First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 20

by Terry M. Wildman

41By traditional law it was a custom for all the families of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) to journey to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to participate in the ancient Passover festival.

  This festival celebrated the time when the lawgiver, Drawn from the Water (Moses), had set them free from captivity to the powerful nation of Black Land (Egypt). He did this by using the great power Creator gave him to perform many signs and wonders.

  42When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was twelve winters old, his family traveled together to celebrate this traditional feast.

  43When the festival was over, his parents began their journey home. Without telling his parents, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stayed behind in Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 44They thought he was with the other relatives and friends traveling with them. After a long day’s journey, they began to look for him but were unable to find him, 45so they returned to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to look for him there.

  46After searching for three days, they found him at Creator’s ceremonial lodge. He was sitting with the elders, listening to them and asking questions. 47All who heard his answers were amazed at his wisdom and understanding of the spiritual ways.

  48His parents were surprised and at a loss for words, but then his mother scolded him, “Son, why have you treated us this way? Your father and I were worried and our hearts were heavy as we looked everywhere for you!”

  49“Why were you looking everywhere for me?” he asked. “I thought you would know to look for me here, in my Father’s lodge, doing what he sent me to do.”

  50But they did not understand the meaning of what he was saying to them. 51He then returned to Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) with them and continued to be a respectful son following the guidance of his parents. But his mother hid these words in her heart.

  52Creator Sets Free (Jesus), as a young man, grew in wisdom and strength, and had respect in the eyes of the people and the Great Spirit.


  Eighteen long winters had now come and gone. The People of Iron (Romans) had many new rulers and governors, and the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) had a new chief holy man for the sacred lodge.

  1It was now the fifteenth year of the rule of Son of the Great River (Tiberius Caesar). Under him was Spear of the Great Waters (Pontius Pilate), the governor ruling over the Land of Promise (Judea).

  The bad-hearted Chief Looks Brave (Herod) had been chosen by the People of Iron (Romans) to rule over the territory of Circle of Nations (Galilee). His brother Friend of Horses (Philip) ruled over the nearby territory of Guarded Mountains (Iturea) and Place of Stones (Trachonitis), and End of Sorrow (Lysanias) ruled the territory of the Ten Villages from its chief village Many Meadows (Abilene).

  2Walks Humbly (Annas) was still the chief holy man, along with Hollow in the Rock (Caiaphas), who would soon replace him.

  It was during this time that Creator’s message came down from above like a burden basket5 and rested on Gift of Goodwill (John), the son of Creator Will Remember (Zechariah), while he was praying in the desert wilderness.

  The time had come for him to begin his work with the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) and prepare the way for the Chosen One.

  3Gift of Goodwill (John) began to walk the territory around the river Flowing Down (Jordan). His message was for all to return to Creator’s right ways of thinking and come to the river to perform the purification ceremony6 to be released from their bad hearts and broken ways.

  4The prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) told about him long ago, “He will be a voice howling in the desert, ‘Clear the pathways! Make a straight path for the coming of the Honored One! 5The valleys will be filled in. The mountains and hills will be brought down low. The crooked places will be made straight and the rough road smooth. 6Then all people will clearly see the good road that sets them free.’7”


  7Large crowds of people were coming out to hear his message and have him perform the purification ceremony.8 He noticed some of the spiritual leaders in the crowd and warned them, “You nest of poisonous snakes! Who warned you to run and hide from the coming storm? 8Prove to others by the way you live that you have returned to the good road. Do not think you can say, ‘Father of Many Nations (Abraham) is our ancestor.’ Do you not know that the Great Spirit can make these stones into his children? 9The tomahawk is at the root of the trees. The ones that have no good fruit will be cut down and tossed into the fire.”

  10When the crowds heard his words, they were afraid and asked, “What should we do?”

  11He answered, “If you have two blankets, give one to someone who has none, and the one with food should share it.”

  12There were tribal tax collectors who came to participate in the ceremony who asked him, “Wisdomkeeper, what should we do?”

  13“Collect no more taxes than the People of Iron (Romans) permit,” he answered. “To take more is to steal from the people and dishonor the Great Spirit.”

  14When the lodge soldiers heard this, they said, “What about us? What can we do?”

  “Do not use fear or violence to force money from people or accuse them falsely,” he answered, “and be satisfied with your pay.”

  15When the people heard these words, they began to have hope. They were pondering in their hearts, “Could Gift of Goodwill (John) be the Chosen One?”

  16He gave them this answer, “I perform the purification ceremony9 with water, but there is one coming who is greater and more powerful than I.”

  He paused for a moment and softened his voice.

  Then he said, “I am not even worthy to bend low and untie his moccasins.”

  Then he lifted his hands and cried out with a loud voice!

  “He is the one who will perform the purification ceremonya with the fire of the Holy Spirit! 17He will separate the grain from the husks. His harvest basket is in his hands. He will store the good grain in his barn, but the husks he will burn away with a fire no one can put out.”

  18With many more words Gift of Goodwill (John) warned and encouraged the people with the good story of Creator’s good road.

  19Gift of Goodwill (John) warned Chief Looks Brave (Herod) about stealing his own brother’s wife and his many other bad-hearted ways. 20So Looks Brave (Herod) had him put in prison, adding this to his many evil deeds.


  The time had now come for Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to show himself to all the people. He was now a mature man of about thirty winters. He came from Circle of Nations (Galilee) to the river Flowing Down (Jordan) to have Gift of Goodwill (John) perform the purification ceremony.

  21While the people were coming to Gift of Goodwill (John) for the ceremony, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) came also. Then the ceremony was performed for him, and while he was praying, the sky opened up 22and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove and rested on him. A voice from the spirit-world above spoke like distant thunder, “You are my much-loved Son who makes my heart glad!”


  23Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was about thirty winters old when he began his great work. He was the son, so it was thought, of He Gives Sons (Joseph), the son of One Above Us (Heli), 24son of Gift of the Great Spirit (Matthat), son of He Brings Together (Levi), son of My Chief (Melchi), son of He Grows Strong (Jannai), son of He Gathers Much (Joseph), 25son of Gift from Above (Mattathias), son of Burden Bearer (Amos), son of He Gives Comfort (Nahum), son of Protected One (Esli), son of Light Bringer (Naggai), 26son of Small One (Maath), son of Gift from Above (Mattathias), son of He Listens (Semein), son of He Gathers Much (Joseph), son of Gives Honor (Judah), 27son of Shows Goodwill (Joanan), son of Walks Friendly (Rhesa), son of Born in Village of Confusion (Zerubbabel), son of Ask Creator (Shealtiel), son of Burning Light (Neri), 28son of My Chief (Melchi), son of Clothed in Beauty (Addi), son of Talks to Spirits (Cosam), son of Love Beyond Measure (Elmadam), son of He Looks Around (Er), 29son of Creator Gives Freedom (Joshua), son of C
reator Helps Him (Eliezer), son of Honored by Creator (Jorim), son of Gift of the Great Spirit (Matthat), son of He Brings Together (Levi), 30son of Creator Hears (Simeon), son of Give Him Praise (Judah), son of He Gathers Much (Joseph), son of Creator Shows Goodwill (Jonam), son of He Builds Up (Eliakim), 31son of He Makes Full (Melea), son of He Is Ready (Menna), son of Gift Giver (Mattatha), son of He Will Give (Nathan), son of Much Loved One (David), 32son of Original Man (Jesse), son of He Works Hard (Obed), son of Moves with Strength (Boaz), son of He Makes Peace (Salmon), son of Talks with Snakes (Nahshon), 33son of Noble Relative (Amminadab), son of He Is Lifted Up (Admin), son of Lifted Up High (Arni), son of Circle of Tipis (Hezron), son of He Breaks Through (Perez), son of Give Him Praise (Judah), 34son of Heel Grabber (Jacob), son of He Made Us Laugh (Isaac), son of Father of Many Nations (Abraham), son of He Made Them Wait (Terah), son of Snorting Buffalo (Nahor), 35son of Growing Stem (Serug), son of Faithful Friend (Reu), son of Where the Water Divides (Peleg), son of Over the River (Eber), son of Shooting Arrow (Shelah), 36son of Made Straight (Cainan), son of Son of His Mother (Arphaxad), son of His Name Is Known (Shem), son of One Who Rests (Noah), son of Strong Wild Man (Lamech), 37son of Long Arrow (Methuselah), son of Walks with Creator (Enoch), son of He Came Down (Jared), son of Full of Praise (Mahalaleel), son of Made Straight (Cainan), 38son of Weak Human Being (Enos), son of Drinks Too Much (Seth), son of Red Clay (Adam), son of the Great Spirit.


  1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was now filled with the Holy Spirit. From the river Flowing Down (Jordan), the Spirit guided him into the desert wilderness, a dry and lonely place filled with wild animals and many other dangers. 2There, for forty days, he would be put to the test by Accuser (Satan), the evil trickster snake.

  In the story of creation, the first man and woman lived in a Garden of Beauty and Harmony. The evil trickster snake came to them and twisted the words of the Great Spirit to deceive them. They listened to the snake, lost the life of beauty and harmony, and fell under the curse of death—both physical and spiritual. This snake is an evil spirit, sometimes called Accuser (Satan), who opposes the good things Creator wants for all two-leggeds.

  For forty days and nights Creator Sets Free (Jesus) ate nothing. His body became weak, and his hunger grew strong.

  When the evil trickster snake saw that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was weak and hungry, he came to him and whispered in his ear.

  3“Are you the Son of the Great Spirit?” he hissed. “Prove it by turning these stones into frybread.”

  4“It is written in the Sacred Teachings,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said, “‘frybread is not the only food for two-leggeds.’10”

  5Once more Accuser (Satan) took him up to a high mountain and, in a moment of time, showed him all the great nations of the world. 6“All of their power and beauty can be yours!” the snake said smoothly. “They were given over to me, and I can give them to anyone I choose. 7If you will bow down to me and my ways, they will all be yours!”

  8“Go away from me, you evil trickster!” he answered. “For it also says in the Sacred Teachings, ‘The Great Spirit is the only one to bow down to and walk in his ways.’11”

  9The evil snake took him to the Great Spirit’s sacred lodge in Village of Peace (Jerusalem). He took him to the very top of the lodge, high above the village. “Prove you are the Son of the Great Spirit and jump down from here!” the snake taunted him. 10“Do not the Sacred Teachings also say, ‘His spirit-messengers will watch over you to keep you from harm. 11They will not even let your foot hit a stone’12?”

  12“Yes,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said back to him, “but they also say, ‘Do not put the Great Spirit to a foolish test.’13”

  13Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had passed every test. The evil snake could think of nothing more, so he slithered away to wait for another time.


  14The power of the Spirit was now resting on Creator Sets Free (Jesus), so he returned to the territory of Circle of Nations (Galilee). News about him began to spread like wildfire throughout the villages, 15for he was teaching in their gathering houses, and the people gave him much honor.

  In the Law given by Drawn from the Water (Moses), all the tribes were instructed to keep a Day of Resting called the Sabbath. This was the seventh day of the week, to honor and remember the time when Creator rested on the seventh day after making all things. On that day no work was to be done, and how far one could walk was limited. The tribal people would meet together at their village gathering houses on this day.

  16On one of these Days of Resting, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) returned to his boyhood home in Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). As was his tradition, he entered the gathering house and stood up to read from the ancient Sacred Teachings. 17The headman handed him the scroll with the words from the prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah). He opened the scroll and began to read.

  He spoke with deep respect in his voice as he held the scroll in a sacred manner. His words were strong and clear, and his eyes were bright and full of life as he read.

  18“The Spirit of Creator has come to rest on me. He has chosen me to tell the good story to the ones who are poor. He has sent me to mend broken hearts, to tell prisoners they have been set free, to make the blind see again, and to lift up the ones who have been pushed down— 19to make it known that Creator’s Year of Setting Free14 has come at last!”15

  20He rolled up the scroll, returned it to the headman, and sat down. All eyes were fixed on him, wondering what he would say.

  He looked around at them and spoke clearly, with a strong voice, 21“Today these words you have heard have found their full meaning.”

  Then he began to teach and share his wisdom with them.

  22At first they were amazed at the power and beauty of his words.

  But soon the meaning of his words sank into their hearts, and the mood of the people began to change.

  “Is this not the son of Bitter Tears (Mary) and He Gives Sons (Joseph), the wood carver?”

  23So he said to them, “I am sure you will tell me this wise saying, ‘Healer, use your medicine on yourself.’ And you will say, ‘We want to see you do here in your own village the powerful signs you did in Village of Comfort (Capernaum).’ 24But the truth is, a prophet is given much honor except in his own village, among his own clan, and in his own house.”

  Those who were listening continued to grumble out loud, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.

  25“I speak from my heart,” he said to them. “There were many widows in the land of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) during the days of the prophet Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah). It was a time of great hunger, and food was hard to find. It had not rained for more than three winters. 26But Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah) was not sent to any of these widows. Instead, he was sent to Refining Fire Woman (Zarephath), a widow in the territory of Hunting Grounds (Sidon), an Outside Nation.16 27And there were many with a skin disease in the days of the prophet Creator Saves Us (Elisha), but none were healed and cleansed except for Looks Handsome (Naaman), an outsider from Bright Sun (Syria), the head soldier of the enemy’s army.”17

  28The people in the gathering house were insulted and furious at his words. 29Together they herded him out to the village hillside to throw him off the cliff, 30but he slipped through the crowd and went on his way.


  31From there he went to Village of Comfort (Capernaum) in the territory of Circle of Nations (Galilee). On the Day of Resting 32he was teaching in their gathering house and the people were amazed at his manner of speaking, for he spoke boldly with authority, not like the other spiritual leaders.

  33There was a man that day in this gathering house who had an unclean evil spirit. Suddenly, the man wailed out loud, 34“AAAIIIEEE! Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). What are you doing here? Have you come to put an end to us? I know who you are! You are the Holy One from the Great Spirit!”

sp; 35Creator Sets Free (Jesus) spoke sharply to him, “Be silent! Leave this man now!” The evil spirit shook the man, threw him to the ground, and came out without hurting him.

  36The people were in awe and began to ask each other, “What is he teaching? What new medicine is this? He even tells the unclean spirits what to do—and they do it!”

  37Because of this, his reputation spread like wildfire throughout the Circle of Nations (Galilee) and to all the surrounding territories.


  38After he left the gathering house, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) went to the home of One Who Hears (Simon). The wife of One Who Hears (Simon) was there. Her mother was sick in bed with a bad fever, so they asked Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to help her. 39He went and stood over her and told the fever to go, and it left! With a glad heart she got up and went to prepare a meal for them.

  40Later that day, when the sun was going down, many sick people were brought to him. He touched them all and healed them. 41Many were set free from evil spirits. As the spirits left them, they howled with loud voices, saying, “You are the Chosen One, Creator’s own Son!” But he spoke sharply to them and did not let them speak, for they knew who he was.

  42The next day, before the sunrise, he found a quiet, out-of-the-way place to be alone and pray. But the crowds found him again and would not let him go. 43He said to them, “I was sent to tell you the good story about Creator’s good road. You must let me go to other villages, so they can also hear.”


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