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Aurora Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 2)

Page 9

by Rae Hendricks

  We have recently discovered there are more demons than usual calling this plane home and are hoping that partnering with young hunters with excellent potential like you will continue to keep humans and witches safe .

  I am sure you will make the Magistrate and the angels proud on your assignment.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” I slam the papers down onto the bed, drinking them up. “You are not supposed to be out on assignments yet. Kagan doesn’t even go on assignment.”

  “To be fair, he is trying to be a professor, and he has some pull being that his father is on the magistrate,” Jake corrects.


  “I don't have a choice, Riley. You know why they are doing this, and my grades are that good.”

  I sigh, knowing that they are trying to either keep him out of trouble seeing as his mother is considered a criminal or because he is a liability since he has seen the ugliest parts of the Magistrate now. Well, maybe the second ugliest. At least he didn’t have to be experimented on.

  “I don't like this. What if they send you into a demon den and you never come out?”

  “I’ve been trained well and have good grades for a reason. I’ll hold my own, and I doubt I’ll be going in alone.”

  I look at him sideways, so he knows I don't buy into any of that. But he is taking it well considering. Then again, I remember him mentioning to me in that he was afraid this would happen. Maybe he is so calm because he was expecting it all along. No point in panicking now.

  “I wish there was something that could be done about this.”

  My phone buzzes at my side, and I pick it up to see I have a text from Kagan.

  We talked. We’re sorry. We can talk about all that later, but I want to see you. I have something for you. Meet you at your room?

  I bite my lip and look up at Jake.

  “We still have two weeks until summer break. You’ll have plenty of time to see me and worry about me. Go deal with them before they make a bloody mess in your room,” he jokes, and I can’t help but smile.

  I lean in and hug him. “Thanks!”

  But as I am walking back to my dorm, I know that as much as I want to just have a normal night with Kagan, I can’t. Not after Jake got that letter.

  I need to let Kagan know everything that’s happened and what’s going through my mind about the Magistrate, even if it means I could complicate things between us. I need as many allies as I can get, especially if I am going to make sure Jake makes it out of his assignment this summer, in one piece.

  When I get into the room, Kagan is on my bed holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers. “Tulips,” he says as he hands them to me, “for our six month anniversary.”

  I smile at him and how sweet he can be sometimes.

  “It really has been six months, hasn’t it? I can’t believe summer is almost here.”

  We almost get hung up in a mundane conversation, and I have to hit the brakes. We both sit down on the bed as I admit to him, “I need to talk to you about something. I don't know how much Adriel has told you or even Dru, but I have been so afraid to say anything.”

  “You know I don't like secrets.” His voice has a hard edge to it that I already don't like. I should expect this considering I told him no more secrets the last time I was keeping something from him.

  “I know, which is why I have worked up the courage to tell you even if I think you might hate me for it or not believe me.”

  I tell him all about the mysterious deaths of Aurora Witches and recount for what feels like the hundredth time what happened to me over the Ostara break.

  He is quiet when I finish, and it’s the kind of quiet that frightens me.

  “I can’t believe you assumed I would just take their side because of my father. You know my father is the one who got you out of there when you did. He didn’t agree with it even if he knew something had to be done. I’m not some cold, uncaring, stickler. I thought you knew me well enough to know that.”

  I want to apologize, but instead of giving me a chance, he pushes me away and gets up.

  “I think that we need a break to think about if this is going to work. I was willing to accept you had feelings for other people, but what I can’t do is keep being judged and lied to, by the person I feel should know me best.”

  He walks out and leaves me with nothing of him but the flowers and the pearls, and all I feel is empty.

  Chapter Twelve

  My skin feels like it is buzzing, humming, like I have been hooked up to a live wire. I can’t believe I am about to do this, but it has to be done. I am already going into the summer break with an uncertain future with one of my boys, though I have hope Kagan will come around. I have sent him text messages, letters, gone to see him, and he assures me that he still cares for me, makes me keep the pearls every time I try to give them back, but just says he needs time.

  Time isn’t doable, not for me, not right now. Why? Because summer is like the coming of a great storm. You don't know what will be damaged and what will be left behind when it's over.

  I can’t let the last week of my first year at the academy go by without taking some risks with the two of my boys I am most likely to lose. The ones that seem like they are so far out of reach already because they are incredible immortal beings.

  I know I am one too now. It’s still hard to see myself that way, since I am grounded here on the Earth plane with classes and uniforms to worry about instead of hordes of demons and legions of angels.

  I know what Adriel has said about us being together is the truth. I don't know a lot about angels and their rules considering they have been separated from humans for a long time, but I doubt they would be cheering on a relationship like this.

  But that doesn’t mean I want to listen to him about it.

  I don't think we are ever going to be able to stay away from each other as long as we are working for the same goal. If he continues to be inserted into my life while the Magistrate thinks he is the best one to train me and watch me, then I am not going to be able to keep it hidden how I feel. And after what Ursula said last week, I don't know if he will either.

  And if we explode, finally giving into what we want in front of the wrong people, then it’s going to guarantee a bad ending.

  So, I am taking matters into my own hands.

  Today was our last training session. He says he has to go back to headquarters because he has been away too long – away form the decision making. He isn’t in the loop where he needs to be. So, essentially, this is goodbye for I don't know how long.

  A month, the whole summer, longer?

  I am not leaving anything undone or unsaid that I feel I need to get off my chest, even if he still tries to push me away.

  It’s late into the night, a time where I doubt I will find anyone else crazy enough to be out here. I asked him to meet me on the other side of campus, through the forest.

  I don't think I am supposed to leave, but I am going for summer vacation in a week, anyway, assuming the Magistrate lets me, so what is the big deal?

  I let Ursula lead us through the trees since she can see better than I can. That’s one thing the angel blood hasn’t done for me, is enhance most of my senses.

  Though, I can sense his presence before we even break through the trees. Now I know just what she meant by we could feel each other anywhere.

  There he is, and he turns to me as he hears me coming. I almost lose my courage to do what I planned on doing. It’s Ursula that nudges me forward, and I let go of any thoughts in my head as I approach him.

  “Are you going to tell me why you have me meeting you off school grounds in the middle of the night?” he asks. He is worried about me. I can see it in in how he is looking at me, trying to hide the fact that he is assessing me for injuries.

  “Yes, I am, and it's not what you think. I’m fine. Mostly.” I add the last part thinking of how my emotions are on edge, and there is a slight shake as my nerves fight to get the better of me. I don't
know if he can see it, and I need to do this before I chicken out.

  “So, what is it?”

  “We had to meet this way because I needed the moment of privacy to say what I need to, before it’s too late.”


  He is about to protest, and I cut him off, placing one hand on either side of his face and kissing him like no one is watching. Like there is no rule or danger to be had, just two people feeling what they feel for each other.

  He lets go and puts his hands on my neck delicately as if I am a flower whose petals could fall off at any moment. Behind my eyes, I see all colors flash before me. I don't know how I have denied myself this for so long.

  His hands slide down to my waist, and he pushes me in closer to him and holds me there. I just don't want him to let me go. I let it go this time when my eyes begin to fill with blood just from the intensity of what this is. What are we going to have to do to come out on the other side of all of these secrets and lies, still together.

  “God, Riley,” he whispers, pulling away and burying his face in my hair. If he is crying and leaves red in my hair, it’s fine. I don't care. I need this.

  If only we could stay like this.

  “How do you do this to me? You know we can’t…”

  “Shh.” I let my fingers roam free through his long hair, surprised at how silky and smooth it is despite the fact that hair like this should be full of tangles. “But we can. It won’t be the same way that it is for anyone else. It will be stolen moments, tiptoeing around on the edges so nobody knows what is really going on, other than those we trust. We have to be careful like our lives depend upon it because it does. But I love you, Adriel, and I can’t let that go like its nothing.”

  “It was never nothing, Riley. You’re in my veins, and I can’t get you out, ever. But how can I risk your life because I want you so badly?”

  “Because the choice is mine. I’ve made it. And I’d rather die than go through life without you.”

  I let out a shaky breath, the weight of my words on me. But now that they are out, at least he knows the truth.

  “I don't know how to answer that because I would die a million times to save you, but I don’t think I can let you go now that I have you. I should push you away now. Say goodbye and never come back. Dru can handle all of this for me if I need him to. And they won’t suspect a thing, just that he is learning to blend in, and one outcast is taking in another.”

  “Don't you dare threaten that.” I step away, scared to death that this is the last time I will see him. It would shatter me, and this moment would mean nothing.

  “You don't have to worry about that. I can say all day I trust someone else to take care of you, but I don’t.” He pulls me back in, our foreheads pressed together in desperation, neither wanting to admit that this is a goodbye, even if it’s temporary.

  “Do you really have to leave tomorrow?” I finally ask, knowing that if I don’t get back soon I am going to get caught.

  “Yes. But I’ll find my way back. Don't worry.”

  I take Ursula and run with her all the way back to the academy and make it up to my dorm somehow without being caught. I didn’t want to see him walking away from me for fear that I would chase after him.

  It would do neither of us any good. I have to trust that he will come back even if my gut believes that there is a good chance that he won’t.

  I am facing a summer almost entirely alone and isolated from what is happening in the witch community. Even though my uncle works for the Magistrate, he stays out of the gossip and keeps his nose where it belongs, and Vivi doesn’t have the kind of in that I would need to get any information.

  Jake will be gone, possibly dying because he is being sent to fight, way too soon. Kagan will be keeping his distance until he is ready to forgive me, and Adriel will be resuming his place with the Magistrate. The only good thing I can think about with all of this is that maybe Dru and I can build on what it is we have. I don’t know where he is supposed to be spending his summer. Maybe it can be with me somehow.

  I pull out my phone, knowing I am not going to be able to sleep anyway. And it isn’t like I think he is snoring and in bed right now.

  Are you awake? I need to ask you something.

  I really didn’t take you for a night owl.

  No jokes right now.

  Okay. I need to tell you something anyway. I’m coming over.

  Can you get in here without being caught?

  You really have to ask that? See you in five.

  I can’t help but smile, though it is a sad one. I may get time with Dru, which is bittersweet because my other two guys are gone for now. I have to have hope they aren’t gone for good, though.

  He shows up in less than five, my window opening with barely a sound as he sits on the ledge. I don't even ask him how he got up here. Sometimes, I forget that the people I know now are more than just ordinary witches. I have demons and angels at my side. And technically, I am one of them.

  “So, how do I look?” he asks with a smirk, and I slap him playfully while tugging him inside before someone notices there is a guy hanging halfway out of my window. I shut it for good measure and look him over.

  “Do you not own any pajamas?” I tease him, ignoring the fact that as always looks so sexy – this time in black leather of all things. He is literally going to kill me one of these days.

  “Us demons got to look cool. Plus, don't you know, we sleep during the day?” I nudge him as he cracks himself up with that joke, but for once I do need to get serious, and then he can go back to being his usual jerk self.

  “So, I wanted to know what you were doing over the summer. I don't know how we would pull it off, but I’d like to spend more time with you if I could.”

  “Oh.” I don't like the way that sounds, and I get the feeling it’s about to be another goodbye. “Look, I know about what’s happening with Jake. Actually, I knew before he knew. I thought you would be worried especially with everything that happened to his mother. They are likely going to send him somewhere he can’t handle. So, I volunteered to be a part of the demon rehabilitation program.”

  “Demon rehabilitation? What is that?”

  “It’s some shit the Magistrate made up for demons like me, the young ones that make it out. They want us to prove our worth in society by going undercover. I’ll be a part of the same project as Jake; I requested it. I wanted to keep him safe for you.”

  My mouth is gaping open, and I don’t know what to think. He is putting himself on the line for me and for my best friend even though we have only kissed a few times. I don't have with him quite what I have with Kagan and Adriel, not yet. Our start was so different. But I thought we could get there over the summer. But now, he may not even come back.

  I am not stupid enough to think the Magistrate will let a pure demon survive so easily even if he is willing to go undercover for them.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” It comes out harsher than I mean.

  “So, that’s how it is?”

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that I just … it’s so dangerous, and now two people I care about are involved.”

  “So, you can care for a demon?” he asks in a husky tone, pinning me in a sitting position on my bed as he stands in front of me, legs pushing against my knees. He has a habit of knowing how to get me going at the worst times.

  “If that demon is you, I guess so.”

  “No soppy goodbyes. I’ll be fine, and if I’m not, that’s okay. I knew what I was doing, and wasn’t it you who said I was suicidal?” He winks at me, and that’s it. That’s the only goodbye I get with Dru, but after all the goodbyes I have already had, I am almost relieved.

  “Yay, a summer alone,” I sigh, staring down the barrel of the next long three months of my life.





  “What do you think you want for dinner tonight?” I ask Vivi as she vegges out in fro
nt of the television. We have been trading off the chores like cooking and cleaning for the past month since she came back from her mother’s. She was supposed to stay there all summer, but she just couldn’t do it.

  When she found out about Jake, she was just as distraught as I was, but Vivi handles that differently. I like to stay busy to keep my mind off of things, and she sulks. And she didn’t want to sulk alone.

  I normally would be frustrated with the way she brings the mood down. She reminds me that I have spent the last eight weeks missing my boyfriends and my bestie and wondering if three out of those four are alright. But I haven’t even gotten to be around my uncle much. I don't know what the Magistrate has been up to, but they have kept him working long hours and sometimes even traveling to Salt Lake, which is rare. He can typically do his job from home.

  If it wasn’t for Vivi, I would feel completely isolated, and that is something I don't do well with.

  There haven’t even been any parties this summer.

  Or maybe I just haven’t been getting invited.

  “I don’t know, maybe just something simple like a big pot of spaghetti or tacos.”

  I look into the pantry to see what we have and smile. “What about nachos!” I call over the loud crying coming from some woman on a rerun of a past season of The Bachelor. It’s what Vivi has been binging for the last week or so.

  I look over to see her giving me a thumbs up over the couch and roll my eyes. I don't bother pulling enough food out for three people since my uncle is in fact out of town at the moment.

  The one plus side is that I have not been contacted at all by the Magistrate, and it is three weeks until school starts again.

  My fingers are crossed that it means I won’t be subjected to anything else, at least not yet. They must be satisfied with torturing poor Jake and Dru instead.

  I get the cheese sauce on a low boil and begin to stir when there is a knock at the door. I freeze, wondering if that thought just screwed me out of the rest of my summer somehow. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


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