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Vampire's Mate

Page 25

by Valerie Twombly

  He lifted her off of him. “It’s all right, sweetheart, you did fine for your first time. It will get easier.” He took her hand and led her out into the deeper water. They both submersed and let the warmth soothe their tired muscles.

  “Tomorrow, we will perform the binding ceremony. You will pledge your oath to our king.”

  “I’d like that very much, but isn’t it short notice to Aidyn?”

  “No, I have informed him. He and the others are already making preparations.” A wicked smile crossed his lips.

  “What?” Her brows knitted together. “What have you done?”

  “Your sister will be there as well.”

  She gasped and threw herself into his arms. “Marcus, thank you, thank you.” It was the best gift he could have given her. She hadn’t seen Jill in so long and missed her very much. “I love you.” She kissed him long and hard.

  “Let’s go home. Are you ready to flash yourself?”

  “I can do that?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “There are many things you can do. Picture my home in your mind and take us there.”

  She did as instructed, and before she knew it, the dark vortex sucked them in, and they had left the cave. Marcus laughed so hard there were tears running down his face. When she looked around, she realized they were outside his home, both dripping wet and naked. Shit!

  She beat him on the chest. “Stop laughing, it’s not funny."

  “I’m sorry, love, really I am but...oh hell.” He broke off into a fit of laughter again. She smiled, then broke into her own laughter.

  “Can you help me out and get us inside the house?” In a flash, they were standing inside the bathroom, and Marcus was wrapping her in a large, soft towel. He kissed her on the top of the head.

  “It will get easier, I promise. Now get dressed so we can visit the others.”

  So much had happened over the last twenty-four hours. “It feels like a dream,” Cassie said to Gwen and Jill. Both girls were helping her get ready for the ceremony that was scheduled in one hour. Gwen had run her through the entire ceremony and had quizzed her all day. Cassie fretted that she would embarrass herself or worse yet, Marcus. Hell, she was still stumbling through her new skills as a vampire.

  “Now do you remember everything I told you?” Gwen asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “Like I could forget. I think you’ve tattooed it into my memory.”

  Jill stepped next to her and patted her on the back. “Now we don’t want you doing something like say...flashing yourself naked into the front yard.” Jill and Gwen cackled like a couple of hens, causing her to drop her head into her hands.

  “What was I thinking when I shared that bit of information with you?”

  Gwen stepped over and gave her a hug. “You’ll be fine. Now let’s get you into your dress.”

  Cassie pulled her hands away from her face. She was excited to see the dress Marcus had picked out for her. She had spent last night at Gwen’s, deciding that she wanted to at least follow some of her traditions by not letting the groom see the bride. He hadn’t been happy to separate from her but caved only on the condition that guards be posted outside the house. Even though his sister was a fit warrior, he wanted the three girls to have fun and relax. Knowing the guards were outside in case something went wrong had given them all relief. No one knew for sure where Lowan, Eliza or even Odage were, and they were still a threat.

  “Should I be nervous, Gwen? I mean, is Marcus going to dress me in a burlap bag?”

  Gwen giggled. “I don’t think so, but let’s see.”

  All three women crowded around the black bag that hung on the back of the bedroom door. Cassie reached up, her hands shaking as she slowly pulled down the zipper. Stunned silence filled the room.

  “It’s beautiful,” Jill said.

  “I believe my brother has outdone himself.”

  She had never seen anything more beautiful. “Hurry and help me get in on.” She couldn’t wait to see how it looked on her. Jill finished pulling off the black bag and removed the dress from the hanger. Gwen steadied Cassie while Jill held the dress open for her to step into. Once into the dress, Jill pulled it up and helped place the straps over her shoulders while Gwen zipped up the back. Both women took a step back to admire the bride.

  “Well?” Her nerves sat on the outside of her skin. She looked down at herself but was unable to get the full effect. The dress fit perfectly and caressed her skin like spun silk. When she looked back up at her sisters, they were both crying.

  “What? What’s the matter? Do I look fat?”

  Both women shook their heads. “You are stunning,” Jill replied.

  “I don’t think even my brother knows how beautiful you are going to be in that dress.”

  Gwen and Jill stepped aside so she could gaze into the full-length mirror. When she caught her reflection, she gasped and stepped closer. The braided straps held delicate lace that covered the top of her collarbone, leaving her shoulders bare. The front fell into a V-neck, showing off her cleavage. Under her breasts was a wide band of white silk, swathed in lace and crystals. The rest of the dress fell in a straight line to the floor with a small train. Gwen had pulled Cassie’s hair into a delicate chignon and wrapped a thin piece of white lace around the top. She stared at herself, unable to speak.

  “What do you think?” Jill asked.

  “I...I look like a Greek goddess.” It was true, and she had never felt more beautiful in her entire life. Marcus had picked the perfect dress, simple yet elegant.

  Gwen approached and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Today, you are a goddess, and I am happy to call you sister.”

  “Hell, I need a tissue,” Jill cried.

  Cassie turned to look at her sister. “I think you better bring the box.” She smiled and looked at Gwen. “Will you do me a favor and flash us there? I fear I might put myself in the middle of the damn sea.”

  Gwen extended both hands. “I would be honored.”

  Her soon to be sister in-law left Cassie inside the small room just outside the throne room, then she and Jill took their places. Cassie paced nervously, waiting for her cue to leave.

  Are you ready, sweetheart?

  Marcus, his voice sounded like music in her head. Yes, I’m ready.

  Do you like your dress?

  It’s beautiful, thank you.

  I’m glad you like it. Come now, it’s time for our ceremony to begin.

  She opened the door and stepped onto the red carpet. Carefully, she walked down the corridor, past the marble columns until the room widened. She stopped for a moment when she spotted everyone. At the top of the dais sat Aidyn on his ornate throne. On his right stood Zarek, then Argathos. On his left were two breathtaking women whom she had never seen before but guessed them to be goddesses. Lined up next to them on both sides of the room were the warriors, including Gwen and a few other females. In the middle, stood Marcus. He was dressed like the other men, wearing some kind of Egyptian skirt and gold bands on his biceps.

  After regaining her composure, she began the final steps toward him. She spotted Jill off to the side, blotting her eyes with a tissue. As she walked past each warrior, they moved in behind, until she and Marcus stood inside the circle. She looked up at him, his hair pulled back from his face and his eyes lined with kohl. His sun-kissed body was perfection, and she felt a pool of moisture between her legs. I’d do you right here, if it weren’t for an audience.

  The feeling is mutual, my love. “You are stunning.”

  Aidyn rose from his throne and stepped forward. “Join hands and kneel before your king and gods.” They did as commanded, the marble floor surprisingly warm where they knelt. Cassie experienced the hum in the floor that Gwen had warned her about. It seemed the eye of Ra––which was embedded into the marble beneath them––vibrated with power. The eyes in the statue of Ra that stood behind Aidyn began to glow red.

  Aidyn moved back to his throne, and Zarek stepped forward. “Marcu
s, we have bestowed upon you the most precious gift a guardian can receive. A mate. Do you accept her and promise to care for her?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Then proceed.” Zarek stepped back into his place in line.

  Cassie watched as Aidyn handed a dagger to the woman directly to his left. She approached, her long sapphire gown complemented her raven hair, she held the dagger across both palms.

  “I am Ediva, the goddess of lightning. I bring you the king’s dagger.” The blade glowed for a moment before Marcus reached for it.

  He looked at Cassie. “Hold out your right hand, palm up.”

  She did, and he made a clean slice across her palm. He repeated the same step on his right palm then placed his over top of hers, his gaze locked onto her. “I bind myself to thee for all eternity. I place your life and happiness above my own. I freely give to you my heart, my soul, and my undying love. I willingly sacrifice my own life to protect you and our children. Should your soul leave this world, I will follow you into the next life.”

  Warmth flowed through her body, her soul stirred then she felt a sudden connection to Marcus. She knew his every thought and feelings. The feeling of love that flowed through her sent a tear sliding down her cheek. It was his love for her, love that words alone could never express but this...this was more than she could have imagined.

  “I give you all that I am, sia itov, my love.”

  Can you feel my emotions too?

  He smiled. I can.

  Then you know how much I love you as well.


  Ediva picked up the dagger and returned it to Aidyn. Zarek moved in front of Cassie. It was time to receive her gift from him. He placed his hand on the top of her head then white light radiated from his fingers and pain burned across the back of her right shoulder.

  Her mark.

  She and Marcus now had matching tattoos, the sign of a healer. The only difference was hers had one black wing and one red wing. The red signified her status as a guardian mate. She didn’t mind, though, as she looked down at the beautiful diamond on her left hand. He had promised that he would also wear her ring, which she would present him with later.

  “Cassandra, you will rise.” Zarek took her hand and helped her to her feet. “Do you vow to follow your king and protect all humanity from evil?”

  “Yes.” She looked up at the towering god.

  “Will you help your king keep the peace among all immortals?”

  “I will.”

  “Do you understand that any waiver in your loyalty to him is punishable by death?”

  “I do.”

  He smiled at her, then winked. “Then go to your king.”

  She moved forward until she reached Aidyn. Kneeling down at his feet, she bit into her wrist and held it up to him.

  “Welcome, little one, I am pleased to have you with us.” He bent down and took her wrist, drinking the blood that she offered in sacrifice. When he had finished, he rose, pulling her to her feet. “I present to you Cassandra Dagotto, healer and mate to our own guardian, Marcus. May you protect her life as she will protect yours.”

  Cheers and clapping echoed around the room. Marcus approached, and Aidyn placed Cassie’s hand in her mate’s.

  “Kiss your bride, so we can go drink some champagne,” Aidyn said.

  “Wife, you’re stuck with me for eternity.”

  She placed a palm on his face. “Husband, I’d have it no other way.”

  Their lips touched and their souls entwined. Together, they would forge the way to a new world.

  A scream filled the air. Warriors scrambled, and weapons materialized from nowhere. Marcus shoved Cassie behind him and yelled to stay put. Eliza stood with a knife to Jill’s throat, a vortex opened behind her, and several demons emerged. All encircled Cassie’s sister.

  Cassie touched Marcus’s arm for support. “We have to save her.”

  His jaw clenched. “I will kill that bitch once and for all.”

  “How dare you bring your vile pets into my home,” Aidyn said, anger rolled off him.

  Eliza hissed. “Your home? This is my home. I should be queen!”

  Aidyn stepped closer and looked at his sister for several seconds, his emotions in apparent turmoil. Cassie understood what they had meant by being connected. Her heart broke for the warrior. His last living relative stood before him, but she was no longer the sister he knew.

  She chewed her lip. Would he sacrifice her sister for his own?

  “Let the woman go, Eliza. This is between you and me.” Aidyn extended his hand.

  Eliza laughed. “Sorry, brother, you would kill me in a heartbeat.”

  “Sister, I love you, and it saddens me to have to take your life. But I will. You have broken every law a guardian fights to uphold.” His fists clenched and unclenched. “You have left me no choice.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m willing to bargain. Cassie comes with me in exchange for her sister’s life.”

  “No fucking way.” Marcus took a step forward.

  “What’s the matter, afraid of losing your new bride?” Eliza tightened her grip on Jill, and the blade at her neck drew blood.

  “No.” Cassie pushed Marcus out of the way and ran forward.

  Cassie, what are you doing? We will find a way to free Jill.

  No, I’m tired of hiding.

  “Eliza, I counteroffer. Let my sister go, and I will fight the death.”

  Marcus moved in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips touched her ear. “No.” His whisper full of desperation.

  Eliza smiled. “I will accept only if every warrior here stays out of the fight and vows arytissi tiichi.”

  Warriors mumbled throughout the hall. Cassie glanced around. Every man clenched his jaw. She looked back at Eliza. “What is that?”

  “It means warrior's honor. We must promise to not interfere. To do so brings severe punishment by the gods,” Marcus said.

  She turned to look at her mate. “What kind of punishment?”

  His gray eyes turned stormy. “Death.”

  She brought her hand to her mouth, then quickly regained her composure. “My sister’s life is on the line, you must all take the vow.” Please.

  One by one, each warrior repeated the words. Aidyn stood next to her. “I vow arytissi tiichi.”

  It was now up to Marcus. She looked at him, his eyes were moist. “I can’t. You ask too much of me. The world would never survive your death.”

  She touched his cheek. “You must take the vow.”

  “I love you.”

  “Take the vow, for me.”

  He kissed her hand. “I vow arytissi tiichi.” He leaned down, and his lips touched hers. “I can’t promise I won’t interfere.” He pulled her into him, and their tongues glided together. She relished every second, since this might be the last time they were together.

  “Oh come on already.”

  Cassie pushed away. “That’s it. This bitch is going down.” She looked at Aidyn. “Can you contain him?” She nodded at Marcus.

  “What? No,” Marcus yelled.

  “You’ll never keep your vow, and I can’t have you dying on me.”

  Lucan slid in and a black mist circled Marcus around the waist. Dozens of tiny hands reached out and latched onto his skin. He fought but was bound tight. His gaze moved to Lucan.

  “Motherfucker, I’ll deal with you later.”

  Lucan smiled. “I’ll be waiting.” He winked at Cassie. “Remember what I taught you.”

  Cassie strode toward Eliza. “They have all taken the vow, now let my sister go.”

  “Cassie, don’t so this,” Jill cried.

  She smiled at Jill. “It’s already done. Now release her.”

  Eliza shoved her away, and Gwen grabbed Jill’s hand, pulling her into the warriors' fold. It was just the two of them in the center of the room. “Choose your weapon, bitch.” Cassie held up her hand and produced a sword.

  Eliza laughed a
nd produced a sword to match Cassie’s. “Now, to repay you for stealing my mate.” She swung, and Cassie matched, metal clanged and sparks flew.

  “Your mate? You lost him years ago. He loves me now, and I will bear his children.” She lunged and swung, Eliza sidestepped.

  Eliza lunged and managed to nick Cassie’s arm before she moved out of the way. She heard Marcus growl.

  “Damn it, woman, be careful,” he yelled.

  She ignored him and did her best to remember everything Lucan had taught her before she became a guardian. Now, she had strength and power on her side. Gods, I hope it’s enough. She felt the babe stir inside her. Resolve rushed through her veins. She had to win this fight. She swung, missed. Flashed behind Eliza, but the older woman was wise to her tricks. Eliza kicked out a leg and sent Cassie to the ground. She jumped to her feet, flashed a dagger into her left hand and threw. It struck Eliza in the thigh.

  Eliza screeched. “Bitch!”

  Cassie panted, her body tired, not yet used to the changes that had taken place. The wound on her arm healed but had taken a toll as well. She prayed for a miracle, knowing she’d never survive otherwise. Their swords met, Eliza pushed and Cassie stumbled backward.

  “Hey, doll. Gotta tell ya, I’ve been wanting to oust this bitch for some time.” Baal had appeared behind Eliza and it was the distraction Cassie needed. She summoned all her strength and prayed this time she got it right. When Eliza turned to face the threat, Cassie flashed, her sword raised and as soon as she appeared, she swung. All her power was thrown into the force of the blade as it connected with Eliza’s neck.

  Her head rolled and the headless body hit the floor.

  “You have no idea how many times I wanted to do that.” She looked up at Baal. “Thanks for the help.”

  He grinned and gave a slight bow. “Pleasure was mine.”

  Marcus slid in behind Cassie, strong arms wrapped her in a cocoon. “Baal, however you came to be here, I am most grateful.”

  He snorted. “My friends and I were asked to join the party.”

  Cassie looked around. The demons who had accompanied Eliza were now turning to ash as Aidyn cleaned up the mess. In their place stood ten large men. Their golden eyes and extreme good looks indicated they were Kothar demons.


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