First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 19

by Terry M. Wildman


  5It was in the time of the bad-hearted Chief Looks Brave (Herod), who ruled the territory of the Land of Promise (Judea), that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit-messenger to Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember (Zechariah).

  He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from. 6They were in good standing in the eyes of the Great Spirit, and with good and pure hearts they walked a straight path, staying true to the tribal ways and traditions given them by the Great Spirit.

  They lived in the hill country in the Land of Promise (Judea) of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).

  7But Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was unable to have children, and both were growing old.

  8Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) belonged to the clan of He Is My Father (Abijah), which shared the responsibility of prayers and ceremonies in the Great Spirit’s ceremonial lodge that was in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  9He was chosen in the traditional way to be the one to enter the sacred lodge and perform the sweet-smelling smoke ceremony for the evening prayer.

  Most holy men could only hope for this honor once in a lifetime.

  10A large number of people gathered outside to pray while he went inside.

  11As the smoke went up with his prayers, suddenly a spirit-messenger from the Great Spirit appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of sweet-smelling smoke. 12Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) was troubled when he saw the spirit-messenger. He trembled with fear that covered him like a blanket.

  13“Do not fear!” the messenger said to him. “Your prayers have been heard. The Maker of Life will give you and your wife a son. You will give him the name Gift of Goodwill (John). 14He will bring great joy to you, and many people will be glad that he has been born.”

  The aroma of the sweet-smelling smoke filled the sacred lodge as the spirit- messenger continued.

  15“He will be great and honorable in Creator’s sight and will not drink wine or any strong drink, but will drink deeply of the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. 16Because of him many of the children of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) will find the good road and return to the Great Spirit and his ways.”

  Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) stood silently. His whole being continued to tremble as the messenger finished.

  17“He will prepare the way for the Chosen One, walking in the same spiritual powers of the prophet Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah). He will turn the hearts of many fathers back toward their children, and many rebellious children will again honor the wisdom of their elders, so that people will be ready to participate in Creator’s plan.”1

  When the spirit-messenger finished speaking, his words echoed through the lodge. Still trembling, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) finally found his voice.

  18Then he questioned the messenger, “We are too old to have children. How can I believe you?”

  19The spirit-messenger answered, “My name is Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel), his chief messenger. I stand close to the Great Spirit! These good words I have spoken to you will come to pass, 20but since you did not believe my words, you will not be able to speak until they are fulfilled.”

  21The people who were praying outside began to wonder why it was taking so long for Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) to come out of the lodge. 22When he finally came out, unable to speak and making signs with his hands, they understood that he had seen a vision.

  23When his traditional ceremonies were finished, he returned to his home in the hill country. 24Soon afterward, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was with child. She stayed at home and for five moons did not show herself to anyone.

  25She said in her heart, “The Giver of Breath has looked upon me with kindness and has taken away my shame. Now I will have respect in the eyes of my people.”


  26When six moons had passed, the Great Spirit sent the same spirit-messenger, Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel), to another small, out-of-the-way place in the hill country called Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). 27There he appeared to a young virgin woman named Bitter Tears (Mary), who was promised in marriage to a man named He Gives Sons (Joseph), a descendant of the great chief Much Loved One (David).

  28Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel) said to her, “Greetings, highly favored one! You are close to the Great Spirit and greatly honored among women.”

  29Bitter Tears (Mary) was deeply troubled by this greeting and wondered what the spirit-messenger would say.

  30“Do not fear,” he comforted her, “for you have found goodwill in the eyes of the Great Mystery. 31You will be with child and give birth to a son. You will name him Creator Sets Free (Jesus).”

  It seemed like time stood still, and all creation stopped to listen as the messenger continued to speak.

  32“He will be greatly honored, the Son of the One Above Us All. He will be a great chief like his ancestor Much Loved One (David) and will sit in his seat of honor. 33He will always be chief over the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). His chiefly guidance will never end.”

  Bitter Tears’s (Mary’s) voice trembled with emotion, and her eyes grew wide as she looked into the face of the spirit-messenger.

  34She asked, “How will this be, since I have never been with a man?”

  35Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel) answered, “The Holy Spirit will spread his wings over you, and his great power from above will overshadow you. This holy child born to you will be the Son of the One Above Us All.”

  Then, to encourage her, 36he said, “Your cousin Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), who was called barren one, is six moons with child. 37See! There is nothing too hard for the Great Spirit.”

  She looked bravely into the face of the messenger.

  38“I am Creator’s servant,” she said with boldness. “Let it be for me just as you have said.”

  Then Creator’s chief spirit-messenger left her.


  39Bitter Tears (Mary) quickly put together a traveling bundle and went to visit her cousin Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), who lived in a nearby village in the hill country of the Land of Promise (Judea) 40When she entered the home of her relatives, she greeted her cousin.

  41When Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) heard Bitter Tears’s (Mary’s) greeting, she felt her child jump inside her. She was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42and with a loud cry she lifted her voice and spoke these blessing words to Bitter Tears (Mary).

  “The Most Holy One has honored you more than any other woman,” she laughed. “The child you carry inside you will bring great blessings to all people. 43Why is Creator being so kind to me, sending the mother of the Great Chief to visit my home? 44As soon as I heard your greeting, my baby jumped for joy inside me! 45You have been chosen by the Maker of Life for a great honor, because you believed his words to you.”


  When Bitter Tears (Mary) heard this, she was filled with gladness, and her words flowed out like a song.

  46-47“From deep in my heart I dance with joy to honor the Great Spirit. 48Even though I am small and weak, he noticed me. Now I will be looked up to by all. 49The Mighty One has lifted me up! His name is sacred. He is the Great and Holy One.”

  Her face seemed to shine as she continued.

  50“He shows kindness and pity to both children and elders who respect him. 51His strong arm has brought low the ones who think they are better than others. 52He counts coup2 with arrogant warrior chiefs but puts a headdress of honor on the ones with humble hearts.”

  She smiled, looked up to the sky, and shouted for joy!

  53“He prepares a great feast for the ones who are hungry, but sends the fat ones home with empty bellies. 54-55He has been kind to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) who walk in his ways, for he has remembered the ancient promises he made to our ancestors—to Father
of Many Nations (Abraham) and his descendants.”

  When she finished, they both laughed with joy. With hearts full of gladness they told each other their stories.

  56For three moons Bitter Tears (Mary) stayed in the home of her cousin and then returned home to her own village.


  57When her time came, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) gave birth to a son. 58When her relatives and close friends heard the good news that the Great Spirit had been so kind to her, they were glad and rejoiced! 59Then, eight days later at his naming ceremony, all the relatives wanted to name him after his father, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah).

  According to tribal law, the cutting of the flesh ceremony was performed for all male children on the eighth day. The child’s name was also given at that time.

  60“No,” she said to everyone’s surprise. “His name will be Gift of Goodwill (John)!”

  61But they said to her, “No one in your family has that name.” 62They made signs with their hands to Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) to see what he wanted to name him.

  63He asked for a writing tablet and to their surprise wrote, “His name is Gift of Goodwill (John).” 64Suddenly he could speak again, and when he opened his mouth, he began to give praise to the Great Spirit.

  65All the people who heard about this trembled with wonder. Throughout the hills and valleys of the Land of Promise (Judea), they began to tell others what they had seen and heard. 66All who listened began to wonder and say to themselves, “This child must have been born for some great thing.” For it was clear that the hand of the Great Spirit was upon him in a powerful and good way.

  67Then, with a glad heart, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) spoke these words the Holy Spirit was giving him to say.

  68“All blessings to the Great Spirit of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel)! For he has come to rescue his people from a great captivity. 69-70Just as the prophets foretold long ago in the land of our ancestor Much Loved One (David), he has lifted up his coup stick3 to show his great power to help us, 71to rescue us from the arrows of our enemies and all who look down upon us with hate.”

  He lifted trembling hands to the sky and cried out.

  72-73“He has given to us the same pity he has shown our ancestors and remembered the promise he made in the great peace treaty with Father of Many Nations (Abraham). 74-75He has come to free us from the fear of our enemies, so we can walk all our days in his sacred and right ways.”

  Then he turned to his newborn son, and from deep in his spirit he spoke these words of blessing to him.

  76“And you, my son, will be a prophet from the One Above Us All. You will make a clear path for the coming of the Great Chief, 77to show his people that he will heal our broken ways by cleansing us from our bad hearts and releasing us from our wrongdoings. 78Because Creator is kind and gentle, he will come to us as the sunrise from above, 79to shine on the ones who sit in darkness and in the land of death’s shadow, to guide our feet on the good path of peace.”

  80Gift of Goodwill (John) grew strong in body and spirit and stayed in the desert, waiting until the time was right to show himself to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).


  1-2When the time drew close for Bitter Tears (Mary) to have her child, the government of the People of Iron (Romans) ordered that the people be numbered and put on government rolls. This happened during the time that Powerful Protector (Quirinius) was the governor of Bright Sun (Syria). 3All the Tribal Members were required to travel to their own ancestral village to register.

  4-5He Gives Sons (Joseph) and Bitter Tears (Mary) set out on a long journey from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) in Circle of Nations (Galilee), to House of Bread (Bethlehem) in the Land of Promise (Judea), the village of their ancestor, the great chief Much Loved One (David).

  The journey took several long days and cold nights as they traveled over high hills and through the dry desert. When they arrived, tired and weary, they entered the crowded village.

  6The time for Bitter Tears (Mary) to have her child was upon her! 7But no place could be found in the lodging house, so He Gives Sons (Joseph) found a sheep cave where it was warm and dry. There she gave birth to her son. They wrapped him in a soft, warm blanket and laid him on a baby board. Then they placed him on a bed of straw in a feeding trough.

  8That night, in the fields nearby, shepherds were keeping watch over their sheep. 9Suddenly a great light from above was shining all around them. A spirit-messenger from Creator appeared to them. They shook with fear and trembled 10as the messenger said to them, “Do not fear! I bring you the good story that will be told to all nations. 11Today in the village of Much Loved One (David) an Honored Chief has been born who will set his people free. He is the Chosen One!”

  12The spirit-messenger continued, “This is how you will know him—you will find the child wrapped in a blanket and lying in a feeding trough.”

  13Suddenly, next to the messenger, a great number of spirit-warriors from the spirit-world above appeared giving thanks to Creator, saying, 14“All honor to the One Above Us All, and let peace and good will follow all who walk upon the earth.”

  15When the messengers returned to the spirit-world above, the shepherds said to each other, “Let us go and see this great thing Creator has told to us.” 16So they hurried to the village of Chief Much Loved One (David) and found Bitter Tears (Mary), He Gives Sons (Joseph), and the child, who, just as they were told, was lying in a feeding trough!

  17The shepherds began to tell everyone what they had seen and heard about this child, 18and all who heard their story were amazed.

  19Bitter Tears (Mary) kept these things hidden in her heart and wondered what all this would mean. 20The shepherds returned to their fields, giving thanks to the Great Spirit for the wonders they had seen and heard.


  21Eight days after the birth of their son, in keeping with the traditional cutting of the flesh ceremony,4 they named him Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the name given them by the spirit-messenger before the child was born.

  22-23Then, about one moon later, the time came for them to present their child to the Great Spirit in the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem). This was for their cleansing ceremony, an ancient tradition from the lawgiver Drawn from the Water (Moses), who said, “Every male child who is first to open the womb will be holy in the Great Spirit’s sight. 24Bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to be burned with fire as a sweet-smelling smoke offering.”

  This shows they were poor, for this was the offering a poor family was permitted to bring according to tribal law.

  25When they arrived at the sacred lodge in Village of Peace (Jerusalem), they were welcomed by Creator Hears (Simeon), a respected elder who did what was right in the Great Spirit’s sight, and waited patiently for him to fulfill his promises to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). 26The Holy Spirit rested on him and told him he would not die until he saw Creator’s Chosen One with his own eyes.

  27As Creator Hears (Simeon) followed the guidance of the Spirit, he arrived at the sacred lodge just in time to see He Gives Sons (Joseph) and Bitter Tears (Mary) bringing their child for the traditional ceremony given in their tribal law. 28Creator Hears (Simeon) took the child into his arms and spoke words of blessing over him.

  29-32“O Great Father,” he prayed, “I now see with my own eyes the one you have prepared for all Nations, the one who will heal our broken ways and set us free. He will make a clear path for all people to see and bring honor to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). Now, just as you have said, I can cross over in peace.”

  33The child’s father and mother were amazed at what was being said. 34So Creator Hears (Simeon) spoke blessing words over them also.

  He then turned to Bitter Tears (Mary) and spoke softly in her ear.

  “This child has been chosen for the fall and rising of many in the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). He will be a
sign that will be spoken against, 35exposing the thoughts of many.”

  His voice softened as she looked sadly into his eyes.

  He said to her, “Even your own spirit will be pierced through like a sharp arrow.”

  36-37As they pondered his words, a holy woman named Woman of Goodwill (Anna) welcomed them. She was an elder from the tribe of Walks with a Glad Heart (Asher) and the daughter of Face of Creator (Phanuel). She had married at a young age and lived with her husband for seven winters, but had now been a widow for eighty-four winters. She served the Great Spirit at his sacred lodge night and day with fasting and many prayers. 38When she saw the child, she gave thanks to Creator and began telling about the child to all who were waiting for Creator to fulfill the promises he made to the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  39After they performed all the ceremonies that Creator’s Law required, they returned to Circle of Nations (Galilee), to their home in Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). 40In this village the child grew strong in his spirit and was filled with wisdom, for the blessing of the Great Spirit was resting on him.



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