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Vampire's Mate

Page 20

by Valerie Twombly

  “Why did he send you?” He’d heard of Gabriel, but in all the years he'd lived had never met him. He was Zarek’s personal protector, a winged warrior of death, a being that could walk between heaven and hell.

  “I am to aid in your mission. If you fail, then I am to kill you.” A burst of power rolled across the room as if to make his point. Yeah, he got it, loud and clear. Well, at least the angel didn’t mince words. He had to admire Gabriel for that, although he wasn't sure if he liked anything else about the angel.

  Marcus turned to Aidyn. “If I don’t make it and angel on steroids here—” He pointed a thumb in Gabriel’s direction. “—comes back with only Cassie, promise you’ll take care of her.”

  Aidyn clasped him on the shoulder. “You will come back, but yes. She will be protected and so will your daughter.”

  Relief overtook him. “Thanks.”

  Aidyn stepped out of the way and allowed each warrior to say goodbye and wish him luck. Gwen was the last to approach him. “Brother.” She hugged him. “I love you and wish you well. You will be successful.”

  “If you’re done with the sappy stuff, we should be leaving. Your clock is ticking,” Gabriel said.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Odage watched from the tent while his slaves dug through the sand. He slipped on a pair of sunglasses and stepped outside to take a closer look. “Gods, I fucking hate sand,” he muttered under his breath. His gaze caught sight of raven hair flowing in the hot breeze. Oroumea, his wife, was in the thick of things, moving amongst the slaves and trying to locate the amulet. She was proving extremely useful.

  “My liege.” Odage snapped out of his thoughts and turned toward the silken voice. Lileta stood before him with his babe wrapped in a blanket. Odage reached out and took his son from her arms.

  “Leave us,” he growled at her. He knew fucking well she was responsible for helping the vampire escape. For now, it was his own little secret until he decided on a fitting punishment.

  “Ah, my son, look up there.” Odage pointed at the numerous dragons that filled the sky. Erebos’s eyes followed his father’s finger, and the babe smiled. “Yes, Erebos, one day you will be able to take flight and soar with your kind.” Even though the child was only a week old, he had already shown signs of partial shifting. At the rate he was growing, it wouldn’t be long before Odage could teach him to fly. The babe watched as a majestic blue dragon hovered in front of them then landed gently in the sand. When the dragon’s massive head reached down and nuzzled Erebos in the belly, the babe squealed with delight.

  “Caleb, I think he likes you. When the time comes, you will teach him to fight.”

  Caleb shifted into his human form. His immense body stood level with Odage, and his bronze skin glistened in the sun. Caleb was a callous man but loyal to a fault, which was why Odage had made him second-in-command. He noted how Caleb’s dark blond hair was in total disarray, sticking out here and there and in some places plastered to his face.

  Caleb bowed his head. “I would be honored, my liege.”

  “You look like you have been fucked hard and left for dead.”

  Caleb’s brown eyes swirled with flecks of emerald. “That would be putting it mildly.”

  Odage knew if anyone deserved it, it was Caleb. The man had lost his mate during the war with Drayos and had since become a coldhearted bastard. “Did you at least leave any women for the rest of the men?”

  Caleb grinned. “Oh yes, my liege, I don’t think that will be a problem. The women here are extremely giving.”

  Odage rubbed his chin. He might have to make a trip into town later. If his ghoul of a wife thought him to be faithful, then she was going to be disappointed. Odage would use any female that caught his attention. As a dragon overlord, it was his right to take whatever he wanted.

  “Good. Now make sure no humans come within fifty miles of this camp. We would not want anyone to stumble onto our little dig here.”

  “As you wish, my liege.” Caleb shifted back into his dragon and took to the sky. Once again, Erebos cooed as he watched the dragon take flight.

  Odage smiled at the boy. “Soon, my son, soon.” Then he turned and walked back into his tent. He laid Erebos down on the bed. It was time for his feeding. Odage bit into his wrist then held it to the babe’s mouth. Erebos suckled with enthusiasm until his eyes grew heavy and finally closed. Odage sealed his wound then left the babe to sleep.

  Suddenly, darkness closed in around Odage, and a chill snaked up his spine. Fuck! He knew what was coming next, his master would be wanting an update on the amulet.

  “Odage,” the darkness whispered.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “Where is the amulet?” The darkness now wrapped around him and squeezed.

  “It is here, my lord, we only need to uncover it.”

  “Excellent. I understand you lost the vampire, Marcus.” The darkness reached into his chest and grabbed his beating heart. Shit! Sweat trickled down Odage’s nose. Surely, he wouldn’t kill him when Odage was so close to the amulet. Or would he?

  “One of my slaves helped him escape. She will suffer considerably for her foolishness.” Odage now regretted not killing her on the spot. Perhaps if he had done that, it would have appeased the darkness.

  “You should be more mindful of your servants. Perhaps you need a lesson on how to punish them?”

  “I will deal with her, my lord, make no mistake about it.”

  The darkness continued its hold on Odage’s heart. “The vampire’s mate is on her way to me. Once I have the amulet and the girl, I will be able to leave this realm."

  Odage shuddered, not sure he wanted to meet the darkness. “I look forward to it, my lord.” He knew once the amulet and Cassie were together, her sacrifice would open the gateway allowing hell to pour into the human world.

  Odage stepped outside the tent and summoned Oroumea.

  “What is it, my love?” she asked, brushing sand from her feet before entering the tent.

  “Stay here with the child. I have work to do.”

  Oroumea wrinkled her nose. “I am not a babysitter. Call your servant to take care of the child.”

  He pulled his wife close. “I know you’re not fond of infants, but I need this favor.” He kissed her neck, hoping a little seduction might help.

  She rubbed against his erection, making him clench his teeth. “Very well, I take it the slave is to be punished for her deceit?”

  “Yes.” He pushed her aside. “I must go.” He shoved his sunglasses up his nose and exited the tent. His booted feet left deep impressions in the sand as he strode toward Lileta’s tent.

  Caleb. Odage wanted his right-hand dragon there, as well. She would fear them both before this day was done. He would also have to find a new slave to care for Erebos, lest Lileta dare to take her anger out on the boy.

  Yes, my liege?

  Come down here and bring the dirise. We have some punishing to do.

  I’ll be there momentarily.

  Seconds later, Caleb landed beside Odage, taking his human shape. The dirise hung from a leather holster on his hip. Odage noted that Caleb looked more refreshed, his hair at least combed this time.

  “Bring the slave to me,” he commanded, taking the dirise from Caleb.

  Caleb disappeared inside the tent and seconds later, exited with Lileta being dragged behind him. He stopped in front of Odage and pulled the slave to stand before him, pinning her to his chest, facing Odage. “Here she is, my liege.”

  Odage grabbed her chin and squeezed. “I should kill you for your betrayal. I may yet.”

  Lileta pulled from his grasp. Her golden eyes glowed with fire and her breaths came in rapid succession. “Do me the favor. I would rather die than remain your slave.” She spit on Odage’s boot then tried to wrestle free of Caleb, but he held tight.

  Odage looked down at his boot then back at Lileta. “You wish to die? Then I think you shall live and suffer every day for it.” He met Caleb’s gaze. “Ti
e her to the whipping pole.”

  Caleb dragged Lileta over to a tall wooden pole sunk deep in the ground. He reached for the leather straps that were fastened at the top and tied her wrists over her head. He looked to Odage for further instructions.

  “Rip her top off,” Odage snarled while he swung the dirise back and forth. Caleb did as directed. He extended a claw and sliced off the pink T-shirt she wore. Leaving her with only a pink lace bra.

  “The bra as well.”

  Caleb shredded the bra, leaving her bare from the waist up.

  Lileta looked at Caleb through fused lashes. “Bastard.” She spit in his face. He glared at her then turned his back and walked away, never bothering to wipe his face.

  Odage stepped forward and raised the dirise, its sharp blades glistening in the sunlight. In one fluid motion, he brought forty-two inches of pure hell down, slicing across her back. Lileta flinched but never muttered a sound. Blood trickled down her chin from where she bit her lip. Odage struck again, this time catching part of her right breast. Blood poured from her wounds as the sun beat down on her.

  “You will obey me. I am your master.”

  She met his gaze, eyes filled with hatred. “Never.”

  Odage swung the dirise over his head in a circle like a lasso then brought another sharp slap across her back. Her long, raven hair now matted against her bloody skin, but still she refused to whimper, not even a tear escaped her golden eyes. He had to give her credit. She was a warrior and took a beating like one. He’d known many men in his life that had screamed like a small child from a beating less than what she had just received.

  “I should leave you out here for the vultures to pick at your bones.”

  Caleb leaned over and whispered something in Odage’s ear. The shifters lips curled into an evil grin as he looked at Caleb. “Granted.”

  As Cassie moved behind Eliza, her skin pebbled. Someone followed them. She turned her head and wished she hadn’t. Behind her were two demons. Their black, shiny skin glistened in the light. Tusks protruded from their mouths, luminous eyes cast an eerie glow. They walked on hooves, and large claws protruded from their hands. Their height equaled her own.

  “Ummm, there are some disgusting things following us.” She wondered how they were going to get out of this mess. It seemed unlikely Marcus would be coming for her. She’d tried to reach him, but there was no answer.

  “Ignore them.”

  Right, easier said than done. Especially when one of them yelled out.

  “Give us the human female.”

  “Yes, give us the female, and we will let you pass,” the other hissed.

  Eliza stopped and whirled around. “Back off, bitches, she belongs to High Lord Lowan.”

  The creatures shrieked and began to back up. “Yes, take her. Leave us please.” They sang in unison.

  Eliza stood for a moment to make sure the beasts fled then jerked on the rope. “Come.”

  Cassie tripped and nearly fell but managed to right herself before she hit the ground. She doubted Eliza would have stopped but dragged her to their next destination.

  “Who is Lowan?” Again, another question she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer to. Then again, best to get to know all your enemies.

  “He is High Lord, and my and Drayos’s son.” Eliza flashed a wicked grin. “He is most anxious to meet you.”

  Cassie bit her bottom lip. Yeah, she couldn’t wait to meet him either. Not. “So, he sends his mother to do his dirty work? Why didn’t he just come and get me himself?”

  “He cannot leave his world, yet.”

  Fantastic, so if she could get away from him, he would be unable to chase after her. Then she only had to worry about bitchtilda here. Of course, how she would escape here was another problem altogether. What is this? They were coming up to another cave. She was really getting sick and tired of caves.

  “Don’t touch the walls,” Eliza warned.

  “Do I dare ask why?”

  “Flesh-eating spiders.”

  Cassie stopped dead. She had a real fear of spiders. “Do we really have to go in there?” She started shaking uncontrollably. Hyperventilation wouldn’t be far away if she didn’t regain composure. She tried to remember her breathing exercise, one Dr. Story had taught her. She had worked with one of the psychiatrists at the hospital on her phobia. Breathe in, breathe out. In with the good, out with the bad.

  “Why, you have a fear of spiders, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and flesh-eating isn’t helping.”

  Eliza walked into the cave and left her standing outside until the slack in the rope ran out, then with a jerk, she went stumbling into the darkness. Eliza had produced a torch, Cassie almost wished she hadn’t. At no time did she want to see the creepy crawlies that slithered along the wall. Instead, her gaze focused on Eliza’s head and imagined the numerous ways to remove it.

  Cassie wrapped her arms around her waist. It was the only way to keep from touching the cavern wall and the spiders that lurked there. “How much farther?” She felt like she’d been walking forever. Tired, hungry and her back was killing her. At this point, she was just downright cranky.

  “Stop your damn whining, or I’ll leave you here with the spiders.”

  That was it, the last damn straw. She grabbed the rope and jerked with all her might. Success, Eliza fell on her ass. “I have had about enough of you, bitch.”

  Eliza jumped up and was in her face before she could back away, slapping her so hard she stumbled backward. “I should gut you right here.” Fangs reflected the glow of the torch. “If my son didn’t need you to leave this realm, I would.”

  “What do you mean he needs me? For what?” She had a bad feeling about this, her gut told her to gather as much information as she could. The guardians were going to need it, and she planned on leaving here. Alive.

  “We don’t have time for this.” Eliza grabbed Cassie by the arm and shoved her out front. “You go first, I’ll cover your back.” She flashed a mouthful of white teeth.

  Cassie grabbed the torch and marched forward. Screw this, I want out of this god forsaken cave and now. Once again, she tried to find a telepathic link, not caring that Eliza might eavesdrop. Marcus? Aidyn? Odd, rather than the silence she always heard before, now she got static. Maybe that was a good thing, perhaps she was closer to establishing a link with someone. Eliza hadn’t made her usual remarks either. Could it be Eliza hadn’t heard her this time? She tried to remain calm, not wanting to get her hopes up.

  She caught a faint light ahead. It looked like the spider cave was coming to an end. She forced her tired legs to move faster, wanting out of the confines of the narrow tunnel. When she stepped through the opening, she froze. Her eyes took in the bleak surroundings.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?”

  The light she had seen came from rivers of lava. Small fires burned, and thick, hot goo bubbled to the surface. A combination of rotten eggs, burning flesh, and blood assaulted her nose. More than she could bear, her stomach rebelled, tossing its contents onto the jagged rocks nearby. While her gut was racked with spasms, screams filled her ears until she thought they would bleed. If this wasn’t hell then god help her, for this was worse than she ever imagined.

  “Tsk, tsk, such a weak stomach you have.”

  God, that voice grated on her nerves. Visions of tossing Eliza into the burning inferno made her smile. Had she not been attached to the bitch by a rope she might have given it a go. Another jerk on the rope and bitchtilda had Cassie following behind her. I swear to the heavens. Wait...why didn’t I think of this sooner? Argathos.

  She held her breath, would the god heed her call?

  Cassandra. The voice caressed her mind like a whisper. Excitement coursed through her veins, she clasped a hand over her mouth to keep the squeal of delight from escaping, lest Eliza suspect something. So far, the bitch seemed clueless.

  Oh Argathos, I’m in terrible trouble. Please help me.

  Cassandra, I am unable to enter
that realm, but there are three who come searching for you. Are you hurt?

  No, not really... Who’s coming for me? She hoped with all her heart that Marcus’s name would roll off the god’s lips.

  Marcus, Gabriel and Baal search for you. They are in that realm right now.

  Tears filled her eyes. Marcus was coming for her, or maybe he was coming for his daughter. She didn’t care, he would save them both. Eliza is taking me to her son, Lowan, some high lord or something.

  Have you spoken with Marcus?

  No, you’re the only one I’ve been able to connect with. Static. Damn it, had she lost him? Argathos? Panic caused her to trip over a rock and fall to the ground. It was then she noticed the demons, all different shapes and sizes but all disgusting just the same. She spotted a woman tied to a burnt tree. The woman yelled to her, pleaded for Cassie to help her as a demon raped her. She tried to look away, but her body refused to move.

  “Eliza, we have to help her,” Cassie yelled.

  Eliza looked at her, and for a moment, Cassie swore there was a hint of sadness in the vampire’s eyes, but then it was gone. “She is only a tortured soul. There is no help for her now.” She tugged on the rope. “We’re almost there.”

  Cassie continued to stumble over rocks, her body hot and fatigued, the humidity so stifling she could hardly breathe. She kept her gaze to the ground. Otherwise, she bore witness to the atrocities played out by the demons. Souls tortured by rapes, burnings, and hacking off of limbs. The screams continued to fill her ears. She knew that even if she managed to somehow survive, she would never be the same.


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