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Bucked Page 9

by Tara Sue Me

  “Go to my bedroom and wait for me,” he said. Hopefully the brief time apart would be enough of a cool down to allow him the ability to proceed the way he needed to.

  Chapter 18


  Kiara walked to Orson’s bedroom. She hoped like hell he could be slow and easy because she didn’t possess the strength to turn him down. If he ended up injured again because of sex, she’d probably quit. It was bad enough she hadn’t stopped him the last time they had sex, but it would be so much worse this time because now she knew his potential for injury.

  Or more to the point, she knew her potential to injure him.

  She was a nurse. It was her job to ensure her patients got better, not to make them worse. Whether or not he wanted to agree with her, that was exactly what she’d done the last time.

  Yet, here she was, walking down the hall on the way to his room so they could have sex again.

  She was the world’s worst nurse.

  As she stepped across the threshold to his bedroom, however, and whispered her affirmation phrases, she refused to dwell any longer on what might or might not happen. She wasn’t forcing Orson to do anything. He was a grown man who understood the risks.

  But even more, she wanted to somehow ease his past hurts. Not that anything could erase the harm his stepmother caused him, especially not sex. But if it was possible for her to lessen it a little, she’d do what she could. Not that she’d tell him that. No way. No how. If she did, he’d think she saw him as a pity fuck, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  He’d only told her to wait for him in his room, but never said how. It wasn’t clear if he wanted to see what she’d do or if he didn’t care how she waited. But no matter which one it turned out to be, in her mind, there was only one way for a submissive to wait for a Dominant.

  Kiara undressed as soon as she entered his room, quickly discarding her clothing and emptying her mind of anything other than him while she did so. By the time she knelt in the middle of the room and settled into her breathing, she was fast approaching the headspace she needed to be in to fully enjoy the scene. At the sound of Orson’s footsteps in the hall, she slipped even deeper.

  The click when he closed the bedroom door startled her. Certainly, he noticed, but he didn’t comment on it. Silence echoed in the quiet room. She recognized it, remembered fearing what lingered its shadows once, but not today. Today, the silence held pleasure and desire. Today, when the silence beckoned her, she went willingly.

  “Kiara,” Orson said in a low voice, heavy with emotion. “You are glorious in your submission. I feel unworthy of this gift you offer to me.”

  Tears prickled her eyes because no one had ever said anything like that to her before. Most of the Doms she’d played with acted as if her submission was something they were entitled to possess. No one had ever called it a gift.

  Unaware, perhaps, of how his words affected her, he continued talking. “But I find it impossible to turn you down or to walk away like I know I should. I’m not sure what this makes me, and I’m surprised to realize I don’t care. I’m a greedy man and I’m jealous for you. If, knowing all this, you still want me, you can have me. Look at me, Kiara.”

  She lifted her head and saw in his eyes the truth of his words.

  “Do you want me, Kiara?”

  For a brief second, she pretended he meant forever and not just for this afternoon. “Yes, sir,” she managed to get out. “I want you.”

  “Thank you, Kiara. I believe my desire for you was obvious from my earlier statement, but in case it wasn’t clear or there’s any doubt in your mind, I want you, as well.”

  He smiled as he talked, and the sight of the need and joy on his face made her feel warm all over. She’d always wondered if what she’d felt for the other men she'd been with was all there was to relationships between men and women. Now she knew it wasn’t. There was so much more. No wonder it didn’t matter to either Kelly or Evan that they were both Tops. Who cared what anyone was when you felt like this?

  “Since we both agree on what we want,” Orson said. “I want you on your side in the middle of the bed.”

  Whatever it was she was thinking about, though, needed to wait. At the moment, Orson had plans, and he’d made her curious about his slow and easy side. Especially since it appeared he would take her while they were both on their sides. Easy side while on the side. She bit her cheek so he wouldn’t ask her to explain if she laughed. Now was no time for a bad pun.

  She scrambled to climb onto the bed the way he’d ask. The only thing worse than having to explain her pun would be having to explain the epiphany she just had but hadn’t had time to think about yet.

  Once she got into position, the bed shifted as he climbed on top to join her. His uninjured arm came around her, and she realized he’d undressed in the time it took her to follow his command. His warmth surrounded her, and the erection pressed against her proved he hadn’t lied about how much he wanted her. Not that she thought he had.

  His good hand cupped a breast, and his thumb traced lazy circles around her nipple. Moving slower than she thought he could, he stroked down her body and back up. With every sensual pass of his hand, she grew more and more aroused. He nibbled softly along her back, scattering kisses along the way, and making her skin pebble with the warmth of his breath against her skin.

  Impatient, her hips pressed back, seeking him, desperate for him to fill her. The hand that had been teasing her inner thigh gave it a sharp slap.

  “Don’t try to make me hurry,” he warned. “You’ll get my cock when I’m ready for you to have it, and not a moment sooner. Understand?”

  She wanted to whine, but instead replied, “Yes, sir.”

  His lips teased the back of her neck and she thought she felt him smile as he whispered how good she was. She wanted to prove he was right, and that she was good, so even when his hand picked up where it left off, she fisted the comforter and with eyes closed, kept still.

  He slid a finger across her slit. “Look at how ready you are for my cock. I’ve barely touched you and your pussy is weeping in its need for a big cock to fuck it.”

  Lord help her, his dirty talk threatened to wreck the small amount of control she’d managed to pull together. Orson’s ability to bring her to the edge with dirty talk surprised her. With other men, it put her off. She recalled Orson’s asserting he wasn’t like other men, but it went beyond that. No, he wasn’t like other men. He was rewriting the whole book on what to expect from Dominants.

  After playing with Orson the first time, she’d recognized his difference from any of her previous Doms. To be honest, she’d thought it was only for that one scene, and hadn’t expected it to last beyond the aftercare. But it had, and little-by-little he'd succeeded in turning everything she thought she knew upside down.

  Orson moved closer to her, and she gasped as his cock nudged her ass, completely losing track of anything she’d been thinking. Instead, the only two things occupying her brain were her ass and Orson’s cock. She’d had anal sex before, but Randy was much smaller than Orson and it hadn’t been a problem to take him. Orson, however…

  She didn’t think he’d ever fit back there.

  Before she could open her mouth to say yellow, Orson pulled back a bit. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he said. “Sorry if I scared you. I would never go there without discussing it with you first.”

  Her body relaxed at his words and it didn’t take but a few more sensual strokes of Orson’s magical fingers before she was more aroused than she was before.

  “That’s my girl,” Orson said, working his finger in and out of her and taking his damn sweet time to do so. “You humble me with your trust.”

  Of course she trusted him, she wanted to say. He made trusting him easy. He did it by listening to her, by keeping his word, and by treating her with the utmost care and respect. There was no shred of doubt in her mind that he would be the exact same with any submissive in his care.

“Lift your leg and let me in,” he said. “I might not be getting ready to fuck you as hard as I have before, but make no doubt about it, I will go as deep as possible.”

  His words ignited her. She did as he bid and as he eased the tip of himself in she exhaled through clenched teeth because she felt so much tighter in this position.

  “Easy,” he whispered, and she guessed he must have felt her body tense in response to his penetration.

  She’d feared he’d pull back and tell her that was enough, but he quickly made it clear quitting was the last thing on his mind. He slowed down, but not once gave any indication of stopping.

  "You can take it," he whispered."Nice and easy."

  She'd always favored hard and rough, now she realized she’d never had slow and easy when done properly. Hell, slow and easy would kill her.

  “Fuck,” he said with a groan at one point. “You’re so tight. I swear if I could die buried inside you I’d do it and die happy.”

  Her only reply was a soft moan.

  “Yes.” He shifted his hips and slid the rest of the way inside her. “There you go. Take every inch of me. All the way. So deep.”

  He started a slow push and pull in and out of her. Just the way he’d said he would, taking her in a manner unlike any way he had taken her previously. Kiara was surprised when her orgasm built up as quickly as it did. Before she knew how it happened, it threatened to overtake her.

  “Please, sir.”

  “No.” He kept his thrusts smooth and even. “Not yet.”

  It had been too long since she’d had to withhold her orgasm. He thrust into her again and she felt her control crumble a bit. “I can’t, sir.”

  “You only think you can’t.”

  She wasn’t sure he had even broke a sweat. “I’m pretty sure it’s more than a thought, sir.”

  “I’m pretty sure you can do it if you try hard enough.”

  There was nothing she could say to change his mind. The best thing she could do was grit her teeth and try her best not to give into the crushing need to let herself go.

  “Little bit more,” he said, and though his speed didn’t pick up, she felt him move deeper inside.

  Little her ass.

  He hit a new spot inside her and the resulting pleasure grew higher and nearly took her breath. She couldn’t hold out. No way was she going to keep her orgasm at bay. She was on a collision course, headed straight toward it. In the seconds before they collided, his hand slid between her legs and with a brush of his thumb across her clit, he whispered one word.


  That was all it took. With permission granted, she allowed herself to let go and gave into the swelling within. She came harder than she ever had before. So hard, she saw stars. She may have blacked out. Never had release been so freeing.

  And never had one left her feeling so safe and protected.

  Chapter 19


  Much to his surprise, later that night, Orson found himself brushing a hair back from Kiara’s eyes as they rested in bed, talking. The resting and talking part had not been his idea, but Kiara told him he’d pushed himself enough for one day. He’d never enjoyed cuddles and chats after sex. The way he saw it, there was nothing to talk about, and most of the time after sex, the only thing he wanted to do was to roll over and go to sleep.

  Go to sleep alone, that is, and the alone part was difficult to pull off if they were at his place. Women didn’t appreciate being kicked out of a warm bed, and it made him feel like an ass whenever he’d remind them he didn’t do sleepovers. Apparently, they either forgot his no overnight rule, or for whatever reason seemed to believe it didn’t apply to them. Then they’d be pissed, and drove off mad or pouted while he called for a cab.

  Which was another thing. In Vegas, it hadn’t been a big deal to call for a cab any time of the day or night. But now that he was in Texas, things were a bit different. Especially since the ranch wasn’t in the middle of a booming city.

  All those reasons were why he’d never had a woman in his bed at the ranch before Kiara. But none of them could explain why he enjoyed being in bed with her when talking was all they were doing.

  “Why Texas?” Kiara asked. “It’s almost the complete opposite of Vegas.”

  They were curled up on their sides facing each other. Another first for him - talking about his past. He’d never told anyone so much about himself before, not even Evan. Orson’s first explanation that he felt it only fair to share his past since she’d shared so much of her own sounded good. Yet, he didn’t think that was the entire reason. And while Kiara was a great listener, it went beyond that.

  He wanted Kiara to know him. The real him. Not the easygoing cowboy he portrayed to the world, or even the savvy businessman who took a failing rundown ranch and made it profitable.

  This was intimacy on a level he’d never experienced before, and it felt right with Kiara. So right, in fact, he wanted to hold nothing back from her. For the moment, that was enough. Maybe later he’d delve into why now and why her, but maybe not. He wasn’t sure he wanted to analyze it to death. He was content. At least for now.

  He brushed an eyelash from her cheek. “The question I find myself needing to answer, is why Vegas?”

  “Okay,” she said with a smile. “Why Vegas?”

  “Funny you should ask,” he said, and she laughed. “After college graduation, I knew I wasn’t going back home.”

  “For obvious reasons,” Kiara added.

  “Yes. In fact, I wanted to get as far away from home as possible. Not only in distance but also as far as lifestyle, city size, the makeup of people. Everything. I thought about New York City, even visited over a long weekend, but it was too close to North Carolina. I gave it more thought, and that’s when I decided on Vegas.”

  “Did you like it?”

  “Did I like it?” he repeated. A simple question, certainly, but with an answer that was anything but simple. “You know how your mind can build something up? Like a vacation? You plan everything, you can picture it in your mind. You see it as a near perfect paradise and count down the days until you go. But when you arrive, it’s just a beach. Sure, it’s pretty, but nowhere near as wonderful as you thought it would be.”

  “Yes,” she said. “A few times.”

  “It was like that,” he said. “I pictured Vegas as this city filled with glitz and glam. A place that would welcome me and my kink club with open arms. And as it turns out, Vegas is just another city. It’s loud, and parts of it are dirty. Because it’s a tourist location, it’s always filled with people. And many of those are loud and dirty. Let’s just say I became disenchanted, very quickly. I would say I wanted to leave Vegas after my first week. Unfortunately, I had invested in my first project and couldn’t move without losing a lot of money. The only thing I could do was hold out until I made a profit.”

  “Did you?” She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together. He loved how she felt free enough to reach for him.

  “I did.” He remembered that time in his life vividly. How much he grew to despise Vegas, but refused to sell and leave until he’d made the return he wanted. “And while I waited and worked for that to happen, I researched where I really wanted to live.”


  “Yes,” he said. “It’s closer to North Carolina than I’d like to be, but everything else makes up for that fact. The weather. The land. The people. Besides, I haven’t heard from either my dad or Lenora since I left that day in high school.”

  “Nothing?” she asked. “You’ve never even received a Christmas card or anything?”

  “No. For a while, I thought my father might come to his senses and leave that woman, but I’ve accepted after all these years he'll never leave her. For whatever reason, he’ll stick with her.”

  Not that he was certain he’d be able to have a relationship with the man, regardless. How could he when his father had remained silent and still as his new wife bragged about how she killed
his first wife? And then went on about the things she should have done to his only child? And if that wasn't enough, to let that child run off and never see or talk with him again? No, a relationship with his father would never happen. Yet, more than anything, Orson wanted his father away from that venomous woman.

  “What did you like about Texas so much?” Kiara asked, obviously wanting to change the topic of discussion away from his messed up family.

  “Seriously?” He resisted the temptation to draw her even closer to him. She’d already told him he’d pushed his luck far enough for one day, and he didn’t want to risk her deciding to sleep in her own room. “What’s not to like about Texas?”

  “I can make you a list if you’d like.”

  He snorted, liking how every so often she’d let a piece of snark fly. “That’s okay. I’ve lived here long enough to have my own list now.”

  “It’s not long enough to make you want to leave for somewhere else, is it?” She asked him in an offhanded matter as if she didn’t care what his answer would be, but he didn’t think she was anywhere as uncaring about his answer as she tried to portray.

  “No,” he said, noting the relief in her expression and hoped she knew how serious he was about his answer to her question. “When I purchased the ranch, it was with the intention of staying here for near about forever.”

  “Near about forever,” she repeated. “I like that.”

  “Thanks, I made it up just now,” he said with a grin.

  She gave him a playful slap on his good shoulder.

  “Unless you plan to renege on the no more sex until tomorrow declaration you insisted on putting in place earlier, I suggest you stop enticing your Dom.”

  She pulled back with a sigh. “Damn, I brought that on myself, didn’t I?”

  “Just in case you weren’t aware,” he said, mostly to tease her. “I have no problem with you reneging.”

  “I’m sure you don’t, but it’ll be on me if you make your ribs worse again.”


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