Bam's Ever

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Bam's Ever Page 3

by Sandra R Neeley

  Maverik stood there, dumbfounded. He’d just heard the big Bear claim her. Now he was saying that she wasn’t his Mate? What the actual fuck was going on?

  He tossed the rag to the floor as he hurried to catch up with Bam, but Bam was already gone. He’d not even taken his truck; he’d just shifted and headed back toward their homes. Maverik looked into the direction he knew Bam had gone, then back at his bike parked beside Bam’s truck. He sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face; there was no way he could go after Bam and leave his Mate here with his bike. He hadn’t taught her to ride it yet. Besides, he had a feeling that he’d have more than one female to calm when he got back to Joanne’s. And didn’t that just piss him off? Whip Bam’s ass when home, his Wolf snarled at him. Yup, we just might, Maverik answered. He locked up Everly’s place as best he could and headed over to Joanne’s, wondering how in the hell he ended up the one to comfort a little female that wasn’t even his. Damn, this day had started out so good, too.

  Chapter 3

  At the sound of the bell jingling over Joanne’s door, all three women gave the door their complete attention. On seeing that it was Maverik alone, and after a brief pause to be sure that no one was close on his heels, Everly quietly turned her back on the door, shrank into her seat and became extremely involved in the now cold hot chocolate in her cup.

  Valerie wasn’t one to give up so easily, “Where’s Bam?!” she yelled at Maverik.

  Maverik’s steps stuttered as he paused on his way to his Mate. He held up his hands, “Hey, don’t yell at me. I’m the one that came back!”

  Valerie pursed her lips, “Yes, you did. I’m glad you’re safe.” Then she patted the seat to her right, “Come sit, my love. Tell us what happened.”

  Mav took the seat she indicated, accepted the plate of blueberry turnovers and cup of coffee that Joanne immediately sat in front of him, and reached out a hand to Everly.

  Everly looked at Maverik’s hand, resting on the table in front of her where he waited for her to take it. Instead, she lifted her eyes to his and smiled at him sadly as she tucked her hands into her lap under the table.

  He got it, he did. She didn’t think she was worth his concern. And she was so folded in on herself that she couldn’t conceive of him genuinely caring. She wasn’t ready to open herself up for anything or anyone.

  “It’s gonna be okay, Everly. Bam and I took care of ‘em. They know they’re gonna die if they come after you again.”

  Everly just nodded, “Thank you, Maverik. I appreciate it.” She didn’t look up again.

  Valerie was like a dog with a bone, couldn’t let it go, incensed that her friend had been brutalized, and angry that her Mate hadn’t come to see to her state of well being himself. “Where is Bam?” she asked again, pinning Maverik with a look that he recognized as you will tell me, or I will ask you a thousand more times.

  He sighed, sat back in his chair, gently pushing the plate of turnovers toward the middle of the table. Then he raised his eyes to Valerie’s, “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t know? Wasn’t he there?” Valerie prodded.

  “Yeah, he was, then he stormed out of the door and disappeared.” He indicated the bright red truck still parked outside the store front, “He didn’t even take his truck, see?”

  “Did he fight the Foxes off before he left?” Valerie kept it up - he knew she wouldn’t stop, so finally he gave her what she wanted.

  “Yes, Valerie, he fought the Foxes off. Yes, he fought valiantly, he damn near killed them, would have if he hadn’t been worried about Kaid having to deal with the fallout. He told them if they touched Everly again, came after Everly again, he’d kill them. This was their only warning, next time they’d die.”

  Everly quietly asked, “What did they say?”

  Maverik hated this. He didn’t want to upset the little female, and it wasn’t his place to tell her she’d been verbally claimed. His Wolf snickered in his head, Tell her, serve Bam right. Maverik smiled to himself, he wanted to, it would serve the big Bear right, but he owed his best friend the chance to make things right himself. If not, then he’d fix them. He smiled again, pulling the pastry plate back toward him.

  “The Alpha said that you’re his. That you had been for a long, long time and that he’d just come back for you later.”

  Everly’s sharp intake of breath had him stopping mid chew; crap, he realized what he’d just said. There was no doubt they planned to come back for her. How the fuck to fix this now? “Fuck!” he muttered more to himself than to anyone else.

  He leaned across the table, his hand right in front of Everly again, palm open and up, waiting for her to take it. He lifted it a little toward her, insisting she take it, “Everly, there’s more. It ain’t really my place to say, but I can’t see as how I have much choice now. When the Alpha told him that, Bam’s Bear took over, marching right up to him, told him, ‘She’s mine, every centimeter of skin, every hair, every thought you had was his. And if they even thought of you again, he’d kill them.’ They left then, said no female was worth all the trouble.”

  Everly had reached out and placed her hand in his, “Bam really said that?”

  He nodded, “He did.” As he spoke, her eyes filled with tears, and a tenuous smile took residence on her face. She looked to him, quietly waiting for him to continue.

  He considered, then decided that honesty was the best policy, even though it sucked sometimes. He took a deep breath then continued. “After they left, I told him he needed to come see to you. He got upset, said that you weren’t his. That he wasn’t enough and stormed out of your place.”

  Everly stared at him, totally confused. It was her that should be worried about being enough, not Bam. “Why would he say that?” she asked.

  Maverik sighed, this wasn’t his story to tell either, “’Cause he thinks he’s not enough for any Mate. Believes that he wasn’t meant to have one.” Then he sat back and shoved the rest of one of the turnovers into his mouth, saying loudly around it, “There! I’m done, that’s all the soothing I got in me. Not my stories to tell, neither one. I’m out, I’m done!” and he made a drastic show of pretending zipping his lips, locking them and throwing away the key.

  “Baby, do you think that he really cares for Everly?” Valerie asked him, batting her eyes at him.

  “Unh-uh, don’t do that, darlin’. It ain’t right!” he told his brand new Mate.

  “But, Maverik, surely it’s not wrong to give her something to hold onto. She’s had so much pain, perhaps just a little more…” Joanne begged, joining Valerie in her pleading.

  “Oh, come on! You, too?” he asked exasperatedly.

  He looked from each of the women to the next, knowing he was beaten. “Fine! I ain’t saying nothing, but if I were to say something, maybe I’d say that he ain’t never believed that he’s good enough, and maybe I’d say that since he saw Everly he’s changed, and maybe I’d say that he’s kind and gentle and sensitive, and I ain’t never seen him like he was over at Everly’s. He was a fucking beast! And you don’t turn into a fucking beast over somebody that don’t mean nothing more than a casual acquaintance to ya. So take from that what you will, ‘cause I ain’t saying it! Ya get me?? I ain’t saying it!”

  The women smiled, triumphant in their ability to get him to not say anything. Even Everly gave him a slight smile.

  He looked directly at her, “It’s gonna be alright.”

  Everly didn’t have time to answer. The bell over the door jingled again, and for a split second he thought that Bam had come to his senses, then he heard a familiar voice, “Everly, you okay? Why didn’t you tell me they’d come back? I cannot believe you tried to handle this alone!”

  The male marched right up to their table and enveloped Valerie in a huge hug, then with the other arm reached out, snagged Everly, and pulled her in for a hug, too.

  “Let my Mate go, Vince,” Maverik said dispassionately.

  “Kiss my ass, Maverik. She’s my sister.
I can hug her when I want,” Vince answered.

  Maverik really didn’t mind Vince hugging Valerie; he just liked to torque the big Lion shifter.

  “Fine, then let Everly go. She ain’t your sister,” Maverik smirked at him.

  Vince smirked back. Then he kissed Valerie on the forehead and turned to Everly, “I came as soon as I heard. I’m moving you into Valerie’s old place. I can watch over you there, and nobody can get close to you.”

  Everly, caught off guard, sputtered as she searched for words, “How…how did you know?”

  “Bam. He showed up at my place a little while ago, said that you needed a place to stay and asked if you could stay in Valerie’s place. Offered to pay me if I’d keep an eye on you. Don’t think he realized that you’re family. No reason for all that, I told him. If I’d known they were threatening you again, I’d have been over here already.”

  Everly was stunned - she started smiling, turned that smile to Maverik, who was suddenly very interested in the last bite of the last turnover as he popped it in his mouth. He realized that it was quiet, raised his eyes and found all three women smiling at him, and Vince chuckling. “What?! I ain’t said nothing! Nothing!”

  “You been fixing again, Maverik?” Vince teased him.

  “I ain’t done nothing, but eat my damned blueberry turnover. Flipping women won’t give a male a minute’s peace.”

  Valerie raised an eyebrow, plopped herself right down in his lap, kissed his lips and said, “I love you, Mate.”

  His feigned irritation immediately disappeared. He looked at the woman that represented his entire fucking life, perched easily on his lap, and his heart shone in his eyes as he smiled lovingly at her, took her face in his hands and kissed her back, whispering, “I live for you, Valerie. Not a man alive will ever be as lucky as me.”

  They were all surprised when Everly announced, “Bam will be. I won’t allow him to be lonely, to think he’s not enough. I refuse to give in.”

  Valerie whooped and jumped up off Maverik’s lap, “There’s my girl! There’s that backbone I been looking for!”

  Vince chuckled, “Bam is not gonna know what hit him. Come on, girl, let’s get your stuff packed up and over to Valerie’s.”

  “No, Vince. Really, I’m good, I’m going to stay at my place. If I’m not there, they’ll destroy it.”

  “And if you are there, they’ll destroy you,” Vince countered.

  They just stood there, staring as minutes passed.

  Finally a look of consternation passed over Vince’s face, “Your Mate wants you safe, come to Valerie’s.”

  Everly stared him down for a moment longer, “For a night or two, maybe, but I still have to go there to work.”

  Vince stuck his hand out for her to shake, “Deal, we’ll work it out.”

  Chapter 4

  Kaid and Delilah sat on the front porch swing enjoying the late fall morning. He had his arm draped around her shoulders, and she rested her head against his shoulder as he pushed the swing slowly back and forth with one bare foot. They were enjoying being together, just sitting, relaxing, when Bam’s Bear came stomping up their dirt road and crossed the yard that was situated center to all their homes.

  Kaid was surprised to see him, and on foot no less. He sat up straighter and looked around Delilah, scanning the area where they parked their vehicles. Bam’s truck was missing. “Why the hell is he walking? Where’s his truck?”

  Delilah, still watching Bear lumbering across the yard toward the woods, just shrugged.

  “Hey?! Bam! Where’s your truck, dude?!” Kaid called out.

  Bam looked their way, but continued across the yard, headed toward his own place or the creek; they weren’t sure which.

  “Bam, come here, man. Come talk to us!” Kaid called out.

  Bam did respond then, more or less. He lifted one side of his lips, displaying a huge canine tooth and snarled, just as he entered the tree line on the other side of the yard and went out of sight.

  Kaid looked to Delilah, “Did he just snarl at me?”

  “Yes, he did snarl, and I believe that it was meant for you. As he would never snarl at me,” she answered as she smiled sweetly, batting her eyes.

  Kaid’s brow crinkled over his eyes as he watched the spot where the big Bear, the sweetest and most sensitive of his clan, had disappeared.

  <> <> <> <> <>

  Bane had puttered around the house most of the morning and was now playing with Daisy in the grass just off their porch. She was crawling, trying to catch him as he played an easy crawling game of chase with her, always staying just out of reach until he saw her little temper flare. Then he’d allow her to catch him and pretend that she threw him down on his back. Then he’d lie there and grin as she dissolved into peals of laughter. She’d wrap her little hands in his hair, “lifting” him off the ground, so he’d crawl away from her again, so she could catch him again. Janie and Maia were inside getting lunch ready.

  Bane smiled as Daisy again caught him, and he feigned falling over onto his back as she “won.” Suddenly, his heart hurt; he was almost smothered in despair, hopelessness bringing unshed tears to his eyes. He popped up and gently lifted Daisy’s face to his own; nope, no tears there. He stood, looking around himself; then, leaning over and lifting Daisy into his arms, he started for the house.

  “Janie? Baby? You all right?” he called out.

  Right away, she answered, “In the kitchen, Bane. Yes! I’m fine.”

  Bane walked into the kitchen, “Maia, you good?”

  She looked up from the homemade pizza dough she was layering with cheese and pepperoni, “Yeah, I’m good. Why?”

  “Something wrong?” Janie asked.

  “I don’t know,” he answered distractedly, as he tried to reach inside himself to see where the feeling came from.

  Then he heard it, off in the distance, a long, deep, agonized roar. The roar of a Bear. Maia heard it, too. “Bane! Did you hear that?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I did,” he answered, quickly handing off Daisy to Janie. “I’ll be back soon as I can,” he told Janie, pausing briefly to drop a kiss on his Mate’s forehead.

  “Was that Uncle Bam?” Maia said on a frown, concern on her features.

  He answered her as he headed from the front of the house, “Yes, I think it was. Fuck!”

  Then the front door slammed, and he was gone.

  Shortly after Bam disappeared in their woods, an anguished Bear’s roar sounded from that direction. Kaid and Delilah both sat upright. Kaid hesitated only a moment, then stood, heading down the stairs intent on going to Bam. “I’m gonna make sure he’s okay, Monster.”

  “Shall I help?” she asked, also having gotten to her feet and starting to follow.

  “Naw, let me see what’s up first,” he answered.

  Just then Bane broke from the trees at a full run. He and Kaid made eye contact, “Bam?” Bane asked Kaid. Kaid gestured toward the tree line, “Came through here less then 10 minutes ago, snarling and not happy.”

  Bane nodded, “I got this. I’ll let you know if I need you,” he turned, running into the woods toward the upper part of their property.

  Kaid was torn; his instinct was to be there for any of his clan, but Bane was actually Bam’s brother, and Bane obviously wanted to handle this alone.

  Delilah stepped silently up behind him, wrapping her hands around his waist from behind, “It is all well, my Mate. Bane will call for us if he is in need.”

  Kaid covered her hands with his own where they sat low on his belly, “You’re right, I know. I just feel like I need to be there, too.”

  Bane ran as quickly as he could through the trees, following Bam’s scent the entire way. When he burst into the clearing by the creek, the sight that greeted him tore his heart. Bam was still his Bear, and sat beside a huge pine tree, repeatedly slamming his big block head against it as he moaned a constant wail. Bane didn’t stop - he ran straight at Bam, not even pausing as he approached. He grabbed Ba
m’s head to stop it from slamming into the tree again. “Stop it!” he shouted right in Bear’s face. “Stop it! Right the fuck now!”

  Bam’s Bear snarled at him, using one huge paw to shove him back out of the way, making eye contact for one split second. The pain that Bane saw there almost brought him to his knees. Again he shoved his way back between Bam and the tree.

  Bam snarled again, but this time Bane was ready when he tried to shove him away. “I said to fucking stop it! You want to destroy something, you want to lash out, get rid of that hurt? Fine,” and he stepped back, dropping his arms and leaving his entire body on display, unprotected, “fight me. Come on, come at me, but stop fucking trying to kill yourself. You’re not going to do anything but hurt yourself if you keep banging your head! It’s not gonna solve anything. What the fuck do you hope to achieve with that?”

  Bear didn’t respond with anything for a few seconds, and Bane continued to stand there, hands held out from his sides, waiting.

  Then Bam shifted, throwing himself at his brother so fast Bane almost missed wrapping his arms around him. Bam held on tight, his arms around Bane’s shoulders, his knees going out from under him, bringing them both to the ground just as a huge sob escaped the big male.

  Bane sank to the ground beside him, patting him, soothing him, holding onto him just like he had when they were kids, and someone was mean to him.

  “Shhhh, it’s okay, Bam. I’m here. I gotcha,” Bane soothed. “Nobody’s gonna hurt you. I’m here. I’ll take care of it. Whatever it is, I got it.”

  Bam heaved another great sob, shaking his head.

  “Hey, I got this! You know I do. Have I ever let anything hurt you?”

  Bam tried to get himself under control, but was failing miserably. His heart was shattered, his soul dying. He didn’t want to be anymore. Didn’t want to feel. Didn’t want to know there was a female in the world, that had he been enough, would have been his.


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