Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 37

by Terry M. Wildman

  3-4Stands on the Rock (Peter) raced to the burial cave, but the other follower outran him and came there first. 5-7He stooped low to look inside but did not go in all the way. He saw strips of cloth lying there, but the cloth that had been wrapped around the head of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was rolled into a bundle, lying by itself. Stands on the Rock (Peter) arrived behind him and came to the cave. When he went inside, he saw the same things.

  8The other follower, who arrived first, now found the courage to go inside all the way. He saw the burial cave was empty—and believed. 9But they still did not understand from the Sacred Teachings that he would return from death. 10Then they went back to the place where they were staying.


  After the men left, Strong Tears (Mary) from Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala) went back to the garden.

  11Her heart was on the ground as she stood outside the cave, weeping. As the tears ran down her face, she looked inside. 12There she saw two spirit-messengers dressed in white. They were sitting, one at the head, the other at the feet, of where the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had once lain.

  13They looked at her and said, “Honored woman, why do you weep?”

  “My Wisdomkeeper is gone,” she answered, “and I do not know where they have taken him.”

  14She turned around to see a man standing behind her. It was Creator Sets Free (Jesus), but she did not recognize him.

  15“Honored woman, why the tears?” he said to her. “Who are you looking for?”

  She thought he was the keeper of the garden, so she said, “If you have carried him away, tell me where, and I will find him.”

  16“Strong Tears (Mary),” he said to her in a soft and kind voice.

  She looked closer at him and her eyes grew wide. Then she hugged him close and whispered in his ear in her native language.

  “Rabboni!” she said, meaning Wisdomkeeper.

  17“You must let me go,” he said back to her. “I have not yet gone up to the Father. Go to my brothers who walked the road with me and say to them, ‘I am going up to my Father and your Father, to the one who is the Great Spirit and Father of us all.’”

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had chosen to show himself first to a woman, Strong Tears (Mary) from Creator’s High Lodge (Magdala), the one he had set free from seven evil spirits.

  18Strong Tears (Mary) then went and found the followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and said, “I have seen our Wisdomkeeper!”

  She then told them everything she had heard from him.


  19It was now late in the same day, the first day of the week. His followers were all hiding behind locked doors in fear of being captured by the tribal leaders.

  Suddenly, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) himself was standing in front of them and said, “Peace be with you!”

  20He then showed them where the iron nails had pierced his hands and where the spear had cut into his side.

  When they saw their Wisdomkeeper, the hearts of his followers were filled with joy, 21so he said to them again, “Peace be with you! In the same way the Father above has sent me, I am now sending you.”

  22He blew his breath on them and said, “You will breathe in and receive the Holy Spirit. With his wisdom and guidance, 23if you release others from their bad hearts and broken ways, they are released. If you do not release them, they are not released.”


  24Looks Like His Brother (Thomas), one of the original twelve followers, was not there when Creator Sets Free (Jesus) showed himself to the others. 25They told him, “We have seen the Wisdomkeeper with our own eyes.”

  But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, and put my finger into them, and put my hand into the hole in his side, I will not believe.”

  26Eight days later his followers were gathered together again, and Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) was with them. The doors were all locked, but Creator Sets Free (Jesus) came in and stood before them all.

  “Peace be with you,” he said. 27Then he turned to Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) and said, “Look closely at my hands and touch my scars with your finger. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Then put away your doubts and trust in me.”

  28“You are my Honored Chief and my Creator,” he said.

  29“Now you believe, because you have seen me?” he said to him. “A greater blessing will rest on the ones who have not seen but still believe.”

  30Creator Sets Free (Jesus) did many more powerful signs before the eyes of his followers that have not been written down in this book. 31But I have told this much so you will believe that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is the Chosen One, the Son of the Great Spirit. When you put your trust in all that his name represents, the life of beauty and harmony he has promised to all will be yours.


  1A while later, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) showed himself again to his followers by Lake of Circle of Nations (Sea of Galilee), also called Sea of Rolling Water (Sea of Tiberias).

  2Stands on the Rock (Peter) along with other followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had gathered there. With him were Looks Like His Brother (Thomas), Creator Gives (Nathanael) from Village of Reeds (Cana) in Circle of Nations (Galilee), the two sons of Gift of Creator (Zebedee), and two other followers.

  3Stands on the Rock (Peter) said to them, “I am going fishing.”

  They all agreed and said, “Take us with you.”

  So they took a canoe out onto the lake. Under the light of the moon and stars they worked hard all night. Again and again they threw out their nets and drew them back in—empty.

  4Just as the first light of day was dawning, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) came and stood on the shore. But they did not know it was he.

  5“Friends,” he called out to them, “have you netted any fish?”

  “No!” they answered.

  6“Throw out your nets to the right of your canoe,” he shouted to them. “You will find some fish there.”

  They did as he said, and the net was filled with so many fish they could not pull it into the canoe. 7He Shows Goodwill (John), the much-loved follower of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), said to Stands on the Rock (Peter), “It is our Wisdomkeeper!”

  Stands on the Rock (Peter) had taken off his outer garment to fish. He put it back on and jumped into the water. 8The shore was not far, so the others made their way in, dragging the net full of fish behind the canoe.

  They came to the shore and stepped out of the canoe. 9They saw a warm fire with fish cooking over the coals and some frybread to eat.


  10Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked up from cooking and said, “Bring me some of the fish you caught.”

  11Stands on the Rock (Peter) climbed into the canoe and pulled the net to shore. The fish were large, and they counted them—one hundred and fifty-three in all! But even with so many fish the net did not tear.

  12Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said, “Let us eat.”

  They all sat down to eat, but no one dared ask, “Who are you?” They knew it must be their Wisdomkeeper.

  13He took the frybread and gave some to each of them, along with a piece of fish. 14This was the third time he had shown himself to them after coming back to life from the dead.


  15When they had finished eating, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) took Stands on the Rock (Peter) and sat down with him by the lake.

  He spoke to him, using the name his family gave him, “One Who Hears (Simon), son of Gift of Kindness (John), do you love me more than the others love me?”

  “Yes, Wisdomkeeper,” he answered, “you know I am your friend.”

  “Then feed my lambs,” he said.

  They sat looking out over the water and listening to the sound of the waves coming in to the shore.

  16Then a second time Creator Sets Free (Jesus) asked, “One Who Hears (Simon), son of Gift of Kindness (John), do you love me?”
  “Yes, Wisdomkeeper,” he answered him again, “you know how deeply I care for you.”

  “Then watch over my sheep,” he said.

  The sound of the water birds could be heard in the distance, and the sun felt warm as it rose higher in the sky.

  17Creator Sets Free (Jesus) asked him a third time, “One Who Hears (Simon), Son of Gift of Kindness (John), do you love me as a friend?”

  Stands on the Rock (Peter) felt his heart sink because he asked the third time, “Do you love me as a friend?”

  “Wisdomkeeper!” he said, “you know all things, you must know how deeply I care for you. I am your friend!”

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to him again, “Feed my sheep.”

  18Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then said to him, “I tell you from my heart, when you were a young man, you dressed yourself and walked wherever you wanted. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and take you to a place you do not want to go.”

  19He was telling him the kind of death he would die, to bring honor to Creator.

  Then he said to Stands on the Rock (Peter), “Come, walk the road with me.”

  This was the same invitation he had given years earlier to Stands on the Rock (Peter) in Circle of Nations (Galilee) after the canoes had been filled with fish.


  20Stands on the Rock (Peter) looked over at He Shows Goodwill (John), the much-loved follower of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He was the same one who, during the ceremonial meal, had leaned back and asked, “Wisdomkeeper, who will betray you?”

  21When Stands on the Rock (Peter) saw him, he said to Creator Sets Free (Jesus), “Wisdomkeeper, what about this man, how will he die?”

  22Creator Sets Free (Jesus) answered him, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, why would it matter? You must walk the road I have chosen for you.”

  23When the others heard what Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had said about He Shows Goodwill (John), talk began to go around that he would never die. But Creator Sets Free (Jesus) did not say he would not die. He said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, why would it matter to you?”


  24The one telling you this story has seen and heard these things with his own eyes, and all can agree he is telling the truth. 25Many more things could be told about Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the message of his good road, and the people his life touched. This story has been written down in a book, but not everything. For he did so many things, if they were all written down in books, the whole world would not have room for them.

  Aho! May it be so!




  1O most honored Friend of Creator (Theophilus), I have already told you the story of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), about the many things he did and taught among the people 2from his birth until the day he returned to the spirit-world above. 3After he had suffered by being put to death on the cross, he returned to life and then appeared to his message bearers, giving them many proofs that he was truly alive again.


  For forty days he continued to appear to them, and through the Holy Spirit he instructed them further about Creator’s good road. 4Once, during a meal with his followers, he said to them, “Wait here in the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), for the gift from my Father that I already told you about—the Holy Spirit. 5He Shows Goodwill (John) performed the purification ceremony1 with water, but not many days from now, you will participate in the purification ceremonya with the Holy Spirit.”

  They were all full of wonder about what was taking place. Was this the beginning of the new world the prophets of old had promised to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel)?

  6They crowded around Creator Sets Free (Jesus). “Wisdomkeeper,” they asked him, “will you now give the good road back to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel)?

  7“Times and seasons are in the Father’s hands,” he answered. “These things are not for you to know. 8Instead, set your hearts and minds on the Holy Spirit, who will give you strong medicine when he comes. You will then tell my story in Village of Peace (Jerusalem), in all the Land of Promise (Judea) and High Place (Samaria), and then to the farthest parts of the earth—to all languages, tribes, and nations.”

  9As he spoke these words, he was taken up and went into a cloud where they could no longer see him.

  His followers bowed down to honor him, and then, full of wonder and awe, they stood there looking up into the sky.

  10As they watched him go up into the spirit-world above, two men appeared before them in pure white garments.

  11“Men of Circle of Nations (Galilee)!” they said. “Why are you looking up into the sky? This same Creator Sets Free (Jesus), whom you saw going up into the spirit-world above, will return in the same manner you have seen him go.”


  12Village of Peace (Jerusalem) was nearby, about as far as one is permitted to walk on a Day of Resting. 13So the followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) walked down Olive Mountain and returned to the village and to the place where they were staying, at a lodging house in an upstairs room.

  Here are the names of some of the followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) who were gathering together to pray:

  Stands on the Rock (Peter), He Shows Goodwill (John), He Takes Over (James), Stands with Courage (Andrew), Friend of Horses (Philip), Looks Like His Brother (Thomas), Son of Ground Digger (Bartholomew), Gift from Creator (Matthew), He Takes Charge (James) son of First to Change (Alphaeus), One Who Listens (Simon) the Firebrand (Zealot), and Speaks Well Of (Judas),2 the son of He Takes Hold (James).

  14Bitter Tears (Mary), the mother of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), was there along with some of his brothers. Also many of the honored women were welcomed among them. They were all gathering together, night and day, to send their voices to the Great Spirit.

  15This group had grown into one big family, about a hundred and twenty of them, who all trusted in Creator Sets Free (Jesus), that he was the Chosen One.


  There were now only eleven message bearers. Speaks Well Of (Judas), the one who betrayed Creator Sets Free (Jesus), was no longer among them. Since Creator Sets Free (Jesus) chose twelve message bearers to represent the twelve tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel),3 someone had to be chosen to replace him.

  So during this time Stands on the Rock (Peter) stood up to speak.

  16“Friends and family,” he said to all, “Much Loved One (David), guided by the Holy Spirit, foretold in the Sacred Teachings the things that found their full meaning in Speaks Well Of (Judas), who betrayed Creator Sets Free (Jesus) into the hands of the ones who arrested him.

  17“From the first, Speaks Well Of (Judas) was one of the twelve chosen to walk with us as one of his followers.

  18“After he betrayed Creator Sets Free (Jesus), he used the blood money he was paid to buy a field. There he hung himself on a tree.4 His body fell to the ground and broke open, spilling out his insides. 19News about this spread throughout Village of Peace (Jerusalem), and so that place became known in our native language as Akeldama, meaning Field of Blood.”

  20Stands on the Rock (Peter) continued, “This gives full meaning to the words of the Sacred Book of Songs (Psalms), ‘Let his land become deserted, a place where no one will live.’5 It also says, ‘Let another take his place in the council.’6

  21“We must now choose another to replace Speaks Well Of (Judas). He must be one who was with us the whole time while we were walking the road with our Wisdomkeeper, 22from the time he participated in the purification ceremony7 with He Shows Goodwill (John) until the day Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was taken up from us to the spirit-world above. Then, along with us, he will be able to tell what his own eyes have seen, about the rising from the dead of Creator Sets Free (Jesus).”


  23Two men were selected who met the requirements: He Adds More (Joseph), who was called Son of Resting (Barsabbas), also known as Stands Upright (Justus), and Gifted From Creator (Matthias).

  24They stood the men before the council and prayed over them, “O Great Chief, Knower of Hearts, show to us the one you have chosen 25to be your message bearer in the place of Speaks Well Of (Judas), who left the path given him and chose his own path.”

  26They decided to choose by drawing straws. The straw was in favor of Gifted From Creator (Matthias), and so he was added to the eleven message bearers to form a council of twelve—representing the twelve tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).


  The tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) celebrated another great feast called the Festival of Weeks or Pentecost, meaning “fifty,” because it was celebrated seven weeks after the Passover festival, on the fiftieth day. This was a harvest festival when the people would bring the firstfruits of the harvest to Creator’s lodge in the Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem) and give thanks for his provision. Creator was about to send the Holy Spirit, promised by Creator Sets Free (Jesus), to begin the time of the great harvest and gather people from all nations who would represent the Great Spirit.


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