Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset Page 16

by Ethan Egorov

  Back in her room, we get settled on her bed. Her bare feet rub against my calves as she lays half on me, breathing evenly.

  “So, your dad left.” I start, knowing I would eventually.

  She sighs, “Yeah he um, said it was for club business. But he wouldn’t tell me much.” She sounds sad, more than I have ever heard her before.

  I hold her tighter and wonder if I should even tell her this. I don’t know how the club business is, how it all works. But Jeannine is sort of part of the club, I don’t think I’m giving out privileged information.

  “When will he be back?” I ask, and realize I am shit at sounding like I don’t know anything.

  “He said a few days.” She sits up and looks at me, I stare in her eyes and smile softly. She presses her hands to my chest and pins me with her soft, prying gaze.

  “Do you know anything about it?” she asks me.

  “Um, about what?” I trail my hand down her side and rest on her ass, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

  “Spencer, don’t baby me like all the others do.” She licks her lips and pins her eyes on me again. It undoes me, only she can do that to me.

  “I’m not, I just… I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you this. I didn’t pay attention when they told me all the rules.” I laugh once, and she doesn’t find it funny.

  “You have to know something about it from your brother. He’s the VP.” She sits up, separating from me.

  My hand slips down her thigh and I graze her soft skin, squeezing up above her knee.

  “Yeah, he is.” I roll my eyes at it.

  “Spencer, I asked my dad if it was dangerous. Where he was going. He wouldn’t tell me.” Her voice softens, and I watch her eyes widen at me in a way that opens up my heart. Damn, this woman has me in for it.

  “I don’t know if it’s dangerous or not. My brother was elusive about it. Apparently some club in another town is trying to get at their turf for drugs or whatever it is we do to make our money. They’re hoping it doesn’t turn into another club war. Tank went to see if he could talk to their pres.” I explain.

  She unfolds slightly, looking at me with this passive expression. I try not to pry her for a response and end up waiting for a while. She rubs at her face, pushing her curly hair back over her forehead as she takes a deep breath.

  “Thanks for telling me.” She whispers, giving a sad smile.

  “No problem. Are you worried about your dad?” I ask her.

  She sighs, “It might not be the most dangerous thing he’s ever done. I guess I’m just not usually here for it. So it is worrying.” She swallows, looking off past me.

  I reach up and bring her back down to me, hugging her to my chest. I cup her face and brush my thumb over her cheek bone, pressing under her eye. She half smiles at me, her eyes staring into mine.

  “Do you want a distraction?”



  When Spencer texted me, I was already thinking about him.

  After lunch with Adriana, I was a little sad to come home and find Dad gone already. I’m worried about him, now I know what mom was talking about. She didn’t have much to say though, and I decided not to tell her that he left. She would probably race over here and pester me for a while, hating being in the house a little bit too. She was never like that with me. She didn’t regret being around me. I know this house brings back memories for the both of them. The fact that Dad left it this way should be point enough, but it isn’t for her.

  I force those thoughts from my mind and I’m glad that Spencer helped. Having an orgasm on the kitchen counter probably wasn’t the only solution, but it worked. I rushed off to clean up and came back to find him looking at our family photos. I cringe a little because I think I looked weird as a kid sometimes. My curly hair and braces didn’t help. Dad kept all these family photos displayed. Even the more cringeworthy one of my parents all over each other on his bike. It’s sad how much they love each other and can’t make it work. I know I am thinking too far ahead but I wonder if it will be like that with Spencer. If that happens to us because of all the obstacles in our way—

  I think of all this as I watch him in my living room, the last place I thought I would see him. Spencer is too damned good looking. His wide shoulders fighting the blue fabric, tapering at his narrow waist. The way his jeans fit him in all the right places I smile inwardly, finally announcing myself.

  “Are you snooping?” I ask him. It reminds me of the first time we met and I smile. I had no idea what would happen back then, but I guess that’s the way it always goes.

  “Not really.” He teases.

  I changed into a fuzzy pair of shorts that rub my skin. Nothing compares to him touching me, the way he feels.

  “Do you mind if we uh, hang out in your room? I just feel like I’m… being watched.” He pretends to shiver and I giggle at him.

  “Sure. Let’s just wait for the food.” I can understand why though. It is my dad’s house, his photos everywhere. I suppose it is kind of weird.

  The food comes shortly after, from my favorite Asian place. We take it up to my room and I’m glad that I cleaned earlier, I had been bored. And I am even happier that I changed the color scheme, took some of the teddy bears out.

  “It’s good right?” I ask him after we eat. I have a thing about eating in my room so I made us eat on the floor. He didn’t protest, which was nice.

  I picked a random action movie from my collection, something with superheroes.

  “Yeah, I’m impressed.” He smirks, drinking the last of his water. He is an incredibly hydrated man.

  “I used to eat it all the time when I was in high school. It was on the way home. Maybe that’s when my love of food started.” I laugh at myself and start putting the containers away. I wash my hands too, feeling like wasabi is all over me. Spencer follows me in and I get sheepish at him being in my bathroom. He doesn’t seem to take notice.

  We move back to the bedroom and lay on my bed. I already know I’ll never get his scent out of here, and I don’t mind. I lay against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Half watching the movie and half letting my mind wander off.

  “So, your dad left.” He breaks the silence.

  I sigh, feeling uneasy at thinking about it, “Yeah he um, said it was for club business. But he wouldn’t tell me much.” My voice sounds more dejected than I suspected. I know it’s because I am trying not to let it get to me, but it does.

  He holds me tighter as if on instinct. I can already tell he knows what is going on. It’s why his voice sounded a little off before.

  “When will he be back?” he asks me casually, but it doesn’t feel all that casual.

  “He said a few days.” I sit up and look at him, he stares back at me and offers a kind smile. One that warms me from the inside out. I press my hands to his chest and feel his warmth radiate through me.

  “Do you know anything about it?” I ask him, apprehensive. I see the shift in his expression, the way his lips turn down. I don’t know him that well but I am starting to.

  “Um, about what?” his hand trails down to my ass but it is the last thing I feel. He knows something.

  “Spencer, don’t baby me like all the others do.” I moisten my lips and pin him with my gaze. I have also come to tell that looking at me makes him submit in some way. It’s probably my over sized eyes, it has that effect on everyone.

  “I’m not, I just… I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you this. I didn’t pay attention when they told me all the rules.” He chuckles but I don’t laugh back.

  “You have to know something about it from your brother. He’s the VP.” I sit up fully and separate myself from him. I need a clear mind to have this conversation.

  His hand slips lower, the heavy calloused hand that’s warm and sets me aflame. I ignore the feeling of his touch to try and focus.

  “Yeah, he is.” He rolls his eyes. I don’t have a full handle on his relationship with his brother but it seems fai
rly regular. The older brother that had to raise the younger one, I have heard the story before but I don’t know what it did to Spencer, not fully. He seems like he is protecting him but doesn’t know why. I know that it doesn’t seem to be for the club though.

  “Spencer, I asked my dad if it was dangerous. Where he was going. He wouldn’t tell me.” I tell him. I feel vulnerable, and usually that would worry me but not around Spencer. He doesn’t look at me like I’m dying or can’t handle myself, just that he is listening.

  “I don’t know if it’s dangerous or not. My brother was elusive about it. Apparently some club in another town is trying to get at their turf for drugs or whatever it is we do to make our money. They’re hoping it doesn’t turn into another club war. Tank went to see if he could talk to their pres.” He says, and each words hits harder.

  I only understand it as one little thing that can turn dangerous. The fact that my dad is putting himself out there on the front lines, confronting some other man he doesn’t even know—that’s scary. I rub at my face as my skin pricks, pulling at my hair. I try to steady my breath and find my heart beat again, but it doesn’t work.

  “Thanks for telling me.” I eventually respond, my voice nothing but a soft whisper.

  “No problem. Are you worried about your dad?” he asks me, as if he already knows.

  I sigh as I find my words, “It might not be the most dangerous thing he’s ever done. I guess I’m just not usually here for it. So it is worrying.” I swallow, as if I can take down my nerves that way. It doesn’t work. My mouth goes dry and the silence of the room fills with our breathing.

  He reaches up and brings me back down to him, I already feel the energy shifting and don’t do anything to fight it. He just has that effect on me. He cups my face in his hand, his thumb brushing under my eyes as he holds me close. I look into his eyes and feel myself getting lost in them again. I don’t know why he affects me so easily.

  “Do you want a distraction?” his voice is low, rumbled in his chest with his desire.

  My body thrums and meets at my pussy, making me throb with desire for him. I spread my legs and rub against him, his thigh and its heat against me makes me shiver.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He smirks before kissing me, his tongue grazing mine and then fighting for the upper hand. I slip my fingers into his hair, holding myself closer to him. He deepens the kiss and rolls us over. His body laying between my legs. It feels nice to be on a bed this time, not that the last was any worse.

  “I’m crazy about you Jeannine, I can’t stop thinking about you.” He moves his lips to my neck, starting to work at another hickey. The others are alive and fresh still.

  His hand slides up my shirt, gripping my bare breasts. His hard palms rub my nipples and I start to writhe beneath him. I work to get him out of his clothes. Glad to feel his bare skin against me. His hard muscles and warm skin fit perfectly with me.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he kisses down my body, dipping between my legs for a minute or so, working me with his mouth.

  “Oh god,” I clutch his hair and hold him close to me, but I mewl with disapproval when he leaves me too soon.

  He pulls back, kneeling in all his naked glory with his hard cock pointed at me. He feels blindly for a condom in his jacket. I think he always comes prepared with them or something. He rolls it on, and I watch as he enters me.

  He holds my thighs open, stretching me, and I disappear into this moment between us.

  “You feel good Spencer. So good.” I reach out for him, getting his hand. He laces his fingers with mine by my head and holds me close, his thighs holding mine open.

  He starts to move, fast, thrusting into me without thought. My breasts bob and the bed hits the wall. I cry out as it gets better and better. He reaches down with his other hand and grabs one of my breasts. Squeezing my flesh almost to pain, but it feels so good too. I moan, cry out, beg him not to stop, over and over. I find myself in blinding pleasure with him, his groans matching mine. He grips my hips tighter, fucking me harder.

  “Fuck angel—jesus—” he stalls, his hair falling over his brow as he sheens with sweat. I collapse over the edge so sudden I didn’t see it coming and it takes over my body. I clench around him and soon after he stills inside me, coming so beautifully all I do is watch.

  “That was good, so good,” I link my arms around his neck and kiss him, sliding my tongue against his to taste him.

  “Yeah… give me five minutes. We’re doing that again.”

  It’s official, I am addicted to Spencer in the best of ways. Maybe even the worst because I cannot get enough of him and then it just hurts when I can’t have him. We hide out in my room for most of the night. We get snacks occasionally, after one movie, and then start the next one. It’s nice, like one of the longest dates ever. It only feels so calm because I know my dad isn’t here. That’s unfortunate but it’s where we are at. We both seem to forget about all that, about everything else but us. It’s perfect.

  I snuggle up next to him, after one too many bouts of sex. We showered together and I didn’t get what the hype was until then. He soaped me down. I’ll never forget how his hands felt against my skin, warm and calloused, squeezing my flesh like its his lifeline. He even washed my hair and that surprised me, but he was good at it. There were no tangles in it when he was finished. I did the same to him, finding it funny how he now smells like women’s body wash, but he didn’t seem to care. What he liked most was the hand job I gave him probably, I didn’t even think that was a big deal anymore but he loved it. We got out and had ice cream. I’m now half watching this rom com with him. It feels too good, too perfect. I know better than to let it make me this happy but I can’t help it. I can only hope it isn’t temporary.

  “I don’t want to leave.” Spencer grips me tighter and kisses my forehead. I get all warm inside when he does that.

  “But you have to.” I finish for him. I kiss his bare chest and look up at him. He grins down at me and I trace his jaw line with my fingers.

  “Yeah. I have an early day tomorrow.” He smiles sadly. He runs his hand up my thigh and grips my hips, holding me close to him. The exact opposite of needing to leave soon. My body is still thrumming from all our escapades. As much as I would like to continue them, I am so sore and tired that I can’t think of anything else.

  “Okay. I had fun.” I hug him tightly and then he sits up.

  “Me too.” He grins.

  Spencer gets up, wearing his briefs, and I shamelessly watch him get dressed. Especially when he has to tuck himself into his jeans, like he’s carrying a loaded weapon. It might as well be, from my experience.

  “I’ll walk you out.” I wrap my blanket around my self and lead him back downstairs, I don’t know why I felt like I had to keep a look out or something when I passed the stair case, but I did.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Spencer hugs me one last time at the door and I revel in his warmth against me. Even with everything else, it’s his hugs that feel the best. “Goodnight angel.” He presses a soft kiss to my lips, pulls back to look me in the eye and then he’s gone.

  I sigh, a bit sadly at him leaving, and occupy myself by cleaning up a bit. I’m not trying to make it seem like I am removing all traces of Spencer, but it feels that way. I just like to clean when I am thinking, and I keep thinking a lot about Spencer. About how I am going to tell my dad about him, because I know that I need to. After tonight, I don’t want to just sneak around with him anymore. I want to be able to date him like regular people do. He will come around eventually, I know he will.

  Back in my room, I gather all our trash and throw it in the garbage outside before coming back and trying to fall asleep. I don’t even know where Spencer lives so I don’t know how long it will take him to make it home, but I text him to make sure.

  Me: Tell me when you make it home safe.

  I switch to texting Adriana, filling her in, and she pries with every question in the book. She even
offers her apartment for us to use when my dad gets back. I almost want to take her up on it. I decided I don’t want to sneak around like that. As fun as it may be.

  My heart patters still when Spencer texts me back.

  Spencer: I’m home. See you tomorrow angel.

  I grin, wondering when he decided he would see me tomorrow. But as long as I see him every day, I’m not complaining at all.



  I don’t know if saying I am the happiest man alive is an exaggeration, but I feel like I am coming close to that.

  Jeannine makes me happy. I never got that. Growing up the way I did, I never had that option and now I can do whatever I want. What I want is Jeannine. I just wish it didn’t have to be so damned complicated. I leave her house late at night and come back to Roland in the living room.

  “I thought you were leaving.” Is my greeting. I walk around the television, it’s dark and the lights flicker over him, lounging on the couch in his boxers.

  “Tomorrow. But Tank went out there first to see if he needed me.”

  “And he does?” I ask, I sit on the arm of the couch and give him a long look.

  “Yep. It’s not a big deal. It’s cool that you worry though.”

  I laugh, “It’s not cool. And I’m not worried. I’m just asking.” I shrug it off, but really, he’s my big brother and I do worry, and he seems to sense that too. He doesn’t say anything because we’re brothers, it’s just how we are.

  “Whatever dude.” His eyes go back to the tv and I’m sure he isn’t even watching it.

  “Is club business confidential? Like can we tell other people about it.” I ask. I thought about it for a long time before asking him because I wanted to be sure. I am still unsure about telling Jeannine. Even though she is involved in the club and what not, I wouldn’t want to say something I wasn’t supposed to. I just couldn’t keep it from her. The way she looked so sad and dejected about her dad.


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