Vampire's Mate

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Vampire's Mate Page 16

by Valerie Twombly

  Baal dropped his weapons. No! Her heart ached. What would they do to him? She’d grown fond of the demon, so much so, she would call him friend. He sacrificed in order to save them. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  One of the men moved forward and placed a silver band around Baal’s wrist. His shoulders sagged, the vibrant life she knew sucked from his body. He turned to her and gave a wink.

  “Don’t fret, doll. I’ve survived worse.” The other two men each grabbed an arm, and all three flashed away. The only ones left were the ring leader and the beast.

  Bumps rose on her body, and dread coursed over her. Would the man go back on his word to Baal? He spoke something she didn’t understand to the beast then vanished. Seth swung his sword, but the creature flicked its wrist, flinging the weapon like a tinker toy. It reached out with both hands and sank its claws into Seth’s chest, making a slice from his ribs all the way to his groin. The sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones rang in her ears.

  “You will not follow us,” the raspy voice spoke.

  A scream escaped her throat when Seth hit the ground and the beast vanished. She ran to him, sure he was dead. “Oh god, Seth!” His eyes focused on her, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

  Frantic, she ripped off her T-shirt. “Can you heal from something like this?” Knowing the vampires to be excellent healers, she still doubted even they could regenerate from this. His entire chest and abdomen lay open, his insides exposed.

  “I-I can, but I am too weak to open a gateway to get you home.”

  “Then we’ll wait. How long will it take?”

  “We have no time.” Her gaze followed his toward the sky.

  “Holy shit! Are those what I think?” They circled high above like vultures waiting for their prey to die. “What the fuck else can go wrong today?” Seriously pissed, she worked faster at covering his wounds, careful to make sure she bound him tight enough to keep his insides from spilling out.

  “What do we do? We can’t just sit here and wait for them to come and kill us. I’m in no mood to die today.”

  Seth coughed, and blood trickled down his chin. “You must slip away. If you get away from me, they may not find you. Hide in the forest until Aidyn comes for you. It is your only hope.”

  “No! I will not leave you here to be murdered.”

  “Cassie, your destiny is to save Marcus, not die here with me. Now go!”

  As if to bring the point home, a ball of fire exploded a few feet away. She looked up, the dragons circled closer. Their gargantuan bodies blocked the sun, causing shadows to blanket over her. Think! There has to be a way out.

  She looked back at Seth. “If you feed, will you have enough strength to get us out of here?”

  He looked at her, perplexed. “Perhaps, but I will not ask you to sacrifice.”

  She glared at him. Stupid vampire. “Why not? It’s my choice to make.” She offered her wrist.

  “Remember, I will take your memories.”

  She pulled back. “You mean I will forget everything?”

  His body was racked by a coughing fit, precious blood spewed from his mouth. She gently placed a hand behind his back and propped him up so he wouldn’t gag.

  When his body finally calmed, he whispered, “No, but I will know everything about you. Every intimate detail.”

  She knew what he tried to say. Her darkest secrets would become his. Every detail of those precious moments spent with Marcus would be shared. She wanted to blush, but their lives were in danger.

  “Promise you’ll never reveal them?”

  He gave her a droll look. “I never drink and tell.”

  “What? Now you get a sense of humor?” She was unsure if she should laugh or cry when two large fireballs exploded next to her. Rocks tumbled down the side of the mountain. The dragons drew closer. Hell! Once again, she offered her wrist. “Take it or we both die,” she yelled.

  Still he refused. “I will have to take you close to death in order to gain enough strength. Even then, I am not sure it will be enough. If I fail, you will die.”

  Fine, he would learn just how stubborn she could be. Another fireball hit too close for comfort, this one rattled her teeth. She drew her knife from its sheath and with a clean swipe, slit her wrist. She then grabbed Seth by the back of the head and forced his lips to her wrist. “We’re both going to die for sure if you don’t drink.”

  Fireballs crashed, starting an avalanche. Sweat trickled between her breasts from the intense heat surrounding them. Seth continued to drink while she prayed it would be enough. Her body betrayed her as the orgasm built, then her vision blurred, she closed her eyes and thought of Marcus, wondering if she would ever see him again. I’m so sorry I failed you. It was in that moment of darkness that she realized she loved him.

  Marcus passed out from the pain and loss of blood. Odage had come back a second time and commanded his servants beat him again. This time, his legs and feet bore wounds from the dirise. His left eye was swollen shut, and his lips were cracked from where they repeatedly punched him. Every inch of his body was cut and bleeding. He hurt like hell.

  He opened his one good eye and tried to focus, but his vision was fuzzy at best. Still chained, any strength he had was terminated by the silver bands. He could hardly keep his head up. Someone whispered his name. He jerked, and his eyes rolled from side to side trying to see who entered the room. There was no one, the only company he had was his chaotic mind and the pool of blood spreading under his feet. Panic latched onto his spine and crawled like a black widow and then, recognition. He recognized his mate’s orgasm.

  What the fuck!

  It was quickly followed by her slowing heartbeat. She was in trouble. Her life force slipping away. Cassie! Love, what’s happening?

  No response.

  He viewed darkness, and her mind calmed. They were killing her. Had Odage gotten to her? No, he would have carried out his promise. Brought her here for him to witness her rape and death. Then who?

  Aidyn, you promised me! Was his king dead as well? Aidyn would die protecting Cassie, he knew that. Am I the only one left?

  A faint heartbeat. She still lives.

  He bellowed at the top of his lungs. “Zarek, you fucking bastard. If she dies, I will kill you myself!” He twisted and fought his restraints. Spittle ran down his chin, he hissed in anger. He was worthless as a guardian, deserved the beating Odage gave him.

  Silence, deafening silence.

  She’s dead. Tears slid down his face and mingled with the blood at his feet.

  “Odage, you prick, come show me what you’ve got.” Marcus yelled out, hoping to bring him back for more.

  His wish granted, Odage appeared in the doorway. “Vampire, you look like hell. What is it you wish?”

  “Come on, you bastard, kill me.”

  He stepped closer. “Tsk, tsk, now why rush things when I’m having so much fun?”

  He spat at Odage. “You’re a fucking loser. You send in your lackeys, why don’t you finish the job yourself?”

  Odage picked up a bat that had been sitting by the door. “You like pain, vampire? I will give you what you ask for only because it pleases me to do so.” He swung, hitting Marcus in the chin, the sound of breaking bones filled the room. Another swing hit him in the chest, breaking every rib on his left side. Marcus grinned, he wanted more pain. Anything to make him forget Cassie.

  “You’re a fucking wimp, Odage.” The words barely audible from the swelling of his face.

  Odage took another swing, cracking Marcus in the head. The final blow knocked him out.

  Bright light shined in Cassie’s face and brushed warmth over her tired, cold body. She wanted to move toward it, but something stopped her. When she finally opened her eyes, everything looked blurry. She tried to sit up, but her head throbbed. Ouch!

  “Lie still.” A soothing voice sang. She’d heard that voice before but couldn’t place where. She searched her mind, looking for the last memory she had. Fireballs,
something about fire and dragons? Impossible, dragons were a myth. Oh wait, her mind moved back to someone sucking on her wrist. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. Forcing her lids to part, she decided it was safe to open her eyes all the way. Gwen stood looking down at her, her brown eyes filled with compassion.

  “Cassie, I’m going to help you sit up.” She slipped her arm under Cassie’s back and helped Cassie ease into a sitting position. Grabbing a couple of pillows, Gwen then propped them behind her for added comfort. Next, came a cup of tea.

  “Here, drink this herbal tea. It will help with your headache.”

  “Thank you.” She sipped the warm liquid, and a hint of lemon danced on her tongue. Cassie looked around the room. The walls were colored a pale green and low light filtered through the window. Peace surrounded her like a blanket and made her feel at home. “What happened?”

  Gwen took a seat on the edge of the bed. “We almost lost you. As a matter of fact, your heart stopped for a brief moment. Luckily, Seth gained enough strength to get you both to the forest where he opened a gateway and called for help. Any later and we would have lost both of you.”

  It all came flooding back to her now. She looked down at the bandage wrapped around her wrist. Visions of Seth nearly gutted like some animal haunted her. “Is Seth all right?” She actually liked the quiet vampire.

  “Yes, it will be a few days before he heals completely, but he will be fine.”

  Her mind raced, wanted to know how they had brought her back from the brink of death. She would have needed blood, lots of it. She didn’t feel any different but then again, what did it feel like to be a vampire? She would have asked, but there was a knock on the door and Gwen excused herself.

  Voices moved closer and she recognized the male voice before he entered the room. A smile broke across her lips as Seth’s large frame shadowed the doorway. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course, you can.” She observed the dark circles under his eyes, his color pale. He also walked slightly hunched over. She waited for him to take a seat in the chair next to the bed. “How are you? Gwen said you were healing, but you must still be in pain.”

  He nodded. “I am healing slowly. That damn Wendigo nearly gutted me.”

  “Is that what that was? God, I hope I never see one of those again.” She shivered at the mere thought of the vile beast and how easily it had nearly sliced Seth in two.

  “You look well, Cassie.”

  Sure, he was being polite. She moved to smooth her hair, it was a rat’s nest. “Thanks, I feel pretty good. Which brings me to the question of...”

  Seth held up a hand. “Yes, it was human blood we used.”

  A breath escaped. She wouldn’t be sporting fangs anytime soon. But something else nagged at her. Her memories. “Seth, about my memories,” she hesitated, trying to find the right words.

  He looked into her eyes. “Never be ashamed, it was not your fault,” his voice more authoritative, no longer the tight-lipped vampire. “Should you choose to mate with Marcus, your ability to have children will be corrected.” His features softened. “His loss will be our gain. Besides, even if you remained barren, Marcus would love you anyway.”

  “Thank you.” She brushed away a tear.

  “Now, besides coming to see how you were doing, I also wanted to thank you. You saved my life, and I will be forever in your debt.”

  Relieved for the change in subject, she answered, “I think we saved each other. I have never been gladder to be in a vampire’s home than right now.” She picked at the quilt, her nerves frayed. “I’m still worried about Marcus. Do you think we’ve lost him?”

  “Cassie, I promise you I will continue my search for him. I will not stop until I find him.”

  She gave a weak smile. “Thank you, Seth.” She believed he would too. After everything they’d been through, a bond grew between them. She looked at him like the brother she never had. I hope you find him alive.

  “What about Baal?” Her worry for him was as real as the worry she carried for Marcus. The man had surrendered himself in order to save Seth and her.

  “Baal is much stronger than you realize. He has always hoped to be captured. Maybe now he will find his sister.”

  It was hard to swallow this whole nightmare. She’d grown fond of Baal. Hell, who was she kidding? After getting to know many of the vampires here, they felt like family to her. Family...she missed Jill and needed her sister right then. Perhaps she could go home for a visit.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Human. The scent of human blood saturated his nostrils. His brain told him to scan the area for prey. Marcus obeyed and snapped his eyes open. His vision adjusted to the dim room instantly and found he was still chained to the wall. Every muscle throbbed, and several bones were broken. He needed blood to speed the healing.

  A shadow moved in the corner. “Who’s there?” His throat felt raw, like he’d swallowed a thousand razor blades.

  Two women moved into view. He sensed one to be a Kothar demon and the other a human. The demon moved toward him, her raven hair pulled back into a braid that fell to her waist. As with all Kothar, her beauty took his breath away.

  “My name is Lileta, I am sister to Baal.”

  Shit, Marcus had not seen her since she was a small child. Now a grown woman, she had gone missing as a teen, and Baal had been searching for her. “Lileta,” he whispered. “What are you doing here?”

  “I am Odage’s slave.” She pulled the human closer. “I am here to help you. This is Beth, and she is one of Odage’s prisoners. She has agreed to help by feeding you, but we must hurry before we are missed.”

  Beth stepped forward and pushed her wrist to Marcus’s lips. Sweet deity, she smelled of heaven. He flicked out his tongue and licked parched lips, his fangs extended. He brushed his tongue along her vein once, twice, then sank his fangs deep. He moaned as the sweet nectar of the gods ran across his tongue. The first swallow started the healing of his smaller wounds and his headache eased. He wouldn’t be able to take enough to heal completely, but this would be a start. He took three more long pulls then closed the wound. He stopped before Beth reached her climax, they didn’t need her screaming her pleasure up and down the halls.

  “Thank you.”

  “I will come back as soon as I can, but I can’t promise when that will be,” Lileta said. “Please tell Baal where to find me when you get free from here.”

  “I will, and we will free you. You and Beth.”

  “There are other humans and slaves too, you must free us all,” she replied, closing the door behind her.

  He smiled for the first time in weeks. He had an ally in this hell hole and now stood a chance of escaping. The smile faded, his head tipped. What is this I feel? Can it be? It was the heartbeat of his mate. Cassie lived. His determination for escape renewed with an intense vigor.

  After Seth left, Cassie made her way to the living room. Gwen sat in an overstuffed chair flipping through a Vogue magazine. She was the type of woman who made others green with envy. Chocolate tresses were pulled back into a ponytail that fell to her mid-back. A pair of slim-fitting jeans and a yellow tank top covered her sun-kissed skin. The woman held inner beauty as well, her kindness and generosity were something Cassie had seen in few people.

  “Somehow, I didn’t expect to find you reading Vogue,” Cassie said.

  Gwen tossed the magazine to the table. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better. Aidyn asked to see you when you were well enough.”

  Good, she wanted to see him as well. But first things first. “Gwen, I understand you have the ability to see the future? Tell me, is Marcus still alive?”

  Gwen hesitated before answering, which caused Cassie’s nerves to frazzle. “I can, but I don’t have control over my gift, which really ticks me off. I haven’t seen his death, but then again, I haven’t seen much lately. My heart tells me he is still alive. We will find him, Cassie.” Gwen reached out and gave her a hug. “Are you ready to see the king?”

  “Can we walk, though? I feel the need to stretch my legs.”

  “Of course, it’s a nice walk from here, and it’s pleasant out.” Gwen led the way out the front door. “We’ll walk along the beach.”

  Cassie gasped when she stepped outside. In front of her, waves of aquamarine splashed against a diamond-studded beach. The most surreal sight she had ever laid eyes on.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Gwen scooped up a handful of sand and let it sift through her fingers.

  “Beyond words. I’ve never seen anything like it. Is it safe to swim in?” She bit her bottom lip, imagining all kinds of weird creatures that might swim in a vampire ocean.

  Gwen let out a chuckle. “Of course. The sea life is no different from your own, really. It’s called the Lejir Sea. It means Blood Sea in our language.”

  Cassie wrinkled her nose. “The name doesn’t make it sound very safe.”

  “No, I guess not.” Gwen gave a sigh. “Marcus wanted to be the one to show you the beauty of his home. I wish he were here in my place.”

  Me too.

  They continued their walk along the beach. Cassie removed her shoes, wanting the sand between her toes. The sensation more like silk, nothing like the gritty stuff back home. She hoped Gwen’s feelings were right and Marcus was still alive. After walking a few minutes, she noticed a rocky bluff that emerged on her left. Looking up, her gaze caught a large home located on its peak. White, with a clay roof and several levels, reminiscent of the stone homes she had seen in Greece. “Whose house is that?”

  “That would be the king's,” Gwen answered.

  “Duh, I guess that should’ve been obvious by its size. How do we get up there?” She’d been in the home before but had been flashed inside, never seeing the full beauty from the outside.

  Gwen arched a brow. “We take the stairs.”

  They had stopped in front of a set of stairs carved into the rock. She looked up, her mouth gaping. “Holy shit.” She then looked at Gwen. “Come to think of it, why do you have stairs?”


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