372 cap top, foremost (playing on the literal sense of "fool's headgear") 375 stand by i.e. are compared to
378 I'll I would
379 tongue i.e. speech
380 issue offspring
381 Choler ... alive the fact that you are alive kills me with anger 391 But even except
391 mere necessities absolute fundamentals (basic means to survive, but the dominant sense here is "inevitabilities such as death") 392 presently immediately
395 That so that
395 in through
396 dear costly/beloved
397 natural blood-related
397 sire father
398 Hymen Greek and Roman god of marriage
398 Mars Roman god of war
401 Dian i.e. Diana, Roman goddess of hunting and chastity 402 sold'rest unites
402 impossibilities incompatible things
403 with every tongue in every language/with the tongue of every person 404 touch touchstone
405 Think believe that
406 confounding odds ruinous conflict
406 beasts ... empire animals will rule
413 Thy back i.e. turn around and go away
415 quit finished with, rid of him
416 Banditti outlaws, bandits
418 ort scrap, leftover
418 remainder remaining wealth
418 mere want utter lack
419 falling-from falling away, abandonment
421 noised rumored
422 assay test/attack
423 reserve withhold
424 shall's shall we
430 save thee God save thee (a standard greeting)
433 Both too you are both of these
434 want lack
435 want ... meat lack much food/desire elaborate food 438 mast acorns
438 hips rose-hips
440 mess serving of food
444 eat i.e. prey upon the wealth of
444 con offer
445 professed by trade/declared
446 shapes guises
447 limited officially regulated (the sense of "restricted" contrasts with boundless) 448 suck ... o'th'grape i.e. drink wine
448 subtle cunning
449 seethe boil/dissipate
450 scape hanging i.e. by dying of drink-induced fever instead 453 protest profess
454 example you give you precedent through examples 455 attraction power to draw up
456 arrant absolute
458 resolves melts
460 composture compost
462 your ... whip i.e. that restrain and punish you 463 Has unchecked theft possess limitless power to steal (or possibly "have failed to limit theft") 467 Steal ... howsoe'er if you steal less because I give you this gold, may gold destroy you in any case 469 Has he has
471 in ... of out of hatred for
472 mystery profession
473 as as I would
476 true honest
478 yond yonder, that
478 ruinous ruined
479 monument memorial
480 wonder extraordinary example
480 evilly bestowed bestowed upon evil people/badly bestowed 485 rarely splendidly
485 guise fashion, custom
488 that ... do who make it plain that they intend me harm, rather than those who do harm and pretend friendship 489 Has ... eye he has seen me
491 Still always
499 knaves servants/rogues
502 undone ruined
504 disclaim'st renounce
505 Flinty hard-hearted, stony
505 give weep
506 thorough through
508 know recognize, acknowledge
510 entertain receive/employ
512 comfortable comforting
516 exceptless universal, making no exceptions
517 perpetual sober eternally grave, moderate
518 but only
520 fain willingly
522 fell cut down
524 oppressing distressing/persecuting/overwhelming 525 service servant's post
527 Upon ... neck i.e. by standing on and oppressing their previous master 528 though ... sure however sure I am
529 subtle devious
530 usuring charging interest
533 suspect suspicion
536 merely purely, only
537 unmatched unequaled
540 For as for
541 hope i.e. the future
543 requite repay
544 singly uniquely
547 thus conditioned on this condition
547 from away from
552 blasted withered
Act 5 Scene 1
6 of from
9 breaking bankruptcy
9 try test
11 palm ... highest "the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree" (Psalms 92:12) 13 tender offer
14 show ... us show us to be honest
14 load reward
15 travail labor/travel
16 having possessions, wealth
18 visitation visit
20 intent planned work, project
22 Good ... best perfect, excellent
22 air style, fashion
24 for his act when put into practice
24 but except
25 the ... saying carrying out a promise
25 use custom
26 performance ... it acting on a promise is as sure a sign of unhealthy judgment as writing a will is a sign of bodily illness 32 personating of himself representation of him (in his current circumstances) 33 discovery revealing
34 opulency affluence
35 stand for model as
36 whip punish
39 Then ... late we damage our own fortunes if we arrive too late to benefit from Timon's wealth 42 serves is available
44 meet ... turn play you at your own game/meet you at the turning (Timon may have been concealed by a stage pillar and is about to emerge as if from around a corner) 47 thou i.e. gold
47 rigg'st the bark sets the rigging on a ship
48 Settlest establishes
49 thy saints may your devotees
49 aye ever
51 Fit aptly, at the right time
53 late former
54 once really
56 open generous
57 retired withdrawn
61 influence astrological influence over human destiny (an invisible substance thought to stream from stars and planets supposedly governed one's fate) 62 rapt absorbed by emotion
64 size quantity/glue applied to canvas before painting 67 them ungrateful men
69 shower heavenly downfall (continues astrological imagery) 78 therefore for that reason
80 counterfeit image, likeness (plays on the senses of "forgery/deception") 82 lively lifelike
83 So, so passably
84 E'en so exactly, just
84 fiction literary creation/lies
85 smooth elegantly flowing/flattering, deceitful
86 thou ... art your imitations of nature seem like the real thing/you show your true self in your deceit (natural may also have the sense of "foolish") 89 monstrous overly large/unnatural
93 ill badly
97 never ... but i.e. both of you
100 cog cheat
100 dissemble disguise the truth
101 patchery trickery
102 Keep keep him
102 bosom heart
103 made-up complete
108 draught sewer, cesspool
109 Confound destroy
109 course method, course of action
112 You ... company even if you part company, neither of you is alone (as each man has a dual identity: honest man and villain) 115 thou ... thou Timon addresses first one man, then the other 116 him i.e. the other man
118 pack be off
120 alchemist i.e. poet who transforms his subjects into something more splendid than they are in reality (and whose creations elicit payment); an alchemist seeks to turn base metals into gold 123 set ... himself so self-absorbed
r /> 127 part role
130 still always
131 framed made
131 fairer kinder/more favorable
133 The ... him may restore Timon to his former self 134 chance ... may let things fall out as they will 142 cantherizing blistering and burning
145 Of ... Timon i.e. we are worthy of nothing better than one another 150 What ... thee the wrongs that we regret having done to you 151 one consent unanimous agreement
153 dignities high offices
154 wearing possession, employment
156 general gross publicly obvious
158 recanter one who retracts
159 withal moreover, with it
160 restraining in withholding
161 sorrowed sorrowful
161 render acknowledgment, apology (literally "payment of account") 163 weigh ... dram outweigh when measured with great accuracy 163 dram one eighth of an ounce
166 write in thee i.e. as if in an account book 168 witch bewitch
169 Surprise overpower (emotionally)
171 beweep weep at
175 Allowed endowed
177 of ... wild Alcibiades' fierce attacks
186 sack plunder, pillage
188 stain i.e. pollution of rape
189 contumelious insolent, contemptuous
193 take't at worst put the worst interpretation on it 194 answer i.e. be cut (plays on the sense of "utter a reply") 195 whittle knife
196 prize ... before love and value it more than
199 keepers jailers
204 nothing i.e. the oblivion of death
206 last ... enough remain in that suffering state for a long time 210 bruit report, rumor
213 become befit
215 triumphers victorious warriors returning to the city in triumph 220 throes naturally occurring pains
221 nature's fragile vessel i.e. the body
225 close enclosure
226 use need
228 sequence of degree order of social rank
229 whoso please whoever wishes
230 take his haste hurry
233 still always
235 everlasting mansion eternal dwelling, i.e. grave 236 beached verge beach at the edge
236 salt flood the sea
237 Who refers either to Timon or to his grave
237 embossed foaming
239 be your oracle i.e. impart wisdom to you 245 Coupled to nature part of his character
247 strain stretch to their limits
248 dear extreme
Act 5 Scene 2
5.2 Location: Athens, seemingly just outside the city walls
1 painfully discovered revealed painful news
1 files ranks of troops
3 least lowest estimate
4 his ... approach the speed of his march suggests that he will arrive imminently 6 stand much hazard are at great risk
7 one one who is
7 ancient long-established
8 in ... opposed i.e. we were on opposite sides in this conflict 9 particular personal
12 imported concerned/communicated
13 fellowship partnership
14 in ... moved undertaken, in part, for Timon's sake 15 brothers fellow senators
17 fearful inducing fear
17 scouring swift movement of troops/cleaning of guns with scouring-rods 19 fall defeat/capture
19 the snare are the trap we will be caught by
Act 5 Scene 3
5.3 Location: woods near Athens
3 outstretched his span i.e. lived beyond his desired time 4 there ... man i.e. all men are beasts
6 character lettering
6 take with wax take a wax impression of it/copy it onto a wax tablet 7 figure kind of writing
8 aged i.e. experienced
9 set down encamped
9 this this time, now
10 Whose fall the fall of which
10 mark goal, target
Act 5 Scene 4
5.4 Location: outside the walls of Athens powers troops 1 Sound proclaim by trumpet
2 terrible terrifying
2 parley trumpet summons to negotiation, during which a ceasefire was observed 2 above i.e. on the upper staging level, or gallery 4 all licentious measure every kind of licentiousness/extremes of licentiousness 4 wills desires
5 scope measure
6 slept dwelt/remained passive
7 traversed arms folded arms/weapons held crossed (as in a military drill--i.e. not being used in active warfare) 7 breathed expressed, uttered
8 vainly in vain
8 flush in full flood
9 crouching marrow previously inactive vitality
10 of itself of its own accord
10 breathless wrong i.e. wrongdoers who are out of breath from fear or through running away 12 pursy fat/short of breath
12 break his wind gasp for breath/fart
15 griefs grievances
15 conceit idea, thought
17 sent i.e. sent messages
17 balm soothing relief
19 Above their quantity greater than your rages (or griefs) 20 So in the same manner
20 woo entreat
22 means terms of peace/wealth
24 common indiscriminate
27 they i.e. those that have caused you grief 28 trophies and schools monuments and public buildings 29 private individual, personal
31 motives ... out instigators behind your banishment 32 Shame ... excess excessive shame for their lack of skill and effective policy 35 decimation ... death the death of every tenth person 36 food ... loathes i.e. death
38 hazard ... die throw of a die (the singular of "dice" puns on the verb "to die") 39 spotted tainted, guilty (shifting the sense away from "marked with dots") 41 were were alive at the time (and did offend)
41 square just, fair
42 are are alive now
44 without outside (the city walls)
46 bluster violent storm
48 fold sheep-pen
48 cull select
50 wilt will, want
54 rampired reinforced/blocked
54 ope open
55 So provided
55 gentle peaceful/honorable
57 Throw if you throw
58 token pledge
60 confusion ruin
60 powers troops
61 make their harbour have safe lodging
62 sealed completed, satisfied, ratified
64 uncharged ports unassailed gates
66 set ... reproof pick out for punishment and disgrace 67 atone appease
68 With ... meaning by telling you of my nobler intentions 69 pass leave
69 quarter designated military lodgings
71 But ... to without being dealt with by
72 heaviest answer strictest penalty
77 insculpture inscription
79 Interprets serves as an interpreter
81 caitiffs wretches
83 stay ... gait do not pause as you walk by
84 These i.e. these words
84 latter recent
86 brains' flow tears
87 niggard miserly
87 conceit imagination
88 Neptune Roman god of the sea
88 aye ever
89 low near to the edge of the sea/humble
89 faults forgiven either the wrongs done to Timon (forgiven by Alcibiades as he agrees peace with the senators) or Timon's own loathing and abuse of humanity 90 memory memorial
92 olive olive branch, an emblem of peace
93 stint stop
94 leech doctor/cure, literally the parasitic worm used to treat various ailments, hence also possibly "bloodsucker"
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Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens Page 37