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Tempted by Midnight 12.5

Page 12

by Lara Adrian

  responsible for me, remember? I’ll find

  my own way home.” She tried to walk

  past him and he grabbed her arm, misery

  smoldering beneath the resolve in his

  dark blue eyes. “Let me go. That’s what

  you want, so I’m giving it to you.”


  She wrenched out of his loose

  grasp. “Good-bye, Lazaro.”

  This time, he didn’t stop her. He

  stood unmoving, unspeaking, as she

  stepped around him and walked out the



  An hour later, Melena sat woodenly

  in the passenger seat of the Order’s SUV

  as it rolled up to her family’s Darkhaven

  in Baltimore. The big brownstone should

  have been a welcome sight in so many

  ways, yet all she felt was sorrow when

  she looked at it through the tinted glass

  of the vehicle’s window.

  Sorrow that she’d never hear her

  father’s voice inside the house again.

  Sorrow for the pain her brother must be

  feeling as he walked into the empty

  home, believing he’d lost not only his

  father but Melena as well. She didn’t

  want to imagine Derek’s anguish, being

  the sole blood kin of Byron and Frances

  Walsh, both gone now.

  And yes, Melena felt sorrow for

  herself too. Because instead of facing all

  of these heartaches with Lazaro’s strong

  arms around her and his love to hold her

  up if she crumbled, she would be doing

  it alone.

  “I’m ready,” she murmured, more

  to herself than the Breed male behind the


  Lucan and Gabrielle’s son, Darion,

  put the vehicle in park and turned a

  sympathetic look on her. “I’ll walk you

  inside, Miss Walsh.”

  “No.” She shook her head, warmed

  by the kind offer. Darion was as

  gentlemanly as he was attractive. “Thank

  you, but that’s not necessary. My brother

  won’t be expecting me, and I don’t

  imagine it will be easy for him when I

  walk in the door and he sees that I’m

  alive. I’d rather do this on my own.”

  “Okay.” Darion frowned, but gave

  her a nod. The dark-haired Breed male’s

  aura was golden and kind, steadfast with

  the strength of a born leader. “But I’m

  gonna wait here until you’ve gone


  She reached over to touch his large

  hand. “Thank you.”

  Melena climbed out of the vehicle

  and headed up the walkway toward the

  front door. It was unlocked, the soft light

  in the vestibule a warm, welcoming

  beacon. She stepped inside and pivoted

  to wave good-bye to Darion. As the

  black SUV rolled away, she took a

  steeling breath and closed the door

  behind her.

  She was home.

  She was back on safe, familiar

  ground. And yet, as she walked quietly

  through the house, she felt like a stranger

  to the place. Like a ghost drifting through

  a life that no longer quite fit anymore.

  She drifted past the front rooms and

  grand central staircase, unsure if she

  should call to Derek or wait and let him

  adjust to seeing her once she found him.

  She didn’t have long to wonder.

  She heard her brother talking farther

  down the hallway. In her father’s study.

  Derek was on a call with someone, the

  low rumble of his voice drawing Melena

  with a relief and a comfort she definitely

  needed right now.

  “Yes, sir, the shipment is en route

  and everything is in order. That’s right, I

  saw to it personally.”






  doorway. Derek stood with his back to

  her, dressed in loose sweatpants, his

  brown hair still wet from a recent

  shower. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and

  although the sight of her Breed brother’s

  glyphs were no surprise to her,

  something did make her breath catch

  abruptly in her throat.

  Derek now sported a number of

  tattoos on his broad back and shoulders.

  Unusual-looking stars, crossed swords,

  some kind of black beetle—a scarab,

  she realized, confused by the body art

  that hadn’t been there the last time she

  saw her brother. He must have gotten the

  tattoos after he’d moved overseas a year


  “It should be in your hands

  tomorrow, Mr. Rior—” Derek’s voice

  dried up.

  He realized he wasn’t alone now.

  Disconnecting the call without a word of

  excuse, he smoothly slipped the phone

  into his pants pocket.

  When he pivoted around, his face

  was slack with shock...with stark


  “Melena. My God.” He frowned,

  gave a vague shake of his head. But he

  didn’t rush over to embrace her. He

  didn’t react the way she would have

  expected at all from a sibling who loved

  her, worried for her. “I don’t understand.

  The news reports said there were no

  survivors. I thought you were...”





  understanding in that instant why her

  brother seemed less than relieved to see


  He hadn’t expected to see her again

  at all.

  His sickening aura told the truth. It






  corruption. Foul with deceit.

  “It was you, Derek.” She could

  hardly form the words, could hardly

  reconcile what her senses were telling

  her. “You were the faceless, hidden

  betrayer he feared. Oh, my was

  you who arranged for our father’s


  * * * *

  Lazaro boarded the Order’s private

  jet in a hellish mood.





  conversation to go well with Melena,

  but damn if he anticipated the kind of

  pain that had lodged itself in his chest

  from the moment she stormed away from

  him. That ache was still there, cold and

  gnawing, creating a vacuum behind his

  sternum that he didn’t imagine would

  ever be filled.

  She was gone.

  He’d made certain of that—for her,

  he wanted to reassure himself. But

  Melena’s words still echoed in his mind.





  He was a coward.

  As the jet began to taxi toward the

  runway, Lazaro couldn’t dismiss the

  feeling that he was walking away from

  the best thi
ng that had happened to him in

  a very long time.

  And why?

  Because of exactly what Melena

  said. He was afraid. Afraid to his

  marrow that he might let himself fall in

  love with her and risk cutting his heart

  open again should anything happen to


  The truth was, he was already

  falling. Letting her go cut him open, and

  as he rubbed at the empty ache in his

  chest, he realized only then what a

  fucking idiot he was.

  Pushing Melena away had been the

  most cowardly act of his long life.

  He’d lived more than a thousand

  years. He had loved a woman deeply,

  fearlessly, for several centuries before

  he lost her. He knew what real love felt

  like. He knew himself well enough to

  understand that time, for him, was

  immaterial. Time could last forever, or

  it could be gone in the blink of an eye.

  He loved Melena. And whether it

  had happened in a matter of days, or

  over the span of a hundred years, it was

  all the same to him. He wanted her

  beside him. Starting right now, if she

  would have it in her heart to forgive him.

  On a snarl, he punched the call

  button next to his seat.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Turn it around.”

  The pilot went silent for a moment.

  “Sir, we’re next on the runway to taxi






  around. Now.” On second thought, he

  couldn’t wait that long. He unbuckled his

  seat belt and stood up. “Never mind. I’m

  getting off right here.”

  “But, sir—”

  He unlocked the hatch and leapt

  down from the fuselage onto the dark

  tarmac. Then he was running. Heading

  for the Order fleet vehicle he’d parked

  in the private hangar when he’d arrived.

  It was just as he neared the black

  sedan that his senses suddenly seized up,

  gripped by something powerful and

  horrifying. His veins lit up with a

  piercing dread.

  Not his emotions.


  He could feel her terror rising in

  his blood through his bond to her.

  Holy hell.

  She was in danger.

  She was in fear for her very life.


  Melena tried to run.

  She wasn’t even halfway into the

  hall before Derek yanked her off her

  feet. His hand wound tight in her hair.

  Pain raked her scalp as he hauled her

  face backward to meet his furious sneer.

  “You’re supposed to be dead,

  sister dear,” he hissed against her cheek.

  “You and Father both in one fell swoop.

  I’ve been planning it since he confided

  in me about his meeting with Turati.”

  “You killed him, you bastard!”

  Melena could hardly contain her

  contempt or her fear. “You killed more

  than a dozen innocent people that night,

  Derek. My God, did you hate us that

  much or are you simply out of your


  “Arranging for that rocket strike

  was the sanest thing I’ve ever done.

  Killing Father and Turati? Doing it

  while they were secreted away for a

  covert meeting to broker their precious

  fucking peace? Let’s just say it won me

  all the respect I deserve with the people

  who really matter.”

  Melena’s heart sank even further.

  “Opus Nostrum.”

  He chuckled. “I was a mere

  lieutenant for this past year. They barely

  knew my name. Now I’ve got a direct

  line to the inner circle. I’ll be a part of that circle soon. This was my proof of

  allegiance, my demonstration of worth.”

  Derek’s eyes flashed with vicious intent

  as she fought against his ruthless,

  unyielding hold. “As for you, Melena, I

  couldn’t very well let you see me after I

  joined the organization. Your irritating

  gift would’ve sniffed me out right


  “You plotted to kill me all this

  time?” she asked, hating that his

  duplicity hurt her so deeply.

  Derek shrugged, his crackling

  amber eyes roaming over her terrified,

  miserable face with a cold disregard.

  “At first, I thought I could just avoid you.

  But then Father confided in me that he’d

  been having premonitions of a betrayal,

  and I knew it was only a matter of time

  before one or both of you discovered my

  alliance with Opus Nostrum. When he

  later told me about the meeting and the

  fact that you’d be accompanying him, I

  knew it was my chance to act.”

  Bile rose in her throat as he spoke.

  “You’re a cold-blooded murderer,

  Derek. You’re a sick, backstabbing


  “Careful, little sister. I’m the only

  thing standing between you and your

  grave.” He snagged a cord from the table

  lamp on the desk, sending the thing

  crashing to the floor. Then he quickly

  bound her wrists behind her back.

  “Don’t rush me to put you in it.”

  With that, he wrenched her into a

  more punishing hold and shoved her

  forward. He guided her out of their

  father’s study and down the opposite end

  of the hallway. Melena had no choice

  but to shuffle ahead of him, panicking

  when she realized he was taking her


  He walked her toward their father’s

  GNC-issued silver SUV parked in the


  “What are you doing, Derek?”

  He opened the back door. Shoved

  her into the farthest seat.

  “Where are you taking me?” she

  demanded, hysteria bubbling up as he

  calmly climbed behind the wheel. “If

  you’re going to kill me, then just do it,

  damn you!”

  “I’m not going to kill you, Melena.”

  His cold eyes met her gaze in the

  rearview mirror. “I’m going to take you

  to my comrades in the organization.

  They’re not nice people, I’m afraid.

  You’re going to wish you died in that

  fucking explosion.”

  He started the engine. Then he

  backed away from the Darkhaven and

  started speeding for the highway.

  * * * *

  Lazaro gunned the black sedan

  through the late-night traffic on the

  highway, speeding like a bat out of hell

  for Baltimore. He didn’t know what had

  Melena so terrified, but her fear was

  visceral. And it was eating him alive

  from the inside.

  “Hang on, baby,” he muttered as he

  dodged one lagging car and nearly





  Melena...know t
hat I’m coming for you.”

  He was just about to veer toward

  the exit he needed when all of his

  instincts lit up like fireworks.

  She was somewhere close—right


  Possibly on the same stretch of

  highway, by the way his veins were

  clanging with alarm bells.

  He scanned both sides of the

  divided lanes, a chaos of headlights and

  commuting vehicles. She might as well

  be a needle in a goddamned haystack.

  And then—holy shit.

  His Breed senses pulled his

  attention toward a light-colored SUV

  that had just merged on to the opposite

  side of the highway. The vehicle was

  speeding almost as fast as he’d been. In

  a big fucking hurry to get somewhere.


  She was inside the silver SUV. He

  knew it with total, marrow-chilling


  And whoever had her was going to

  have bleeding hell to pay if she’d been

  harmed in any way.

  Lazaro yanked the steering wheel

  and sent the sedan roaring into the

  median. Grass and mud flew in all

  directions as he tore across the divider

  and launched his car into the traffic on the other side. He floored the pedal,

  tearing up the pavement as he tried to

  catch the bumper of the vehicle that held

  his woman.

  Flashing his lights, laying on the

  horn, he tried to get the attention of the

  vehicle bearing GNC diplomatic plates.

  It belonged to Byron Walsh, but Lazaro

  wasn’t certain who the Breed male was

  behind the wheel. But then, as he ran up

  alongside it briefly, he caught a glimpse

  of the driver. A cold, sickening

  recognition set in.

  Son of a bitch.

  Derek Walsh.

  And judging from the vampire’s

  murderous glower, he had no intention of

  giving up Melena without a fight. The

  SUV lurched into a more reckless speed.

  It careened behind a semitrailer, dodging

  between a car of teens and a commuter






  negotiating the traffic and keeping his

  focus trained on his quarry.

  Walsh drove erratically for several

  miles with Lazaro chewing up his

  bumper. More than once, there was the

  opportunity to ram the bastard and send

  the SUV rolling, or to draw one of his

  semiautomatics and blast a hole in the

  Breed male’s skull...but not with Melena

  inside. Not when Lazaro’s heart was

  tied to her and every breath in his body


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