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Mystic Awakening

Page 28

by J L Lawrence

  Angie and Nikki both gasped in horror as Xavier’s fist connected with Gregory’s chin. It set off a brawl in the middle of the common area.

  Xavier threw Gregory across Xander’s desk and knocked everything off. Some of his antiques broke into pieces.

  Gregory caught Xavier with a kick into his chest, which sent a bunch of books flying through the air.

  Xander’s going to be so pissed.

  Xavier and Gregory were rolling around on the floor. Punching, kicking, and throwing energy blasts and spells. It was definitely getting out of hand.

  Angie’s entire body vibrated when Nikki threw back her hands. Xavier and Gregory—who were caught off guard—got caught up in a gust of wind moving through the room and became pinned against opposite walls. Wow, big sister had some power, and it was obvious she was quite angry, but controlled.

  “You idiots!” Nikki yelled. “Have you both lost your minds? None of this is about you. Have you forgotten how many were lost in the last Rising and that they were amazing warriors with unparalleled power?

  “Some of the best ever in existence, and I suggest you remember it. They died for us, and now the world depends on us to save them. It’s our turn, so get ahold of yourselves and put your petty differences aside. You will both be leaders in this battle, so start acting like leaders and set an example worthy to be followed.”

  The wind gusts got stronger, turning into a tornado as Nikki’s anger grew. Angie sensed the underlying pain of her brother’s death and something more, but she couldn’t figure out what.

  With a final grunt of frustration, she waved her hands and both guys disappeared. Angie gasped. Fear flowed through her. She desperately wanted to call for Kate, but didn’t.

  “Where’d they go?” She wasn’t sure whether to be afraid or not.

  Nikki had tears flowing down her face and walked over to the window. Taking a few deep breaths, she turned back around and smiled. “They needed to remember what was lost. They never met him, and that is such a disadvantage. They never felt the power or support of the Shadow Warriors. They don’t understand how bad it is going to be this time. They’re blinded by too many other things.”

  Of course, she was referring to something even Angie couldn’t grasp. How does one comprehend the enormity of what they would be facing in only a few months?

  “Max was quite wonderful and kind,” Nikki said. “But a fierce and amazing warrior. So I sent them to our memorial room where we have several pictures of the men and women who died for us to be here today. And allowed us to fight another round.”

  “Do you ever get tired of fighting? Just want to give up?” Angie wondered out loud.

  “Not really, the alternative is death or a lifetime of torture. I don’t care to go in either of those directions at the moment.” She smiled and began fixing everything in the room.

  Her smile turned into a full out grin. Xavier’s and Gregory’s bedroom doors slammed. She gestured toward the hallway. “Go ahead and get some rest while I finish cleaning up this mess. I don’t want Xander having a stroke. He has enough demons to face, literally. By the way, don’t rush to choose. There is a clear choice, but it is not time for you to know yet.”

  Angie’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. “You know which one I’m supposed to be with and you won’t tell me?” Her voice went up an octave.

  “I’m a healer. I see inner feelings of pain, love, hope, and many other emotions. I can also see the depth of those emotions and the more powerful connections. The problem is that so many things are in the way right now, and more healing and discovery is needed before I am absolutely sure.

  “To tell you anything now could sway your decision before I have the facts. You and I both know the dangers of choosing love incorrectly in our world.”

  Angie was surprised, then realized Nikki was aware that she knew a little of Xavier’s story, so she nodded.

  “Can he ever recover? Is it even possible for him to love again? I don’t want to waste time on a lost cause and lose someone who is right in front of me and cares about me.” Angie wanted to be hopeful.

  She couldn’t ignore the natural draw to Xavier, but she also didn’t want her heart broken. It was easier to go the safe route. Maybe she should start focusing on Gregory and see if their attraction could be something more. She couldn’t ignore the fact she missed not being around him as much.

  “True love can conquer any obstacle,” Nikki finally said. She seemed to be choosing her answer carefully. “More healing is needed by some more than others to move forward. Quick decisions can lead to pain and misery.”

  “Love didn’t help much the first time, did it?” Angie said sadly and started walking toward her room.

  “I was referring to true love like Xander and Kate’s. Believe me, there is a difference. If it had been true love between Xavier and Lily, there would be no connection between the two of you.

  “On the other hand, don’t mistake an attraction or electrical surge for a connection. It takes so much more to be truly in love. It pulls at your soul. When you are ready, you won’t have to wonder which one to choose. There will be only one choice.”

  This was the first indication that there was much more to this story than Angie ever imagined, and apparently she was going to be smack dab in the middle of it, whether she wanted to be or not.

  The look on Nikki’s face made it clear that she knew more about the joy and pain of love than anyone realized. What was her story?

  Leaving Nikki to her cleaning, she headed down the hallway, looking at Xavier’s and Gregory’s doors on her way. She wished for the courage to go with her gut and make the commitment.

  She stared at both doors, desperately wanting the connection. There was no question in her heart or mind which door she wanted to knock on. She raised her hand and then pulled away.

  Sighing, she briefly thought of running away. Going back to her team and solving basic FBI cases involving humans – plain humans.

  She thought about the total hell that would reign on Earth if Kate failed. No way was she going back through that portal. She couldn’t leave and would stay by Kate’s side until the end.

  With nothing else to do and despair weighing heavily on her heart, she flung herself across the bed and for the first time in years had herself a real good cry.

  * * *

  “I got up early and slid notes under everyone’s door, telling them we would meet in a couple hours.” He had been thinking about everything all night and realized he hadn’t focused on Kate’s human side.

  He had been constantly pushing her to change. He needed to celebrate who she was. All of her. He sent a mental note to check in with Nikki. She sent back that she had everything under control.

  Xander had intrigued Kate as she dressed this morning, by kissing her cheek and asking her to walk through the gardens with him. It was an odd request. She accepted.

  They walked on a separate pathway that wrapped around the house and opened into a beautiful garden with lots of flowers, a fountain, a couple birdbaths, and benches placed in a circle around it.

  He pulled her over to one of the benches and hugged her tightly to him. She relaxed against his chest. He understood she needed some time to come to grips with everything that had happened yesterday. He simply held her while she processed. She deserved a private place to let her emotions flow.

  Kate briefly sensed animosity in the house, but he assured her that Nikki could handle anything. “She seems laid-back, but she can kick butt when she needs to. She would tell me if she needed help. This morning is all for us. Put everything else out of your mind.”

  * * *

  It sounded good to Kate, so she shut them out and snuggled against his shoulder. These moments would come less frequently as time progressed toward the battle. They spent several minutes enjoying the silence and peace of being together, like they were the only two people in the universe.

  She could have sat there for hours soaking in the sun and relax
ing against him, but Xander eventually shifted and turned to face her, cupping her cheek with his palm.

  “Kate, you mean the world to me, and I don’t want to lose you.” He held up his hand as she started to speak. “Let me finish, woman!”

  Placing a finger on her lips, he smiled and continued. She bit her tongue to keep from interrupting.

  “I want to do something special to celebrate your human and mystic heritage. Also, I’d like to meet your family. I guess I didn’t think about it. They have become part of our family because they’re your family.

  “Honoring and learning your heritage is as important as you learning mine. I’ve been a little remiss in realizing that. Should we survive the Rising, I would like to get to know them. They are family. I’m man enough to admit that I want to stake my claim in every way possible. I don’t want any doubt in any realm that you are mine.”

  He turned and came off the bench to kneel in front of her. Her heart beat ninety miles a minute. He pulled out a ring with a beautiful marquis cut diamond in the center surrounded by sapphires and took her hand. It was beyond gorgeous.

  “Cadence Hope Smith, would you do me the honor of marrying me in a traditional ceremony?”

  She gasped at the love and sincerity shining in his eyes. He opened his mind to her. The depth and truth of his love surrounded her and fulfilled her every wish.

  “Of course I will.” She launched off the bench and into his arms, knocking them both over. “I love you. You are my true soul mate for eternity.”

  He possessed her mouth with the sweetest kiss she’d ever known. He was her past, present, and future. His love was her fuel to fight the battle.

  Training, recruiting, and battling were aspects of the near future, but at the moment, peace and contentment overflowed in her heart. A first for her. She got her fairytale romance. The dream she thought to be most elusive, was hers. Anything seemed possible.

  Flashing into their bedroom, they made their pledges to one another in a more intimate way and reached the heavens of bliss. Tomorrow she’d deal with the world’s problems. Tomorrow would wait.

  With sighs of serenity whispering through all of the hearts in the manor, the electricity flickered, reminding them about love, hope, and a future.


  To my husband and three children who believed in me and pushed me to see it through. Their excitement was my motivation.

  To my friend, Laura, who was willing to travel anywhere in the world to help me research and listened to endless hours of plotting. I wouldn’t have made it to the end without you.

  For my Mom, who was my first reader. The early versions were rough but you read every single word.

  To my friend and fellow writer, Jeanne Hardt, who always prodded me along and made sure I actually published. Her support and belief helped bring a hobby to life.

  To my editor, Alicia, who showed me the way to bring characters to life and yet stay true to my own writing style.

  Lastly, I want to thank all my readers, family, and friends for their continuous support on this long journey. I hope you will stay with me until the series is complete.

  About the Author

  J. L. Lawrence lives near Nashville, Tennessee with her family including three rambunctious children. She loves reading and exploring new places. Her imagination has always provided her greatest adventures. So she finally decided to capture some of the stories on paper to create the Mystic Series. Please explore the website and check out her Facebook and Instagram.




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