Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 24

by Terry M. Wildman

  “Go,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said, “and walk in the same way.”


  38As they journeyed on, they went to a village where a woman named Head Woman (Martha) gave them lodging at her house. 39Her sister Healing Tears (Mary), who lived with her, sat next to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) on the floor, listening to his teaching.

  As their Wisdomkeeper, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) would teach the men who gathered around him, but this would not have been proper for a woman of that culture.

  40Head Woman (Martha) was distracted, trying to get the meal ready for the honored guests. When she saw Healing Tears (Mary) sitting down, she walked up to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and said, “Wisdomkeeper, do you not care that my sister has left me to work alone? Tell her to help me.”

  41“Head Woman (Martha), O Head Woman (Martha),” he said, “I know many things worry and trouble you. 42But you must set your heart on the one thing that matters. That is what Healing Tears (Mary) has done, and I will not take it from her.”


  1Another time, after Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had finished praying, one of his followers said to him, “Wisdomkeeper, teach us how to pray in the same way Gift of Goodwill (John) taught his followers.”

  2Creator Sets Free (Jesus) smiled and said to them, “When you send your voice to the Great Spirit, here is how you should pray:

  “O Great Spirit, our Father from above, your name is sacred and holy.

  “Bring your good road to us, where the beauty of your ways in the spirit-world above is reflected in the earth below.

  3“Provide for us day by day—the elk, the buffalo, and the salmon. The corn, the squash, and the wild rice. All the good things we need for each day.

  4“Release us from the things we have done wrong in the same way we release others for the things done wrong to us.

  And guide us away from the things that tempt us to stray from your good road.”


  5Then he added, “Suppose you went to a friend in the middle of the night and said, ‘I need three pieces of frybread! 6A relative of mine has come from a long way to see me, and I have nothing for him to eat.’ 7But he says to you, ‘Quit bothering me! I cannot help you. My children and I are all in bed.’ 8Do not give up! If your friendship is not enough, then he will do it just because you will not give up asking.

  9“So, keep dancing your prayers, and the way will open before you. Search for the ancient pathways, and you will find them. Keep sending up your prayers, and they will be heard.

  10“Answers will come to the ones who ask, good things will be found by the ones who search for them, and the way will open before the ones who keep dancing their prayers.

  11“What kind of father, if his son wanted a fish, would give him a rattlesnake, 12or, if he asked for an egg, would give him a deadly spider? 13If even fathers with bad hearts will give good gifts to their children, how much more will the Creator, who is your Father from the spirit-world above, give the Holy Spirit to all who ask!”


  14One day Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was setting a man free from a spirit that kept him from speaking. When the spirit left the man, he could speak again, and the crowd was amazed. 15But some of them said, “His power over evil spirits comes from the Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul),31 the one who rules over all evil spirits.”

  16And others were putting him to a test, asking him for a sign from the spirit-world above.

  17Creator Sets Free (Jesus) knew what they were thinking and said, “Any nation warring against itself comes to a bad end. 18A village or clan warring against each other will not survive. If Accuser (Satan) is against himself, how will he continue to rule? I say this because you have accused me of forcing out evil spirits by the power of the Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul).

  19“If my power over evil spirits comes from the Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul), then by what power do your children do these things? They are the ones who will decide against you. 20If I force out evil spirits by the finger of the Great Spirit, then Creator’s good road has come close to you.

  21“When a strong warrior, who is dressed for war, guards his own belongings, they are safe. 22But when someone who is stronger attacks and defeats him, he will strip him of his war garments that he trusted in, take away all his goods, and give them away to others.

  23“In this spiritual battle there is no unclaimed territory. The one who is not fighting with me fights against me. The one who does not help me gather scatters and makes things worse.

  24“When an evil spirit goes out of someone, it wanders through dry wastelands, looking for a place to rest. When it finds none, it says, ‘I will go back to the house I left.’ 25It returns to find the house empty, swept clean, and put in order. 26The spirit then finds seven other spirits, more evil than itself, who all go in and live there, making the person worse than before.”

  27As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was speaking, a woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Creator’s blessing is on the womb that birthed you and the breasts that nursed you!”

  “That may be,” 28he answered her, “but a greater blessing belongs to the ones who listen to the words of the Great Spirit and walk in his ways.”


  29More and more people came to hear Creator Sets Free (Jesus), so he said to them, “This is a generation of bad-hearted people, looking only for powerful signs. The only sign you will be given is the sign of Wings of Dove (Jonah).” 30In the same way he was a sign to the people of Village of Changed Minds (Nineveh), the True Human Being will be to the people living today.

  31“The reputation of the female chief of the south will speak against the people of today. What she did will show your guilt, for she journeyed from a land far away to listen to the wisdom of the great chief Stands in Peace (Solomon). Look! A greater one is standing right in front of you.

  32“When Creator decides the fate of the people living today, the reputation of people of Village of Changed Minds (Nineveh) will speak against them. What they did will show your guilt, because they changed their minds when they heard the message of Wings of Dove (Jonah). Look! One who is greater than he stands before you now.


  33-34“No one, after lighting a lamp, hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead it will be lifted up high on a pole so all who enter can see it.”

  Among the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) a greedy person was said to have a bad eye and unable to see the good road. A generous person was said to have a good eye, full of light and able to clearly see the good road.

  So he said to them, 35“Light shines into the body through the eyes. If your eyes are clear, your whole being is full of light. 36But, if your eyes are bad, then your whole being is full of darkness. Make sure your eyes are full of light and not darkness, and then you will clearly see the path you walk, like a torch in the night.”


  37When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) finished speaking, one of the Separated Ones (Pharisees) invited him to a meal, so Creator Sets Free (Jesus) sat with him at his table. 38The Separated One (Pharisee) was upset that he did not ceremonially wash his hands before eating.

  39“You Separated Ones (Pharisees) always wash the outside of your cups and bowls, but on the inside your hearts are full of greed and worthless ways. 40How can you be so foolish? The one who made the outside also made the inside! 41If you will give food to the hungry from the inside of you, from the pity in your heart, then all things will be clean for you.

  42“Sorrow and trouble await you Separated Ones (Pharisees)! For you are careful to do what tribal law says by giving a tenth of each little herb in your garden, as you should without ignoring the more important instructions, such as treating others equally and walking in the love of the Great Spirit.

  43“Sorrow and trouble await you Separated Ones (Pharisees
)! For you love to sit in the seats of honor at the gathering houses and to be noticed at the trading posts.

  44“Sorrow and trouble will be waiting at the end of the trail for you, for you are like unmarked burial grounds that others walk over without even noticing.”

  45A scroll keeper, one who was an expert in tribal law, spoke up. “Wisdomkeeper,” he complained, “when you say these things, you insult us also.”

  46Creator Sets Free (Jesus) did not hold back. “Sorrow and trouble is coming your way,” he warned the scroll keeper, “for you put heavy spiritual loads on the backs of others, too much for them to carry, but will not lift even one finger to help them.

  47“Sorrow and trouble are waiting for you, for you carve statues on the burial grounds of the prophets of old to honor them, but it was your ancestors who murdered them. 48Your actions show you are walking in their moccasins, for they killed the prophets, and you decorate their burial grounds.

  49“But here is what the Great Spirit in his wisdom says to you, ‘I will send to you prophets and message bearers. Some you will murder, and others you will track down and torture.’

  50“The people living today will have to give an answer for shedding the blood of all the prophets who have lived since the beginning of the world, 51from the blood of His Breath Goes Up (Abel) to the blood of Creator Will Remember (Zechariah), who was murdered in the courtyard of the sacred lodge.

  52“Sorrow and trouble await you experts in tribal law, for you have taken for yourselves the secrets of wisdom and understanding. You have failed to walk in them, and even worse, you have stood in the way of others who were trying to get in.”

  53As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) began to leave, the scroll keepers and Separated Ones (Pharisees) grew fierce in their anger toward him. 54They began to attack him with sharp questions, trying to trap him in his words.


  1Many thousands of people were now crowding around Creator Sets Free (Jesus), so many that they were trampling on each other. Before he spoke to the crowd, he first said to his followers, “Be on the lookout for the teachings32 of the Separated Ones (Pharisees) who put on a false face. 2Remember, nothing can be hidden from Creator’s eyes. He will uncover all secrets. 3What is spoken in darkness will be heard in the light, and what is whispered in secret will be shouted from the rooftops.

  4“Hear me, my friends, do not fear the ones who can kill only the body. For there is nothing more they can do. 5You should fear the one who, after you have been killed, has the right to throw you into the Valley of Smoldering Fire. This is what should make you tremble.

  6“Five small winged ones could be traded for two stones, yet Creator cares for each of them. 7He even knows the number of hairs on your head. Do not fear. Are you not worth more to him than many small winged ones?

  8“Listen! When you represent me before others, the True Human Being will represent you before Creator’s spirit-messengers. 9But the ones who disown me will be disowned before them.

  10“Anyone who speaks against the True Human Being can be forgiven, but speaking evil of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

  11“When they drag you into their gathering houses and before government rulers, do not worry how to defend yourselves or what to say. 12When that time comes, the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak.”


  13Someone from the crowd pushed forward and said to him, “Wisdomkeeper, tell my brother to give me my part of what our father left to us.”

  14Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to him, “Who made me the one to decide this between you and your brother? 15Watch your step, or greed will make you stumble. Remember, one’s life is not made up of many possessions.”

  There were many people in the crowd who heard what he said about possessions, 16so he told this story to help them see more clearly.

  “A man with many possessions had a field that was growing a great harvest of food. 17‘What will I do with all this food?’ he said to himself. ‘I have no room in my storage barns for this great harvest.’

  “The man thought about it and then said to himself again, 18‘I know what I will do, I will tear down my old storage barns and build larger ones. 19I will have enough to last me many winters. Then I will take my rest, eat, drink, and celebrate.’

  20“But the Great Spirit said to him, ‘Why are you being so foolish? This is the day you will cross over to death and give an answer for your life. Now who will get the goods you have stored up for yourself?’”

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) let the people think about the story, and then he said, 21“This is how it will be for the ones who make themselves rich but forget about Creator’s true riches.”


  22Then he said to the ones who walked the road with him, “This is why I am telling you not to be troubled about getting enough to eat or drink, or what to wear. Is eating, drinking, and clothing yourself all there is? 23Does your life not have more meaning?

  24“Look to the ravens, the winged ones who fly above us. Do they plant seeds and gather the harvest into a storehouse? No! But the Great Spirit gives them plenty to eat. Do you not know he cares even more for you? 25Will worrying about these things help you live one hour longer? 26If you cannot do such a small thing, why worry about other things?

  27“Have you seen how the wildflowers grow in the plains and meadows? Do you think they work hard and long to clothe themselves? No! I tell you, not even the great chieftain Stands in Peace (Solomon), wearing his finest regalia, was dressed as well as even one of these.

  28“If the Great Spirit covers the wild grass in the plains with such beauty, which is here today and gathered for tomorrow’s fire, will he not take even better care of you? Why is your faith so small? 29Why worry so much about what to eat or drink? 30This is what the Nations of the world, who have lost their way, have given their hearts to, but your Father from above knows you need these things.

  31“If you will make Creator’s good road your first aim, he will make sure you have all you need for each day. 32Do not fear, for even though you are a small flock, it makes your Father’s heart glad to give you the good road!

  33“Share your possessions with the ones in need, and you will have money pouches that never wear out, filled with possessions from the spirit-world above. 34For where you store your possessions is where your heart will be.

  35“Be ready at all times, with your torches burning bright. 36Be like the ones who, waiting for their chief to return from a distant wedding feast, are watching and ready to welcome him. 37When he returns and finds them ready, he will take off his chiefly garments, dress himself in servant’s clothes, sit them at his own table, and serve them a great feast. 38He will do this whether he returns late in the night or early in the morning.

  39“Here is another way to see what I am saying. If the elder of a family had known what night the thieves were coming, he would not have let them break in. 40In the same way you must always be ready, for the True Human Being will return at a time you do not expect.”


  41Hearing this, Stands on the Rock (Peter) said to him, “Wisdomkeeper, is this story for us, or for all people?”

  42“You tell me,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) answered, “who is the wise one, worthy of trust? The uncle who feeds and cares for the family while the elder is away? 43-44Yes, and when the elder returns, he will honor that uncle, take him into his home, and share everything with him.

  45“But what if the uncle says to himself, ‘It will be a long time before he returns,’ then begins to abuse the family, eat all the best food, and get drunk on the wine? 46I will tell you what will happen,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) continued. “The elder will return at an unexpected time and find the uncle abusing his family. He will then put him out of the family and send him away to live with the other outcasts.

  “Who is the story for?” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) asked his followers. 47“Like the bad-hearted uncle, it is
for the ones who know Creator’s right ways but fail to walk in them. They will be given the greatest punishment, 48for more is required from the ones who are given and trusted with more. As for the ones who do not know but still fail to do what is right, their punishment will not be as great.”


  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) knew that his followers were not prepared for the effect his message would have on their nation and what would soon happen to him in the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  49“I came down from above to ignite a fire on this land, and how I long for it to burn!” he said to his followers. 50“I have a purification ceremony33 with fire to accomplish—and I am desperate to finish it!

  51“Do you look for me to bring peace to this land? No! I tell you, first there will be great conflict. 52The message I bring will pierce like the blade of a long knife. It will even separate family members. A family of five will take sides, three against two and two against three. 53Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, uncles and nephews, aunties and nieces. They will all fight like enemies, all because of me and my message.”34

  54Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then said to the crowd, “When a cloud rises in the west, you say, ‘It will rain soon,’ and so it does. 55The wind blows from the south and you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and so it is.”

  Then he spoke to the spiritual leaders, 56“You who wear false faces! You understand what the earth, wind, and sky are saying, but you are blind to the message of the season you live in.

  57-58“If someone has a complaint against you, why not work things out on the way to tribal council? Can you not decide on your own what is right and come to an agreement? The council may decide against you and turn you over to ones who have the power to banish you 59where there is no way back until honor is restored.”


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