Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 63

by Terry M. Wildman


  11In the Chosen One, you received a spiritual cutting of the flesh ceremony done without human hands. The Chosen One did this for you, by the cutting off of your weak human ways.5

  12This is what happened when you were buried with him during your purification ceremony.6 You were also raised up with him through your trust in Creator’s great power that raised the Chosen One from the dead.


  13You were spiritually dead because your weak human ways had not yet been cut away and because you were still following your bad hearts, walking in your broken ways. Even so the Great Spirit has made you spiritually alive along with the Chosen One by releasing you from all wrongdoings.

  14When Creator did this, he wiped away and silenced every accusation that could be made against us for not following tribal law. When the Chosen One was nailed to the cross, the accusations the law made against us were nailed there with him, releasing us from those charges.


  15This is how the Great Spirit, through what the Chosen One did on the cross, defeated the spiritual powers that ruled over us by using our tribal law to accuse us and hold us captive. He now dances the victory dance with us, for the whole world to see, to celebrate the defeat of those powers!


  16From now on do not accept anyone’s accusation against you for not following laws about what you should eat or drink, or whether you participate in celebrating festivals, or New Moon ceremonies, or a Day of Resting. 17These laws and ceremonies were only dim shadows of what was coming, but the reality is found in the Chosen One.


  18Do not permit anyone to talk you out of what the Chosen One has done for you. That kind of humility is only a mask to fool you into humbling yourselves before wayward spirit-messengers. The visions they claim to have seen are only puffed-up images that come from their own prideful imaginations and weak ways of thinking.

  19These people have lost their way because they did not hold on firmly to the Chosen One, who is the head of his body, the sacred family. When the members of this body depend on the Chosen One, they are nourished and held together by the body’s joints and tendons. This is how Creator helps them grow into maturity.


  20If you have died with the Chosen One to the powers and ideas that rule the ways of this world, why would you follow the kind of rules these people require? 21Rules like, “Do not handle this! Do not taste that! Do not go near this!” 22The problem is, these things they make rules about eventually get used up and ultimately fade away, because they are only rules and instructions made up by weak human beings. 23They may put on a show of wisdom and humble, self-imposed spirituality, along with harsh treatment of their bodies, but these rules are without honor and have no power to keep us from following our broken human ways.


  1Since you have been raised up to a new life with the Chosen One, then keep looking upward toward him into the spirit-world above, where he sits in the place of greatest honor at Creator’s right hand. 2Keep your thoughts and desires centered on the spirit-world above, not on the things from the earth below.


  3You died with the Chosen One, and now your life is hidden with the Chosen One in the Great Spirit. 4When the Chosen One is revealed, then you will be revealed with him and share in his beauty and honor.


  5So let the death of the Chosen One kill in you all that is of the ways of this world. These are things such as improper sexual desires, spiritual impurity, uncontrolled emotions that lead to wrong desires, evil ways, and always wanting more than you need. These desires come from listening to lying spirits.7 6It is things such as these that will bring down the great anger of Creator on the ones who refuse to follow his ways.

  7All of you once followed this dark path when you walked in these ways, 8but it is now time to walk away from these things, things such as uncontrolled anger that turns into rage, dark selfish desires, speaking lies against others, and insulting them with foul words from mouths that have no respect. 9So stop lying to each other and speaking with forked tongues!


  These bad-hearted ways must come to an end, for they no longer represent who you are. The person you were has died, so quit walking the path like that worn-out person you used to be. 10Instead, begin to walk in the ways of the new person you have been created to be. This new person is being created to look like the Great Spirit and to think his thoughts.


  11In the Chosen One there are no longer Insiders or Outsiders,8 or those who ceremonially cut the flesh and those who do not. We no longer see ourselves or others as uncivilized, ruffians,9 slaves or free. For there is only the Chosen One. All are in him, and he is in all!


  12The Great Spirit has chosen you to be his holy and deeply loved children, so put on the new regalia he has provided for you. Put on deep feeling for the pain of others, kindness, humbleness of heart, gentleness of spirit, and be patient with one another. 13If there are any complaints against each other, then carry that burden basket and learn to forgive. For we must forgive others in the same manner that our Honored Chief has freely forgiven us.

  14When all this new regalia is in place, let the love of the Great Spirit gather all the loose threads and braid them together in unity with one another. 15Let the Chosen One guide you on the path of peace and harmony, and then as his one body this peace will be the guiding light in your hearts as you give thanks to the Great Spirit.


  16Let the message of the Chosen One become a deep watering hole inside you. It will then become a refreshing spring as you teach and guide one another with wisdom and understanding. You will sing traditional prayers, sacred chants, and spiritual songs, as you dance your prayers before the Great Spirit with glad and thankful hearts.

  17Every step taken and each word spoken should be done to represent our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus), as you dance your prayers and give thanks through him to our Father the Creator.


  18Wives, listen to and follow the loving guidance of your husbands, for this is a good thing in Creator’s sight. 19Husbands, love your wives in the same manner that Creator loves you, and never let bitter roots grow in your heart toward them.

  20Children, follow the wise guidance of your parents in all you do, for this will make Creator’s heart glad. 21Fathers, do not push your children too hard, for this may make their hearts fall to the ground.


  22If you are a slave, then do everything your earthly master tells you to do, not just when he has his eye on you but from a good heart and out of deep respect for the Great Spirit. 23Do everything from a strong heart, knowing you are serving our Creator and not weak human beings. 24For you know it is our Honored Chief, the Chosen One, whom you serve, who will honor you with all that he has promised. 25It does not matter whether one is master or slave: if wrong is done, then wrong will come back—full circle. Creator will not favor one over another.

  1If you are a master, then treat your slaves in Creator’s right ways, with respect and honor, for you know that you also have a Master in the spirit-world above.


  2When you send your voice to the Great Spirit, stay alert and never give up praying and giving thanks. 3-4Keep us in your thoughts and prayers also. Ask Creator to open the way for our message to be heard, and that I would clearly make known the mystery of the Chosen One. It is for this reason that I have been captured and put in chains.

  5Use great wisdom as you walk among those who are not yet part of the sacred family, and make full use of every opportunity as you represent our Honored Chief. 6Think before you speak and let y
our words be clear. Then, like salt that brings out the good flavor, you will know how to give each person the right answer.


  7-8I am sending He Is at Ease (Tychicus) to you, a much-loved spiritual brother, one who faithfully serves our Honored Chief by also serving others. I am sending him to bring you news about me, so you will know how we are doing and that your hearts may be lifted up and made strong. 9Along with him is He Is Helpful (Onesimus), a much-loved and faithful spiritual brother, who is also from the sacred family that meets in your village. They will give you a full report about everything here.

  10I send you greetings from Good Chief (Aristarchus), who is in prison with me. War Club (Mark), the cousin of Son of Comfort (Barnabas), also sends his greetings. He is the one I already instructed you about. If he comes to you, welcome him. 11Creator Rescues (Jesus), who is also named Stands Upright (Justus), also sends his greetings. These are the only Tribal Members who walk with me on Creator’s good road, working with me side by side. They have been a great comfort to me.

  12Walks in Beauty (Epaphras), who is a member of the sacred family of your village,10 sends his greetings also. He is a true servant of the Chosen One, Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He wrestles for you in his prayers, that you will stand strong and walk Creator’s path with firm steps as you grow into mature human beings. 13I speak from my heart, he has worked with all his strength for you and for those who live in the village of The People Will Decide (Laodicea) and in Medicine Village (Hierapolis).

  14Our much-loved friend Shining Light (Luke), the medicine man, sends you his greetings, along with Leader of the People (Demas).

  15Send my greetings to the sacred family members in the village of The People Will Decide (Laodicea), to Bride Woman (Nympha), and to the sacred family members that gather in her home.

  16After you who live in Village of Giants (Colossae) have read this message from me, make sure it is also read by the sacred family at The People Will Decide (Laodicea), and then you can also read the message I sent to them.

  17Give this message to Horse Chief (Archippus), “See to it that you finish the work our Honored Chief entrusted to you.”

  18I, Small Man (Paul), write this greeting with my own hand. Remember me in my chains! May the gift of Creator’s great kindness rest on you.

  Aho! May it be so!




  1From Small Man (Paul), Forest Walker (Silvanus), and He Gives Honor (Timothy).

  To the sacred family that gathers in the village of False Victory (Thessalonica), who belong to our Father the Great Spirit and to our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. We greet you with the gift of Creator’s great kindness and peace.

  2We never stop giving thanks for you, speaking your names as we send our voice to the Great Spirit. 3We remember how your trust became a labor of love and how hope kept you hand in hand with our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, as you walked under the shadow of the Great Spirit, who is our Father from above.


  4My sacred family members who are loved by Creator, we know he has chosen you to be his own. 5For when we told you the good story, it was not with words only but with the power and assurance that comes from the Holy Spirit. For you know that we lived and walked among you in a good way. 6So you followed in our footsteps and those of our Honored Chief, welcoming the good story in a time of much hardship and trouble with the joy of the Holy Spirit. 7In this way, you became an example for all the members of the sacred family in Land of Tall People (Macedonia) and in Land of Sorrow (Achaia).

  8The message from our Honored Chief has sounded out from you, not only in Land of Tall People (Macedonia) and Land of Sorrow (Achaia), but everywhere we go the word has gone out about your trust in Creator, and we have nothing to add to what has been said. 9They keep talking about the kind of welcome you gave us. They tell how you walked away from spirit-images to serve the living and true Great Spirit 10and how you now wait for his Son Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the one he raised up from the dead, to return from the spirit-world above. He is the one who rescues us from the coming storm of Creator’s anger.


  1So then, my sacred family members, you can see that our time with you did not fail in its purpose. 2For you already know about the mistreatment and insults we faced at Village of Horses (Philippi). But in the midst of such hostility Creator gave us the boldness to tell you his good story.

  3Our message to you had no false purpose. We were not trying to trick or fool anyone. 4For it is the Great Spirit himself who has approved and entrusted us with the good story. We do not speak to please human beings but to please the Great Spirit, the one who puts our hearts to the test.

  5As you know, we did not try to sweet-talk you into giving us your possessions. Creator is our witness. 6We were not looking for you or anyone else to give us honor, 7even though as message bearers of the Chosen One we could have required it. Instead, we were as gentle among you as a nursing mother caring for her own children. 8We cared so much for you that we were willing to share with you not only Creator’s good story but our own lives as well. That is how deep our love for you has become.


  9My sacred family members, I am sure you remember how hard we worked night and day so we would not be a burden to anyone as we told Creator’s good story to you. 10Along with the Great Spirit, you who trust our message are witnesses to the honest, good, and blameless ways we walked among you. 11For you know that we treated you as parents would treat their own children. We begged and comforted and urged you 12to walk in ways that bring honor to Creator, the one who chose you to walk his good road that shines like the sun.

  13This is why we never stop giving thanks to the Great Spirit for the manner in which you welcomed his message. You received it for what it truly is, the word of Creator and not the word of human beings. His word is now at work in you who trust in its message.


  14You, my spiritual relatives, have followed in the footsteps of Creator’s sacred families who gather in Land of Promise (Judea), who are also joined together in Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. For you have suffered mistreatment at the hands of your people, just as they did from their own Tribal Members. 15They are the ones who killed our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and the prophets and have driven us away. They fail to please the Great Spirit and are hostile to all humankind. 16They try to keep us from telling the Outside Nations the good story so they can be set free and made whole. Their broken ways have always taken them down the wrong path, but now the storm of Creator’s great anger is catching up with them, leading to a bad end.


  17My sacred family members, we may have been physically separated from you, but you were still in our hearts. This made us long for you even more and to try to see you face to face. 18Our desire was to come to you. I, Small Man (Paul), tried more than once, but Accuser (Satan) held us back. 19For who else but you will be our headdress of honor making our hearts glad before our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus) when he appears? 20Yes, you are our honor and our joy!


  1When we could not wait any longer to see you, we felt it was best to stay alone in Wondering Place (Athens) and send He Gives Honor (Timothy) to you. 2He is our spiritual brother who works hand in hand with Creator telling the good story of the Chosen One. We sent him to lift you up and strengthen you in your spiritual ways,1 3so that no one would be shaken by the hard times we are facing. For you know that this is the path Creator has chosen for us. 4When we were with you, we made it clear that a trail of sorrow and trouble lay ahead of us. As you know, we had to walk that path.


  5So because I
could not bear waiting any longer, I sent He Gives Honor (Timothy) to see whether you were still walking in our spiritual ways.2 For I feared that the evil trickster may have drawn you away, and our work among you would come to nothing. 6But He Gives Honor (Timothy) has now come back from you and brought the good news that you still walk in love and in our spiritual ways.b He told us that you have good thoughts about us and long to see us as much as we long to see you.

  7So, my sacred family members, this good news about your spiritual walk has comforted us during all the trouble and suffering we have faced. 8We came to life when we heard that you are standing firm trusting in our Honored Chief. 9When we stand in prayer before Creator, we cannot thank him enough for all the joy you have brought to us. 10With all our heart we send up prayers night and day, asking to see you face to face, so we can give you all you need to further strengthen your spiritual ways.a

  11Now may our Father the Great Spirit himself and Creator Sets Free (Jesus) our Honored Chief guide our steps to you. 12May our Honored Chief make your love for each other and for all people grow deep and wide, just as our love does for you. 13This love will give you strong hearts, so you will be able to stand holy and pure before our Father the Great Spirit when our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus) appears with all his holy ones.


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