Remote Control

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Remote Control Page 4

by Shermaine Williams

  Though she saw it coming, the cool temperature of the liquid as it hit her breasts jolted her body. He leant down to lick the wine from her skin as it flowed down her body like a river, the rough stroke of his hot tongue sending sparks coursing through her.

  Squeezing her breast, he took her nipple between his lips, satisfying her desire for the heat of his mouth. He raked his teeth across the sensitive bud, enough to make her hiss as pain cleaved a path through her body.

  After licking his way down her body, catching some errant drips of wine on his tongue, he straightened up to raise the bottle again.

  “How rude of me—I forgot to offer my guest a drink.”

  Tipping the bottle, he let a stream of wine flow into her waiting open mouth. It was too much for her to contain, the ruby liquid escaping from her mouth and running down her chin and neck.

  She managed to swallow in time to accept the forceful kiss that he pressed to her lips, his demanding tongue thrusting into her mouth.

  “Time for you to go home, Paula,” he confirmed, licking his lips after releasing her. “I’m finished with you.” He held her with a steely gaze, reading her every thought as she remained leaning against the tree. “I wanted you from the very first moment I saw you.”

  Leaning in, he hovered as if about to kiss her. “And I always get what I want.”

  Chapter Four

  Sated after her encounter with Ricky, exhaustion made Paula fall into a contented slumber on arriving home. A rare occurrence without having spoken to Joseph. However, now it had been two nights since she had spoken to him and, after nearly two hours on the chat line, Paula wondered whether she would ever get the call she wanted. She had no intention of giving up. For the first time in the three months she had been speaking to Joseph, she was almost scared of his call. With her thoughts continually returning to Ricky, she felt torn about where her loyalties should lie.

  Whether it was a reward or a punishment, her perseverance finally paid off when his familiar deep tone gripped her soul. “Good evening, Scarlet.”

  “Hello, Joseph. How are you?”

  The pause was longer than normal, making Paula’s heart skip. “You sound different—what have you been doing?”

  “Nothing, I mean, how do I sound different?”

  Another pause of complete silence. “Like there’s something wrong.”

  “No, no, there’s nothing wrong. I’m fine.”

  “Good, no reason for you not to take my number, then. Zero, seven, eight—”

  “No, I can’t,” she interjected, desperate to prevent the risk of him being cut off.

  “Why won’t you take my number?” he asked, his voice calm and even. “And try giving me an answer without the word rules.”

  Fighting the urge to give in and agree to meet him, she thought about how to reply. It proved difficult as she racked her brain, attempting to recall what she had told him about her appearance. Though her mind went blank, she could only imagine how disappointed he would be when Paula showed up instead of Scarlet.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she finally admitted. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  She teetered on the verge of succumbing to his will, prepared to bear the consequences whatever they may be, desperately craving him with everything ounce of her being. The idea of not speaking to him again was heartbreaking, not least because her own actions would be to blame.

  “Who is he?”

  “Who? I don’t know—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’ve got a man in your life, don’t you? That’s why you sound different.”

  “No, I…” Panic made her stumble over her words, her tongue suddenly feeling too big for her mouth and making it impossible to speak properly. Through her hesitation, she felt him slipping away, her heart weighing heavily in her chest as she thought about the potential outcome.

  “Scarlet, are you lying to me?”

  From his calm voice, it appeared that his composure increased as she became more flustered. This served to worry Paula further, making her believe he no longer cared. “No, no—”

  “Last chance, Scarlet. I always get what I want, and I want you and I to meet.”

  Feeling completely drained, Paula was at a loss to know how to respond for the best, conflict causing turmoil within her. A period of silence followed as she sought words and Joseph waited to hear them.

  A click and a tone told her that she had taken too long, she had used her last chance and Joseph wasn’t prepared to wait. In disbelief, she held the receiver to her ear for several long seconds, listening to the tone as if it would transform into his voice.

  A lump formed in her throat and tears pricked her eyes as she finally conceded and hung up. Her entire body felt heavy, like she would collapse if she wasn’t already sitting down.

  She had no reaction when the phone began to ring. Knowing it wasn’t him left her with no desire to answer. Though it would result in her being penalised, she hung it up. The thought of taking any calls from a man that wasn’t Joseph suddenly becoming objectionable.

  Her chest began to heave with deep breaths as she thought about how to rectify the situation, needing to do something other than pray it was merely a fit of temper he would get over.

  After logging off, she searched for the number of the chat line company, planning to see if they would give her his number. However, she didn’t get a chance before being interrupted by a knock at the door. It refused to be ignored, coming again while she was still considering whether to answer it or not.

  Blinking rapidly as she approached the door, her mind was reeling which left her unable to concentrate on who might be behind it or even to care. Pulling it ajar to find Ricky casually leaning against the doorjamb, a surge of emotion filled Paula’s chest. Despite Joseph still being on her mind, she had not seen Ricky for several days and wondered whether she would again.

  Unsure that her voice was capable, her greeting came in the form of a smile as she opened the door further.

  Similarly, Ricky remained silent, his eyes shining with the wide smile he offered as he walked past her. Finding the living room, he briefly looked around before sitting on the sofa, making himself comfortable as she followed him in.

  Though her mind began to clear, her stinging eyes remained as a reminder, making her avert her gaze to stop him from reading her. She opened her mouth, preparing to speak, but was beaten to it.

  “You look like there’s something wrong…Scarlet.”

  The simple sentence, uttered in a voice so familiar, was enough to make Paula instantly freeze. Shocked, she stared at Ricky, a slight smile on his face, as she tried to make sense of what she had heard. A long moment of silence passed before she tried to ask him to repeat the words, but her dry throat refused to cooperate.

  He gave her a slow deliberate nod as he held her gaze. “I’ve known who you are since the first time we spoke face to face. And I know that you lied to me.”

  Her mouth fell open, her body feeling like it was trembling, though she remained perfectly still.

  “I saw through your profile description for the woman that you are,” he admitted after a moment, letting her digest the revelation.

  Her legs trembled as she took a step towards him, looking down at him as she willed him to confirm what type of woman she was.

  “A woman that I want to own.”

  Exhaling deeply, releasing a breath she was unaware she’d been holding, she searched his face for the desire she hoped was there.

  “Then, I saw the same woman walking past my house the day I moved in.”

  Thinking back to the day she had seen the van, she tried to recall every aspect of it, but could remember nothing except when he came to her door.

  “Swaying your hips like you were purposely trying to entice me. That was your intention, wasn’t it?”

  The situation seemed so unreal that she stared at him blankly for a moment before shaking her head. “I didn’t know,” she finally c
onfessed, finding her voice.

  “You never thought to question why my dinner invitation wasn’t extended to my immediate neighbours?”

  “No,” she replied, surprised something so obvious hadn’t occurred to her.

  “Is this where you take your phone calls?” Seated in the middle of the sofa, Ricky leant back as he looked either side of him. “Getting men off by telling them how you want to fuck them.”

  Horrified at the thought of confirming aloud what he already knew, Paula gazed into his eyes, wanting a sign that he actually wanted a response. She just got to see the severity of his hard stare before he sprang from the seat, feeling his firm grip to her upper arms in the next instant. “You’ve got the audacity to look me in the eye, deceptive little slut.”

  Lifting her from her feet, Ricky spun her around to lay her on the sofa, trapping her beneath the weight of his body. Continuing to hold her with a fierce embrace, his mouth by her ear, he pressed so firmly to her body that she felt his heart pound in his chest and his hard cock against her thigh. “You told me you weren’t seeing anyone so I know Joseph meant nothing to you.”

  “No, that’s not true. I badly wanted to see you.”

  Apparently pacified, Ricky regained his composure and released her, leaving her supine as he sat up and turned away.

  Breathing heavily, she scrambled up and clung to him, pressing her body to his back. She couldn’t bear the idea that he thought she had been anything less than genuine in any of their conversations. Alleviating his doubt was her priority, making her forget herself as she spoke softly into his ear. “I wanted you so much, every time I spoke to you I could feel you and smell you.”

  Kneeling so she could press her body to his, she got close enough to brush her lips across his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin. Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes as she took in the musky scent of his aftershave, close enough to him to calm her body and mind.

  Staring straight ahead and remaining still and silent, Ricky took no action to show that he was unhappy with the demonstration of her deference.

  Paula continued unhindered, her need to satisfy him making her bold enough to press her lips to his jaw. “I would be waiting for you to call, wanting to hear your voice.”

  Crawling onto his lap, Paula positioned herself to face him but averted her eyes, risking a kiss to his lips despite the heat she could feel from his intense gaze. Temptation came from knowing that his jumping erection lay mere inches away, but her desire for him kept her where she could take advantage of the situation.

  Well aware that he was permitting every one of her actions, it was paramount for her to use his leniency to please him as well as herself while it lasted.

  “I wanted to touch you.”

  Unsure of how he would react, she tentatively began to unbutton his shirt, hoping her words would have been enough. Her actions quickly became more sure when he failed to stop her, hurriedly pulling at every button to remove the shirt as quickly as possible.

  Kneeling astride his lap, her hands trailed down his chest, caressing the muscles she had imagined with every phone call. It was the first time she had been able to touch him properly—she would enjoy every moment, taking in the sight of his chest as if admiring a work of art.

  Slipping the shirt from his shoulders revealed more of his powerful body, the sinew of his shoulders and arms prominent beneath his dark skin. For a moment, she was lost in her thoughts, the satisfaction from realising everything she yearned for had come to fruition resulting in a slight smile.

  It didn’t go unnoticed by Ricky, who reacted by shifting his legs to make her slide to the floor. “What are you smiling for?”

  “I’m sorry,” she quickly replied, her proximity to his ready cock making her vulva flood with moisture. “I couldn’t help thinking about how much I wanted to taste you every time we spoke, and now I have the chance. Can I?”

  As she spoke, her hand drifted along his thigh, gently working her way to his fly.

  “Can you what?” he asked gruffly, ignoring her hand to look at her through narrowed eyes.

  Though comfortable nestled between his spread legs, she adjusted her position to kneel in front of him, looking down at her hands in her lap. “Please, may I taste your cock?”

  It took several long seconds for Ricky to get to his feet, feeling much longer to Paula. Her body trembled with anticipation throughout, taking all her willpower not to reach up to free his cock before she had permission.

  His movement forced her to shuffle back before she could reach up to loosen his trousers, something she did immediately lest he change his mind. With his trousers lowered, his boxer shorts were no match for his erection that stood proudly beneath the material.

  Inches from her face, his imposing cock seemed even more intimidating, slowing her actions as she curled her fingers over his waistband. Her fervour was stronger than any apprehension she could have felt, making her pull down his underwear until they lay atop his trousers.

  Eager as she was, his cock sprung up to come level with her lips, as if drawn to her mouth. Mesmerised by every nuance of the rigid, dark length of flesh, she dipped her head closer.

  She poked her tongue from between her lips to caress the bulbous head of his thick cock, lost in him and the taste of his skin. The touch of her mouth made it twitch, leading her to grip the base of his shaft for control as she took her actions further. She circled the tip of his cock, warming his skin with her hot breath before continuing along the length of the underside of his shaft.

  Though she started out wanting to take her time, she couldn’t stop herself enclosing her lips around his shaft. The action made him groan, a sound she relished as she took him into the warmth of her mouth. Encouraged by his pleasure, she raised her body to grip his taut butt cheeks, sucking harder as she sought to accept more of his flesh.

  A low rumble from deep in his throat made her push harder, her mouth working to worship his cock. The touch of his hand stroking her hair filled her with warm gratification like she had never felt. “You’re good at sucking my cock,” he grunted. “Like a perfect little slut.”

  Gently entwining her hair between his fingers, he pressed against the back of her head as he thrust his hips forward. He forced his cock to a depth that seemed impossible, but she accepted everything he had to give and held him tighter.

  Immensely pleased by his words, Paula worked to do more in the hope it would make him offer further compliments.

  Sharp pain struck her scalp as he pulled her hair, dragging her head back with a single jerk to prevent her from continuing to lavish attention on his body. His tight grip of her locks forced her to lean her head back, stretching her neck to look up at him. “Get up and take off your clothes.”

  Getting to her feet, Paula immediately busied herself with the task she had been charged with, watching him from the corner of her eye.

  Somehow, within the confines of her home, his commanding physique seemed all the more intimidating as she snatched glances of him removing his trousers and shoes.

  His shirt joined hers on the floor as he swept his arm across the sofa to clear it. “Kneel on the sofa.”

  Thrilled at being able to take up a position so familiar from their phone conversations, she complied without hesitation. Presenting herself to him, she raised her bottom high, showing him the sticky moisture she could feel.

  She sensed each of his silent movements as he positioned himself behind her, feeling the heat from his body though he didn’t touch her.

  “When I fucked you, I bet you imagined it was Joseph.”

  Her skin bristled, as she knew it was impossible to respond favourably. Instead, she remained silent, quivering as she waited for him to take action. She needed to feel his touch, whether it came from lust or aggression.

  The first sensation was the touch of his fingers stroking up her cleft, the pressure making her shiver with excitement at what would follow. The smooth passage of his finger into her pussy was aided by her wetn
ess, and he caressed her walls, making her writhe beneath his touch.

  Ricky delved deeper, stroking to increase her pleasure, creating ecstasy as she yielded to him. The bliss she felt as she rocked her pelvis back against him only lasted a brief moment before it was replaced by pain, making her flinch and gasp. The heat of his palm seemed to leave an outline after the sharp blow, continuing to burn as he dipped his finger inside her.

  “You loved teasing me, thinking I would never be able to have you.”

  Paula breathed heavily, waiting for the punishment he would mete out for the imagined slight. Instead of the pain she predicted and badly desired, she felt him spread the cheeks of her bottom.

  Exposed to the cool air, her sphincter contracted as her vulva pulsated. “Your body belongs to me, pleasure is mine to give.”

  Pushing her up, his warm breath bathed her cleft before his mouth followed, his tongue prodding her clit before continuing upward, licking a trail over her pussy until he nudged her tight back passage.

  The effect of his tongue exploring every part of her was instantaneous, the crackling electricity that streamed through her stretching her neck and arching her back.

  She tipped her pelvis as his tongue probed deeper, seeming to relish the act of dipping into territory where no man had ever been. Her grip of the back of the sofa tightened, on the edge of a precipice that led to a sheer drop and a crashing climax.

  That was the moment Ricky chose to pull away, his warm breath tracing a line up her spine. “I’m going to leave my imprint on your body.”

  The bulbous head of his cock teased her clit before stroking up her cleft, smoothly guided to her entrance.

  With a single sharp movement, he filled her completely, stabbing the length of his shaft between her walls until his balls were crushed against her flesh. “No other man will be able to erase it.” Tightly gripping her waist, Ricky rode her body hard, gripping her hair like reins.

  Paula struggled to maintain her grip, her body jolting with his every move. With her neck stretched to its limit, every sound that came from her lips was a strangled one. However, not even the sting of her scalp could detract from the explosions that continually burst deep within her body.


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