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Vampire's Mate

Page 18

by Valerie Twombly

  He smiled. I worry about you. What has happened that you have been moved from your home?

  Nothing, I’m fine.

  She lies. Why does she lie to me? He thought, needing to compose his emotions. Listen, sweetheart, I have a plan. Can you get to Lucan?

  Sure, I guess so.

  Good, speak to him and tell no one else. Here is what I want you to do.

  Putting on her game face, Cassie dropped the jacket and left the room. Marcus had explained that if Lucan was able to connect with her then he might be able to find Marcus through the connection she now had to him. It was a long shot but one she was willing to take.

  Like a mouse, she scurried down the stairs and found Daniel in the kitchen.

  “Hey, Lucan just showed up with your things. I was about to bring them up to you,” Daniel said.

  Sweet, Lucan was already here. Maybe she could do this without anyone knowing. “Great. Is he still here?”

  “He went outside to check the grounds.”

  Even better. She would sneak out and find him. “Thanks, will you take my stuff up? I’m going to get some fresh air.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Sure thing.”

  She slipped out the kitchen door. The setting sun blanketed the horizon with hues of reds and oranges. She did a quick visual of the lay of the land. Not having been outside the house yet, she was unsure of where to go. She pushed her shoulders back and took a determined stride around the house. Nothing. Where the hell was he? What if I’ve missed him? Her eye caught sight of a boathouse down by the lake. She did a quick look around then headed through the grass toward the water. Half way she stopped, and her hair stood on end. Someone watched her. She spun around but saw no one behind her.

  “Lucan?” Maybe the vampire was still on his rounds. The only sound to penetrate the dusky sky were the croaking frogs. She licked her lips, her throat suddenly parched. Determination made her turn around and continue to the boathouse.

  “Going somewhere, pet?”

  Cold arms encircled her, holding her firm. Before she could scream, blackness surrounded her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Cassie awoke, lying on a strange bed. She sat up and found herself surrounded by four walls of bars. The stench of rot filled the air and the only sound was the drip of water in the distance. Carefully, she placed both feet on the floor and moved toward the door where she grasped the bars and pulled. Locked. Outside the cell were four stone walls, reminding her of the caves she had visited as a child. Bumps danced across her skin from the cool, damp air.

  Marcus? No answer. Tears threatened. No, I have to remain strong, no matter what. She rubbed her stomach. Well, pumpkin, it’s just you and me again. How do I keep ending up in these terrible situations? Like it or not, she was here, wherever the hell that was.


  Her throat tightened when heavy footsteps moved closer. Taking several steps backward, her legs hit the bed. Her stomach churned and threatened to heave lunch from earlier. All control abandoned when her body started to quiver. She swallowed. I have to face my fears. Maybe it’s not as bad as I think. Right, and you’re not the mate of a vampire either. Ha!

  A dark shadow moved into view. “So you have awakened. Welcome.” The gruff voice caused her lips to tremble.

  “Who are you?” She moved closer to the bars, wanting to get a better look at her captor. “Why am I here?”

  The shadowy figure lunged for the bars, causing her to shriek and jump backward. Before her, stood the same man she’d seen vanish that night in her neighborhood. Marcus called him Odage. His menacing laugh grated on her nerves. “I should have taken you last time we met. Had I known who you were...well, let’s just say our meeting would have ended with your lovely mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  “You didn’t answer me, why am I here?” She refused to give in to her fears. There was more to protect than just herself.

  “You are to become part of the slave market. A pretty young human like you will fetch thousands. Demons will come for miles to fuck you.” He licked his lips. “The thought of teaching you how to please a man excites me.” He placed both hands on the bars, his blues eyes penetrating deep into her soul. “Interesting, you are with child. This could prove extremely useful indeed.”

  Panic gripped her and threatened her sanity. Adrenalin spiked, causing her heart to race. No one touched her child. She would find a way to escape. “You harm me or my child, and you will die.”

  He laughed. “And who is going to kill me? You?”

  Her brows furrowed as she stared at him. “The guardians.”

  Odage laughed again. “They have to find you first. Perhaps you’d like to see how your mate fares? Then you can tell me all about how the guardians will be coming to your rescue.” Another set of footsteps moved closer. Softer and quicker than the last. A woman only slightly taller than Cassie’s own five-foot-six frame stepped closer. Golden hair spilled down her back, and brown eyes glared at her. She didn’t need any introductions to know who this was.


  The woman ran a red fingernail along the bars. “So you’re the bitch who thinks to steal my mate?” Her fangs extended when she hissed at Cassie. “A mere human who is much too weak for a man like Marcus.” She walked to the other side of the cage. “He fucked me, you know. Was unable to resist me when we were together.”

  Cassie’s eyes burned, could it be true? No, this woman was a vindictive bitch.

  Eliza laughed. “It’s the child he wants, you fool! You’re only a vessel to carry it. Perhaps he and I will raise her together.”

  “You cannot have my daughter!” She placed a protective hand over her stomach. “Besides, you’re the one who tortured Marcus. You don’t do that to someone you love. He would never have had sex with you.”

  “Stupid girl. I never said I loved him, only that he’s mine.” She ran her hands down her waist, stopping at her hips. “Look at me, I’m immortal. I’m perfect. Are you so sure he didn’t take me hard and fast? After all, the male can’t resist his mate. They’re like animals, and oh does Marcus fuck like one, especially when he’s taking your blood.”

  He had been so passionate when he had taken her blood. Maybe he did have sex with Eliza. After all, she had been his mate before her, not to mention she was beautiful. Her skin flawless and her curves perfection. The type women loved to hate but wanted to be like. Why the hell would he want me? I’m so stupid to think a man would finally love me.

  “Of course, he doesn’t love you. He used you. Told you lies about how you were his chosen and it was all for a good time. That’s all.” Eliza opened the cage door and stepped in. “And I forgive him for that.”

  Cassie had nowhere to go, already pushed against the bed frame. I can run past her out the open door. But Odage stood outside, she’d never make it. Fuck it, try anyway.

  “You can’t escape me,” Eliza said.

  Cassie clutched her head; intense pain made her skull feel as if it would explode. She cried out before falling back on the bed.

  Her head pounded. What the hell did that bitch do to me?

  “Get up, we’re leaving.” Eliza grabbed Cassie by the arm and dragged her off the bed.

  Her head in a fog, she didn’t have the strength to fight. Hell, she could hardly stand. It was like she had gone on a drinking binge the night before and now paid the price. Her stomach rolled, threatening to empty any contents that remained.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Eliza cast a wicked smile. “To hell.”

  “I thought I was already there.”

  Eliza laughed. “Not yet, my dear human.” She slapped a pair of shackles and chains around Cassie’s wrists. “Just in case you get any crazy ideas about trying to escape.” Eliza grabbed the chain and jerked, leading Cassie from the cage. They moved past Odage who licked his lips when she passed him. Her stomach revolted, but she managed to keep from vomiting.

  She had to follow behind Eliza as they slipped th
rough a narrow corridor. Light came from the room they exited, the only thing in front of them was blackness. The stone of the cavern walls scraped her body. A stinging sensation told her that her skin was covered in tiny cuts.

  Marcus? Silence greeted her.

  “He will not answer you, he doesn’t want you,” Eliza said.

  Well, since you’re invading my mind, here’s one for you. Fuck you, bitch! Sweat trickled down her forehead and into her eyes. She reached up and wiped her face with the hem of her shirt. Eliza hadn’t been kidding when she said they were going to hell. The air grew hotter by the minute.

  After what felt like an eternity, a faint light blazed in front of them. Her heart raced, fearful of what awaited her. When they exited the tunnel, cool air brushed her skin. A sigh of relief escaped her lips until she took in her surroundings. Eight holding cells. A quick count told her four women occupied two of the cells, the rest sat empty. A couple of the women were pregnant, and she wondered if the others were as well but didn’t show yet.

  “What is this place?” Not sure she actually wanted an answer.

  “It’s Odage’s maternity ward. Don’t worry, you won’t be staying here.”

  Eliza tugged the chains, dragging her across the room to an opening. A set of steps led down a narrow passage. At least this time it was lit, so she didn’t have to worry about tripping down the stairs. The farther down they went, the hotter it became, and her shirt clung to her like a sweat rag. Eliza stopped in front of another entry, pulled out a key and shoved it into the lock. When she pushed the door open, Cassie saw the silhouette of a man shackled to the ceiling, his arms stretched over his head and his back pressed against the wall.

  Recognition dawned.


  His head raised, steel eyes caught hers then looked away. He didn’t utter a word, let his chin drop back to his chest.

  Eliza pushed her through the door and led her to a corner of the room. She removed one manacle from her wrist, ran it through a ring embedded into the rock wall and placed it back on her arm. She could only crouch in the corner.

  Eliza stepped in front of Marcus, her finger lifted his chin. “Darling, look who I brought.”

  Cassie held her breath, waiting for his response.

  His face showed no emotion. “I could care less.”

  “But lover, I thought you wanted her,” Eliza purred.

  “I have no use for her, you are all I want.” His voice was thick with desire.

  Cassie’s heart shattered. No, please tell me this isn’t real.

  As if to answer her request, he licked his lips. “Eliza, love. Kiss me.”

  Eliza obeyed, brought her lips to his. Their kiss, long and passionate had Cassie wanting to look away, but disbelief forced her to watch. When they finally parted, Eliza looked at her.

  “I told you he didn’t want you. Don’t worry, precious, we have men already lined up requesting your services.” Eliza laughed as she exited the room, leaving them alone.

  “Marcus, that was just a trick. Right?” He refused to answer, dropped his head and closed his eyes. Her lip trembled. “Talk to me, please.” He turned his head away from her, still not speaking. She curled into the fetal position on the floor and wept.

  The pain he experienced when he told Cassie he didn’t want her and kissed Eliza, had been worse than anything Odage could have done to him. He knew what they were up to. They thought to get to him through her. It had taken every ounce of strength to pretend he didn’t care. Her sobbing in the corner ate him alive. At this moment, he wanted to yell the truth—he loved her. But he wouldn’t risk her life or that of his daughter's.

  He sensed the babe growing inside her. Soon her belly would swell with their child, something he’d never expected. Damn it! Where was Lileta? If she would only come and release him, he would get them all out of there. On cue, he heard the door unlock, his breath held captive in his lungs. Odage entered. Fuck!

  He moved toward Cassie, unchained her and pulled her to her feet. Marcus bit through his tongue. Show no emotions. He dared not even communicate with her telepathically. Odage dragged her, stopping in front of him.

  “I’m taking your mate, vampire. Soon, I will begin her training.”

  Marcus raised his head, looked the Draki in the eye. “I’m sure you will find her pleasing. By the way, she is an expert cock sucker.” Betrayal stared back at him, she’d never forgive him now. He’d live with that, had to. Odage didn’t hide his displeasure.

  “You lie, vampire, I think you still want her.”

  “I cannot lie, remember?” Except when it came to protecting his mate. Nothing was off the table when it came to his female. She would remember he told her the same thing once before. His heart squeezed in a vise from the tears in her eyes. His ruse was working. Odage’s anger rose. He pulled a dagger from his boot and slid it into Marcus’s stomach, twisted for good measure.

  Marcus gritted his teeth through the pain while Cassie screamed. Even after he had ripped her heart out, she still cared for him.

  Odage dragged a whimpering Cassie out the door. As soon as the lock engaged, Marcus pulled on his chains, he would chew off his hands if he had to in order to save her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Somehow, she had to get away from him. Cassie’s mind was a frenzy of thoughts. Odage led her back toward the stairs, so it was now or never. She followed behind him, and when he came to a halt, she swung the chain over his head. It landed at his neck, and she pulled with every ounce of strength she had.

  It wasn’t enough.

  His fingers curled around the chain and pulled it free. He turned and backhanded her, sending her through the air to land with a hard thud on her ass.

  “Fucking bitch, try that again, and I swear to the gods I will remove his head while you watch. When I’m done with the vampire, I will slice that child right from your womb.” In two steps, he was in front of her. “Get up.”

  She quickly jumped to her feet, not daring to check for any injuries. He grabbed her arm and shoved her in front of him, forcing her up the steps. When they reached the top, he pushed her through the door. She landed back in the room with the other women. Again, he grabbed her arm and dragged her to an empty cell, then shoved her in and closed the door.

  “Lileta,” Odage shouted.

  A beautiful dark-haired woman entered the room. “Yes, my liege?”

  “Give this one a dose of blood wine.” He pointed toward Cassie.

  The woman bowed her head. “As you wish.” She exited the room.

  “Obey me, and it will make life much easier for you.” He turned and left.

  Cassie looked around her cell. Two sets of bunk beds and a small bathroom were all the comforts afforded her. Footsteps told her Lileta approached. The woman entered the cell with a wine glass in hand. Paused and glanced around before she moved closer.

  “You must drink this, it is only wine.” Her voice lowered. “I did not add the dragon blood as Odage commanded. You need your wits to escape.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Why should I trust you?”

  “Because I’m helping Marcus escape, he will come for you.”

  Cassie tossed her head back. “Ha! I think you’re mistaken.”

  Lileta held out the glass. “He protected you. If Odage and Eliza believe he cares for you, they will use it against him.”

  Did she speak the truth? Something seemed familiar about her. She searched her memories. She doesn’t look familiar. What it is? Her eyes widened. “Your name is Lileta?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Do you have a brother?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Baal. I have not seen him in many years.”

  Cassie slapped her palm to her mouth. “Dear god, I was with him only a few days ago. He was taken by the slave traders while we were out searching for Marcus.”

  Lileta closed her eyes. “No, I cannot bear the thought of his capture.”

  Heavy footsteps echoed into the room
. “Is she giving you any grief?”

  “Take the glass,” Lileta whispered.

  Cassie grabbed the glass and put it to her lips, taking a sip.

  “No, my liege.”

  “Good, have her cleaned up and ready to depart in one hour. We will all be leaving this place.” The door slammed behind him.

  “Dear gods, I don’t think I can free Marcus in time.” She gave Cassie a shove. “Quickly, into the shower while I get you some clean clothes.”

  Cassie entered the bathroom and began stripping. Her mind swirled, Marcus had only been pretending. She would have been relieved except a new set of problems presented themselves. Where did Odage plan to take her?

  Marcus’s head still pounded after what he’d done to Cassie. She was alive, but for how long? His thoughts were disrupted when the cell door opened and Lileta slipped into the room, alone. She moved as stealthily as a cat toward him, a large tool in her hand. “Odage is moving us. I have come to free you, but we must hurry. He plans to take your mate away from here.” She reached up and cut the chains, his arms fell to his side, and he collapsed to the floor.

  “Quickly.” Lileta reached for him and helped him to his feet. “Unfortunately, I can’t remove the silver bands.”

  He struggled to stand. “I’m weak from the knife wound Odage gifted me with. I can’t help Cassie unless we get these bands off. Wait...where the hell is he taking her?”

  “I don’t know, only that he gave me an hour to get everyone ready. That was thirty minutes ago.”

  He followed Lileta from the room, down a narrow corridor then slipped through a door that led them into a maze.

  “We must take the back way, no one uses these corridors.”

  After several minutes, they walked through a door and into a small chamber that housed only a bed and nightstand. “This is my room.” She led him to the bed and had him sit.

  “I need to get rid of these bands. I can’t communicate with my brethren.”


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