Dark Psychology Emotional Manipulation
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Dark Psychology Emotional Manipulation
How Manipulators Take Power in Relationships and Influence People using Psychology Warfare, Deception, Brainwashing, Covert Mind Games, Narcissistic Abuse
David Bennis
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Dark Psychology
Dark Psychology and Evolution
Understanding Dark Psychology
Chapter 2: Dark Psychology Tactics
Chapter 3: How to Manipulate People Psychologically and How to Lie
Chapter 4: Ten Psychological Tricks to Manipulate Anyone
Chapter 5: Weapons of Emotional Manipulation
What Is Emotional Manipulation?
Chapter 6: Relationships
Chapter 7: Traits of a Narcissistic and Aggressive Person
Congratulations on downloading Dark Psychology Emotional Manipulation, and thank you for doing so. Dark psychology is present everywhere in the world. You can either choose to stay ignorant or take control of the situation and gain knowledge to know how to protect yourself.
The following chapters will discuss the dark side of the consciousness of human beings. If knowledge is power, then having knowledge of human psychology is more than just power. Psychology, together with the understanding of the human mind and how it works is a topic very critical to the existence of human beings. Psychology forms the basis of everything from love to hate, crime to religion, and advertising to finance. Understanding the psychological principles gives you the key to human influence – a key held by very few people.
This book offers an insight into the world of “dark psychology,” A world that very few people know of its existence - and even fewer people understand it. These are the tactics and techniques powerful influencers of the world used. This book not only offers you insight into the principles that form the basis of what essentially equals psychology’s black magic, but this book also talks about how these principles are applied. You don’t need any kind of special understanding while reading this book. All you need is the willingness to read, reflect upon the information, and apply your new knowledge.
There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible. Please enjoy!
Chapter 1: Dark Psychology
Dark psychology is both the study of criminal and deviant behavior as well as a conceptual framework for understanding the potential for evil within human beings. In the past, deviant behaviors among humans were assumed to be part of undermined psychiatric illness. However, as time went by and more and more researches were done, and theories emerged, trying to explain why humans maintain a capacity of preying upon other humans.
Dark psychology studies the human condition in relation to the psychological nature of people to prey on others, and they can be motivated by either deviant or criminal drives or both; with or without a purpose and general assumptions of a typically fixed pattern of behaviors based on instincts and social sciences theory. Given the fact that humans consider themselves a benevolent species, many would like to believe that they possess these thoughts and feelings. Every human has this potential to prey on other humans as well as other living creatures. However, many keep this tendency under control or sublimate it, some act upon these tendencies, whether in premeditated or impulsive ways.
Dark psychology seeks to understand these feelings, thoughts, subjective processing systems, and perceptions that lead people to have predatory behavior that is opposed to the contemporary understanding of human behavior. Dark psychology presumes that 99% of the time, deviant, criminal, and also abusive behaviors are purposive, and they also have some goal-oriented, rational motivation.
Dark psychology assumes that every human has a reserve for malicious intentions towards others that range from barely noticeable and brief thoughts to pure psychopathic deviant behaviors that lack any cohesive rationality. Dark psychology surrounds all that makes humans what they are in relation to their dark side. All humanity, all faiths, and all cultures have this proverbial disease. From the moment one is born to the time of their death, there is that hidden side within them that have been defined as evil while others refer to it as deviant, criminal, and pathological.
Dark psychology also assumes that in the remaining 1% of the time, people who have a tendency to commit this predatory behavior do so not for money, power, retribution, sex or any other known purpose. They just do it without a goal
. Some prey on others just for the sake of doing it. Everyone has the potential to prey on others with no apparent reason, purpose, explanation, or cause. Some characteristics of these behavioral tendencies are usually a lack of obvious rational motivation, lack of predictability as well as its universality. The lack of predictability comes in the sense of who acts on these dangerous impulses and for what lengths are they willingly or unwillingly able to go with their sense of mercy totally negated.
Dark Psychology and Evolution
Dark psychology presumes that this predatory behavior is either different or an extension of evolution. Evolution is a change in the heritable traits of biological populations over multiple generations.
First of all, consider that humans evolved from other animals and we are currently the epitome of all animal life. Our brain’s frontal lobe has enabled us to become the apex creature. However, we can still assume that being apex creatures does not completely separate us from our animal predatory nature and instincts.
If you agree with evolution and assume that this is true, then you believe that all behavior has a connection to three main instincts – aggression, sex as well as the innate motivation to self-sustain. Evolution follows the principles of replication of the species and survival for the fittest. Humans and every other life form behave in a way to procreate and survive. Aggression takes place for the purpose of marking as well as protecting our territory and eventually winning the right to procreate. While it may sound rational, this is no longer, in the purest sense, a part of the human condition.
In the
forests, when a pride of lions rips to shreds an antelope, it may seem unfortunate and brutal, but the reason for the violence agrees with the evolutionary model of self-preservation. For their survival, the lions kill for food. Also, male animals, at times, fight to the death for the will to power or the rite of territory. Evolution explains all these violent and brutal acts. When hunting, animals usually stalk and kill the weakest, youngest or females of a group. While it may sound psychopathic, reducing their own probability for injury or death is the purpose of their chosen prey. All animal life behaves and acts in this manner. All their bloody, violent, and brutal actions relate to the evolution theory and instinct for reproduction and survival. However, dark psychology doesn’t apply to the rest of life on earth. Humans are the ones who possess what dark psychology tries to explore.
When looking at the human condition, evolution and its theoretical principles seem to dissolve. Humans are the only creatures on earth that prey on others without the reason of or reproduction for the survival of the species. Dark psychology addresses the universal human condition or the human psyche part that allows for or may even drive predatory behavior.
Understanding Dark Psychology
The more you can visualize dark psychology, the better you become prepared to reduce your chances of being victimized by human predators. The following six principles are necessary for you to fully understand what dark psychology is all about.
Dark psychology is a study of the human condition in relation to people’s feelings, thoughts, and perceptions in relation to the innate potential to prey on other people with or without clear definable reasons. All human behaviors are goal-oriented, purposive, and conceptualized via a particular way of doing something. However, dark psychology suggests the idea that the closer a person draws to the “dark hole” of pure evil, they have a purpose ion motivation. Pure evil might be hard to achieve since it is infinite, but dark psychology presumes that there are those people who come close.
Dark psychology is universal. Throughout history, it has exerted its influence. All cultures and societies and the people who reside in them bear this aspect of the human condition. The most good-natured people known still possess this realm of evil but they never act upon it and have lesser feelings and thoughts of violence.
Dark psychology has the potential to be misinterpreted as deviant psychopathy; therefore, it may be overlooked in its latent form. Throughout history, cases of this latent tendency have been shown to reveal itself as active and destructive behaviors. A psychopath is defined by modern psychiatry and psychology as a predator entirely lacking remorse for his/her actions. Dark psychology assumes that there is a continuance of severity that ranges from feelings and thoughts of violence to severe victimization as well as violence that lack reasonable motivation or purpose.
On this continuance of dark psychology’s severity, it isn’t deemed less or more wicked by the victimization behavior, but rather plots out a range of inhumanity.
Dark psychology assumes that every human has the potential for evil. The potential is inborn, and there are both internal and external factors that can increase the probability of this potential present itself as eruptive behavior. These behaviors are basically predatory in nature and can function with or without reason.
Understanding the underlying triggers and causes of dark psychology can go a long way in enabling the society to recognize, diagnose, and have a chance of reducing the dangers that come with its influence. Understanding dark psychology and the concepts that it entails helps in two ways; i) accepting that everyone has the potential for evil and that by gaining knowledge, it reduces the chances of it erupting and ii) understanding the principles of dark psychology suits the original purpose for evolution – struggling to survive.
Chapter 2: Dark Psychology Tactics
Every day, people around us use dark psychology tactics to manipulate, influence, and coerce us to get what they want. While psychology is the study of human behavior focusing on thoughts, interactions, and actions, dark psychology is the science and art of manipulation and mind control. It is the phenomenon by which people use tactics of manipulation, persuasion, coercion, deception, mind games, and brainwashing to get what they want. Let’s look at these tactics in detail.
Generally, manipulation is skillful controlling, handling, or using someone or something. Whether it’s how a good DJ mixes two different tunes into the perfect mashup or how you got your friend to do your homework for you – both are considered manipulation.
In dark psychology, manipulation is the indirect use of tactics to control emotions, behavior, and relationships. In this case, manipulation can be as simple as telling a friend you are “fine” when, in a real sense, you are depressed. This is considered a form of manipulation because it controls the perception of your friend and how they react to you.
Other times, manipulation also has more insidious consequences, and most times, it is associated with emotional abuse, especially in intimate relationships. When the practice is prolonged, a manipulated person usually ends up with physical, emotional as well as mental health if they do not realize the situation sooner and save themselves from it.
Manipulators always use the tactic because they feel the need to control their surroundings and environment. This urge is often a consequence of deep-seated fear or anxiety. Engaging in manipulation is not healthy behavior, and it prevents the manipulator from having a connection with their authentic self.
Manipulation and Mental Health
Manipulation can be a common occurrence that most people use from time to time; however, a chronic manipulation pattern could indicate an underlying mental health concern. Chronic manipulation has closely been associated with personality disorder diagnoses such as narcissistic personality (NPD) and borderline personality (BPD). A lot of BPD patients use manipulation to obtain validation or meet their emotional needs, especially when they feel abandoned or insecure. Additionally, many people with BPD have either experienced or witnessed abuse and may have developed manipulative behavior as a coping mechanism to get their needs met indirectly.
When it comes to narcissistic personality (NPD), those individuals suffering from it may have totally different reasons to engage in manipulative behavior. Usually, these individuals have difficulty forming close relationships, and they may turn to manipulation so as to “keep” their partner in the relationship. Some of the characteristics of narcissistic manipulation include blaming, shaming, control issues, playing the “victim” and gaslighting. We will discuss these in detail later on.
Manipulation in Relationships
Long-term manipulation in close relationships - be it with family members, friends, or romantic partners can have serious effects. Manipulation can deteriorate both the mental and the physical health of those in the relationships, and sometimes it can cause the dissolution of the relationship.
In a partnership or marriage, manipulation causes one partner to feel bullied, isolated, and worse – worthless. Manipulation can even be found in healthy relationships when a partner unintentionally manipulates the other may be to avoid confrontation or as an attempt to unburden their partner. What’s disturbing is that some people in relationships may actually know that they are being manipulated but choose to downplay or overlook it. Manipulation in intimate relationships can take one or many of these forms, such as passive aggression behaviors, secret-keeping, selectively showing affection, gift-giving, guilt, and exaggeration.
Manipulative parents may set their children up for depression, anxiety, guilt, eating disorder as well as an assortment of other mental health conditions. Additionally, one study found that manipulative parents may increase the likelihood of their children acquiring and using the manipulative behavior too. Some of the signs that indicate manipulation in a parent-child relationship include downplaying a child’s achievements, lack of accountability from a parent, making the child feel guilty and the need to be involved with a lot of the a
spects of the child’s life.
Manipulation also occurs in friendly relationships, especially when one friend feels the friendship has become toxic. A manipulative friendship can be where one friend uses the other to meet their own needs at the expense of the friend’s. The manipulator may use coercion or guilt to extract favors like loaning money. Also, the manipulative friend may only reach out to the other only when they need their own emotional needs to be met and often when the other friend has needs in the relationship, the manipulators always find an excuse to exclude themselves.
How to Deal With Manipulative People
Sometimes, people unconsciously manipulate others without having any idea of what they are doing, but others are fully away, and they even actively work on strengthening their manipulation skills and tactics. When you feel that you are being manipulated in any kind of relationship and that it has become toxic, you have to find a way to deal with it even if it can be exhausting. Manipulation, especially from loved ones, can make reality seem questionable. Even in the workplace, manipulation is present and has been shown to reduce performance.
If you feel that manipulation is going on, no matter the kind of relationship, the following might help you deal with the situation;
Address the situation.
Call out the manipulation as its happening. While at it, keep the focus on how the other’s manipulative actions are affecting you instead of starting with an accusatory statement. Emphasize that their manipulative tactics won’t work on you. This way, you may be able to reach a resolution.
Stay on-topic
When calling out the manipulative behavior, the other person may try to muddle or minimize the situation by bringing up other issues to cause distraction. Always remember your main point and stick to it.