered to think about it. “Someone needs to wake me up from this dream. None of this can be real.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Doll, it doesn’t get more real than this.”

  She glared daggers at him. This wasn’t funny. As a matter of fact, she decided when she got back home she would pay a visit to Dr. Story and beg him to put her in a straitjacket.

  Baal shifted. “Oh shit!”

  Cassie rushed to his side and caught a view of Seth, his sword drawn. “Now what the hell?”

  “I felt it too. Did you happen to get a look at them?” Baal asked as he reached for his weapon. He looked at Cassie. “Grab your knife, use it onl
y if you have to. Remember, go for the heart.”

  Her heart beat against her chest. The first thought that came to mind was the dragons had found them. Next thing she knew, three men flashed in front of them, but it was what flashed in next that made her stomach hit the ground.

  Marcus woke and peered through slits. He tried to pull up his memories of what had happened while he worked to force his eyes open. Damn, last thing he recalled was Odage and four Draki grabbing hold of him. He’d been overcome by darkness but remembered being dragged across some rocks. His entire back stung from the gaping holes, gravel now imbedded into his skin. Blood trickled down the side of his cheek from the gash on his head. It didn’t take long to realize he was in deep shit. His wrists and legs bore silver bands thanks to Eliza.

  While his legs were free, both wrists had a shackle that connected to a chain. When he looked up, he saw the chain ran through a ring embedded into the rocks. They’d given him only enough slack to stand with his arms over his head. Just fucking great. At least he could lean against the wall. He was in another cave, but where, he had no clue. Still trying to shake the cobwebs from his head, he sensed someone approaching. Unable to tell who, or what they were, he quietly waited, pretending to be asleep.

  “Toss the bucket of ice water on him.”

  His muscles constricted when the freezing water hit him square in the face and chest. He trembled, unable to regulate his body temperature. He forced his burning eyes open, and tried to focus on the image in front of him. When the fuzziness started to fade, he was greeted with a clear view of his enemy.

  “Ah, I see you have finally decided to join us,” Odage said. “Tell me, did you really think you could outsmart me?”

  Marcus spit in Odage’s face. “Fuck you.”

  One of the guards approached and pulled out a dirise, an ancient whip, with twenty-one wing-shaped, stainless steel blades that snaked into a wire-wrapped handle. It totaled forty-two inches of pure hell. He swallowed hard and braced himself for what was to come.

  The first lash snaked across his bare chest, causing his fangs to pierce his lip. The second, tore across his already sliced up back. Searing pain radiated throughout his body, and blood dripped from dozens of wounds. He gritted his teeth but refused to cry out. Odage would gain no satisfaction from him.

  Odage’s nostrils flared when he spoke. “You will address me as my liege.”

  Marcus coughed, his throat raw. “When hell freezes over.”

  A female voice caressed his skin. “Still stubborn as ever,” Eliza said.

  Odage threw his head back and laughed. “Hell has only begun for you, vampire. I sense the curse on your soul growing. Soon you will be as evil as I am, but before you turn completely, I will give you one little gift. I will capture your mate and bring her here to you. Then, you can watch as I fuck her.”

  Eliza jumped and clapped her hands. “Yes, and when he is done, I will drain her. You can watch her die, just like you watched me die.” Bitterness dripped from her voice. “Only this time, your little bitch won’t be coming back.”

  He struggled against his restraints. Darkness coiled in his body like a snake ready to strike. He would do just as Odage said. He would become the evil he feared, but he would take immense pleasure from physically ripping both of their heads from their bodies.

  “Leave him for now,” Odage commanded as he headed out of the room with Eliza by his side. “Things couldn’t be better. Caleb has arrived, and the dragons have declared war on the vampires.”

  Eliza gave a nod of satisfaction. “What about the amulet? Your lord and master is getting impatient.”

  “I have Oroumea looking for it as we speak.”

  “Ah yes, your new bride. Wise choice bonding with a memory ghoul. I only hope for your sake she finds it soon.”

  “My liege!”

  Odage turned to find Lileta running toward him. “What is it, my pet?”

  “The female has gone into labor.”

  A smile curled across his lips. “Excellent, take me to her.” Odage and Eliza followed the slave down the corridor. Screams echoed through the room. Veronica was strapped down to a bed. Two nurses moved around her while the doctor performed his exam.

  “How much longer?” Odage asked.

  The doctor looked up. “The babe is ready, everything looks good, my liege.”

  “Excellent.” He moved closer so he could view the birth of his first-born son. He looked at Veronica, fear swam in her eyes as she screamed out in pain.

  “Are you going to sedate her?” Eliza asked.

  “No. I want her to feel the pain of this birth,” he spat.

  Eliza shuddered. “Even I wouldn’t be so cruel. You will pardon me if I decline tonight’s entertainment.” She turned and left the room.

  Odage watched as the first claw poked its way through Veronica’s belly. “Gag her, this bellowing is giving me a headache.”

  The nurse complied and stuffed a cloth in Veronica’s mouth. The claw disappeared, and the screaming stopped. Odage looked at the woman, now passed out. Bitch gets her wish after all. She would be dead in a matter of seconds and now would never experience it. No matter, his son would soon be entering the world.

  The claw pushed back through.

  “Yes, that’s it. Come out, my son.”

  A second claw pushed in next to the first and in one swift motion sliced the entire belly open. The doctor moved in to remove the child and cut the cord while the nurses cleaned the babe. Seconds later, Odage heard the most beautiful sound, the wailing of his son.

  The nurse turned to Odage and handed him the babe. “My liege, your son is perfect.”

  He cradled the babe. Sapphire eyes stared back at him. “My son, you and I shall rule the world together. I shall call you Erebos after the primeval god of darkness.” The babe smiled at him as if understanding and liking his new name. Odage bit his wrist and held it to the babe’s mouth, giving him his first taste of life. Soon, he would be able to eat raw meat, but until that time, Odage would feed and care for his son, trusting no one else to raise his child.

  When Erebos had enough blood, he pulled his lips away and smiled at his father. Odage looked at the nurses who were still cleaning up. “Toss her body outside, the local wildlife will make a quick meal of her.” He headed out of the room and made his way through the narrow tunnels, moving upward in the maze of rooms.

  Once he reached the upper level, he called out, “Roman!”

  “Yes, my liege?”

  “Where is Caleb?”

  “I believe he and a few of your men are out conducting a search of the area.”

  “Ah good. When he returns, send him to me. I want to introduce the men to my heir.”

  Roman gave a bow. “As you wish, my liege.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cassie couldn’t speak. Cold sweat trickled down the back of her neck. What the hell is that?

  The creature stood over seven feet tall. Its muscular legs narrowed to clawed pads, like those of a canine. Its chest protruded, revealing a bony ribcage, and its shoulders tapered into long fingers tipped with pointed nails that dragged the ground. A second pair of grotesque arms jutted from underneath the first set. Shorter in length, but just as menacing. Red almond-shaped eyes stared at her from a large pointed skull, and its mouth, full of razor-sharp teeth, glistened in the noonday sun.

  The creature's jet-black skin, slick with moisture, made her want to vomit. Memories of earlier thoughts came back to haunt her. She recalled how nothing would surprise her after meeting vampires and demons. If I weren’t so fucking scared, I’d laugh.

  “Wendigo,” Seth whispered.

  Is that the name of the man in charge? Her eyes bored into Seth as if he would hear her mental question.

  The one who appeared to be the leader stepped forward. “I want the demon.”

  Seth bared his fangs. “You will need to shop elsewhere for your next slave. This demon is mine.”

  The man shifted his weig
ht. “Since when do vampires keep slaves? I see no binding ring on his wrist. Therefore, he is mine to take. Look around vampire, you’re outnumbered.”

  Her throat burned. So these are slave traders? From the looks of it, they were indeed outnumbered. The beast alone could overtake them. How the hell are we going to get out of this mess? She dug her nails into her arm. Nope, her eyes were open, and this was a living nightmare.

  “Leave the vampire and the girl, and I will go with you, peacefully,” Baal said.

  The man scrunched his face, deep in thought. “I don’t know. The girl could prove to be a real good time.” The other two men laughed and elbowed each other. “She might make a nice addition to our harem.”

  She forced back tears, couldn’t even begin to imagine the terror they would inflict upon her. What the hell was I thinking when I volunteered to come out here? She should have listened to Aidyn and left this morning. Maybe Seth has called for backup. Her gaze shifted, hoping for a friendly face. They were alone.

  “No deal, Diablo. The girl and vampire unharmed.” Baal cast an evil grin. “Besides, she is Zarek’s mistress. I doubt even you wish to piss off the god.”

  Seth looked at Baal. “He speaks the truth, she is a gift to my king. I am responsible for making sure she reaches her destination.”

  Wait. What? This must be some type of ploy, a trick to buy them time.

  The man nodded his head. “I don’t want to deal with either of them.” He narrowed his eyes at Baal. “But you, they will not miss. Drop your weapons.” He motioned the beast to step in front of Seth. “If he as much as flinches, kill him.”

  The creature moved in front of Seth in one step. Its obsidian-colored body towered over him, and saliva dripped at his feet. Cassie noted Seth’s discomfort at having that thing so close, it matched her own.


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