Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens

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Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens Page 36

by William Shakespeare

  15 provision was out financial means were exhausted

  16 of on account of

  16 how ... go how things stand now

  18 so in the same situation

  20 pieces gold coins

  24 With ... heart welcome with all my heart

  29 Nor ... men "swallows, like false friends, fly away upon the approach of winter" (proverbial) 31 stay delay

  32 if ... sound i.e. if your ears can feed on rough music 33 presently imminently

  34 it ... lordship that you do not resent the fact/that you do not view it to have been harsh and unfriendly 38 what cheer how are you

  38 banquet i.e. table, place settings etc. since dishes are still forthcoming 41 so ... beggar i.e. too poor to help you

  44 cumber encumber, burden

  46 covered dishes suggesting lavish hot food

  47 cheer food

  54 upon what for what reason

  56 toward forthcoming

  57 old man i.e. the old Timon

  58 hold last/prove to be true

  59 will i.e. will tell

  60 conceive understand

  61 spur eagerness

  62 diet food

  63 city feast formal banquet, where people sit according to rank 64 require demand/deserve

  67 reserve still always keep something back

  72 a score twenty

  73 as they are i.e. no better than women really are/not wearing makeup/not falsely representing themselves 74 tag rabble

  82 knot group

  82 mouth-friends men whose friendship is all talk/men who can be won with feasts 82 Smoke steam/dishonesty, swindling

  83 Is your perfection sums you up perfectly/is your consummate skill/is your foremost virtue 84 stuck and spangled pinned with jewels and sparkling 86 reeking steaming

  89 trencher wooden plate

  89 trencher-friends friends won with feasts

  89 flies i.e. parasites

  90 Cap ... slaves i.e. always doffing their caps or bowing in a sycophantic manner 90 vapours i.e. insubstantial, worthless men 90 minute-jacks i.e. overly punctilious in their attentions 90 jack figure of a man that strikes the bell on a clock, usually every quarter of an hour 91 infinite endless/worst possible

  93 Soft wait a moment

  93 physic medicine

  95 be let there be

  96 Whereat at which

  98 Of by

  100 quality nature

  101 Push! exclamation of impatience

  103 humours moods

  104 sways control

  111 upon my bones intuitively/because of the bruises incurred by the stones Act 4 Scene 1

  4.1 Location: outside the walls of Athens

  2 girdles in encircles

  3 Matrons married women

  3 incontinent sexually unrestrained

  5 grave wise/dignified

  6 minister govern

  6 steads places

  6 general filths common whores

  7 green young/innocent

  8 Do't change/have sex

  8 eyes i.e. sight

  8 hold fast i.e. hold on to money

  10 trusters those who trust you/creditors

  10 Bound under contract to serve for a specified time 11 Large-handed grasping

  12 pill plunder

  13 o'th'brothel i.e. a whore

  14 lined padded

  16 Religion devotion

  17 Domestic awe respect given to home and parents

  17 neighbourhood neighborliness

  18 instruction teaching/knowledge

  18 mysteries crafts, trades

  19 Degrees social ranks

  19 observances ritual, ceremony

  20 confounding contraries ruinous opposites

  21 incident liable to afflict

  23 for stroke to be struck

  23 cold stiffening/caused by a chill

  24 halt limp

  25 liberty licentiousness

  27 strive contend, wage war

  28 riot debauchery

  28 blains sores, blisters (perhaps venereal)

  29 bosoms i.e. bodies (the image is of sowing seed in the bosom of the earth) 32 merely absolute

  32 bear carry away

  34 bans curses

  36 kinder more caring/more natural, showing more kinship 37 confound destroy

  Act 4 Scene 2

  4.2 Location: Timon's house, Athens

  2 undone ruined

  4 Let ... gods may the gods hear me/as the gods are my witness 6 house household

  6 broke bankrupt/broken up

  8 take ... arm i.e. support him in his misfortune 12 familiars ... fortunes those who were his close friends when he was rich 14 picked robbed, emptied

  15 dedicated ... air beggar dedicated to life in the open air 16 all-shunned avoided by everyone

  17 fellows fellow servants

  18 implements furniture, utensils

  19 livery servant's uniform

  21 bark ship

  22 dying i.e. sinking, doomed

  23 surges waves

  26 latest last

  29 knell funeral bell

  33 glory magnificence/vainglory

  38 pomp ceremony, splendor

  38 what state compounds that constitutes magnificence 39 painted i.e. superficial, false

  41 blood disposition

  44 still mar always ruin

  46 wretched poor/miserable

  48 flung thrown himself

  48 seat center/place of residence

  49 monstrous unnatural

  50 to ... life any of life's necessities

  51 command purchase

  52 inquire find

  Act 4 Scene 3

  4.3 Location: woods near Athens

  1 breeding i.e. breeding infection

  1 draw ... humidity the sun was thought to draw putrid vapors from the earth 2 sister's orb i.e. the moon (the earthly region below which was thought to be corruptible, unlike the heavens above) 4 residence gestation, time spent in the womb

  5 dividant separable

  5 touch test/afflict

  5 several different

  6 Not ... nature i.e. not even human nature, which is subject to all afflictions, can experience good fortune without feeling contempt for others' misfortune 9 Raise me promote, elevate

  10 bear contempt hereditary endure contempt as though it came with their position (or birth) 11 native honour treated as if he was born with honor 12 pasture i.e. fortune, sustenance, what one gets in life 12 lards fattens

  13 want lack of

  14 purity of manhood human integrity

  16 grece step, stair

  17 smoothed made easy/smoothed by flattery

  17 pate head

  18 Ducks bows

  18 golden i.e. wealthy

  18 oblique indirect

  19 level direct

  20 direct straightforward

  22 semblable likeness

  23 fang seize, maul

  24 of from

  24 sauce flavor

  25 operant potent, effective

  27 votarist one bound by a vow

  28 clear innocent, pure

  28 this i.e. the gold

  32 lug haul away

  35 knit bind

  36 hoar whitish-gray (the color of the scaly skin characteristic of leprosy)/puns on "whore" (leprosy was often confused with syphilis) 36 place appoint to positions of high status

  37 knee homage, the right to be knelt to

  39 wappened sexually exhausted

  40 spittle house hospital

  41 cast ... at vomit at the sight of

  41 this i.e. the gold

  41 embalms and spices preserves and perfumes (as one might a corpse) 42 th'April day i.e. youthful freshness

  43 common whore i.e. because frequently trodden upon or plowed (both euphemisms for sex) 43 odds discord, conflict

  44 rout company, gathering; plays on sense of "defeat, overthrow"

  45 Do ... nature act in accordance wi
th your true nature 45 quick fast/alive

  46 go keep going, be able to walk

  46 thief i.e. the gold

  47 keepers owners/jailers

  48 for earnest as a deposit, a pledge

  48 Drum and Fife a drummer and a player of the fife (a flute-like instrument, often used for military music) 50 canker cancer/canker-worm (which eats plants and flowers) 54 Misanthropos "man-hater" (Greek)

  56 something somewhat, a little

  58 strange unacquainted, ignorant

  61 gules red (heraldic term)

  62 canons rules, edicts; plays on "cannons" (large guns) 63 fell fierce, cruel

  65 cherubin look angelic appearance

  66 lips rot off suggestive of the rotting effects of syphilis 70 wanting lacking

  71 renew grow again (may play on a sense of "extend the repayment period for a loan") 79 in some sort to some extent

  82 brace pair

  83 minion favorite, darling

  84 Voiced so regardfully praised so highly, spoke of with such regard 87 use employ sexually

  89 salt lecherous (season picks up on the culinary sense) 89 season prepare/spice, salt

  90 tubs and baths sweating-tubs and hot baths used to treat venereal disease 91 tub-fast sexual abstinence during the treatment

  95 of late lately

  96 whereof of which

  97 penurious poverty-stricken

  97 band i.e. of soldiers

  98 mindless heedless, neglectful

  100 But had it not been for

  100 trod would have trodden

  108 on a heap in ruins

  116 up away

  117 planetary plague i.e. a disaster caused by malign planetary influence 117 Jove supreme Roman god

  118 Will resolves to

  118 high-viced very wicked, full of vice

  119 sick infected/infectious

  119 skip omit, spare

  121 strike me strike (me is emphatic) 121 counterfeit matron married woman who feigns respectability 122 habit clothing/bearing

  124 trenchant sharp, cutting

  124 milk-paps nipples

  125 window-bars open-work squares of a bodice/latticework of a window 126 leaf of pity list of those to be shown pity

  127 set write

  128 exhaust draw forth

  130 doubtfully ambiguously

  130 the ... cut will have its throat cut/will be a cutthroat 131 mince chop it up

  131 sans remorse without pity 131 objects objections

  133 proof tested strength

  136 confusion ruin, destruction

  139 counsel advice

  140 Dost ... not whether you do or not

  142 forswear renounce

  143 make ... bawd make pimps give up making women into prostitutes 144 mountant raised (to catch the gold in, with a suggestion of skirts lifted for sex) 144 oathable able to keep an oath

  146 agues fevers characterized by shaking

  148 conditions characters/occupations

  150 whore (your) whoring

  150 burn him up i.e. with lust/with venereal disease 151 close fire hidden infection/enclosed heat/hot vaginas 151 predominate prevail over, dominate

  151 smoke i.e. pious (and insincere or insubstantial) words 152 be no turncoats i.e. don't turn against your true profession (prostitution) 152 your ... contrary your efforts be thwarted six months later/you suffer harmful venereal pains six months later/you suffer for six months; six months may refer to the maximum gestation period for secondary syphilis or to the period of imprisonment for prostitutes 153 thin roofs balding heads (a symptom of syphilis) 154 burdens of i.e. wigs made with hair from 156 Paint apply makeup

  156 mire upon sink, get stuck in/defecate on

  157 pox (syphilitic) plague

  159 do plays on sense of "have sex with"

  160 Consumptions wasting diseases (specifically syphilis, which decays the bones) 161 sharp starved, wasted

  162 mar ruin

  162 spurring ability to use spurs/ability to have sex 163 title claim to possession

  164 quillets fine distinctions, quibbles

  164 Hoar decay/whiten (as well as rotting the bones, syphilis causes silvery ulcerations) 164 flamen priest

  165 scolds ... flesh preaches against sexual desire 166 Down ... nose syphilis causes the collapse of the nasal bridge 168 his ... foresee to safeguard his personal advantage 169 Smells ... weal loses the scent of the common good (hunting imagery) 169 curled-pate curly-haired

  170 braggarts boastful cowards

  172 activity sexual activity

  173 erection personal advancement/penile erection

  175 grave bury, serve as a grave for

  177 earnest advance payment, a deposit

  184 it i.e. to be so

  185 beagles hunting dogs/whores

  186 Strike! Sound the drum!

  187 sick of made ill by

  188 Common mother i.e. the earth

  190 Teems gives birth to/is fertile, flourishes

  190 mettle spirit, essence (given the buried gold, probably puns on "metal") 191 puffed inflated (with pride)

  192 Engenders produces, breeds

  192 toad thought to be poisonous

  193 gilded gold-colored

  193 eyeless venomed worm blindworm (legless lizard)/adder 194 crisp shining, clear (just possibly "marbled with clouds") 195 Whereon on which

  195 Hyperion's belonging to the father of the sun, sometimes the sun god himself in Greek mythology 195 quickening life-giving

  198 Ensear dry up

  198 conceptious fertile

  200 Go great be pregnant

  202 marbled ... above i.e. the heavens

  204 marrows vitality, nourishing richness, figurative bone marrow 204 leas fields

  205 liquorish sweet, tempting (plays on "lickerous," i.e. lecherous) 205 draughts drinks/potions

  206 unctuous oily

  207 That so that

  207 consideration reflection, reason

  210 affect favor/imitate

  212 would would rather

  212 catch seize

  213 but infected i.e. temporary, not inherent 216 slave-like habit lowly, servile clothing

  216 care anxiety

  217 yet still

  217 soft in comfort

  218 perfumes i.e. perfumed mistresses

  220 putting on assuming/exhibiting

  220 cunning skill, practices

  220 carper cynic, fault-finder

  222 hinge thy knee i.e. kneel

  223 observe follow, pay homage to

  224 vicious strain immoral characteristic

  225 Thou ... thus this is how you were spoken to (i.e. flattered) previously 226 gav'st thine ears i.e. listened

  226 tapsters barmen (who would greet all customers indiscriminately) 228 rascal a lowly commoner/a camp follower (in the following line the sense shifts to "rogues") 233 boisterous rough

  233 chamberlain servant responsible for the bedroom 234 put ... warm i.e. warm your clothes by the fire 235 page thy heels wait on you like your page

  236 skip ... out i.e. jump to do your bidding 237 Candied encrusted, as if with sugar

  237 caudle ... taste i.e. revive you in the morning with a caudle (a warm, strengthening drink) 238 o'ernight's previous night's

  238 surfeit excess, overindulgence

  240 wreakful vengeful

  240 trunks bodies

  242 Answer face

  242 mere absolute, unmitigated

  248 caitiff wretch

  250 vex torment

  251 office task, role

  252 Dost ... in't? Are you enjoying it?

  255 habit outfit, i.e. manner

  256 well good, well done

  257 enforcedly out of necessity

  257 Thou'dst you would like (to be)

  258 Willing misery voluntary poverty

  259 incertain changeable, unreliable

  259 crowned before sooner satisfied

  260 The one i.e. p

  260 filling still i.e. never satisfied, always seeking more 261 high wish the height of its wishes

  261 Best ... content it is more miserable to be at the height of prosperity without contentment than to be contented and at the bottom of one's fortunes 262 distracted agitated, mentally disturbed

  265 breath i.e. advice

  268 swath swaddling clothes, i.e. infancy

  268 proceeded climbed/attained/graduated to

  269 degrees steps/social ranks/university degrees

  270 drugs drudges (menial servants; or possibly "medicinal drugs" that a qualified doctor might dispense) 272 riot debauchery

  272 melted down wasted/exhausted sexually (with connotations of detumescence) 274 precepts of respect commands of those in authority/principles of respect/rules a respected person must live by 275 sugared game sweet (sexual) prey/delicious amusements 278 at duty at my command, available for service

  278 frame devise

  280 brush violent gust of wind

  281 Fell fallen

  284 sufferance hardship

  285 hard in't hardened to it

  287 rag worthless scrap

  288 put stuff To sexually penetrated/ejaculated in 288 stuff penis/semen (picks up on rag to play on the sense of "fabric") 289 compounded conceived

  290 hereditary by inheritance

  291 worst socially lowest

  293 yet still

  295 prodigal spendthrift, wasteful person

  298 leave permission

  299 That I wish that, if only

  301 mend improve

  304 botched poorly repaired, patched up (as you will remain in your own company) 305 would it were wish it were botched (i.e. I wish you would continue to be discontent on your own/I wish you would leave me alone) 306 to sent to, conveyed

  310 truest most honest

  311 does ... harm i.e. is not used to bribe and corrupt 312 a-nights at night

  313 that's that which is

  320 humanity i.e. human experience

  321 gilt gold, money/lavish adornments

  322 curiosity fastidiousness, delicate refinement

  324 medlar apple-like fruit eaten when rotten/meddler, one who interferes/slang term for the vagina, hence also "whore"/ person who has lots of sex ("to meddle" also meant "to copulate") 328 An th'hadst if you had

  330 unthrift wasteful

  330 after his means for what he had/after he had spent everything 334 thou ... dog i.e. only a dog would love you 342 confusion destruction, overthrow

  345 beastly beast-like/irrational/low, disgusting

  346 t'attain to gain, achieve

  346 beguile deceive, outwit

  348 peradventure as chance would probably have it

  349 dullness slowness/stupidity

  350 still thou livedst you would always live

  353 unicorn ... thee supposedly the fierce unicorn could be goaded into charging at a tree, where it would become trapped by embedding its horn in the trunk 354 conquest i.e. victim

  357 german closely related

  357 spots markings/crimes

  357 spots ... life i.e. you would be blamed for the crimes of your relations 358 thy ... remotion your safety would rely on removing yourself elsewhere 361 thy ... transformation what you would lose if you became an animal 363 hit upon it done so, pleased me

  367 Yonder ... painter in fact they do not appear until the beginning of Act 5; either Shakespeare did not correct his former intention to have the characters enter here, or Apemantus is speaking generally and simply means that the men are on their way 368 give way leave


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