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Bam's Ever

Page 10

by Sandra R Neeley

  They sent texts to the clan, letting them know they were cooking dinner in the main house tonight. Then they called Joanne, and Valerie called Vince.

  Vince’s phone rang, and he didn’t even look at it as he put it to his ear, “What?”

  “What? Really? Is that how you’re answering your phone now?” Valerie laughed at him.

  “Sorry, I’m distracted,” he told her, “What’s up?” he asked.

  “I need you to come to dinner tonight at the main house. We’ll do it early enough that you can get back to the bar before it’s too busy.”

  “I can’t, Valerie, not tonight,” he told her. He just had so many things going on at once.

  “Can’t one of the waitresses open for you? It’s really important, Vince, or I wouldn’t ask on a night I know the bar will be busy.”

  Vince sighed audibly, “Can I bring someone?”

  “Yes, I was going to ask you to bring Everly anyway,” she answered brightly.

  He paused, “Can I bring two somebodies?” he asked again.

  Valerie stopped, her mind working quickly, “Have you found her?” she asked excitedly.

  “Her, who?” Vince countered.

  “Her! Her, your One!” she shouted into the phone.

  Vince winced and pulled the phone away from his ear before tentatively putting it back, “I don’t know. But regardless, can I bring two somebodies? Or I’m not coming. So, am I coming or not?” he asked testily. Lion was in his mind smirking at him, You know.

  “Yes!” she answered excitedly. “Bring you, bring Everly, and bring your Mate!”

  “I didn’t say she’s my Mate! I said I wanted to bring two somebodies,” he grouched at her.

  Valerie laughed, “Fine, bring your somebody’s.” Then she rushed out, “I can’t wait to meet your Mate!” and hung up quickly before he could reply.

  Valerie and Maia gathered all the things they needed for dinner that night. They took it all over to the main house and laid it out to get started. Once Maia helped Valerie get it all there, she went back home to start making the cake. She didn’t want to make it at the main house because the others may see it before she got it frosted to hide the pink and blue layers.

  Her plan evolved - once she got started, she actually ended up making two cakes, both rectangular and four layers. One cake with pink layers and one with blue layers. Then, she wrote on top of them. On the right side of one she wrote, Congrat and below that Dad and Mave. On top of the left side of the other, she wrote, ulations and below that dy and rik. When you first looked at them, they didn’t make sense, but when she put them sitting next to each other, they said, “Congratulations, Daddy Maverik.” It would take a minute of him seeing both cakes together for the message to get through. When she was done, she covered them both so that no one could see them before dinner and took them over to the house to finish helping Valerie.

  After they got just about everything ready, Maia went outside. She picked up some of the camellias from Valerie’s garden and snapped a few small pine branches from the new little pine tree just outside the kitchen window. She arranged the flowers and pine branches in a vase, and with Valerie’s help they nestled the photos the doctor had given Valerie of the babies in the pine branches and flowers. The pine needles helped to hold the photos in place when a few were draped over them. She took the arrangement to the bedroom that Bane and Janie had used when they lived there, so no one would see it ‘til they were ready.

  Most everyone was lazing around. Daniel, Avaleigh and Remington had retreated to their home as soon as they got home, but Avaleigh had texted to say they’d be there for dinner. Bane, Janie and Daisy had gone home for a nap. Delilah and Kaid had been locked in their room all afternoon, and an occasional giggle or murmur could be heard from that direction. Goldy and Ms. Sadie had been upstairs, and you could hear Goldy’s booming laugh from time-to-time. Bam had come home, but had immediately changed to his Bear and wandered off into the woods. Maverik finally made it home, too. He’d gone back to the job site and took over locking it up for the day. He’d sent Goldy home to spend some time with Ms. Sadie and then he’d spent a little time having coffee with Joanne in town. He’d been so busy lately, he’d not had a lot of time to visit with her. When he made it home, he’d come in, hugged Maia and said, “Daddy loves you, baby girl.”

  Maia hugged him tightly, “Love you, too, Daddy.”

  Then Maverik backed Valerie into the corner of the cabinets and kissed her passionately, nibbled on her jawline, and whispered in her ear, “You are my world, sweet Mate.” Valerie just about swooned and was immediately thankful for the cabinets behind her, “I love you, Wolf,” she smiled dreamily at him as she answered him.

  Maverik looked at the food in process around the kitchen, “Ya’ll need me for anything?” he asked.

  “Nope! We’re good,” Maia and Valerie answered.

  “Alright, I’m going to hang with Bam, yes?” he directed his comment/question to Valerie.

  “That’s fine, hon, go ahead - it’ll be ready in about an hour. Ya’ll come back about then, okay?” she asked.

  “’Course, my love. I ain’t missed that you making my favorite meal. Thank you for that,” he pecked her lips again and headed out the back door. She grinned when she heard his Wolf’s howl and saw a flash of silver streak across the grass toward the trees in search of Bam.

  They were just putting the platters of food on the table and putting pitchers of sweet iced tea in place when the front door opened, and a voice called out, “Hey! We here, anybody home?”

  Valerie did a little happy dance, “Vince is here!” and wiped her hands on a dish towel, so she could go greet him. As luck would have it, his call caused all the clan to come from their various holed-up places. Kaid got there to shake his hand and give a bro hug before anyone. Goldy and Ms. Sadie came down the stairs - Goldy always made sure to very carefully lead his Mate down the stairs. He was terrified she’d fall and hurt herself. At some point he wanted to talk to Kaid about moving into the extra room that Bane and Janie had vacated. As soon as he knew she was safely on the ground floor and in conversation with Valerie and Maia, he made for the living room to greet Vince.

  “Vincent! How are you, friend?” he asked him, genuinely happy to see him and enveloping him into a huge hug, patting him on the back.

  “I’m good, Goldy. Doing real good,” he told him, “Valerie called and said I was coming to dinner, so here we are.”

  “I see that, glad you could make it,” Goldy told him.

  Kaid hugged Everly, “Really happy you’re here, sweetheart,” he told her.

  She hugged him back, “Thank you, Alpha,” she said, and tried to smile though she looked like a deer in the headlights she was so nervous.

  He scowled playfully, “Alpha? Everly, it’s Kaid. My name is Kaid.”

  She nodded and smiled again.

  “And who do we have here?” he asked.

  Vince immediately lit up like a beacon, “This is Brandi,” he said, smiling proudly, putting an arm around her waist to draw her forward.

  “Well, hello, Brandi. Welcome. Glad you could come to dinner tonight,” Kaid said.

  She smiled warmly at him, “Thank you for having me. I told Vince that he didn’t have to bring me. I was fine with staying at his place. I know ya’ll didn’t expect me,” she explained.

  “Not at all, we always have more than enough. We’re glad you here,” Kaid told her. Then Kaid raised his eyebrows at her comment and looked at Vince, but spoke to Brandi, “Oh, you staying at Vince’s?”

  “Yes, for just a day or so. One day on the way home, I just decided to keep driving, start fresh and kept driving for days. I ended up stopping for a quick bite to eat, and the next thing I know, I’m being talked into staying for a rest before moving on,” she answered him.

  “We gonna see if she can find a job in town, maybe get her to choose our little town to start in,” Vince added.

  Brandi shot him a look, and he shot
it right back at her; Kaid dissolved into laugher, “Oh, man, you are in so much trouble,” he guffawed.

  Vince grinned at Kaid, “Yup,” he happily agreed.

  Valerie came running down the hall with Maia hot on her heels, “Vince!”

  Vince stepped forward and met her just as she reached out to him. He wrapped her in a huge Lion hug and spun her around a time or two, before spying Maia waiting behind her. He reached out a hand and tousled her hair, “Hey, squirt,” he told her.

  Maia grinned at him, “You know I’m not a kid, right?”

  “Yeah, I know, just like to yank your chain,” he told her.

  “Who’s this?” Valerie asked, indicating the pretty little blonde.

  Vince put her down, so he could introduce them properly. He smiled at Brandi, and Brandi immediately knew from the look on his face that this woman was important to him, so she smiled warmly at her as he introduced them, “This is Brandi,” he told Valerie. Then, “Brandi, this is my sister, Valerie.”

  Brandi, relieved that this was his sister, smiled hugely, and put her hand out to shake Valerie’s hand, but was completely taken by surprise when Valerie reached out and snatched her into a hug, “I’m so, so glad to meet you, Brandi! You’re so beautiful! I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “Umm, okay. Thank you. I’m happy to be here,” Brandi stammered.

  Valerie let go of Brandi and moved immediately to Everly, who was standing to the side looking lost. “Everly, thank you for coming tonight. It’s really important to me that you’re here.”

  “You’re welcome, Valerie.” She looked around the room, Bam noticeably absent. “Are you sure it’s okay that I’m here?”

  “Absolutely! No problem at all. I couldn’t do this without you here,” Valerie answered.

  Everly’s brow wrinkled, “Do what?”

  Valery smiled conspiratorily, and whispered, “Come on, I’ll show you.” She took Everly’s hand in hers and started across the room, “Guys, gonna go get the last touches of dinner finished.”

  Then Bane, Janie, and Daisy came in; the greetings and introductions started all over. Daisy reached over and wanted Vince. Vince chucked the baby gently under the chin. She babbled at him, and he took her from her mama, grinning at her as she wrapped her little hands in his hair to hold on to him. He blew some raspberries on her belly, which had her squealing and kicking her little legs.

  Brandi watched the man, whom she was quickly becoming way too fond of, snuggling and playing with the baby. Damn, she thought to herself, I think my ovaries just exploded.

  Then the back door opened, and little feet could be heard thundering their way. Remi burst into the living room, launching himself at Delilah, who had quietly joined the group. Delilah caught him mid-air and hugged him to her, “Well, hello, little one,” she told him, smiling at him.

  He grinned back and kissed her cheek, “Mommy says that you fixed it, so nobody could ever make me leave them. She says that paper says so.”

  “Your mommy is right. No more fear, ever,” she told the child, kissing his cheek.

  “I wasn’t afraid. I was gonna bite her,” he told Delilah. Delilah laughed.

  Avaleigh and Daniel finally made it to the living room, “What did I tell you about biting people, son?” Daniel asked.

  “Not to bite anybody, it’s not nice,” Remi drawled at him.

  Then another voice boomed out from the hallway as its owner approached, “And what did I tell you about biting people?”

  Remi laughed, “Only bite them if you really mean it, and they really deserve it!” Remi slid from Delilah’s arms and launched himself at Maverik, “Hey, Uncle Maverik!”

  Maverik tossed Remi up on his shoulders, so he could sit up high, “Hey, brat!” Maverik reached up and tickled Remi, so he squirmed where he sat on his shoulders.

  Then the front door opened, and Bam sidled through it. “Hey, am I late? I had to get some pants on.”

  “Naw, man, come on in,” Bane told him.

  “I was running with Mav. I feel a little better,” he said to Bane and Janie.

  “I’m glad, Bam,” Janie told him.

  On seeing Bam enter the room, Daisy immediately started whining and reaching for him. Bam smiled at her, “Hey, pretty girl,” he took her from Vince, and she hugged the huge man as best her little arms would allow. Cooing to him. “I’m good, I promise,” he told her.

  Brandi stood there, not realizing her mouth was hanging open, looking at all the men in this room. It looked like a playgirl calender, only all the men had clothes on. Each man was more beautiful than the last, and not as beautiful as the next. It just never ended, hot man, after hot man, after hot man.

  Bam saw her gawking at him and shifted Daisy, so he could shake her hand, “Hey, I’m Bam. Welcome,” he told her in his rich, deep, resonant voice.

  She shook his hand, “Hi, I’m Brandi.”

  Janie noticed her looking around at all the men and laughed, “I know. It’s a bit overwhelming until you get used to it.”

  Brandi looked at the little brunette addressing her, “I’m sorry, what?”

  “The men, they are all so pretty. It took me a little while to not stare. Now they’re just all family,” Janie told her laughing.

  Brandi grinned at her, “It really is! Why are they all so beautiful?”

  Janie smiled, shrugging her shoulders, “Well, just good genes, I guess. But you will get used to it, I promise.”

  Bane grabbed Janie around the waist and pulled her up against him, “Heart, you better not be looking at anybody’s jeans but mine. I might have to hurt one of them if you look at ‘em too long,” he told her jokingly.

  “You know all I want is you, my Bear, and I didn’t mean those kinda jeans,” she told him. Bane smiled at her, “I know, I made a funny.”

  “Whoa, hold up! Bane made a funny?” Vince teased.

  “Yes, I did. I’m funny as hell, I’ll have you know.”

  And, thankfully, before it could go any further, from the other room, Valerie called, “Food’s on!”

  Chapter 12

  Valerie pulled Everly by the hand into the extra bedroom; she lifted the foil tented over the cakes and stood back for Everly to read the frosting words on the top. Everly’s eyes grew huge, and she squealed before catching herself and slapping her hands over her mouth, peeking behind herself to make sure no one was coming. “Oh, my God! You’re pregnant,” she whisper screamed. “I am so thrilled for you!!!!”

  Valerie laughed and hugged her, “Thank you!”

  “You’re going to be a mommy! Does he know yet?” Everly asked.

  “No, not a clue. And aren’t you going to ask why there are two cakes?” Valerie grinned at her.

  “I just thought because there are so many of us…Oh. My. God!” Everly exclaimed. “Two cakes, two babies?!!” she asked.

  “Yes, two!” Valerie confirmed. They hugged and jumped in a circle, both quietly squealing, so no one else would hear them.

  “This is so awesome!” Everly said. Clearly happy for her best friend, but still an air of sadness lingered.

  Valerie picked up on it, “You okay?”

  Everly knew better than to try to lie to Valerie; she was far too perceptive to not know the truth, “It’s Bam. But it’s not about that today. It’s about you and these two little miracles. Does Vince know yet?”

  “No, I wanted everyone here when I share the news,” Valerie said, then “He’ll come around. He doesn’t think he deserves you. Give it time.”

  Everly nodded, but didn’t respond.

  Valerie took her by the hand, “Trust me, it’s gonna be okay. Now, come on, let’s get this dinner started.”

  As Valerie and Everly walked into the kitchen, Valerie called out, “Food’s on!” and the stampede commenced.

  Everyone found their seats and took them, laughing and talking and loving being together.

  Finally, all had been seated, but Bam and Everly, who stood looking at each other across the ta

  Bam had seen her when she came in the house with Vince, so he’d not been surprised.

  Everly had been afraid that he’d not come to dinner because she was there, so she was very glad he was standing there.

  Bam hesitated, but then walked around the table and pulled out a chair for her. The chair was next to his seat, where he always sat at every meal. He held her chair for her and indicated that she should sit. Everly smiled at him, “Thank you, Bam,” she said to him.

  He frowned, but waited until she sat, then scooted her chair in for her.

  She was thrilled he took the seat right next to her, but surprised when he leaned closer to her, still frowning and said, “Bramley. I like it when you call me Bramley.”

  Everly looked at him, realizing that it was a special thing for him, “Okay. I like it, too. Bramley.”

  He grinned at her, then took his paper towels from where they were folded beside his plate and placed one on his lap. He smiled at Everly, and she did the same. Manners at dinner were important to him. At least when Everly was around. He didn’t want her to think he was a beast with no manners at all.

  The front door opened, and Joanne and Amos came in, Amos calling out, “Hey! Are we late?”

  Kaid called back, “Naw, Amos, come on back.”

  Amos and Joanne came into the kitchen, holding hands and grinning like school kids. “Thanks for the invite. I’m so happy to be here,” Joanne said.

  Maverik stood from his place at the table, “I’m glad you here, Joanne. Amos treating you right?”

  “’Course I’m treating her right. She’s my special lady,” and Amos kissed her hand.

  Joanne blushed, and Maverik hugged her and reached out to shake Amos’ hand.

  Before they could get seated, the door opened again, with the sound of more little feet running toward the kitchen, followed immediately by a little girl bursting into the room, followed closely by her doddy.

  “Evenin’ ya’ll. Hope you don’t mind, been missing ya’ll and wanted to share dinner.” He lifted a bag he had gripped in his fingers, “I brought some pecan pies,” and he smiled at Delilah. Delilah jumped up from the table, “Yes, you are welcome to share dinner; give me the pies!” she snatched the bag from his hands as he laughed. The man was not stupid - he knew how to make sure he was welcome. He brought the Alpha’s Mate her favorite food.


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