Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 43

by Terry M. Wildman

  27After arriving, they gathered the sacred family together and told the story of all that Creator had done among them, about how he had opened a pathway of faith for all Nations. 28And they remained there with the sacred family for a long time.


  1While Small Man (Paul) and Son of Comfort (Barnabas) were in Stands Against (Antioch), some men came down from the Land of Promise (Judea) and began to teach the followers there.

  They said, “Unless you have participated in the traditional cutting of the flesh ceremony, given by Drawn from the Water (Moses), you cannot be set free and made whole.”

  2But Small Man (Paul) and Son of Comfort (Barnabas) did not agree with them and had a strong argument with them. It was decided that Small Man (Paul) and Son of Comfort (Barnabas), along with a few others, would go to the message bearers and elders at Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to settle this among them.

  3So, having been sent on their way by the sacred family, they traveled through Land of Palm Trees (Phoenicia) and High Place (Samaria). As they traveled, they told how the Outside Nations had come to faith. This made the hearts of all the followers glad.

  4When they came to Village of Peace (Jerusalem), the message bearers, elders, and the sacred family welcomed them. They told them the stories of all that the Great Spirit had done through them. 5But some of the sacred family members who belonged to the band of the Separated Ones (Pharisees) stood up among them to make their voice heard.

  “The Outside Nations,” said the Separated Ones (Pharisees), “must participate in the cutting of the flesh ceremony and be required to follow our tribal law given by Drawn from the Water (Moses).”

  6The message bearers and elders sat in council together to discuss this matter. 7After much talk and debate, Stands on the Rock (Peter) stood up among them.

  “My fellow members of the sacred family,” he said to all, “you know that a good while ago Creator chose me to be the one to help the Outside Nations come to faith by telling them the good story. 8The Knower of Hearts made this clear when he gave them the Holy Spirit in the same manner as he did for us. 9The Great Spirit made no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts when they trusted in him. 10So why put Creator to the test by putting a burden on their shoulders that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to carry?

  11“So then,” Stands on the Rock (Peter) finished, “we believe it is because of the gift of great kindness from Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One, that we will be set free and made whole. It is the same for us and them!”

  12Silence fell upon all who had gathered there as they listened to Son of Comfort (Barnabas) and Small Man (Paul) tell about the wondrous and powerful signs the Great Spirit had done through them when they were with the Outside Nations.


  13When they were finished speaking, He Leads the Way (James) stood up and spoke to the gathering.

  “My fellow Tribal Members,” he said. “Hear what I have to say. 14One Who Hears (Simon) has spoken well to remind us of how the Great Spirit first showed to us his concern for the Outside Nations, by choosing from among them those who would represent him. 15This agrees with the words of the prophets from long ago.

  “It is written in the Sacred Teachings, 16‘At that time I will return and repair the sacred tent of Much Loved One (David) that has fallen to the ground. I will raise it up from its tattered ruins and mend its tears, 17so that the rest of humankind may search for the Great Spirit—all the Outside Nations who have also been chosen to represent me. This is what Creator is saying, 18for he made these things known long ago.’45

  19“So, as I see it, we should not put stumbling stones in the path of the ones in these Outside Nations who are turning to the Great Spirit. 20The message we should send to them is that they should stay away from things offered to evil spirits,46 from sexual impurity, from the meat of a strangled animal, and from drinking blood. 21For from ancient times the ways of Drawn from the Water (Moses) have been taught in every village, and his words are read out loud in the tribal gathering houses on every Day of Resting.”


  22Then the message bearers, the elders, and all of the sacred family agreed that it was a good thing to choose some men, along with Small Man (Paul) and Son of Comfort (Barnabas), to take a message to Stands Against (Antioch). They chose Speaks Well Of (Judas) who is also called Son of Resting (Barsabbas) and Woods Man (Silas), spiritual leaders among the sacred family.


  23Here is the message they sent in a letter: “Greetings, from the message bearers and elders of the sacred family, to our brothers and sisters who are from the Outside Nations in the villages of Stands Against (Antioch), Bright Sun (Syria), and Turns Over (Cilicia).

  24“We heard that some of our people came to you, even though we did not send them, and that they said things that troubled and confused you. 25We all agreed it would be good to send some men to represent us—along with our much-loved Son of Comfort (Barnabas) and Small Man (Paul). 26These are men who have risked their lives representing our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One. 27So we sent Speaks Well Of (Judas) and Woods Man (Silas) to tell you the same things we have written.

  28“So then, it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to place on you no burden other than these necessary things: 29that you stay away from things offered to evil spirits, from drinking blood, from the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual impurity. If you stay away from these things you will be walking in a good way. Safe journeys to you.”


  30So they sent the messengers to Stands Against (Antioch). 31When they gathered everyone together and read the message, their hearts were encouraged and made glad. 32Speaks Well Of (Judas) and Woods Man (Silas), who were also prophets, lifted their spirits and made their hearts strong with many words.


  33After some time there, they sent the messengers back with a blessing of peace on those who had sent them. 34Woods Man (Silas) thought it good to remain there.47 35Small Man (Paul) and Son of Comfort (Barnabas) also remained in Stands Against (Antioch). There, along with many others, they taught the message of the good story about our Honored Chief.


  36After they had stayed there for a while, Small Man (Paul) said to Son of Comfort (Barnabas), “Come with me and we will visit the sacred family in every village where we taught Creator’s message, to see how well they are doing.”

  37Now Son of Comfort (Barnabas) wanted Walks in Kindness (John), who is also named War Club (Mark), to go with them. 38But Small Man (Paul) did not think it wise, for he had deserted them in the territory of Many Tribes (Pamphylia) and did not complete his task.

  39Their argument became so strong that they split apart and went their separate ways. Son of Comfort (Barnabas) took War Club (Mark) and set out by water for Island of Flowers (Cyprus), 40but Small Man (Paul) chose Woods Man (Silas). So they were given Creator’s blessing by the sacred family and set out, 41traveling through Bright Sun (Syria) and Turns Over (Cilicia). There they gave strength to the sacred family gatherings in that territory.


  1Small Man (Paul) also went to the village of Hide Tanner (Derbe) and then to Set Free (Lystra). In that village was a follower named He Gives Honor (Timothy). His mother was a Tribal Woman who trusted in Creator Sets Free (Jesus), and his father was from an Outside Nation.48 2He Gives Honor (Timothy) was well spoken of by the sacred family at Set Free (Lystra) and Spirit Village (Iconium).

  3Small Man (Paul) wanted to take He Gives Honor (Timothy) with him, so he performed the cutting of the flesh ceremony for him, because of the Tribal People in the area who knew his father was from an Outside Nation.b

  4As they journeyed through the villages, they instructed the sacred family gatherings to follow the decisions made by the message bearers and elders who were in Vil
lage of Peace (Jerusalem). 5So the members of the sacred family were made strong in the faith, and their numbers grew larger each day.


  6Small Man (Paul) and He Gives Honor (Timothy) continued their journey through the territory of Dry Wood (Phrygia) and Land of Pale Skinned People (Galatia), for the Holy Spirit had held them back from telling the good story in Land of the Rising Sun (Asia). 7When they came to Land of Beech Trees (Mysia), they tried to go to Rushing Storm (Bithynia), but the Spirit of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) would not permit them. 8So they went around Land of Beech Trees (Mysia) and traveled on to the village of Cut Through (Troas).

  9During the night Small Man (Paul) had a vision in which he saw a man from Land of Tall People (Macedonia) standing in front of him. The man was begging him and saying, “Come over to our land and help us!”

  10When the vision was done, right away we tried to go into the Land of Tall People (Macedonia), trusting that Creator had chosen us to tell them the good story.

  11So we set off by water straight from Cut Through (Troas) to Sign of Rags (Samothrace). The next day we came to New Village (Neapolis), 12and from there we went on to Village of Horses (Philippi), the chief village of Land of Tall People (Macedonia) under the rule of the People of Iron (Romans). There we remained for a number of days.


  13Then on the Day of Resting we went outside of the village gate to a nearby river to find a place to send our voices to the Great Spirit. We sat down on the riverbank and spoke to some women who had gathered there. 14One of the women there, named Bitter Fruit (Lydia), from High Rock House (Thyatira), was a trader in purple cloths and had great respect for Creator. As Small Man (Paul) spoke, she listened closely to the message, and Creator opened her heart. 15She and her family then participated in the purification ceremony.49

  “If you consider me to be one who trusts in our Honored Chief,” she said to us firmly, “then you must come and stay at my house.” And she would not take no for an answer.


  16As we were on our way to where we gathered for prayer, a slave-girl who had an evil snake spirit met us.50 She brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling.

  17She began to follow after Small Man (Paul) and shout out loud, “These men, who serve the One Above Us All, are showing us the way to be set free and made whole.”

  18She did this for many days. By so doing, she greatly troubled Small Man (Paul), who finally turned and spoke to the evil spirit, “As one who represents Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One, I tell you now to come out of this woman!”

  19Right away the spirit left her. When her owners saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they took hold of Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas) and dragged them to the village rulers at the trading post.


  20They brought them before the village council and said, “These men are from the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). They are bringing trouble to our village 21by trying to force their tribal customs on us. Since we are of the People of Iron (Romans), we are not permitted to accept or follow these customs.”

  22The people who had gathered there also began to speak against them, so the village council stripped their clothes off them and gave orders for them to be beaten with sticks. 23When they finished beating them, they threw them into prison and told the headman of the prison to lock them up. 24So he followed his instructions, put them deep into the prison, and locked their feet in iron bindings.


  25In the middle of the night Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas) were sending up prayers and singing sacred songs to the Great Spirit. The other prisoners were listening, 26when suddenly the earth began to shake violently, and the stones holding the prison up began to tremble. Right then the prison doors were opened, and everyone’s iron bindings fell off.


  27When the headman of the prison woke up and saw all the prison doors standing open, he took his long knife and was going to kill himself, for he thought all the prisoners had escaped.

  28But Small Man (Paul) shouted out to him, “Do not harm yourself, we are all here!”

  29The headman of the prison asked for a torch, and, trembling with fear, he rushed inside and fell down before Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas).

  30He then took them outside and said, “What must I do to be set free and made whole?”

  31“Put your trust in Creator Sets Free (Jesus), our Honored Chief,” they said to him. “He will make you whole and set you and all your family free to follow him.”

  32Then they told Creator’s good story to him and all his family. 33It was still late in the night, but the headman took Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas) and washed their wounds. Then right away the headman and his family all participated in the purification ceremony.51 34He then invited them into his home and fed them. His heart was glad because he and all his family had put their trust in the Great Spirit.


  35In the morning the village council sent messengers, saying, “Release these men.”

  36So the headman of the prison told Small Man (Paul), “The council has instructed me to release you. You may go in peace.”

  37But Small Man (Paul) said, “We are citizens of the People of Iron (Romans)! They have beaten us before the village without a trial and thrown us in prison, and now they would send us away in secret? No! Let them come here and take us out themselves!”

  38The messengers went back and reported what they said to the village council. When they heard that they were citizens of the People of Iron (Romans), they were afraid. 39So they came and apologized to them, released them, and asked them to leave the village. 40So after they left the prison, they went to the home of Bitter Fruit (Lydia). There they encouraged the sacred family, and then left to continue their journey.


  1After traveling through Circle Village (Amphipolis) and Village of Destroyer (Apollonia), they came to a tribal gathering house at the village of False Victory (Thessalonica). 2As was his custom, Small Man (Paul) went to the gathering house on the next three Days of Resting. He tried to convince them from the Sacred Teachings, 3explaining and proving to them that the Chosen One had to suffer and then rise again from the dead.

  Then he said to them, “Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the one I have been telling you about, is the Chosen One!”

  4Some of them were won over and joined with Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas), including a large number of Wisdom Seekers (Greeks) who had deep respect for Creator and also many of the local headwomen.

  5But the Tribal Members became jealous. Banding together with some troublemakers from the trading post, they gathered a crowd and caused an uprising in the village. They broke into the house of a man named Healer (Jason), looking for Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas) so they could bring them before the people. 6Not finding them there, they took hold of Healer (Jason) and some of the other sacred family members and dragged them before the village council.

  “The ones who have turned the world upside down,” they shouted, “have also come here! 7And Healer (Jason) has welcomed them into his house. They are going against the laws of the Ruler of the People of Iron (Caesar), by saying there is another ruler—Creator Sets Free (Jesus).”

  8This troubled the people and the village council, 9so after taking payment as a promise from Healer (Jason) and the others that there would be no more trouble, they let them go.


  10Right away, under the cover of night, members of the sacred family sent Small Man (Paul) and Woods Man (Silas) to Much Water (Berea). When they arrived, they went to the local tribal gathering house. 11The Tribal Members there were more honorable than the ones in False Victory (Thessalonica), for they welcomed the message with glad hearts, and each day they searched t
he Sacred Teachings to see whether their message agreed. 12In this way many Tribal Members came to the faith, including honored women and men from the Wisdom Seekers (Greeks).

  13When the Tribal Members from False Victory (Thessalonica) found out that Small Man (Paul) was telling the Sacred Story in Much Water (Berea), they also came there to stir up the crowds and make trouble for them. 14So right away the sacred family sent Small Man (Paul) away to the great sea, but Woods Man (Silas) and He Gives Honor (Timothy) remained behind.

  15The ones who went with Small Man (Paul) took him to Wondering Place (Athens). Small Man (Paul) told them to send Woods Man (Silas) and He Gives Honor (Timothy) to him right away, and so they went back to Much Water (Berea).


  16While Small Man (Paul) was waiting for them at Wondering Place (Athens), he saw that this large village was filled with images of powerful spirit-beings. 17So every day at the tribal gathering house he would argue with the Tribal Members, and at the trading posts he would talk with any spiritual people who happened to be there. 18Some traditional wisdom seekers52 also argued with him.

  Others wondered, “What is this talking head saying?” while others said, “He seems to be talking about strange and powerful spirits.”


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