Remote Control

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Remote Control Page 3

by Shermaine Williams

  Her own smile remained long into her journey to work, contrasting with the sour countenances of many of her fellow commuters. Paula was unfazed by anything the day could throw at her, the thought of an evening with Ricky making everything easier.

  Still, a slight nervousness encroached at the end of the workday, nearing the time she would be alone in his company.

  Arriving home just after six o’clock, she hurriedly prepared despite having plenty of time. Acutely aware he had yet to see her at her best, she was keen to show him she could look better when she made an effort.

  While at work, she had decided to wear her classic and trusted little black dress, which enabled her to now concentrate on the rest of her appearance. Leaving her hair loose and her makeup natural, she was satisfied she looked infinitely better than when he had seen her that morning.

  With twenty minutes to spare, she was ready. Then Joseph crossed her mind. It was the first time she’d thought of him since that morning and it stopped her in her tracks.

  The idea of logging on to speak to him was dismissed as quickly as it arrived, not able to be sure of him actually calling or how long it would last if he did. Instead, she made a mental note to log on when she got home later that evening, hoping it would be a day in which he called late.

  Rather than being nervous about the imminent future, she suffered a faint feeling of guilt. Though there was no way he would find out, she still felt disloyal—however, not sufficiently to make cancelling the evening a possibility. In fact, that was completely out of the question. She just had to make sure she kept her mouth shut.

  After walking through a cloud of perfume, she slipped into a pair of sling-back heels and tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

  Descending the stairs, she wondered if something could have gone wrong, maybe he hadn’t said that night or maybe he had to cancel. She checked her mobile before remembering she hadn’t given him her number. Her own neuroses made her laugh aloud, relaxing her as she left with five minutes to walk the short distance.

  Gripping her handbag tighter as she approached his door, she only realised at that point that she had forgotten to bring him anything. Standing on the threshold, she looked at her watch and debated whether to return home in order to grab a bottle of wine.

  Before she could come to a decision, the door opened and presented her host.

  “Hello,” he smiled. “I had a feeling you were here.”

  “Hi,” she replied, shaking off the surprise and forgiving herself for turning up empty-handed. For a moment, she was mesmerised, admiring his effortless ability to look simultaneously smart and casual. His burgundy shirt was open at the neck, looking clean and unfussy with his black trousers.

  “Come in.”

  Breathing in the scent of his aftershave, she felt as if she was entering hallowed ground. It was his own personal sanctum and she was privileged enough to be allowed inside.

  Closing the door, he turned to her and looked her directly in the eye. “You look wonderful.”

  She barely had time to thank him when he leant forward to kiss her cheek, gripping her shoulder and briefly squeezing before releasing her.

  While it was unexpected, Paula was more than happy to accept the kiss, momentarily pressing her cheek to his. The warmth of his skin lingered even after they parted and moved away from each other, making the last hint of nerves disperse.

  “Thank you. You look great yourself.”

  “Too kind,” he replied modestly, lightly pulling a cuff. “It’s one of my favourite colours, not quite scarlet but sort of crimson.”

  Her eyes swept over his torso, recalling the sheen of his dark skin as she had seen it that morning. For a moment, she could think of nothing but his powerful frame, and what it was capable of. Imagining the feel of his muscles beneath her fingers captivated her, allowing her to visualise what lay beneath the freshly pressed shirt.

  “It suits you,” she confirmed, dragging her eyes away in case they betrayed her.

  Ricky’s hand slid from her shoulder to the small of her back, applying light pressure to lead her into the dining room. She admired the decor as they went, surprised by how different it looked. Faintly stunned by the transformation, Paula stood in the doorway to take it all in.

  The previously dark, old-fashioned dining room was replaced with a modern space that looked bigger, with white walls and hardwood floors. “This place looks great.”

  “There’s still more to be done,” he admitted, watching her as she considered the room. “But this is one of the first rooms complete.”

  “You turned it around really quickly.” In an instant, her mind went from decoration to food as the delicious aroma of cooking demanded her attention.

  “I’m a property developer,” Ricky revealed, leading her further into the room. “So I’ve learnt to do a lot of work myself.”

  A large circular glass dining table got her attention not only because it was neatly set for two, but also because it was topped with a square vase of thick red glass containing the flowers she had bought. The sight raised a smile before she recognised what he had said. “You’re a property developer?”


  “Oh, does this mean that this is one of your projects before you move on?” Her heart suddenly sank despite him being yet to answer.

  He looked at her for a moment, considering his answer. “I don’t know yet. I found this house by chance, fully intending to renovate it and move on, but I’ve found this area quite…desirable. I haven’t made a final decision.”

  She nodded as if she understood, saying nothing in case the lump in her throat wouldn’t let her.


  She could only nod, hoping he wouldn’t ask her what she wanted. Fortunately, he turned to walk through an archway that led to the kitchen, leaving her alone. It gave her the opportunity to swallow her disappointment, recovering enough to be able to speak when he returned. “It smells delicious.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that,” he admitted, handing her a glass of champagne. “I hope you’re hungry. We’re having scallops for starters, followed by rack of lamb with seasonal vegetables and crème brulée for dessert. ”

  As he spoke, he walked around the dining table and pulled aside a white curtain to reveal a set of French doors. “As it’s quite warm, I thought it’d be nice to have drinks on the deck.”

  Walking past him, she stepped through the door and out onto a pristine wooden deck. It led to a landscaped garden that ended with a large dominating tree centrally placed at the end far end of the lawn. “Wow, so you not only refurbish houses beautifully, but you cook as well.”

  Acknowledging her compliment with a slight curve of his lips, he offered her a chair before taking a seat himself. “Here’s to a lovely evening.”

  Raising their glasses, the couple smiled at each other as they clinked them together. Though the subject was bittersweet, Paula returned their conversation to the house, curious about the further work that needed to be completed.

  “Most of the decoration needed is confined to upstairs, mainly the bedrooms. I’m pretty happy with the garden,” he confirmed, stretching his long legs and leaning back. “But I’m in two minds about a couple of things.”

  With her chair facing out to the garden, she turned to look at him, studying his profile as he prepared to reveal his thoughts. His skin was like liquid chocolate, the smooth slight sheen making her want to lick him

  “I’d appreciate your opinion, actually.”

  The action of him turning to her made her immediately look back out into the garden, dragging her thoughts away from her need to taste him. “Sure.”

  “What do you think about an edging of flowerbeds?”

  “Good idea, flowers would look nice. Besides, people like to plant vegetables as well.”

  Scanning the garden, he nodded as he considered her words. “What about the tree?”

  Turning to it, Paula let her gaze drift up and down the mature c
opper oak, finding it looked like a healthy specimen. The sturdy trunk led to thick branches, spread out proudly, decorated with rust-coloured leaves that trembled as air moved around them.

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing, but I was thinking about having it cut down to create more space.”

  “No, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Angling her face, she instantly lost her train of thought by simply looking into his eyes.

  Something about him suggested he was capable of much more than his appearance revealed. Whatever was simmering beneath was significant, powerful enough to momentarily take her breath away. “Um, wildlife,” she continued, nervously dragging her fingers through the ends of her hair. “A home for wildlife. And it’s a focal point.”

  “I think you’re right,” Ricky replied, studying her after directing his gaze from the tree. “I’ll leave it there.”

  His steady gaze remained on her even after he confirmed she had done enough to save the tree, studying her by searching her eyes. He seemed satisfied to find what he needed simply by looking at her, not needing to ask her any questions.

  His eyes bore into her with such hot intensity that Paula was forced to avert her gaze, suddenly feeling completely exposed. “Um, so how long have you been cooking?”

  Looking into the fading light of the garden as she took another sip, feeling a contentment she rarely felt when in the company of someone new. He expressed his passion for food, the enjoyment he got from creating meals and the satisfaction that came from them being enjoyed. She quickly became mesmerised, looking forward to the meal he had prepared as well as the carefully chosen wine. He proved to be the perfect host, from pulling out her chair to serving her first. Everything he did put her at ease, making her perfectly comfortable as she enjoyed his food and the conversation flowed.

  Finding herself doing most of the talking, Paula quickly recognised that Ricky used leading questions. He seamlessly linked one topic to another, asking about everything from whether she was seeing anyone to what she did for a living. She was tempted to exaggerate in places, just to improve her image and live up to the impressive surroundings, but it remained a mere temptation. Under his intense gaze, she felt compelled to confess only truths, telling him about her life before returning his questions when he gave her the opportunity.

  The end of the meal came quicker than she would have liked and, by the time she savoured her dessert, he knew more about her than she did of him.

  Ricky’s gaze remained on her after he gratefully accepted her compliments on the meal, his dark eyes shining brightly. It made a feeling of shyness return, feeling as if he could see inside her, reading her thoughts. However, it didn’t last long as he proceeded to clear the table.

  “Why don’t you go out to the deck and I’ll join you shortly.”

  Through her smile, she followed his suggestion, trying to hide the disappointment she felt at the approaching end to the evening. Conscious of her imminent departure, Paula needed to do more to soak up as much as she could. Leaving her shoes on the deck, she walked across the lawn to enjoy the softness beneath her feet.

  On reaching the tree, she slowly circled it, trailing her hand around the trunk. By the time she came full circle, Ricky was approaching. Though she smiled, the sight of the attractive man was bittersweet, signalling the approach of a conclusion she didn’t want.

  “I have to say,” he smiled, as he got within earshot. “I’m glad you left your hair loose, I like it like that.”

  Leaning against the tree as he got closer, she smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  She wanted to do more than thank him—she wanted to tell him the evening had been perfect and she loved being with him, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she imagined a lingering kiss.

  “I prefer it like this much more than when you tie it back.”

  Standing where he could trap her between his body and the tree, Ricky brushed her hair away from her face as he spoke. The gentle stroke of his fingers across her skin caused sparks of heat everywhere he touched. Her eyes remained on him, transfixed as she silently willed him to touch more than her neck.

  Though she didn’t speak, her lips parted as her body prepared to yield to him.

  Ricky responded by raking his fingers up into her hair, firmly cradling her head as he swept down to crush her lips with his. Passionate and forceful, Ricky smothered her with his mouth, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her close.

  Ending the embrace was his decision, leaving her breathless and craving more as he hovered millimetres from her face. Inclining his head, he held her with an intense gaze that made his dark eyes flash as he studied her.

  Feeling his heavy breaths warming her lips made her want him even more, a deep yearning that made her unable to wait for any action he might take. Defying the look in his eyes that warned her against it, she leant forward to steal another kiss.

  Gliding his hand up her back, Ricky acquiesced as he sought the zip securing her dress. Only when he had pulled the zip down did he take his mouth from hers, wasting no time in slipping the loose dress from her shoulders. Looking directly into her eyes as the dress fell, he gave her a hard stare that dared her to challenge his actions.

  Remaining silent, Paula offered complete submission in response. Bearing the strange sensation of standing outside in only a pair of knickers, she was prepared to accept anything to meet his desires. The deep rise and fall of her breasts with every breath seemed to make her nipples more prominent, the pink buds standing erect.

  Forced against the tree, the rough bark scraped across the skin of her back as he covered her with his body. The soothing sensation of his warm breath flowing down her neck was short-lived, cancelled out by the needle of heat that sliced through her as he pinched her nipple. “I know your mind, Paula.”

  In no doubt about the truth of his whispered words, she offered no objection and no resistance. He only let her go in order to remove his trousers, looking deep into her eyes as his trousers and boxers fell to the ground.

  Her attempt to keep her eyes on his failed—she was unable to stop them being drawn downwards on knowing that his cock was free. A flick of her gaze allowed her a quick glance at the dark column of stiff flesh, leaving her overawed by the size. Fearful that he would withhold his imposing cock, she looked back into his eyes as he removed his shirt.

  “I know that you’re a woman who would enjoy getting fucked outside.”

  He dragged down her knickers and she hurriedly stepped out of them. Barely getting the chance to kick them aside, Paula was swept off her feet and pressed back against the tree.

  Ricky placed her where she could feel his shaft thump against her labia, twitching as he eagerly sought entry between her cleft. Gripping her tightly as his body dipped, he then plunged the full length of his shaft deep inside her, watching her face throughout.

  She felt the powerful sensation throughout every part of her body—vibrating through her and sending forth a cry that cut through the silence of the night. The intense sensation was akin to a fire being lit inside her, stoked embers that suddenly caught ablaze.

  Holding the length of his shaft deep within her, Ricky enclosed her in a tight embrace until she could only produce a breathy whimper. His firm grip to her bum continued as he slowly withdrew his shaft, barely getting it to the tip before making his balls bounce against her body.

  Breathless, she was only able to release a strangled scream as her body became taut. Heat from the flames within climbed ever higher, caressing every part of her body as he sought more.

  Rocking his hips, Ricky had the ability to reach further with every stroke, touching a point deeper than any other man had. His every action had a ferocity fuelled by explosive power within him, each flash hotter and brighter than the last to create an intense burn.

  Every sensation was heightened by her knowledge that all the energy within him was for her benefit, created while he was with her.

  Clinging to his shoulde
rs and raising her legs, she opened herself up to him as the speed of his hips increased.

  Her skin scraped against the unyielding bark of the tree, but she failed to feel it. All she could feel was every wave that pushed through her as his cock pumped like a piston, bringing them ever closer to the peak of ecstasy.

  Heat climbed as pressure built within her as his thick shaft filled her and easily reached a point that gave him control of her body. Waves of heat flowed through her, rocking her body and taking control of every part until she was barely able to breathe. By contrast, his breath was heavy against her neck, but not nearly as hot as her body.

  Each thrust had more force, the power of his body showing no sign of abating as he pounded her body with a sense of urgency. The burst of heat came suddenly, making her body stiffen beyond her control to tighten her grip on his neck.

  Her cry rang out, echoing through the dark emptiness as he continued to drive his cock deep and hard. A feeling of complete ecstasy took over and flooded her body until she began to tremble.

  The frenzied movement of his hips gave the impression of endless stamina, continuing for several long moments before it began to slow. After a final violent shudder, he roared the arrival of his peak of pleasure. He pressed her body harder, enabling her to feel his heart pounding within his chest as he flattened her against the tree.

  Her trembling legs refused to hold her up when he released her, making her sink to the cool grass, which stuck to her damp skin.

  Still panting heavily, Ricky pulled her to her feet. “I didn’t say you could rest—stand right there.”

  Leaning back against the tree, she watched him walk away, glistening droplets of sweat clinging to his back. Having collected a bottle of wine from the deck, he stalked back across the garden towards her before she could wonder where he was going.

  “I was saving the wine you bought me for a special occasion,” he confirmed as he approached. “And now I’ve got one.”

  Initially, the sight of his naked body, every sinew rippling as he returned, held her attention. It caused her rigid nipples to burn before she looked up in time to see the wicked smile on his face.


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