Vampire's Mate

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Vampire's Mate Page 17

by Valerie Twombly

  Gwen gave her a curious look. “We like to walk. We only flash when necessary. Besides, the children don’t have the power to flash until they are older.”

  “You have children?”

  A forlorn expression covered Gwen’s features. “There was a time when children’s laughter could be heard all throughout Vandeldor. Both vampire and Draki. Today, there are only a few children because of the lack of females.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Somehow, her apology didn’t seem like enough. She shared the emptiness they all felt. “I guess we had better head up.”

  She lost count of the number of steps after fifty or so. When they finally reached the top, she turned in a circle, taking in the landscape. The view made her head reel. The ocean with its glistening beach to her left and mountains framed by lush green forest behind her. Understanding struck. This was the reason vampires chose to stay here more than in her world. The place held a magical, peaceful feel.

  They crossed a patio and entered the house through elegant French doors. Cassie found herself stepping into a large room with polished stone floors and colorful Asian rugs that were laid out like artwork. Two overstuffed, burnished leather couches sat in front of a massive fireplace and beckoned her to curl up with a good book.

  Her gaze was immediately drawn to the painting over the fireplace. A handsome man who looked much like Aidyn sat in a relaxed posture on a large throne. The most beautiful woman Cassie had ever laid eyes on sat in his lap. Her golden hair piled gracefully on top of her head. Curls escaped around her porcelain face, and eyes the color of the sea stared back at her. The man’s arms lovingly embraced her.

  “I see you’re admiring my parents.”

  She spun to find Aidyn standing directly behind her. She swore she saw moisture in his eyes. Pain knifed through her at the loss he still experienced. She’d been told he’d lost his mother a few months ago and was now the only living member of his family. The burden he carried weighed heavy on his shoulders. Her sixth sense was a curse. She didn’t want to know things about people. It just happened.

  When he spoke again, his voice commanded attention. “Gwen, I will ask you to leave us.”

  Gwen bowed. “Of course, my lord.”

  Aidyn directed Cassie to take a seat. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you, I’m fine.” She sank into the couch. Aidyn took a seat across from her, one arm slung over the back of the couch. She still wasn’t used to the power that rolled off him. It was so thick in the room she swore she could reach out and touch it.

  She watched as Aidyn inhaled deeply then tilted his head, his brows knitted together. “Cassie, you are with child.”

  Her mouth dropped open, her voice momentarily lost. “W-what?”

  He leaned forward. “I didn’t mean to spring it on you like that, but yes, I can sense the babe.”

  “How? I mean I know how, but it’s impossible.” She rubbed her hands over her face and mentally counted backward. It had only been three weeks since the last time they’d been together.

  “Not possible, I mean I can’t get pregnant.”

  “Apparently, you can and have.”

  “What do I do now? I can’t have a half vampire baby in a normal hospital. How do I explain this?” Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh god, will the baby be all right? I mean, seeing how I’m human.” She jumped up and began to pace, whirled around. “Are you sure? I mean Gwen said nothing. Wouldn’t she know?”

  He tapped his index finger on his knee, patiently waiting for her tirade to end. “Are you finished? Good. Now, where to start? Gwen would only know this if she had seen the vision, which obviously, she has not. As I said, I can sense the babe. You forget I am the most powerful man here. As for the rest...” He let out a sigh. “I am not sure how the child will grow and survive with a human mother. It has never been done before.” He got up and crossed the room to where Cassie paced and grabbed her by the shoulders. “I will find the answers, I swear. Seth has already begun his search again for Marcus.”

  She threw her arms around Aidyn and sobbed. He held her tight, gently stroking her hair. “Shhh, I understand you’re frightened, and I wish it were Marcus here instead of me. However, I promise I will take care of you. We will all take care of you.”

  She pulled back and looked up at the tall vampire king. No wonder he was chosen to lead his people. “You are also the most arrogant man here,” she snorted, then her face turned serious. “Thank you, I know I can trust you.” Her heart told her things would change forever. She would have to leave everything behind and start a new life, with or without Marcus.

  “So, what next?” she asked.

  After a long discussion, Cassie sat in a chair, her mind a flurry of thoughts. Aidyn had sent her home, giving her two days to get her life in order before he came back for her. She would quit her job. What else could she do? No one knew how this pregnancy would progress or what strange things might occur. She’d taken three at-home pregnancy tests, unable to believe what Aidyn had told her. This wasn’t supposed to happen, and yet a guardian and three tests said it had. She now carried the child of a warrior of a god.

  She was alone and terrified. What did it all mean? This miracle was bigger than all of them. She just wasn’t sure how she fit into this picture. She caressed her stomach. “Well, pumpkin, it’s you and me for now. Your mama is a dumb ass and sent daddy away.”

  The front door flung open, and Jill hurried in. “What the hell’s been going on? Did you find him?”

  Jill had wanted to go with her on the search for Marcus, but Cassie insisted she stay behind. It was one thing to put herself in danger, but she would not endanger Jill ever again. Not after almost losing her.

  “No.” It was the only word she managed before she began to sob.

  Jill ran over and hugged her. “Tell me what happened.”

  After several minutes of telling the story about the dream and the Wendigo, then ending with the dragon attack and almost losing her life, she sighed. “And that’s not all.”

  Jill had slipped into the chair across from her during the story, her face a mask of disbelief. “What the hell else could go wrong?”

  “I’m pregnant.” She caught Jill’s expression. “Yeah, I had that same look.”

  “How the hell did that happen?”

  She snorted. “Do I really need to explain?”

  Jill waved her hands in the air. “No! I know how it happens, but I mean...well, hell, who knew vampires could have children?”

  Certainly not her. The thought never crossed her mind when she’d slept with Marcus. She was never supposed to conceive. At least, that’s what the doctors had told her. “I think this was a shock to everyone, me especially.”

  “You’re getting an abortion, right? I mean you can’t have a vampire baby, not with the father MIA.”

  “Absolutely not! This child is a miracle.” She would die if it meant this child would live. Cassie believed everything happened for a reason, and there must be a logical reason behind this whole mess. “Besides, Aidyn has promised to help me. Matter of fact, I need to talk to you about that.”

  Jill clutched her arms to her chest and sucked in a breath. “I have a feeling I’m not going to like this.”

  “Aidyn is moving me to their home in New York. I can see a doctor there that knows about them. Of course, no one knows for sure how this pregnancy will go, but we’ll take it one day at a time.”

  “I don’t understand. Why doesn’t Aidyn take you to his home?”

  It would be difficult, leaving her sister. However, she saw no other choice. They’d still stay in touch by phone and email, which would be impossible to do from another realm. “They are at war with the dragons. I don’t fully understand it, but somehow Aidyn has kept them protected. However, he fears if they find me, they will try to use me against them.” She moved next to her sister and put her arm around Jill. “Gwen is going to stay with me, and you can come visit anytime.” Tears spilled down her
cheeks as she hugged her sister tight. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Damn it, Cassie, I know this is the right thing for you to do, but I’m going to worry myself sick. I’ll come to visit you real soon. When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow night. Aidyn will come for me and take me to New York.” She tilted her head in thought for a moment. “Hey, maybe when you want to come and visit, he can just pop you over.”

  Jill put on a big smile. “Ohhh, that sounds like my kind of ride.”

  Cassie still had a lot to do before Aidyn arrived. He’d told her not to worry about expenses, but the idea of not pulling her weight didn’t bode well. He’d then offered the idea of renting her home from her so they could use it as a base in New Orleans. She would tell the neighbors she was renting it while away. That way she wouldn’t have to worry about her home being empty or the lack of cash. It seemed like the perfect deal.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cassie hung up the phone. Finally, all her loose ends were tied up and quitting her job had been the last thing on the list. Of course, her boss had been upset at losing her but didn’t push the issue. Now, she flopped her tired ass on the couch, exhausted by the day’s events. Gwen was expected to pop in any minute, but she needed a few minutes to relax. Allowing her eyes to close, and thoughts of Marcus to drift through her mind.

  I wish you could hear me. You’re going to be a daddy.

  She desperately wanted him to answer her, tell her everything would be fine. Maybe he was happy with Eliza, and Aidyn was wrong about everything. Even though Aidyn insisted Eliza was dead, Cassie still held doubts. Tears threatened to spill, but she pushed them back. She would make a life for her and her child with or without him.


  She sat up. “In here.”

  Gwen swept in from the kitchen. “How are you feeling?”

  “Do you mean mentally or physically?”


  “Mentally, I’m a wreck. The world as I know it has gone to hell, literally. Physically, I feel fine. No morning sickness yet.”

  “I wish there was something I could do for you.” She smiled. “I have to admit I’m thrilled about being an aunt.” She touched Cassie. “You know I will help you any way I can.”

  “Yes, I know. The most important thing now is to find Marcus. I need him and this baby needs him.”

  A disturbance rippled through the air followed by a bright light that formed in the center of the room. The light shifted, taking the form of a man.

  Gwen walked toward him. “Argathos.”

  His steely voice echoed in the room. “Gwen, I am sorry that I could not come sooner.”

  Cassie rubbed her arms. The power that ran off this man measured tenfold to Aidyn’s. So this was a god? She expected an old man with milky hair and a beard, but he wore faded jeans and a gray T-shirt. Thick, mahogany hair fell past his collar, accenting his high cheekbones. Dark-brown eyes lent to the exotic look. Like the other immortals she had met, he towered over her. His lean muscle mass flexed with each movement. She shook her head, apparently the gods didn’t believe in being unattractive.

  Argathos moved away from Gwen and approached Cassie. “Cassandra, I am pleased to meet you.”

  She was unsure of what she should do—bow or kneel? “Uh, you will have to pardon me. I have no idea what protocol is when meeting a god.”

  He flashed her a smile then searched her eyes. “There is no need for such nonsense with me. I don’t require your obedience.” He turned his attention to Gwen. “Leave us. I wish to speak to Cassie alone.”

  Gwen did as asked and flashed from the room, leaving Cassie with Argathos. He reached out and took both her hands in his then closed his eyes. “Don’t fear me, I only wish to see your future.”

  “What do you see?”

  “I am not allowed to give too many details. Your daughter is extremely important to the guardians. She will grow up to be a strong woman. However, what you have to teach her is the most important. Your life will be in danger if you do not convert and become one of the guardians.”

  Bile rose, burning the back of her throat. “I’m going to die?”

  He released her hands, his gaze never departing hers. “The pregnancy will weaken you. Aidyn can help ease the burden on your body, but you need your mate.” He raised a brow. “Your daughter is a full guardian even though you are human. That is what you wanted to know?”

  “Thank you. Can you tell me where he is?”

  “I cannot.”

  Her brows knitted. “Can’t or won’t?”

  He smiled. “You catch on quickly. You also worry about things that have no merit.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You question his commitment to you. If you want to save him, you must search your heart.”

  Damn it with the riddles. She looked down at the floor and thought about his comment. Why am I really here? She recalled Marcus telling her they were chosen to be together. She realized this was bigger than any of them, bigger than the god who stood before her. She loved Marcus. There was no sense denying it. He’d been right, their souls somehow connected. She loved a man she hardly knew, and her life was about to get even more complicated, but she would fight. Fight for his life and that of her unborn daughter.

  She looked back up at the god with resolve in her eyes. “I love him.”

  He smiled once again. “Be warned, the road you are about to travel will not be easy.”

  She snorted. “It’s been full of potholes already. I’m becoming accustomed to the bumpy ride.”

  He touched the top of her head and warmth spread through her body, bringing with it a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in months, maybe even years.

  “Always remember your destiny and fight for it. When challenged, stay your course and you will prevail. I leave you with a gift.” He faded away.

  “Wait! What? I so don’t need this right now.”

  Gwen flashed back into the room. “You okay?”

  “No, your god left me with a gift.” She ran her fingers through her tangled hair. Shit, when was the last time she’d combed it?

  “What kind of gift?” Gwen asked.

  She threw up her hands in frustration. “Hell if I know, he didn’t say. You have any ideas?”

  Gwen sighed. “The gods sometimes have a flair for drama. Maybe Aidyn will be able to tell, we should— we need to leave. Now.” Gwen grabbed Cassie’s arm and flashed. Their bodies sucked into a black hole, and Cassie had no idea where they were going and why so sudden. Not until she found herself in the center of a beautiful expansive room overlooking a lake. She assumed it must be the home where she would be staying. When she turned to take in her surroundings, she found Gwen next to her.

  “Sorry for the abruptness of our departure. Lucan sensed demons in your neighborhood, and we were not about to take any chances,” Gwen said.

  Cassie collapsed in the nearest chair. “Yes...of course.” When next she looked up, she was greeted by a smiling face that belonged to Daniel, she guessed.

  “Welcome, Ms. Jensen,” Daniel said.

  She moved from her seat and walked to Daniel, extending her hand. “Please, call me Cassie, and you’re Daniel?”

  He took her hand and gave it an eager shake. “Yes, ma’am, I mean Cassie.” He peered around the room. “You didn’t bring any luggage?”

  Gwen stepped forward and gave Daniel a hug. “We had to leave rather abruptly. Lucan should be along any minute with her things.” She placed an arm around both Daniel’s and Cassie’s shoulders. “How about we give our guest a tour.”

  The three of them moved about the two-story home. It was beautiful, and Cassie had no doubt her every comfort would be looked after, still her heart was empty. When they stopped in front of one of the five bedrooms, Gwen pulled her aside.

  “This is the room Marcus uses when he stays here. Would you like to have this one?” Gwen hurried on. “Of course, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can choose a diffe
rent one.”

  Cassie stepped inside, his scent still hung in the air. “No, I want to stay here.” She spun around to look at Gwen. “I’d like some time alone, please.”

  “Of course.” Gwen exited the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

  Cassie spotted something lying on the chair across the room. She moved closer and found it to be Marcus’s jacket. She picked up the leather and pressed it against her cheek. Guilt slapped her in the face. Guilt at the argument they'd had and how she’d treated him. She should have been more understanding, but damn it, she thought he had meant to take her freedom. Now she realized he only wanted to protect her. She had since learned these men were overprotective but meant well. After learning their history and all they had lost, she understood.

  She hugged the jacket. Marcus, I’m so sorry.

  Marcus had fallen asleep, his body healed from Beth’s blood. In the distance, a female cried. He strained to hear and realized the sound came from inside his head.


  Marcus, is it really you?

  Sweet deity, woman, are you all right? He thought for a moment he’d lost his faculties. How did he communicate with her but not his brethren?

  I’m fine. I’m in your room in New York. Aidyn sent me here with Gwen. My home is no longer safe. I’m not even sure how, but I think Argathos has something to do with us being able to communicate. Marcus...are...are you with Eliza?

  Funny she would ask that when she was the one who had the orgasm. He shouldn’t jump to conclusions, after all, she nearly died, and he had no idea what happened back home. It must be serious if Aidyn has moved her, he thought. She was safe, and that’s what mattered at the moment. Cassie, yes, Eliza is here, but it’s not what you think. She is in league with Odage, and they are holding me prisoner. Somehow, he needed to speak with Lucan. He had a plan, and if it worked, he would be out of this hell hole and holding her in no time.

  Marcus, are you injured? Where are you? I will come for you, and I will kill that bitch if she has hurt you!


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