Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 3

by Terry M. Wildman


  1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) followed the guidance of the Spirit, who took him into the desert wilderness to be tested by Accuser (Satan), the evil trickster snake.

  In the story of creation, the first man and woman lived in a Garden of Beauty and Harmony. A sly and crafty snake came to them and twisted the words of the Great Spirit to deceive them. They listened to the snake, lost the life of beauty and harmony, and fell under the curse of death. This snake, who opposes Creator’s good road, is the evil spirit who rules over all evil spirits.

  2For forty days and nights Creator Sets Free (Jesus) ate nothing. His body became weak, and his hunger grew strong.

  3When the evil snake saw that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was weak and hungry, he came to him and whispered in his ear.

  “Are you the Son of the Great Spirit?” he hissed. “Prove it by turning these stones into frybread.”

  4“The Sacred Teachings are clear,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said. “Human beings cannot live only on frybread, but on all the words that come from the mouth of the Great Spirit.”8

  5The evil trickster then took him to the Great Spirit’s sacred lodge in Village of Peace (Jerusalem). He set him at the very top, high above the village.

  6“Prove you are the Son of the Great Spirit and jump down from here!” the evil snake taunted him. “Do not the Sacred Teachings also say, ‘His spirit-messengers will watch over you to keep you from harm. They will even keep your foot from hitting a stone’9?”

  7“Yes,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said back to him, “but they also say, ‘Do not test the Great Spirit.’10”

  8Once more the evil trickster took him to a high mountain and showed him all the great nations of the world with their power and beauty.

  9“All of these I will give you,” the snake said smoothly, “if you will highly honor me and walk in my ways!”

  10“Get away from me, Accuser (Satan)!” he responded. “For it is written in the Sacred Teachings, ‘The Great Spirit is the only one to honor and serve.’11”

  11The evil trickster could think of nothing more to test him with, so he slithered away to wait for another time.

  Then spirit-messengers came to give comfort and strength to Creator Sets Free (Jesus).


  12After that, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) heard that Gift of Goodwill (John) was put in jail, so he left that place to return to Circle of Nations (Galilee). 13He left his home in Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) and went to live in Village of Comfort (Capernaum) by the sea. This was in the territory of the tribes of Honored Dwelling (Zebulun) and He Will Wrestle (Naphtali).

  14The ancient prophecy of Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) had finally found its full meaning. 15“In the territory of the tribes of Honored Dwelling (Zebulun) and He Will Wrestle (Naphtali), toward the great waters to Circle of Nations (Galilee) where many Nations dwell—16the ones who sit in darkness, where death casts a great shadow, have seen the light of a new sunrise.”12


  17From that time forward Creator Sets Free (Jesus) began to speak out, “Creator’s good road from above is close. It is time to change your thinking and begin your great journey.”


  18Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was walking by the shoreline of Lake of Circle of Nations (Sea of Galilee) when he saw two fishermen throwing out their nets. They were One Who Hears (Simon), also named Stands on the Rock (Peter), and his brother Stands with Courage (Andrew).

  19He said to them, “Come, walk the road with me, and I will show you how to fish in a new way—for two-leggeds.”

  20They dropped their nets right then and became his followers.

  21As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was leaving, he saw two other brothers, He Takes Over (James) and He Shows Goodwill (John), the sons of Gift of Creator (Zebedee). They were sitting with their father in a canoe getting their nets ready for fishing. 22Creator Sets Free (Jesus) called out to them, and they dropped their nets, left their father, and also became his followers.


  23Creator Sets Free (Jesus) traveled throughout Circle of Nations (Galilee). He was teaching in their gathering houses and telling everyone the good story of Creator’s good road. He was healing the people of every kind of sickness and disease. 24His reputation as a healer spread as far as Bright Sun (Syria). Then they brought to him the ones tormented with evil spirits, along with people who suffered from seizures, and he healed them. He even healed the crippled and paralyzed among them.

  25Large crowds from all directions began to seek after him—too many to number! They came from Circle of Nations (Galilee) and Ten Villages (Decapolis), and from Village of Peace (Jerusalem), and the Land of Promise (Judea), and from beyond the river Flowing Down (Jordan).

  1When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) saw this great crowd, he went back up into the mountainside and sat down to teach the people. His followers came to him there, 2so he took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began to share his wisdom with them and teach them how to see Creator’s good road.


  3“Creator’s blessing rests on the poor, the ones with broken spirits. The good road from above is theirs to walk.

  4“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk a trail of tears, for he will wipe the tears from their eyes and comfort them.

  5“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk softly and in a humble manner. The earth, land, and sky will welcome them and always be their home.

  6“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who hunger and thirst for wrongs to be made right again. They will eat and drink until they are full.

  7“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who are merciful and kind to others. Their kindness will find its way back to them—full circle.

  8“Creator’s blessing rests on the pure of heart. They are the ones who will see the Great Spirit.

  9“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who make peace. It will be said of them, ‘They are the children of the Great Spirit!’

  10“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who are hunted down and mistreated for doing what is right, for they are walking the good road from above.

  11“Others will lie about you, speak against you, and look down on you with scorn and contempt, all because you walk the road with me. This is a sign that Creator’s blessing is resting on you. 12So let your hearts be glad and jump for joy, for you will be honored in the spirit-world above. You are like the prophets of old, who were treated in the same way by your ancestors.


  13“As you walk the good road with me, you are the salt of the earth, bringing cleansing and healing13 to all. Salt is a good thing, but if it loses its saltiness, how will it get its flavor back? That kind of salt has no worth and is thrown out.

  14“As you walk the road with me, you are a light shining in this dark world. A village built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15No one hides a torch under a basket. Instead it is lifted up high on a pole, so all who are in the house can see it. 16In the same way, let your light shine by doing what is good and right. When others see, they will give honor to your Father—the One Above Us All.


  17“When you hear my words, you may think I have come to undo the Law given by Drawn from the Water (Moses) and the words of the prophets. But I have come to honor them and show everyone their true meaning. 18I speak from my heart, as long as there is a sky above and an earth below, not even the smallest thing they have said will fade away, until everything they have said has found its full meaning and purpose.

  19“Anyone who turns away from these instructions and tells others to do the same will be looked down on, as a small one, on Creator’s good road from the spirit-world above. But the ones who do them and teach others to do the same, they will be looked up to as great ones.

  20“I will say this to you, unless you have a better reputation than th
e scroll keepers and the Separated Ones (Pharisees), you will not find the path that leads to the Land of Creator’s good road from above.”

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then began to help the people see how the full meaning and purpose of the Law and the Prophets applied to them.


  21“You have heard that our ancestors were told long ago, ‘Do not take another person’s life,’14 and ‘whoever does will have to answer to the tribal council.’15 22But I tell you, everyone who is angry toward a fellow human being will have to give an answer to the tribal council. If they speak with disrespect to someone, saying, ‘You hollow head!’ they will also face the tribal council. If they curse someone by saying ‘You damn fool!’ they may end up in the Valley of Smoldering Fire. 23So if you are offering a gift at Creator’s ceremonial lodge, and there remember that a Tribal Member has something against you, 24leave your gift and go make things right. Then you can come back and finish the ceremony.


  25“If someone has a complaint against you and takes you before the village council, work out an agreement before you get there. You know how to decide things for yourselves. The council might decide against you and turn you over to the ones who have the power to put you in prison. 26The truth is, there is no way out of there until honor has been restored.”16


  Most women in the time of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) were dominated by men and were often treated as property and looked down on with disrespect.

  27So he said to the men, “You have heard the saying, ‘You must not have sexual relations with another man’s wife.’17 28But I tell you this, any man who looks at a woman and wants his way with her has already done so in his heart.

  “This is not how the Great Spirit wants us to see our sisters. 29If your right eye sees in this way18—gouge it out and throw it away! 30If your right hand does harm to herc—cut it off and throw it away! It is better to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into the Valley of Smoldering Fire.

  31“Drawn from the Water (Moses) said, ‘If you put away your wife you must give her divorce papers.’19 32Let me tell you why. Anyone who puts away his wife without giving her divorce papers makes her unfaithful when she remarries, unless she was unfaithful already. Then anyone who marries her is having sexual relations with another man’s wife.”

  In those days men would “put away” their wives without divorcing them, leaving them destitute and unable to properly remarry.


  33“You have heard the ancestors were told, ‘When you make a solemn promise, you must keep it to honor the Great Spirit.’20 34But I say this to you, do not make any solemn promises. Do not say, ‘I promise by the spirit-world above,’ for it is Creator’s seat of honor, 35or ‘I promise by the earth below,’ which is the resting place for his feet. Or ‘I promise by Village of Peace (Jerusalem),’ for it belongs to the Great Spirit Chief. 36Do not even say, ‘I promise by my own head.’ Can you make even one hair on your head become white or black? 37Your simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is enough. To say more is to speak with a forked tongue like the evil trickster snake.


  38“You have also been told, ‘Take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’21 39But I tell you, do not fight back. Violence will not be defeated by more of the same. If someone strikes the right side of your face, turn to him the other side also. 40If someone takes you to the tribal council for your shirt, give him your vest also. 41If anyone, even a soldier of the People of Iron (Romans), forces you to carry his bundle one mile, show the strength of your heart and carry it two. 42Give to the one who asks for help, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.


  43“You have been told to love only your own people and to despise others as your enemy.22 44-45But I tell you, treat your enemies with love and respect, and send up good prayers for the ones who make trouble for you and bring you pain. This will show that you are mature children of your Father from above, who sends his blessing of rain on the ones who do right and the ones who do wrong.

  46“If you love and show respect only to the ones who do the same, how does that bring honor to you? Even tribal tax collectors do these things. 47If you welcome only friends, how are you different from others? Even outsiders from other nations do these things.

  48“By loving and blessing all people, you will be walking in the footsteps of your Father from the spirit-world above, who is perfect in all his ways.


  1“Beware of doing good just so people can see you, for then you will receive no honor from your Father from above, who is the Creator. 2When you give gifts to the poor and do good things for others, do not brag about it on the village pathways or in the gathering houses, like those who put on a false face, pretending to be something they are not. The truth is, they honor only themselves and they will get nothing more.

  3-4“But when you help others who are in need, do it in secret. Do not even tell your left hand what your right hand is doing. Then your Father who sees all things will honor you.


  5“When you send your voice to the Great Spirit, do not be like the ones who love to stand up and pray with a loud voice in the gathering houses and along the village pathways, hoping to be seen and heard by others. The truth is, they have their honor already. They will get no more. 6Instead, find a quiet hiding place where no one can see or hear you and send your prayers to your Father in secret. He will see what you have done and honor you.

  7-8“When you pray, do not be like the people from the Outside Nations, who use empty words over and over again, thinking their many words will help them be heard. Your Father, the Creator, already knows what you need even before you ask.

  9“Instead, when you send your voice to the Great Spirit, here is how you should pray:

  “O Great Spirit, our Father from above, we honor your name as sacred and holy.

  10“Bring your good road to us, where the beauty of your ways in the spirit-world above is reflected in the earth below.

  11“Provide for us day by day—the elk, the buffalo, and the salmon. The corn, the squash, and the wild rice. All the things we need for each day.

  12“Release us from the things we have done wrong, in the same way we release others for the things done wrong to us.

  13“Guide us away from the things that tempt us to stray from your good road, and set us free from the evil one and his worthless ways. Aho! May it be so!

  14“Remember, our Father from the spirit-world above will release you from your wrongdoings in the same manner you release others from theirs. 15But if you fail to release others, this keeps your Father, the Creator, from releasing you.


  16“When you go without food to seek spiritual things, do not be like the ones who put on a false face. They hang their heads down and darken their faces to look as if they are going without food. They only want people to notice them and think they are spiritual. I speak from my heart, they already have all the honor they deserve—they will get no more. 17But when you go without eating, put on your headdress and wash your face, 18so others will not notice. But know that your Father from above, who sees in secret, will honor you.


  19“Take care not to store up possessions on earth that can be spoiled by worms, eaten by moths, or stolen by thieves. 20Instead, give away your possessions to the ones in need, and then you will be storing up great possessions in the spirit-world above, where nothing can be lost or stolen. 21For where you store your valued possessions is where your heart will be.”


  Among the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) a greedy person was said to have a bad eye and unable to see the good road. A generous person was said to have a good eye, full of light and able to clearly see the good road.

nbsp; 22So he said to them, “Light shines into the body through the eye. If your eye is clear, your whole being is full of light. 23But if your eye is bad, then your whole being is full of darkness. If the only light you have is darkness, then the darkness is very great!

  24“No one can be loyal to two rival chiefs. You will have to choose between them. You will either hate one chief and love the other, or honor one and resent the other. You cannot be loyal to the Great Provider and to possessions at the same time.


  25“This is why I am telling you not to be troubled about getting enough to eat or drink, or what to wear. Is eating, drinking and clothing yourself all there is? Does your life not have more meaning than this?

  26“Look to the winged ones who soar on the wind. Do they plant seeds and gather the harvest into a storehouse? No! But your Father from above gives them plenty to eat. Do you not know he cares even more for you? 27Can worry add even one more step to the length of your life’s journey?

  28“Why do you trouble yourself with what to wear? Have you seen how the wildflowers grow in the plains and meadows? Do you think they work hard and long to clothe themselves? 29No! I tell you not even the great chieftain Stands in Peace (Solomon), wearing his finest regalia, was dressed as well as even one of these.


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