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Her Forbidden Love Match (A Willow Cove Novel, #1)

Page 8

by Theresa Paolo

  “I’m intrigued,” he said.

  “You should be.”

  She ran her hands up and down her arms, fighting a chill caused by a cold breeze. Lucas draped the blanket over her shoulders. He rubbed her arms and leaned down near her ear. His warm breath sent a trail of goosebumps down her neck. “Better?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “You smell nice,” he said, his nose lingering near her neck.

  “It’s probably my soap. It’s homemade.”

  “You make soap?” he asked.

  “Definitely not. My friend Krissy, the one who owns Scoops, she also makes and sells homemade soaps and lip balms. That’s her real passion. So the ice cream shop works out perfectly since it’s only open for the season. The rest of the time she can focus on her other business.”

  “She makes it from scratch?”

  “Yup, all organic. She even has a line made with beer.”

  “Beer?” Lucas exclaimed. “Now that’s something I wouldn’t mind trying.”

  “You can pick it up at Mind, Body, and Soul and a few other places in town.” Krissy did most of her sales in her online store, but many of the local shops were happy to let her set up a display. Being able to add the tag “locally made” helped draw the tourists in.

  “What about you?” Lucas asked.

  “What about me?”

  “What’s your passion? Is it working at your family restaurant?”

  Ella went quiet for a moment. “No,” she said with a sad laugh. “I mean I love my family and the restaurant, of course, but it’s not my passion. It’s my grandfather’s and my brother Enzo’s. I gave up my passion when my grandma died to help my grandfather get back on his feet.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “Six years.”

  Lucas eyed her curiously. “That’s a long time.”

  “Who can put a timeframe on healing?”

  “You can’t, but you also can’t let life pass you by because one day you’re going to look back and wonder, and you don’t want that.”

  “I’ve kind of accepted it for now.”

  “What were you going to school for?” he asked.

  “Interior design. I love working with people and transforming their spaces into a representation of who they are. A well-designed room can tell you a lot about a person.”


  “Tell me what your place is like back in California.”

  “I have a couch, a desk, a TV, a couple stools at the island in my kitchen. That’s about it.”

  “You lean on the side of practical. You don’t care about what the space looks like as long as it’s functional. You probably don’t spend a lot of time there, so creating an atmosphere isn’t much of a concern either. Am I close?”

  “I never actually heard it put into words before, but yes. You hit the nail right on the head.”


  “So why step away from it? You can still work at the restaurant, help your family and do interior design on the side. Just like your friend with the ice cream shop.”

  “I do. My brother Marco let me decorate his place. Enzo said come fall I can take a stab at his place. And I helped Krissy with hers.”

  “Did you charge them?”

  “Of course not! I would never charge family. Besides, I’m not doing it to make money. I enjoy it and I want my family to live in a space that best evokes who they are.”

  “You’re selling yourself short. You could totally charge for your services. Make a business out of it.”

  “I never even finished my degree.”

  “A designer doesn’t need a piece of paper to prove their talent. They just need to show what they’re capable of. You should take pictures of your brother’s place and Krissy’s and start a portfolio. It couldn’t hurt. Then one day in the future, if you decide you want to pursue a career, you’ll already have the foundation to get you started. You can build a website, get business cards made, and hand them out around town.”

  She laughed. “You are such a business man.”

  “Sorry. Sometimes I can’t turn it off.”

  “It’s okay. It’s kind of adorable actually.”

  “Is it now?” he asked, moving closer to her. He framed the sides of her face with the tips of his fingers and lowered his mouth to hers. His lips moved against hers and the tip of his tongue slid past her teeth.

  Every nerve ending in her body sparked to life as he deepened the kiss. She relished in his warm embrace, the tender thrust of his tongue, and the sweet caress of his hand on her cheek.

  He pulled back, resting his head against hers. “You make me lose control.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”


  “On what?” she asked, blinking up at him and meeting his dark blue gaze.

  “What you think.”

  She gave him a wicked smiled. “In that case it’s a very, very good thing.”

  Chapter 10

  Lucas laid the blanket down and turned back to Ella, holding his hand out to her. She moved toward him, and he snaked his arm around her waist, drawing her flush against him. He lowered his mouth to her, tasting the spicy sweetness of black licorice.

  He eased her to the blanket and came down on top of her. She grabbed his face, pulling his mouth to hers. She bit the bottom of his lip, causing his pants to tighten. He dug down deep, clinging onto the little control he had left. “Are you sure about this?” he asked again, wanting to make sure this was what she really wanted. Once they went there, things would change.

  “Yes, now stop talking.”

  He laughed and looked around the large expanse of beach. “How private is this beach?” She couldn’t even tell her family that they were seeing each other; the last thing he wanted was for someone to see them intimately and for that to get back to her grandfather.

  “No one comes out here before the start of the season.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Her lip quirked. “I come here a lot.”

  The admission did something weird to his gut. This was her place to get away from the craziness of life, and she was sharing it with him. Something about that hit him right in the solar plexus.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down to her. He turned his brain off to the outside world and focused solely on Ella, wanting to show her the things he couldn’t seem to put into words. He kissed her, moving to her neck and trailing a fiery path down the length of her soft skin.

  She slipped out of her hoodie, tossing it to the side. Her body arched, pressing into the rock-solid length of his erection as she reached for the hem of her shirt. She pulled it over her head, revealing two perfect breasts covered in white lace.

  He swallowed and dipped his head, following the edge of the lace with his lips. A sexy as hell moan mumbled up her throat as she flung her head back, pushing her beautiful tit further against his mouth.

  His finger trailed up her arm, hooking the white strap and pulling it down until one cup fell away, revealing a pert pink nipple. God, she was fucking beautiful. He ran his thumb across the pebbled flesh, and it tightened beneath his touch.

  She reached behind her, unsnapping the hooks and letting the other cup fall away, revealing herself to him completely. “My god, Ella,” he said as he stared down at her beauty before leaning forward and taking her nipple between his teeth. He nipped it gently, causing her to grab his head and let out a cry.

  The desperate hold on his head, the sexy sounds falling from her lips were fuel on the fire that burned inside him from the minute he sat next to her on that bus. Carnal desire tore through him, and he ran his hand up and down her body, gripping the narrow part of her waist, loving how his hands fit around her so perfectly.

  She reached for his pants, sliding the metal button through the tiny slit in his jeans. “You have a condom, right?” she asked. “And I’m telling you right now, no is not an acceptable answer.”

  He laughed, brushi
ng her hair off her forehead and placing a kiss in its place. “I’m always prepared,” he said as he pulled out his wallet. The bifold fell open, and he retrieved the square piece of foil.

  He shoved his wallet back in his pocket and placed the condom on the blanket. Her cool hands slipped beneath his shirt and pressed against his heated skin, causing him to jolt.

  “Sorry.” She laughed, and the sound was like a warm embrace, wrapping around him and seeping into his heart.

  “It’s okay,” he said, his voice deep and thick with desire.

  Her hands moved across the ridges of his abs and slid around to his backside. She grabbed his ass and pushed him down toward her.

  “Patience,” he said through a laugh.

  “I was never good at patience.”

  Taking her nipple between his finger and forefinger, he pinched it slightly. She cried out, and he dipped his head, taking the tight bead into his mouth, sucking and licking before pulling back and meeting her eyes.

  Her breaths came out in short, fast gasps, and he smiled. “There’s reward in patience.”

  She reached into his pants, her fingers wrapping around his length. His body shivered beneath her touch. Her lip tilted up at him, a sparkle in her eyes. “Or you can just take what you want.”

  His laugh was sharp and loud but quickly cut off to a quick inhale of breath as Ella began to move in slow, torturous strokes. “Oh god,” he grunted, his fingers digging into the blanket. “I want you,” he managed.

  “What was that you said about patience again?” This time she laughed, and damn did he love how playful she was. The single trait was by far her sexiest asset.

  Wanting to gain back control, he captured her lips and kissed her hard and desperate until her hand loosened its grip. He simmered down, moving slow and sensual. She melted back into the blanket, and he unfastened the button on her jeans and yanked down her zipper. She lifted as he pulled them down her long gorgeous legs, then tossed them to the side with her hoodie. He grabbed her calf, running his hands up the muscled flesh.

  He knew how much she was risking to be with him. The betrayal her family would no doubt feel if they knew she chose a Prescott. That fact wasn’t lost on him and he wanted to make this moment not only worth it but unforgettable.

  His fingers trailed across her hipbone to the matching white lace. The bright white popped against her olive skin and he throbbed just from the sheer sight. She was a vision in white, pure and perfect. A beautiful beach goddess that wanted him no doubt as much as he wanted her.

  He dragged his fingertips across the lace. “We’ll keep these on,” he said, meeting her gaze.

  Her teeth slid over lip and she gave him a sultry nod. He slipped his finger beneath the material and swiped it through her silky folds.

  She moaned the tiny erotic sound, sending a hot rush of desire through his already heated body. Man, if that wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever heard. He swiped again and her body curved toward his touch. His thumb swept across her sensitive button, rubbing long languid circles. Her arms tightened around him, crushing her beautiful tits against his chest. Her fingers clamped down on his back, nails digging through his shirt and marking his back.

  The unexpected sting mixed with pleasure and he bent down, capturing her lips with his. He needed her to feel the passion running through his veins. The uncontrolled desire that she sparked inside of him.

  He kissed her, letting that passion flow through his lips. Her hold tightened again, whimpers vibrating against his mouth. He devoured the sexy sounds as his tongue plunged into the sweet depths of her mouth.

  Her body bucked and he pushed a digit into her slick heat, curving and pressing against her pleasure point. Her grip loosened as a series of trembles overtook her. He bent down, dragging his tongue along her folds. She slammed her hands against the blanket as his tongue swirled around her engorged nub.

  She tasted sweeter than he imagined and he knew that he’d never taste anything as sweet again. His fingers tingled as they skimmed across the soft skin of her thighs, moving up her stomach and over her perfect curves.

  He caressed her nipple with his thumb and her body shuddered, pressing against his mouth. Her leg began to shake and her hands dug further into the blanket. Her tiny moans turned to frantic shallow breaths.

  She was on the edge, but he didn’t want her to fall over without him. He needed to be inside her, to feel her release. He ripped his pants down, grabbed the condom, and sheathed himself. He didn’t hesitate as he came down on top of her.

  “Please,” she said as he positioned at her slick center.

  He brushed her hair off her face and looked down at her. So damn beautiful it nearly took his breath away. He burned the image to his memory, wanting to never forget this gorgeous woman beneath him.

  She blinked up at him through hooded lids. The brown of her eyes darkened with a desperate hunger.

  Before he could ask, she nodded. “I’m sure, and my patience is waning.”

  He pushed into her, desire tearing through him unforgiving and unstoppable. Her fingers curled into his shoulders and her head flung back, exposing her neck to him completely. He ran his tongue along the soft flesh, nipping and sucking across its length and stopping at her mouth.

  It didn’t just feel good it felt right.

  He moved his lips against hers and when he pulled back and looked into her beautiful brown eyes, her face filled with pleasure, she infiltrated his heart, and he knew he’d never be the same.

  Chapter 11

  Ella awoke the next morning in a cloud of pure happiness as she padded her way across her room and downstairs to start breakfast for her grandfather and brother. She grabbed the pan and spun around, practically dancing to the beats in her head.

  “You got in late last night,” Tony said, causing her to almost send the pan airborne. He lifted himself onto the counter. His long black hair hung in wet curls across his forehead.

  She swatted him with a spatula. “Grandpa sees you sitting on the counter he’s going to beat your butt.”

  “I’ll take my chances. So where were you last night?” Tony asked.

  Vibrations hummed through Ella’s body, a reminder of the sensations Lucas evoked in her. She cleared her throat, realizing she zoned out. “It was Taco Tuesday.”

  “You were there a lot later than usual.”

  “I was helping Krissy ship out orders.” There was one thing Ella hated more than liars, and that was lying herself. Her father lied to everyone and look how well that turned out. Since then she prided herself on being honest and never deceiving the people she loved, and now she was going against everything she held so dear for a guy.

  But Lucas wasn’t just a guy. He was special. Someone who made her happy just by being near him. Who listened when she spoke and kissed her like he was on his last breath and she was his oxygen.

  “And what about you?” Ella said, wanting to change the subject before Tony could focus on her for too long. “You’ve been spending a lot of time in your studio.”

  Ella couldn’t even remember the last time she had seen him for more than a few seconds in passing.

  “Sometimes the inspiration is endless, and I have to take advantage of that.” Tony had spurts where he worked nonstop and then times when he’d fall into a slump, not only lacking motivation but confidence as well.

  Ella hated to see him in those times when he was consumed with overwhelming disappointment in himself and sadness in his heart. She wanted to wrap him up in a hug and tell him he was amazing, but she knew during that time there was nothing she could say to convince him how brilliant he was, so she stayed quiet and waited for him to come to her. Most of the time he did.

  “I’m happy it’s flowing. Anything you care to show me?” she asked.

  “It’s not done yet, but as soon as it is you’ll be the first person I show.”

  She offered him a smile

  “Buongiorno,” Vinny said as he came into the kitchen, his nose in the
morning paper.

  “Good morning, Grandpa,” Ella said before turning to Tony and motioning for him to get off the counter and quickly.

  Tony slipped off just as Vinny lowered the paper. “Antonio, nice of you to join us this morning.”

  “Sorry,” Tony said. “I’ve been spending a lot of time with my work.”

  “Well, you have to eat, don’t you? Or are you starving yourself in there?”

  “I get takeout.”

  “From who?” Vinny asked, a slight tinge of offense in his tone.

  “Mainly coffee and croissants from The Local Bean.”

  “That is not food. You make sure to come in for dinner.” Vinny held Tony’s gaze with a look no one could refuse.

  “Okay Grandpa. I’ll make sure to come in for dinner.”

  “Good,” he said and turned his attention to Ella. “Fabriella, why you come home so late?”

  She made sure not to make eye contact so she wouldn’t fall into the hole Tony got stuck in. “I was…” Her mind drifted to Lucas, the hard contours of his body, the intense glint in his eyes as he stared down at her. The way his tongue dipped in and out of her mouth in the same sensuous strokes as his body.

  Heat spread across her chest, crawling up her neck in hot bursts. She couldn’t look up from the pan; if she did, she risked exposing herself. She searched her brain for words, but couldn’t seem to form the little lie. She mentally slapped herself, gathering her wits. Her lips parted, the lie forming on her tongue.

  “Morning!” Marco and Enzo walked into the kitchen, and Ella felt the weight of the lie she was about to tell lift from her shoulders. She sagged against the counter in relief as Tony and her grandfather greeted her brothers.

  Marco clapped his hands together. “So what are we talking about?”

  “Why Ella came home late,” Tony chimed in, and Ella wanted to sucker punch him in the gut. Now she had four pairs of eyes, waiting for her to speak.

  “I told you,” she said with a wave of her hand as she spun back to the stove and made herself busy cracking eggs. “I stayed late at Krissy’s to help her box up her shipments.”


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