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Bam's Ever

Page 8

by Sandra R Neeley

  “She had to take care of something. She’ll be back in a minute or two,” Avaleigh told Janie.

  Janie took a seat and reached across the table, “Are you alright, Avaleigh? You look strained.”

  Avaleigh opened her mouth to answer, but didn’t get the chance. The front door was shoved open, and Daniel blasted through it, calling for his Mate, “Avaleigh??!!!!”

  Chapter 9

  Daniel was working with his clan, high up on the roof of the new apartment building they were trying to finish today. He was chuckling at a joke one of them made when suddenly his chest seized. Daniel was filled with fear, then fury. He grabbed his chest, stood, looking around at his clan. They were fine, though a couple of them did look up at his sudden movement. He was overcome with a sense of fear, no not fear, terror. Then he knew - Avaleigh! His Avaleigh was terrified. Daniel jumped from the roof and ran toward his bike. She was supposed to be having lunch with the girls in town. He was 10 minutes from town. If he pushed it, he could maybe get there a couple minutes sooner. Daniel cranked the big bike to life; the growl of the engine something he usually took pleasure in, not even being noticed as he left rubber on the pavement as he turned it toward town. Fuck, how he wished it was nighttime; then he could shift and fly to her in only moments.

  Daniel made it in record time, shut off his bike and kicked the stand down before it even fully powered down. He yanked the front door to the diner opened, stalking through, fury on his face, bellowing for his Mate, “Avaleigh??!!!!”

  Avaleigh stood, Remi still wrapped in her arms, her eyes filling with tears, all fear leaving her at the sight of her Mate. “Daniel,” she managed to croak out in a broken voice.

  He was across the room and halfway to her and his son before she even finished saying his name. Daniel pulled her into his arms and wrapped both her and Remi in a tight, comforting hug.

  “What is it, love? What happened?”

  “Delilah took her out back. She took care of it, but I was so scared.” She pressed a kiss to Remi’s forehead.

  “Who, love? Who did Delilah take outside?”

  “Remi’s aunt. She was threatening to take him. She confronted us, and before I could even think what to do other than put myself between them, Delilah came in. She took her outside.”

  Daniel’s whole demeanor changed, “She’s not getting him back,” he stated emphatically.

  Daniel kissed Avaleigh, then Remi, and started toward the back door.

  Before he got there, the door opened, and Delilah stepped through. She pulled the door closed behind herself and used one hand to smooth her hair and the other to smooth her shirt and put her appearance back to tidy. She looked up and saw Daniel stalking toward her. “Wonderful! How lovely you have joined us, Daniel,” she said to him as though she was hosting a dinner party.

  “What did you do, Delilah?” Daniel asked her gruffly.

  Delilah started to react to Daniel’s tone, but realized that his behavior was out of fear for his family. His Mate and child had been threatened. “I have done what was required.”

  Daniel, standing right in front of her, where she blocked the back door, said, “Thank you, Delilah.” He indicated the back door with his chin, “Am I needed?”

  “Yes. Your assistance would be much appreciated.”

  Just then the front door opened, and the rest of their clan stormed their way in, “What’s going on? Everything alright?” Kaid asked, making a beeline for his Monster.

  “Yes, darling, all is well,” Delilah answered in her smooth, silken tones, as she threw a meaningful look at Daniel. She immediately sidestepped Daniel and hurried toward Kaid to head him off. Daniel slipped outside the door to see what he was needed for. He walked to the back of the lot the building sat on, and near the back fence, behind the dumpster, he found it. He stood for a moment examining Delilah’s handiwork. The female that had dared to threaten his family would never threaten another. Delilah’s Dragon had frozen her. She dug her nails into the female’s chest, wrapping her heart in her ice inducing hand, and slowly frozen her from the inside out. The agony and horror on the woman’s face said she’d paid the price for not only threatening his family, but for all the years of abuse and neglect she’d so carelessly heaped on Remington. Daniel was aware that Kaid had approached. He didn’t look up at him. Kaid laid one hand on his shoulder as he regarded the frozen woman. “Hmpf. She certainly got what she deserved.”

  Daniel continued to look at the woman, “Indeed.”

  “You got this?” Kaid asked.

  Daniel looked at him then, smiling. He turned back to the frozen corpse, opened his mouth and breathed a steady flame. His Dragon’s fire made short work of the problem, after a few moments nothing remained but ash.

  Kaid picked up an empty box sitting in the top of the dumpster and tossed it through the ash to insure it scattered. And there was no trace of anything but ash left.

  Satisfied that all was taken care of, they rejoined their clan inside.

  “Everything good?” Bane asked as they rejoined the group.

  Daniel didn’t answer. He immediately went to Avaleigh, took Remi from her arms, and sat down, pulling her into his lap to sit on his other leg. His Dragon needed reassurance that both his treasures were safe and well. He chuffed, and Remi’s Dragon chuffed back at once. Avaleigh turned and kissed his lips softly, closing her eyes and leaning her head against his as she wrapped her hand around Remi’s.

  “Yep. No problems at all,” Kaid answered.

  Riley had come with them to the diner, worried that his Maia may be there and in trouble as well. He’d not talked to her or seen her for a couple of days. It was just so fucking hard to keep his distance. All he wanted was her. He dreamed of her. Breathed her. And he couldn’t fucking touch her. And that got his Panther riled up, frustrated as hell. Then his Panther getting riled up got his friends riled up. There were far too many Alphas in one place, and he was feeling crowded, like there was no room for his Panther to expand and be himself. He wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. So he’d been avoiding the whole situation, which to his Panther was completely unacceptable. He wanted to snatch up their Maia and run away with her. Sometimes Riley hated that he had a fucking conscience. It would be a lot simpler if he could do just that, snatch her and run.

  Riley took a seat at one of the tables, waiting for an opportunity to ask where Maia was. Eventually there was a lull in the conversation, and Riley asked. “Where’s Maia? She didn’t want to come to lunch today?”

  “Ohhh, so now you want to know where she is?” Maverik drawled at him.

  Riley turned his attention to Maverik, who’d been glaring at him off and on all morning, “What?”

  “You hadn’t talked to her, hadn’t called her in two damn days. Ain’t been by at all! Gonna spout shit like, you always gonna be there, never leaving her side, and then you just stop coming, stop calling. ‘Course she’s hurt, you fuck! What do you expect her to feel?”

  Riley just looked at him like he’d lost his mind.

  Maverik seemed to realize that he was having the end of a conversation that had been brewing in his head, rather than starting at the beginning. He quickly recovered, and in Maverik fashion turned it all around on Riley, “None of your damn business, what. That’s what! I ain’t telling you nothing. You don’t deserve to know where she is, what she’s doing!”

  Riley thought about it for a quick second and focused on the only thing that Maverik had said that struck home with him, Maia was hurting. He stood, addressing Maverik, “I didn’t mean to hurt her, Maverik. I just, it kills me not being able to be with her. I thought I was doing us a favor by giving us some space. Nothing has changed.”

  Maverik didn’t say anything, just glared at him.

  So Riley continued; he scrubbed his hands down his face, then looked up at all of them, “There’s just so many fucking Alphas here. I’m feeling like I’m smothering. I feel like I’m gonna fucking scream if I can’t have my Mate. Ya’ll pick up
on it, and ya’ll throw that Alpha shit around like it ain’t nothing. Then my Panther wants to throw it back, and I don’t fucking know what to do,” he said exasperatedly, linking his fingers behind his head as he turned to look out the windows.

  “You need your own clan,” Kaid said quietly, but firmly.

  Riley turned to look at him.

  Kaid continued, “You’re too Alpha to be around so many of us without being lead. It’s not going to happen here. You need to find your own place, build your own clan. Make something to offer your Mate. Allow her to come to you, so to speak. Figure out that her place is with you. Then you’ll be okay. You’re a good male, Riley. You’re welcome here as long as you want to be, but you’re right, your place, your permanent place, ain’t here.”

  Riley took a deep breath, looking out the window again, listening to Kaid’s words. He was right. Riley’s future wasn’t here - he was going to have to leave, and soon.

  Daniel stood, taking Avaleigh’s hand in his, balancing Remi who was steadily munching on his chicken nuggets on one hip, “It’s already early afternoon. I’m taking mine home. We need some time.”

  Kaid tossed him the keys to the work truck, “Here, take the truck, I’ll take your bike home.”

  Daniel caught the keys, “Thank you.”

  Avaleigh reached into Daniel’s pocket and pulled out his keys, as Daniel led them toward the front door, she handed them to Kaid as they went by. When she paused to hand them to Kaid, he kissed her cheek quickly, “You okay, baby?” Kaid had to ask - though he knew she’d be okay, he had to let her know he cared. She was his Avaleigh. He’d always care; she held a special place in his heart.

  She smiled at him tenuously, nodded, “I’ll be okay.” She hugged him briefly and kissed his jaw. “We’ll see ya’ll at dinner later, okay?”

  “Yeah, baby. Sounds good.”

  “Avaleigh, you will be threatened no more, you and Remi are safe,” Delilah told her.

  Avaleigh let go of Daniel’s hand to go to Delilah - she hugged her tightly, whispering her thanks.

  Delilah hugged her back, “No thanks, my sister. We are family. Family protects family.”

  Avaleigh nodded, agreeing with her, then she and Daniel with Remi still on his hip, started toward the door. When they were almost there, Delilah called out, “If you would like to, you may fry some pickles this evening. That would be a wonderful thank you.” Avaleigh looked backed at her, and Delilah grinned, “I have been told that pickles can be fried. Can you do that for me? My little one,” she placed her hand on her slightly rounded belly, “thinks that they would be wonderful.”

  “I will make you some,” Avaleigh promised, then they were gone.

  Bane, sitting with Janie and Daisy, realized that Bam was not there, “Did Bam not come with us? I thought Bam followed us.”

  “I don’t know,” Kaid answered, “did he stay behind with Goldy to pick up the site for the night?”

  “I thought I’d seen him headed for his truck, but maybe not,” Bane answered.

  “What do ya’ll say we head home? Been a busy day. We’ll start back at the site tomorrow morning,” Kaid said.

  “Sounds good to me,” Bane replied, standing to gather Daisy’s diaper bag and help Janie get her ready to go.

  Kaid turned to Delilah, “You okay, Monster?” he asked, concerned that she may have been upset by this morning’s drama and how she’d had to dispose of the threat to Avaleigh and her son.

  He chuckled when she looked up at him from the table, mouth full of the fries that Remi had left behind. She graced him with a heart stopping smile, “Of course I am well! Dragon got out to play, Avaleigh has her Remi, and I have decided that I can eat again. It is a good day! You will get me fried potatoes before we leave here, yes, my Mate?” she asked, batting her eyes at him.

  He just laughed, shaking his head, “Yes, Monster, I will get you fried potatoes before we leave.”

  As Kaid walked over toward the counter to place her order to go, Janie leaned over and whispered, “They have really good onion rings, too!”

  “Really?” Delilah said, then, “Kincaid! I need the fried onion also!”

  Janie turned and looked up at Bane, fluttering her eyes and sticking her lip out.

  Bane looked down at her, “Lord help me, Delilah, stop teaching my Mate your habits!”

  Delilah snickered at him as he looked back down at Janie, “Onion rings and fried catfish?” he asked her.

  She awarded him a brilliant smile, “Yes, please!”

  Maverik glared at Riley again before standing to leave, then called to Kaid, “I’m going to help Goldy finish locking up the work site for the night. I’ll see ya’ll at home.”

  “No problem, man. Thanks for giving Goldy a hand.”

  After Maverik left, Riley still sat there, not quite sure what to do with himself.

  Bane took pity on him, “Riley, you need to take a deep breath. Take a step back and look around you. See what options are opened to you. You heard Kaid; you’re welcome here as long you want. There’s no rush to jump to any decision at all right away.”

  Riley looked at him, “Yeah, I know. I’m just all tied up inside.”

  Bane waited at the counter for Janie’s lunch order, their order, so they could leave. He watched Riley as he waited. The male was in a state of unease. He was jumpy and about ready to lose control of his Panther. He wanted to help the male. Riley’d protected Janie when he couldn’t, and he’d never forget that. Suddenly he had an idea. “Hey, Riley, I remember Amos saying that he had all this property up there in Missouri, and he’s not going back. He’s staying with Joanne. I hate to see you go, my friend, but maybe you could work out something with him.”

  Riley listened intently, a possible plan taking form in his mind. He jumped to his feet, “Thank you, Bane. I’m going to find him now,” and with that, Riley was gone.

  Finally Kaid’s and Bane’s orders were ready, and they could head home. As they walked out to the vehicles, Kaid wrapped an arm around Delilah’s shoulders, “You did good today, Delilah.” He kissed her temple, then he chuckled, “You are one dangerous woman, but I’m so damn proud of you.”

  Delilah smiled smugly at Kaid as she shoved another onion ring into her mouth, “Of course you are. I am wonderful.”

  Kaid raised his eyebrows at her; she laughed and hugged him tightly, “I would not be without you, Kaid. You are my rock.”

  She walked ahead of him as he held the door opened for her to exit the diner. As she walked past, he couldn’t help himself - he slapped her on the ass, “And don’t you forget it, woman!”

  Chapter 10

  Bam followed the others into town, but instead of going straight to the diner, he stopped at Everly’s work shop. He knew the others would be okay. They had all the rest of the clan headed their way, so he and his Bear had to make sure Everly was safe.

  He walked through the opened overhead doors, which led into her workshop. The sound of her tinkling laughter immediately made him smile. He stepped around some of her finished work and immediately spied her standing with two men, who seemed to be looking at one of the fountains she’d created. He stood where he was and just enjoyed being near her.

  “Yes, you just connect the water here,” she leaned over to indicate where the water connections were, then stood again to continue addressing the men, “and when you flip the power button, the water will start to flow. I tested it thoroughly before I placed it for sale.”

  “You think she’ll like it?” one man asked her.

  “Yes, I do, it’s one of my most delicate pieces. And you said she loves the stars and moon. The water flowing from the moon and splashing down the stars is really beautiful and unique.”

  The other man spoke then, “It is certainly beautiful and unique. Just like the artist who made it.”

  She smiled at the man, “Aw, thank you. You’re very kind.”

  Bam’s Bear was outraged, Man want ours!

  Bam told him, She’s
not ours. We are just watching over her.

  Bam’s Bear didn’t try to respond, he just snarled at him. Loudly.

  “Maybe we could meet for coffee a little later?” the man asked her.

  Everly smiled at him, ready to decline, but before she could, Bam interrupted her, “Everly, I came by to check on you,” he practically yelled from a short distance away.

  She was shocked; Bam was here again. He was confusing, and she wasn’t sure how to deal with him. He kept his distance, but seemed to want to take care of her. She knew he was her Mate, but he refused to do more than have slight, completely impersonal interactions with her.

  “Umm, okay. Hello, Bramley. I’m good. Thank you for checking,” she told him, feeling completely out of her element each time she dealt with him. She didn’t understand what he wanted from her. He obviously didn’t want her, but he wanted to be near.

  Bear purred in his head, Mate say name pretty.

  Bam agreed, at first, Yeah, sounds nice. Wait! No, she’s not our Mate.

  Bear grumbled at him, Stupid male.

  Bam stopped arguing with his Bear long enough to realize that the man had again asked Everly if she wanted to have coffee. “She can’t,” he blurted.

  Everly looked at him at the same time that the man looked at him, “I can’t?” she asked.

  “She can’t?” the man asked.

  “No, she can’t. She’s got…stuff. Stuff she’s gotta do later,” Bam answered.

  The other man who was looking at the fountain appeared to make up his mind. “You know what? I’ll take it. Do you take credit cards?”

  Everly, who was still looking at Bam like he’d grown two heads, answered the man without looking at him. “Yes, I do. Let me grab my cell phone; I’ll run it through Square.”

  Everly walked a few steps to her work table and reached for her phone. She turned and walked back to the man who handed her his card. She brought up the Square app and entered the numbers from his card, waited til it said transaction complete and approved, and handed the phone to him for his electronic signature.


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