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El Norte

Page 71

by Carrie Gibson

  Colonial period (U.S.), 106–128

  Florida, 115

  “foreignness” and being American, 6–7

  Franklinites, 124

  Georgia, 124–125

  Kentucky, 124

  Louisiana, 115

  Proclamation Line of 1763, 120, 121

  Upper Louisiana territory, 125–128

  See also American Revolution

  Colorado, 141

  Colorado River, 185, 185n

  Columbus, Christopher, 9–12

  Columbus, Diego, 14

  Comanche people, 98, 108, 183

  Comonfort, Ignacio, 244

  Compromise of 1850, 226

  Concho people, 62

  concubinage, in New Orleans, 149

  Confederate colonies, in Mexico, 246–247

  Congo Square (New Orleans), 149

  Constitutional Convention, 124

  conversion. See religious conversion

  Cook, James, 129

  Coosa people, 38

  Copland, Aaron, 351

  Córdoba, Treaty of, 170, 171

  Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de, 61, 62–63, 64

  Coronado National Memorial (Arizona), 81

  Cortés, Hernando, 14, 16, 19–20, 35n, 59, 76, 77

  Cortés, Isabel de Tolosa, 65

  Cortez Masto, Catherine, 404

  Cortina, Juan, 237, 238, 252

  Costa Rica, 175

  Costaggini, Filippo, 258

  Costanoan people, 137

  Council of the Indies (1814), 22, 167

  “County of Bourbon,” 125

  Cox, Allyn, 258n

  Creek people, 36, 42, 96–97, 103, 115, 116, 118, 123, 167, 169

  creoles, 157, 176

  Crespí, Father, 137

  Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de, 7, 180

  Croix, Teodoro de, 110

  Cruzate, Domingo Jironza Petrís de, 74

  Cuauhtémoc (Aztec emperor), 22

  Cuba, 108, 149, 160, 175, 261–262

  19th century emigration to U.S., 262–264, 265

  Afro-Cuban population, 273

  attempts to buy Cuba, 239, 240, 261, 269

  baseball, 266–268

  Batista years, 384

  Bay of Pigs incident, 385–386

  economy post-independence, 274–275

  Elián Gonzalez case, 420

  Florida Cubans, 310–311

  Grito de Yara, 261

  hijacked planes, 387–388

  independence, 261–270, 274

  indigenous people of, 16

  Las Casas, 26

  Little War, 264

  mineral wealth, 50

  Narváez, 33

  post-Castro age, 421

  post-independence, 273–274

  revenue of, 110

  sugar industry, 266, 268, 269, 385

  Ten Years’ War, 261, 265, 266, 268

  Velázquez, 16–17

  War of Independence (1895), 266, 268

  Cuban Adjustment Act (1966), 386–387

  Cuban American League, 266

  Cuban Giants, 268

  Cuban music, 329–332

  Cuban Revolutionary Party, 265

  “Cuban” sandwich, 398

  Cuban War of Independence (1895), 266, 268


  21st century, 419–421

  Afro-Cuban culture, 330

  citizenship of immigrants, 387

  emigration to Miami, 384–386

  in Florida, 310–311

  music of, 329–332

  in New York, 327

  race and, 264–265, 273–274, 310–311, 367

  Culiacán (Mexico), 60

  Cumberland Island, 55

  Curaçao, 87, 150

  DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 409, 412

  Dallas (Texas), 369

  Dalton (Georgia), xiii-xiv, 427–439

  Dana, Richard Henry, 188–189

  Danish West Indies, 279

  DAPA program (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents), 409

  Darien (Georgia), 56, 100

  Darrell, William, 255

  Day of the Dead, 416–417

  de Bry, Theodore, 28, 46

  de la Guerra, Pablo, 229

  de Lassus, Carlos de Hault, 161

  de Soto, Hernando, 36, 318

  De Soto Expedition Commission, 318

  De Soto Trail Monument, 318

  De Valencia, Amparo F., 297

  Dead Man’s Journey (Jornada del Muerto), 66

  Death Comes for the Archbishop (Cather), 248

  Declaration of Independence, 116

  del Rio, Dolores, 350

  Del Rio (Texas), 309

  Delaware people, 126

  Delgado et al. v Bastrop Independent School District (1948), 373

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 183

  Democrates Alter (Sepúlveda), 29–30, 29n

  Department of Homeland Security, 415

  deportation of unauthorized immigrants, 411–412

  The Description of Virginia (Smith), 86

  Desert Land Act (1877), 250

  Desperate Housewives (TV show), 400

  Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 152

  Dia de la Raza, 325

  Díaz, José, 356

  Díaz, Porfirio, 286, 289–292

  Diaz-Cane, Miguel, 421

  Díaz Ordaz, Gustavo, 381

  Didion, Joan, 391

  Diego, Juan, 25

  Dihigo, Martín, 367–368

  Discourse of Western Planting (Hakluyt), 82


  barriers to home ownership, 369–370

  in education, 371–374

  Mexican Americans, 355, 360–362

  Mexican farmworkers, 375–376

  voting rights, 374–375

  diseases. See infectious diseases

  Disturnell, J., 223, 376

  Dobie, J. Frank, 312

  Dodger Stadium, 364–366

  Domínguez, Francisco Atanasio, 141

  Dominica, 108, 150

  Dominican Republic, 9–10, 243, 267, 328–329

  Dominicans, 24, 25, 52

  Don Domingo (chief), 57

  Don Francisco (chief), 56

  Don Juan (chief), 57

  Doña Antonia (wife of Menéndez), 47

  Dorantes, Andrés, 34

  Douglas (Arizona), 250

  Douglas, William, 131

  Downes v. Bidwell (1901), 277

  Drake, Francis, 51, 77–78, 83

  DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Lawful Permanent Residents), 409

  Driscoll, Clara, 314

  drug cartels, Mexico, 409, 413–416

  Du Bois, W.E.B., 272

  Dutch, exploration by, 39

  East Florida, 113–115, 116, 121, 160–161, 163, 169, 174

  Écija, Francisco Fernández de, 84

  Ecuador, 175

  education, 371–374, 392

  Edwards, Benjamin, 189–190

  Edwards, Haden, 189–190

  Eighty Years’ War, 29

  El Morro (New Mexico), 68

  El Paso (Texas), 80, 380, 415

  El Paso del Norte (settlement), 74, 80

  El Salvador, 175, 389

  Eliza, Francisco de, 132

  Elkins, Stephen, 251, 281, 282

  Embargo Act (1807), 156, 161–162

  empresario agreement, 185, 190

  Enabling Act (1910), 286

  encomienda system, 10, 28, 42


  Irish plantations (16th century), 82–83

  Paris, Treaty of (1763), 108

  Seven Years’ War, 107–108, 117

  Spanish conflict with, 86–87, 89, 91–92, 96–97

  English colonists, goals of, 87

  English exploration, 83–87

  of California, 77–78

  of Florida, 51, 89

  tobacco and, 86

  Virginia colony, 84–87

sh language, as official language, 4–5, 394

  English-only laws, 394

  “Epic of Greater America” (Bolton), 3

  Escalante, Francisco Silvestre Vélez de, 141

  Escalante Fontaneda, Hernando de, 48

  Escobar, Rosie, 362

  escoceses, 177

  Española (New Mexico), 81

  Espejo, Antonio de, 65

  Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 177

  estancias, 72

  Estevánico (slave), 34, 60

  Estrada, Juan José de, 163

  Estrada Palma, Tomás, 274

  ethnicity, Hispanic identity and, 6

  Eulate, Juan de, 72

  Eustis, William, 164

  Expedition of the Limits of 1792, 133

  Fair Housing Act (1968), 371

  Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 337

  Fall, Albert B., 294

  FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional), 344–345

  farmworkers, Mexican, 375–376

  Felipe II (King of Spain), 28, 29, 38, 49, 54

  Felipe III (King of Spain), 83–84

  Felipe V (King of Spain), 96

  Ferber, Edna, 433–434

  Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph (archduke), 245

  Ferdinando (King of Spain), 9

  Fernández, Bernard, 367

  Fernández, Rodolfo, 367

  Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, 3

  Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, 31, 35n

  Fernandina (Florida), 162, 180

  Fernando (Holy Roman Emperor), 28

  Fernando II (King of Spain), 21, 26

  Fernando VII (King of Spain), 156, 157, 158, 166, 174–175, 261

  Ferrera, America, 400

  Fiesta del Valle de Española, 81

  Figueroa Cordero, Andrés, 342, 344

  Figueroa, José María, 187

  filibustering, 238–239, 241

  First Seminole War (1817–18), 170–171

  fiscales, 70

  Flagler, Henry, 383

  Florentine Codex (Sahagún), 35n

  Flores, Manuel Antonio, 130–131, 132

  Flores-Hughes, Grace, 395–396

  Flores Magón, Enrique, 290

  Flores Magón, Ricardo, 290

  Flores Rodríguez, Irving, 342, 344

  Florida, 30–38, 121

  19th century, 161–163, 262–264, 265

  anti-bilingual referendum, 394

  British and, 112

  claims between Florida and Georgia, 101

  de Soto, 36–37

  education in, 392

  Elián Gonzalez case, 420

  end of Spanish colonial status, 174

  English as official language, 394

  English exploration of, 51, 89

  Escalante, 48

  evangelization and conversion of indigenous people, 52–58

  Fort Caroline, 44, 45, 46, 50

  Fountain of Youth, 31

  French in, 37, 40–41, 43–44, 45, 46, 50, 92–94

  indigenous people of, 15, 42, 89

  Jackson and, 167–183

  Manrique de Rojas, 43

  map of mission sites, xi

  Menéndez de Avilés, 44–45, 46–51, 52

  missions in, xi, 54–57, 88, 90

  Ponce de León, 15–16, 30, 31

  runaway slaves, 100, 102, 103, 115, 121

  segregation in, 265–266, 310–311, 385

  Solís de Merás, 46–47

  Spanish in, 15–16, 30–31, 41–42, 43, 44–45, 46–51

  statehood, 174

  trade with Native Americans, 113

  War of 1812, 167–169

  Florida East Coast Railway, 383

  Floridablanca, 151

  Folch, Vincent, 161, 162

  Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1762), 108

  foods, Hispanic, 397–398

  For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 326

  Foraker Act (1900), 275

  foreignness, 6

  Forsyth, John, 185

  Fort Barrancas (Florida), 169

  Fort Carlota (Alabama), 118

  Fort Caroline (Florida), 44, 45, 46, 50

  Fort Celeste (Louisiana), 127

  Fort Charlotte (Alabama), 112, 118

  Fort Condé (Alabama), 112

  Fort Frederica (Georgia), 101

  Fort George (Pensacola), 118, 119

  Fort King George (Georgia), 100

  Fort Louis (Fort Condé), 93–94

  Fort Louis de la Louisiane, 93

  Fort Matanzas (Florida), 104

  Fort Maurepas (Louisiana), 93

  Fort Mims (Alabama), 167

  Fort Mose (Florida), 103–104

  Fort Myers (Florida), 46

  Fort San Carlos (Florida), 163, 171

  Fort San Felipe (Florida), 49, 51

  Fort San Juan (North Carolina), 49–50

  Fort San Marcos (South Carolina), 51

  Fort San Miguel (Pensacola), 119

  Fort St. Louis (Texas), 93

  Fort Sumter (South Carolina), 242

  forts, Spanish/English raids, 91–92

  Fountain of Youth (Florida), 31

  France, 107–108, 117–118, 148

  Franciscans, 24, 57, 64, 66, 99, 111, 135, 141, 186–187

  Francisco de Chicora (El Chicorano), 31–32

  Franklin, Benjamin, 6–7, 116, 119, 120, 151

  Franklinites, 122, 123, 125

  Fredonia colony, 190

  Freedom Tower (Miami), 382

  Frémont, John C., 210, 229

  French, indigenous people and, 94

  French and Indian War, 107

  French exploration

  of Canada, 93

  of Florida, 37, 40–41, 43–44, 45, 46, 50, 92–94

  of Gulf of Mexico, 92–93

  of South Carolina, 40–41, 42–43

  French Revolution, 132–133, 146

  Friendly Cove (British Columbia), 129

  Fugitive Slave Act (1852), 226, 231

  Fuster, Vicente, 139

  gachupines, 157, 159

  Gadsden, James, 224

  Gadsden Purchase, 224–225

  Gag Law (Puerto Rico), 341

  Galaup, Jean-François (Count of Lapérouse), 140

  Gallatin, Albert, 215–216

  Gallay, Alan, 6

  Galveston Bay Company, 200

  Gálvez, Bernardo de, 117–118, 146, 434

  Gálvez, José de, 109, 117, 130, 135

  Galveztown (ship), 119

  García, Calixto, 271

  García, Hector, 32, 359, 363, 373, 374, 375

  García de Solís, Fulgencio, 104–105

  Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (Alvarez), 329

  García Lorca, Federico, 325–326

  Gardoqui, Diego de, 123, 126–127

  Gardoqui & Sons, 116, 117, 123

  Garibay, Pedro de, 157

  Garza, Agustín, 298

  Garza, Bernardo (Ben), 358

  Garza, Reynaldo, 375

  Genet, Edmond-Charles, 147

  genízaros, 76

  Georgia, 32, 36, 42, 100–101, 104, 105, 113, 124–125, 167, 168

  Geronimo, 249

  Ghent, Treaty of (1814), 169

  Giant (Ferber), 433–434

  Glorieta Pass (New Mexico), 243

  Godoy, Manuel de, 151

  gold, 10, 14, 27, 58, 82, 225

  Gold Rush, 225–226

  Golden Hind (ship), 77

  Gómez, Máximo, 268, 273

  Gómez Farías, Valentín, 192, 213

  Gonzales, Rodolfo “Corky,” 376, 377

  González, Abraham, 291

  González, Elián, 420

  González, Isabel, 277–278

  González, Jovita, 312

  González Manrique, Mateo, 168, 169

  González, Manuel, 289

  Gonzalez v. Williams (1904), 277–278

  Goodhue, Grosvenor, 316

  Gordillo, Francisco, 31

  Gorostiza, Manuel Eduardo de, 202

nbsp; Goseacochea, Juan Nepomuceno Cortina, 237

  Gourgues, Dominique de, 50

  Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose (settlement), 102

  Gran Colombia, 175

  Gran Quivira (mission), 80

  Grant, James, 115

  Grant, Ulysses S., 261

  Gray, Robert, 131

  Great Greaser Extermination Meeting, 226

  Great Lakes region, 108

  Grenada, 108, 150

  Grillo, Evelio, 311

  Grito de Dolores, 159

  Grito de Lares, 262, 346

  Grito de Yara, 261

  Grito del Norte, 377

  Grotius, Hugo, 39

  Guachichil people, 64

  Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of (1848), 222, 227, 232, 233, 235, 372, 380

  Guadeloupe, 92, 108

  Guale people, 33, 41, 42, 51, 55, 57, 88, 89, 91

  Guale uprising (1597), 56–57

  Guam, 272

  Guamare people, 64

  Guatemala, 175

  Guerrero, Gonzalo, 18

  Guerrero, Vicente, 176

  Guilló, Ernesto, 267

  Guilló, Nemesio, 267

  Gulf of Mexico, 92–93, 97, 116

  Gulf Stream, 15

  Gutiérrez, Eulalio, 296

  Gutiérrez, David, 370

  Gutiérrez de Humaña, Antonio, 65, 66

  Gutiérrez de Lara, José Bernardo, 164, 165

  Guzmán, Nuño de, 59–60

  Guzmán, Pablo “Yoruba,” 379–380

  Habsburg monarchy, 28

  Hacket, Thomas, 43

  Haida Gwaii Island, 130

  Haiti, 9–10, 146, 175, 274

  Haitian Revolution, 147, 148, 150

  Hakluyt, Richard, 82

  Hanna, Philip, 271, 275

  Hardin, Joh, 212

  Harding, Warren G., 279

  Harlem (New York City), 327

  “Harlem Hellfighters,” 330

  Harrison, William Henry, 205

  Harrison Narcotics Act (1914), 305–306

  Hart-Celler Act (1965), 36

  Hasinai people, 94–95

  Havana(Cuba), 40, 108, 267

  Hawikuh (pueblo), 61, 62–63

  Hawkins, John, 44

  Hay, John, 272

  Hay-Herrán Treaty, 280

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 247

  Hays, Arthur Garfield, 335

  Hearst, William Randolph, 268, 293

  Hemingway, Ernest, 326

  Hernández, Rafael, 330

  Hernández v. Texas (1954), 373

  Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, 158–159, 189

  Hispanic, use of term, 3–4, 3n, 394–396

  Hispanic culture, 397–401

  Cinco de Mayo celebrations, 398–399

  Day of the Dead, 416–417

  foods, 397–398

  National Hispanic Heritage Month, 434

  Hispanic identity, 3–6, 3n

  Hispanic/Latino, as ethnic category, 396

  Hispanic past, 8–12

  Hispanic people, inequalities in the U.S., 369–381

  Hispanic Society of America, 323

  Hispanic voters, 403

  “Hispanicness,” 397–398


  in media, 400

  in public life, 404

  undocumented migrants, 407–410, 412–413, 418


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