Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 29

by Terry M. Wildman


  26The soldiers then marched Creator Sets Free (Jesus) away. A man named Listening Man (Simon), from Land of Power (Cyrene) in northern Africa, was just entering Village of Peace (Jerusalem). The soldiers forced him to walk behind Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and carry the crossbeam for him.

  27A large crowd of people trailed behind. Some of the women were wailing and crying out loud. 28Creator Sets Free (Jesus) turned to them and said, “Daughters of Village of Peace (Jerusalem), weep not for me but for yourselves and your children.

  29“The time is coming soon when people will say, ‘It is better for the women who have borne no children, for they will not have to watch them die.’ 30People will say to the mountains and the hills, ‘Fall on us and cover us over.’58

  31“If they do this to a green tree, what will they do to the trees that are dead and dry?”

  32Two other men, both of them criminals, were also walking the road with him to be put to death.

  33When they came to the place called “The Skull,” they nailed the hands and feet of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to a tree-pole—the cross. They did the same for the two criminals, putting one on each side of him.

  34“Father, forgive them!” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) cried out. “They do not know what they are doing.”

  The soldiers divided up his garments and gambled for them by drawing straws.59

  35The people watched as the spiritual leaders mocked him. “He set others free,” they said, “why can he not free himself, if he is Creator’s Chosen One?”

  36The soldiers offered Creator Sets Free (Jesus) wine mixed with bitter herbs 37and mocked him. “If you are the Great Chief of the tribes,” they laughed, “then set yourself free.”

  38Above his head, carved above the crossbeam, were these words in three languages:


  39One of the thieves next to him spewed out angry words, “If you are the Chosen One, save yourself and us!”

  40Then the other thief spoke up and said, “Have you no fear or respect for the Great Spirit? 41We are guilty and suffering for our own wrongdoings, but this man has done nothing wrong!”

  42The man turned to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and said to him, “Honored One, remember me when you come into the power of your good road.”

  43Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked at the man and said, “Listen closely, before the sun sets today, you will walk with me in the beautiful garden.”60

  44It was now midday, for the sun had reached the center of the sky.61 A great shadow of darkness covered the land like a blanket, and the sky remained dark until midafternoon.62 45The light of the sun grew dim, and the great heavy blanket that hung over the entry to the Most Holy Place in the sacred lodge was torn in two down the middle.

  46At the same time Creator Sets Free (Jesus) cried out with his last breath, “O Great Father, my spirit is in your hands!”63

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was dead.

  47One of the head soldiers of the People of Iron (Romans), who saw all these things, honored the Great Spirit by saying, “He must have been an upright man, not deserving death.”

  48When the large crowd that had gathered to watch saw and heard all that was happening, they began to wail and beat their fists against their chests as they walked home.

  49Many friends of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stood watching from a distance, along with the women who had walked the road with him from Circle of Nations (Galilee).


  50-51A man named He Gets More (Joseph) sat on the Grand Council of elders but had not agreed with the decision to put Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to death. He was a good-hearted and upright man from the tribal village of High Mountain (Arimathea), one who looked for Creator’s good road.

  52He went to Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) and asked for the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 53He then took it down from the cross and ceremonially wrapped his body with soft cloths. Then he laid the body in a newly carved burial cave that had never been used.

  54It was still the Day of Preparation for the Passover, and the Day of Resting would soon begin. 55After the women who had walked the road with him from Circle of Nations (Galilee) saw where they put his body, 56they left and went to prepare herbal spices and sweet-smelling ointments. Then they settled into their homes and followed the instructions for Day of Resting.


  1It was now sunrise on the first day of the week. The women who had prepared the spices and oils were on their way to the burial cave. 2When they arrived, they saw that the large stone in front of the cave had been rolled away. 3They went inside, only to find the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was gone!

  4They were standing there in amazement and wonder when suddenly two men appeared beside them dressed in shining white outfits. 5The women, trembling with fear, fell down to the ground on their faces.

  The men said, “Why do you look for the living in the place of the dead? 6He is not here. He has returned to life. Do you not remember what he told you in Circle of Nations (Galilee)? 7That the True Human Being would be turned over to the ones with bad hearts. They would put him to death on the cross, but he would come back to life on the third day.”

  8Then the women remembered what he had said. 9They hurried back to tell the eleven message bearers and the others what they had seen and heard. 10There was Strong Tears (Mary) of the village of Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala), Woman of His Goodwill (Joanna), and Brooding Tears (Mary) the mother of He Takes Charge (James), and other women with them.

  These women told the message bearers and the others what they saw with their own eyes. 11But the men did not believe the women, thinking it was only empty talk.

  12But Stands on the Rock (Peter) ran to the burial cave. He bent down to look inside and saw strips of cloth lying there, but no sign of the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He then walked away wondering what had happened.


  13On the same day, two of the followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) were walking to Village of Warm Springs (Emmaus), seven miles out from Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 14As they walked along, they were talking about all that had happened. 15Creator Sets Free (Jesus) came alongside them as they walked, 16but their eyes were kept from seeing who he was.

  17He said to them, “What are you talking about?”

  They stopped walking and a look of sadness fell over their faces. 18One of the men, Honored by His Father (Cleopas), answered him, “How can you not know about the things that have happened in Village of Peace (Jerusalem)? You must be coming from far away.”

  19“What things are you talking about?” he asked.

  “About Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). He was a prophet from the Great Spirit, with powerful medicine, who did many good things among all the people. 20The head holy men and other leaders handed him over to the People of Iron (Romans) to be put to death on the cross. 21We had hoped that he would free the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) from the People of Iron (Romans). It is now the third day since they killed him on the cross, 22-23but today some women told us an amazing story. Early this morning they went to his burial cave and found that his body was not there. They told us about visions of spirit-messengers who told them he was alive! 24Some of our men went to see with their own eyes and found the empty cave, but they did not see Creator Sets Free (Jesus).”

  25“Why are your hearts so slow to believe the words of the prophets?” he said. 26“It should be clear to you that the Chosen One would suffer first before he would be lifted up and honored above all.”

  27So Creator Sets Free (Jesus) told them his story, beginning with Drawn from the Water (Moses) and all the prophets. He showed them how all the ancient Sacred Teachings were written about the Chosen One and pointed the way to him.

  They still did not know it was Creator Sets Free (Jesus) talking to them.

  28As t
hey entered the village, he walked on as if to go farther. 29They said to him, “Please, stay with us. It is late, and the sun will soon set.”

  So he went into the lodging house with them. 30When they sat down to eat a meal together, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) took some frybread into his hands. He gave thanks and broke it, giving each of them a piece. 31Suddenly, their eyes were opened and they knew who he was, but he vanished right in front of them.

  32The men looked at each other in wide-eyed wonder and said, “It felt like our hearts were on fire when he was talking with us on the road, showing us the meaning of the Sacred Teachings!”

  33They got up without finishing their meal and walked back to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) as fast as they could, for the sun was setting. They found where the eleven had gathered together with the others.

  34They were saying, “Our Wisdomkeeper is alive! He has shown himself to One Who Hears (Simon).”

  35So the two men told them what happened on the road and how their eyes were opened when Creator Sets Free (Jesus) broke the frybread into pieces.


  36Before the men finished speaking, suddenly Creator Sets Free (Jesus) himself was standing there among them. “Peace be with you!” he said to them.

  37Filled with fear, they all moved back from him, thinking he was a ghost. 38“Why are you trembling?” he asked. “Why do you doubt what your eyes see? 39Look at my hands and feet. Touch me. A spirit does not have flesh and bone, as you can see I have.”

  40Then he showed them his hands and feet. 41They still could not believe their eyes, and with glad but fearful hearts they could only stare at him.

  Then he said to them, “Give me something to eat.” 42They gave him some cooked fish 43and he ate it in front of them. 44As he ate, he said this to them, “When I was with you before, I told you that all the words of Drawn from the Water (Moses), the Prophets, and the Sacred Book of Songs (Psalms) must find their full meaning in me.”

  45He then opened their minds so they could see the full meaning of the Sacred Teachings 46and said to them, “The Sacred Teachings foretold long ago that the Chosen One would walk a path of suffering. He would then die and rise to life on the third day.

  47“It was also foretold that, beginning in the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), the good story would be told to all nations. This story will change hearts and minds and release people from their bad hearts and broken ways.

  48“You, my message bearers, have seen these things with your own eyes so that you can go and tell others. 49But first you must wait in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) until I send to you the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. He will dress you in my regalia, with power coming down from the spirit-world above.”


  50Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then walked with them to House of Figs (Bethany). He lifted his hands and spoke blessing words over them, 51and as he spoke, he was taken up into the spirit-world above.

  52As he went up, his followers bowed down to honor him, and then with glad hearts they returned to the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 53Day by day they gathered at the sacred lodge, praying and giving thanks to the Great Spirit.

  Aho! May it be so!




  1-2Long ago, in the time before all days, before the creation of all things, the one who is known as the Word was there face to face with the Great Spirit. This Word fully represents Creator and shows us who he is and what he is like. He has always been there from the beginning, for the Word and Creator are one and the same. 3Through the Word all things came into being, and not one thing exists that he did not create.

  4Creator’s life shined out from the Word, giving light to all human beings. This is the true Light that comes to all the peoples of the world and shines on everyone. 5The Light shines into the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it or put it out.

  6-7Into the wilderness of the Land of Promise (Judea) came a man named Gift of Goodwill (John). He was sent by the Great Spirit to tell what he knew about the Light so everyone could believe. 8He was not the Light but came to speak the truth about the Light. 9The true Light that shines on all people was coming into the darkness of this world.

  10He came down into this world, and even though he made all things, the world did not recognize him. 11Even his own tribe did not welcome or honor him. 12But all who welcome and trust him receive their birthright as children of the Great Spirit. 13They are born in a new way, not from a human father’s plans or desires, but born from above—by the Great Spirit.

  14Creator’s Word became a flesh-and-blood human being and pitched his sacred tent among us, living as one of us. We looked upon his great beauty and saw how honorable he was, the kind of honor held only by this one Son who fully represents his Father—full of his great kindness and truth.

  15Gift of Goodwill (John) told what he knew about him and cried out with a loud voice, “The one I have told you about is here! He comes after me, but is much greater—my elder! He has more honor, for even though he is thought to be younger, he existed before I was born.”

  16From the fullness of his being we have all had many gifts of kindness poured out on us. 17Drawn from the Water (Moses) gave us our tribal laws, but the gift of great kindness and truth came from Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One.

  18No one has ever seen the Great Spirit, but the one Son, who is himself the Great Spirit and closest to the Father’s heart, has shown us what he is like.


  19Some of the holy men and tribal leaders from the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) were sent from Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  “Who are you?” they asked.

  20He knew what they were asking, so he hid nothing and said plainly, “I am not the Chosen One.”

  21“Who are you, then?” they demanded. “The prophet from long ago, Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah)?”

  “No,” he answered, “I am not.”

  “Are you the Prophet1 who is to come?” they asked.

  “No,” was his answer again.

  22So they said to him, “Tell us who you are, so we will have an answer for the ones who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?”

  Gift of Goodwill (John) looked at the spiritual leaders straight in the eyes and spoke with authority as he announced the full meaning of the ancient prophecy.

  23“I am saying the same thing the prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) said. I am a voice howling in the desert, ‘Make a straight pathway for our Honored Chief.’”

  24These tribal leaders were sent by the Separated Ones (Pharisees), 25so they asked Gift of Goodwill (John), “Why do you perform the purification ceremony2 if you are not the Chosen One, or Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah), or the Prophet who is to come?”

  26“I perform the purification ceremonyb with water,” he answered, “but there is one you do not know, who is walking among you. 27He is the one who comes after me, but with greater honor. I am not even worthy to untie his moccasins.”

  28These things took place in House of Figs (Bethany) on the far side of the river Flowing Down (Jordan).


  The tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) performed a ceremony every year where a lamb was killed and then ceremonially eaten. This was to remind them of the time when the Great Spirit set them free from their slavery to the ruler of Black Land (Egypt) and took them to a new land.3

  29The next day Gift of Goodwill (John) saw Creator Sets Free (Jesus) walking toward him from a distance. “Behold!” he said to the ones gathered with him. “There is Creator’s Lamb, the one who carries away and heals the bad hearts and broken ways of the world!”

  The crowd of people looked to see the one Gift of Goodwill (John) was talking about.

  30“He is the one I said is greater than I, for he existed before I was born. 3
1The reason I perform the purification ceremony4 with water is to make him known to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). 32With my own eyes I saw the Holy Spirit come down from above like a dove and rest on him. 33I now know he is the one, because the Father above who sent me said, ‘The man you see the Spirit come down and rest on will perform the purification ceremonyd with the Holy Spirit.’”

  The people could only stare in amazement at Creator Sets Free (Jesus) as they listened to the words that they had longed to hear for many generations.

  34Gift of Goodwill (John) finished by saying, “With my own eyes I have seen the one who has been chosen by the Great Spirit.”


  35The next day, Gift of Goodwill (John) was standing with two of his followers. 36They saw Creator Sets Free (Jesus) walking nearby.

  He said to them, “Look! There is Creator’s Lamb!”

  37So they took off after Creator Sets Free (Jesus).

  38When they caught up to him, he saw them and asked, “What are you looking for?”

  “Wisdomkeeper,” they asked, “where are you staying?”

  39“Come,” he said, “and you will see.”

  So they went with him, saw where he was staying, and spent the rest of the day with him, for the day was almost over.

  40One of the two men, Stands with Courage (Andrew), went to find his brother, One Who Hears (Simon), also named Stands on the Rock (Peter). 41When he found him, he ran up to him and said, “My brother! We have found the Messiah” (which means “the Chosen One”5). 42So he took his brother to meet Creator Sets Free (Jesus).


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