Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 54

by Terry M. Wildman

  8I am not just looking through human eyes, for our Sacred Teachings tell us the same things. 9The law given to us by Drawn from the Water (Moses) says, “When an ox is used to harvest corn, do not cover its mouth and keep it from eating.”19

  Do you think the Great Spirit was only speaking of oxen, 10or was he also speaking about human beings? Yes, he meant it for human beings also, because the one who plows the ground does so in the hope of a good harvest, and the one who gathers the corn expects to share in the harvest.

  11If we have planted spiritual seeds into your lives, is it too much to ask for you to meet our physical needs? 12If you have given others this right, should we not expect the same? But we have not asked for this right. Instead we have taken this burden on our own shoulders. In this way, nothing will stand in the way of us telling the good story of the Chosen One.

  13Do you not know that the ones who perform the sacred ceremonies eat food from the sacred lodge? And that the holy men who tend to the altar receive their share of the ceremonial meat offered there? 14In the same way, our Honored Chief instructed his followers that the ones who are tellers of the good story should receive their living from the good story.20


  15But as for me, I have not asked for this right, and I am not saying this so you will give it to me. I would rather die than have anyone take away my dignity in this matter. 16I should not be given special honor for telling the good story, for it is a burden that has been laid on my shoulders. Trouble waits for me if I have failed in this sacred task! 17If I chose this for myself, then I would expect to be honored for it. But if this was chosen for me, then I am only a keeper of this sacred task, requiring no special honor.

  18So what honor do I take to myself? It is my honor to tell the good story without expecting anything in return. In this way, I lay down any rights that I could ask for as I tell the good story. 19For even though I am free and a slave to no man, I have made myself a slave to all, in order to win many more.


  20When I am among my own Tribal Members, like them I honor our traditions that I might win them over to the good story. To the ones who are under the law, I come under the law when among them, even though I am no longer under our tribal law. I do this to gain their respect and win them over to the good story.

  21When I am among the ones who are outside of our tribal law, I consider myself as also outside of our tribal law. Even so, I am not truly outside Creator’s law, but under the law of the Chosen One. I do this to gain their respect and win them over to the good story.

  22When I am among those who are poor and weak, I join with them in their struggle. I look for common ground with everyone, so that I can tell them the good story that will make them whole and set them free. 23I do all of this so I can tell everyone the good story, so that together we may share in its blessings.


  24Do you not know that in a race there are many who run, but only one is honored for winning the race? So run with the honor of winning in mind. 25All who make it their aim to run in races work hard and practice self-control in all things. They do this for a headdress of flowers that only grows old and fades away, but we who follow Creator Sets Free (Jesus) do this for a spiritual headdress that will never grow old or fade away.

  26So when I run, I do not run in circles but toward a goal. When I fight, I do not swing my arms like a wild man. I aim my punches. 27I am rough on my body and bring it under my power, so that after I have instructed others, I myself will not grow weary and drop out of the race.


  1My sacred family members, never forget that our tribal ancestors, who are our spiritual fathers, when they left Black Land (Egypt) were all guided to safety under a cloud. They all walked through the Red Sea on dry land when the waters opened before them. 2The cloud and the water became for them a purification ceremony21 that was performed by Drawn from the Water (Moses). 3They all ate the same spiritual food 4and they all drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was the Chosen One.

  5But the Great Spirit was not pleased with most of them, so their dead bodies were left scattered over the desert wasteland.

  6We should see in this story a spiritual warning for us today. It means we must not desire wrong things like they did. 7We must not honor spirit-images, as some of our ancestors did, for our Sacred Teachings tell us, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and then got up to dance and sing in honor of the golden calf.”22

  8We must not give in to wrong sexual desires, as some of our ancestors did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.23 9We should not put our Honored Chief to the test, as some of our ancestors did, and were killed by poisonous snakes.24 10And we must not grumble, as some of our ancestors did, who were then destroyed by the spirit-messenger of death.25

  11These things happened to them as a warning to us. These stories were written down so we would learn not to walk in their footsteps. We are the people who live in the time when Creator’s plan has reached its full meaning and purpose.26 12So the ones who think they stand strong should watch out that they do not fall.

  13You are not so different from your ancestors who all faced temptation. All human beings are tempted in similar ways. So remember, the Great Spirit is faithful. He will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability to resist. For when temptation comes, he will show you how to break free from it and stand firm.

  14So then, my much-loved family, break free and run away from following after spirit-images and what they represent. 15I speak to you as wisdomkeepers. You are well able to decide for yourselves if what I say is true.

  16Think about it in this way: When we give thanks and drink from the cup Creator has blessed, are we not participating ceremonially in the blood of the Chosen One? When we ceremonially break and eat the frybread, are we not participating in the body of the Chosen One? 17For we who are many all eat from one piece of frybread. This shows that we are all one body.

  18Think about those who by human ancestry are of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). When they eat from the sacred offerings, are they not participating in the sacred altar?

  19So am I saying that a spirit-image or the food offered to a spirit-image is anything at all? 20No, but I am saying that when the Outside Nations offer food to spirit-images, they are not offering it to the Great Spirit but to evil spirits. And I do not want you to participate in following those evil spirits.

  21You cannot eat both from the cup of our Honored Chief and from the cup of evil spirits. In the same manner, you cannot eat bread from the ceremonial table of our Honored Chief and from the table of evil spirits. 22Are we trying to anger our Honored Chief by making him jealous? Do we think we are stronger than he is?

  23We may be free to do anything we desire, but not all things we can do will lead to harmony with one another or with the Great Spirit. Not all things bring help and strength to each other. 24So then, no one should seek only what is good for oneself, but also what brings good to others.

  25Go ahead and eat the food offered at the trading posts without asking any questions. Then you will not have to trouble yourself about it. 26“For the earth and all that is in it belongs to the Great Spirit.”27

  27In the same manner, if you are invited to the home of someone who is not a member of the sacred family, eat whatever is set before you without asking any questions. Then no one’s sense of wrong or right will be questioned. 28-29But if they say to you, “This food has been offered to spirit-images,” do not eat it. Not because you think it is wrong to eat, but for the sake of the one who told you.

  But someone might say, “Why is my freedom to eat being decided by what someone else thinks is right or wrong? 30If I give thanks for it, then why should anyone be able to accuse me of wrongdoing?”

  31Here is my answer: whatever you do, whether it is eating or drinking or anything else, do it
all to bring honor to the Great Spirit. 32Walk softly in a manner that will not offend Tribal Members or Wisdom Seekers (Greeks) or anyone who belongs to the sacred family of the Great Spirit.

  33This is the manner in which I also walk. For I am not looking out only for my own good, but also for the good of others. I do this so they too may be set free and made whole.


  1Walk this road of life following in my footsteps, as I also walk this road following in the footsteps of the Chosen One. 2I have great respect for you. You have never forgotten to hold on to the things I have taught you. You have followed the traditions that I entrusted to you in the same manner that I gave them to you.

  3Here is another tradition I want you to understand: the Chosen One is headman over each and every man, giving each one loving guidance. In the same way the husband is headman over his wife and his family, giving them loving guidance. In a similar manner the Great Spirit is headman over the Chosen One, giving loving guidance to all.

  4So then, any man who prays or speaks for the Great Spirit with his head covered brings shame to his head.

  This could be because, in the traditions of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel), some men would cover their heads and faces when they prayed, being ashamed of their broken ways. So covering their heads and faces would then be a sign of shame. The Chosen One has taken away all shame, so men should not cover their heads in shame when they pray.28

  5But any woman who prays or speaks for the Great Spirit with her head uncovered brings shame to her head. She would then be the same as a woman who has cut all the hair from her head.29 6If a woman is unwilling to cover herself in this way, she should cut off all her hair. But if this would bring shame to her, then she should cover her head.

  This was most likely a strong cultural tradition that Small Man (Paul) was respecting. It might be similar to some of our Native cultures in which women are not permitted to sit at the drum with men or to dance in the circle without wearing a shawl. It would bring shame to her and her husband or to the sacred family. Small Man (Paul) only sets this rule for women who pray and speak for the Great Spirit, which would have applied only to those who were leaders in the sacred family. This tradition was most likely not for all times, cultures, and places.

  7A man should not cover his head, for man was created to reflect the image of the Great Spirit and bring him honor. But the Great Spirit took the woman from the man’s side to bring honor to the man. 8In the beginning the man came first, and then the woman came from the man. 9For the man was not created because the woman needed him, the woman was created because the man needed her.

  10It is for this reason that a woman who prays or speaks for the Great Spirit should wear on her head the sign of her right to speak. In this way, she will show respect to the spirit-messengers30 who watch over the sacred family.31

  11On the other hand, because of our Honored Chief, we should see that women need men and men need women. 12For even though the first woman was made from the man, men are now born from women, and both come from the Great Spirit, who created all things.

  13So you must decide for yourselves whether it is right for a woman to pray to the Great Spirit without a covering on her head. 14Does not our own tradition and culture teach you that it is not natural or honorable for a man to wear his hair long, 15but that for a woman to wear her hair long brings honor to her? For her hair is given to her as a natural covering.

  16Anyone who does not agree with me about these things should know that in the Sacred Families of the Great Spirit we follow no other tradition.


  17As I instruct and guide you in these things, I find nothing honorable about your gatherings. For when you come together, you are doing more harm than good. 18First of all, when you have your sacred family gatherings, I have heard that you divide up into opposing groups, and I can see some truth in this. 19For these kinds of splinter groups are certain to happen and make it easy to see who among you walks in a good way and who does not.

  20At your gatherings, you are not eating the ceremonial meal in the manner given to us by our Honored Chief. 21For each one of you hurries to fill his own belly first, with no thought for the hungry among you. So then, one has too much to eat, and another too much to drink, while others remain hungry and thirsty.

  22This should never be! Do you not have food and drink in your own homes? Are you trying to shame those who are poor? Have you no respect for Creator’s sacred family? What can I say to you? Did you think I would speak well of you for this? I will not!


  23This is the sacred tradition that came from our Honored Chief, a tradition that I have received and passed on to you: On the night that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) our Honored Chief was betrayed, he took some frybread. 24He then gave thanks to the Great Spirit, broke the frybread into pieces, and said, “This is my body, broken for you. Eat it to remember me.”

  25In the same manner, when the evening meal was over, he took the cup of wine, gave thanks to the Great Spirit, and said, “This cup represents the new peace treaty, brought into being at the cost of my lifeblood. Whenever you drink this cup, drink it to remember me.”

  26For until our Honored Chief returns, each time you ceremonially eat from this frybread and drink from this cup, you are retelling the story of his death and its full meaning and purpose.


  27For this reason, if you eat from the frybread or drink from the cup of our Honored Chief in a way that does not honor him, you will have to give an answer. For you have dishonored his body and blood. 28Before you eat the frybread and drink from the cup, you should think deeply about yourself and the part you have played in this story. Then with good hearts you may eat and drink.

  29All who eat and drink without recognizing that this is the body of our Honored Chief will bring judgment on their own heads. For they have not thought about what it means to take part in the body of the Chosen One. 30It is for this reason that many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen into the sleep of death.32 31But if we would be deeply honest with ourselves, we would not need to be judged.

  32When the Great Spirit judges us, it is for our own good to teach us how to walk in his ways. Then we will not be found guilty along with those who walk in the ways of this world.

  33So then, my sacred family members, when you gather to share in this ceremonial meal, show respect and wait for each other. 34If you are hungry, you should eat something at home before you come. In this way, you will not be found guilty in the way you treat the body of the Chosen One and those who belong to him.

  I will give further instructions about the other things when I come to you again.


  1Now, my sacred family members, you have much to learn about spiritual things, so I will teach you what I know. 2For you know that when you followed the ways of the Outside Nations, their spirit-images tricked you and led you from one false path to another, even though they have no mouths to speak with. 3So now you should know that no one who is guided by Creator’s Spirit says that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is cursed. You should also know that no one can say from their heart that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is the Honored Chief unless guided by the Holy Spirit.33


  4There are different kinds of spiritual giftings, but they all come from the same Spirit. 5There are also different ways of serving, but the example to serve comes from the same Honored Chief. 6Creator’s power works in different ways through different people, but it is the same Great Spirit who is at work in all of them.

  7It is in these many ways that the Holy Spirit makes himself known in and through each of us, for the good of all.

  8Creator’s Spirit gives to one person words full of wisdom, and the same Spirit gives another person words full of knowledge. 9The Spirit gives a different person great fai
th and still another healing powers by the same Spirit. 10The Holy Spirit gives to one person miraculous powers, to another the power to speak Creator’s words. To another the Spirit gives the ability to tell good spirits from bad ones. To another the Spirit gives the ability to speak in different languages, and to another the ability to interpret those languages.

  11The power to do all these things comes from the one Spirit. It is this Spirit who decides which powers are to be given to each person.


  12Human beings have one body made up of many parts that all work together. It is the same for the body of the Chosen One. 13For through the one Spirit we all participated in the purification ceremony34 that joined us together into one body. That body is made up of Tribal Members, Wisdom Seekers (Greeks), slaves and free. But none of that matters because we all drink living water from the same Spirit.

  14Now, the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not part of the body,” would that make the foot any less a part of the body? 16If the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” would that make the ear any less a part of the body? 17If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell?

  18But in his wisdom the Great Spirit has given each body part its own place, so it can fulfill the purpose it was created for and make Creator’s heart glad.

  19If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body? 20Even though there is only one body, it was made to have many parts. 21So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you.” Neither can the head say to the feet, “I have no need of you.”


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