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Page 6

by Elizabeth Knox


  “We’re really heading out, right now?” I ask, looking over to Reed. It’s only a few days before Christmas and I’m surprised that we’d leave this close to the holiday. I’ve done my best to avoid both Maria and my brother over the last couple weeks. Shit isn’t easy, and it’s only getting more difficult.

  “Pharaoh texted. You, me and Seamus are going. Darius is coming with Jude and Shaun and we’ll meet up with them all in a few hours.”

  “She was supposed to text you over a week ago with the details.” I don’t have to remind him, but Something seems off, and fuck me if things don’t feel like they’re heading in the wrong direction. “What’s the plan? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something’s changed.”

  Reed nods once and smirks, “You always were pretty damn observant. We aren’t headed to Mexico like we originally planned. Darius, Pharaoh and I have all been speaking and it’s more important that we light up one of the cartel’s compounds. We’ve all noticed how they’re getting closer and closer. Now they have something set up in Memphis. They’re close, and right now we believe that they don’t have a clue we know their location.”

  “I get it. It’s more important to destroy the immediate threat.”

  “Exactly. We don’t know why Rafael has his goons in Memphis but we’re not looking to wait around and find out.”

  Reed and I go out to the garage with Seamus, making sure that we’re well supplied and prepared to take some heat. It’s bound to come our way. “How’s everything going with Maria?” Seamus asks. Of course he asks the one thing I don’t want to talk about.

  “How’s what going?” I ask in a mono-tone voice. That’ll tell him I don’t want to talk about it at all, and to fuck off.

  Seamus glances over to me, “Listen, we all have shit that goes on with our women. At the end of the day you just gotta deal with it.”

  “Have I asked for your fuckin’ opinion, Seamus? As a matter of fact, have I asked for anyone’s opinion? Fuck no! Yet everyone wants to put their fuckin’ nose in my business and I’m tired of that. None of you have the woman you love telling you that essentially you aren’t enough for her, that she needs more then you, and the one man she wants with you is your fuckin’ brother. I thought she’d have some fun in the beginning. That’s all I thought her and I were doing with him, that it was just a little fucking fun for her to get off on and she went and caught fuckin’ feelings. Shit, it wouldn’t be like this if it was Enzo or even Trick, but it’s my brother. I fucking love her, and she...”

  “Jesus...” Reed mutters lowly.

  “It’s like I’m not fuckin’ enough for her and I’d be okay with that if it was anyone but Pain. Anyone but him....”

  “You think it’s gonna fuck with your relationship as brothers.” Seamus says, finally getting it.

  “It already has. It’s just going to get worse and I’m not gonna be able to stop it. At the end of the day one of us is gonna get hurt, or we won’t even speak to each other. I don’t want that shit. Pain and I have been through enough. He’s the only other person I can depend on, the only person I’ve ever been able to depend on.”

  “Well shit, now you’ve hurt my feelings.” Seamus says to me. I just roll my eyes at him. He can try to lighten the mood with his humor but it won’t work.

  “The three of you will figure this mess out, just have a little faith. You all need each other and it’s obvious.” Reed adds, and his words resonate with me. I’m not the type of man who is positive all the time. I’m a realist, I think that in most cases I see the worst before I see the best because I’d rather be prepared. It’s a way to protect myself. Expect the worst and then be happy when it doesn’t happen.

  I don’t say a word, only make sure I have enough ammo for the road. The three of us know we’re bound to hit some fire. There’s no way around it. We aren’t gonna roll up to their compound and talk to them. We’re going to do one thing, and one thing only. Rip them to shreds.

  Chapter 14

  All this pain, it will teach you everything worth knowing.

  - A


  Reed, Seamus and I meet up with Purgatory and the Jackals at an old garage on the east side of town. I wonder why we’re making our move today, especially since Reed gives me the impression he’s known about the cartel being here. If we had taken a few more of the guys we could’ve already taken them down, fast and dirty.

  “I’d rather not waste any time. The boys and I have a long list of shit to get done today.” Darius speaks up, looking to Reed and Pharaoh.

  “Good. We’ll cut right to it then. In a few minutes we’ll hit them from all sides. Darius, take the back alley in case anyone gets any ideas. Reed, your men will come with us through the front. There is only two ways out of their location, from the front and the back. The cartel won’t have anywhere to go.” She rubs her hands together and I can feel her smile grow from behind that her mask. I still don’t get it, why the mask is needed. It makes me think that she wants to hide her identity, and that intrigues me. Keeping me constantly guessing on who she might be.

  Reed tilts his head, and I can tell he’s about to disagree with her. When we’re in church he sometimes has that same expression “We need to make the numbers even. Doesn’t make sense if only three men are out back. Seamus and one of your Jackals should stay with Darius and his men. Chaos is quick with a gun, so we can make the sacrifice on the additional person out front.”

  Pharaoh nods, “Okay, then we will do that. Has everyone heard us?” She asks, looking around to the group. “Well then, let’s get going.”

  Pharaoh and her Jackals get into an old van, something you’d think that a plumber or construction worker would own. It’s nothing out of the ordinary and will blend right in. Reed, Seamus and I get on our bikes while the guys from Purgatory pile into Darius’ car.

  In just a few minutes we’re around the corner from where we need to be. We park around the block. It’ll be easier for us to infiltrate if they don’t see us coming. I watch as Darius pulls around the back alley, and Pharaoh’s van comes to stop. One of her Jackals hops out and heads in Darius’ direction, while the van is being parked we get off of our bikes and start to head around the corner. I check my glock, then make sure my knives are strapped tight under my cut. All is secure, and I’m ready for bloodshed.

  I’m tired of the cartel threatening my woman. Maria and I may not be seeing eye to eye right now, but she’s my girl and these motherfuckers better learn to stay away. She doesn’t belong to Rafael. She only belongs to one person – me, even if she doesn’t see it that way right now.

  Reed comes up beside me. “Shoot to kill,” he mutters lowly.

  I scoff in response, “Wasn’t going to let these motherfuckers breathe anyway. No offense, Prez.” Reed shakes his head and tries to hide his smirk but it’s no use. We may butt heads from time to time but I can see that he appreciates my blunt honesty.

  Pharaoh’s heels click against the concrete behind us. No matter what I can’t seem to wrap my head around her. Her clothes are practically glued onto her body besides the jacket she wears and then that mask...The first time we met it was obvious that she wanted to make us believe that she was a man. Now she doesn’t seem to care,.

  I pull my glock free, making sure that I’m ready to fire as soon as we approach the prospective location. My right hand is holding my glock, and in my left I have a knife free. Reed has a gun in each hand and I turn back to see Pharaoh with some sort of bent sword sort of thing. Jesus.

  There are two henchmen standing right outside the door and the second they lay their eyes on us they know something’s up. I watch as the smaller one taps the man standing next to him to look over in our direction, and the second he does, Pharaoh and I see her run up and jam her sword into the both of them. They both drop to the ground, blood oozing out around them. One of them makes gurgling noises and starts coughing up blood, but Pharaoh just leaves him there and swings the door wide open. Reed and I f
ollow her quickly, but I drop down to slit those two fuckers throats. Don’t need them deciding to pick up a gun and shoot at us.

  Gunshots fire off all around us. I can hear them coming from every direction, I smile knowing guys tried to go out the back and were sorely disappointed when they saw our friends.

  Pharaoh is slicing apart man by man while Reed shoots off round after round. I make it a point to slit the throats of every man Reed has shot, ensuring that they’re truly dead. I have a quick glance around and see bodies piled around the garage, blood slowly spilling out from underneath their bodies. “Is this all of them?” I ask to no one in particular.

  Reed waves his hand up, signaling me to follow him. “Let’s see if they need a hand out back.” I follow him out the back door and see a small parking lot riddled with five bodies. Doesn’t look like the cartel sent too much manpower up here.

  “What’s the plan now, Prez?” Seamus asks Reed, taking the words right from my mouth. Reed looks back to Pharaoh, and then to Darius, a grim look drags across his face.

  “We prepare for the worst.”

  Chapter 15

  I kissed her and forgot to breathe. It just didn’t seem important at the time.

  - Atticus


  “Jesus, Angel. Calm down! Stop screaming.” I tell her. She’s been screaming like a wild woman for the past twenty minutes, waking up everyone in the club. Trick’s standing in here shaking his head like that’s going to solve the damn problem.

  “Need me to run out and get some chloroform?” He wisecracks. I roll my eyes, but I’d lie if I said the thought didn’t cross my mind.

  “Let me go!” She hollers, throwing her hands up in the air as much as she’s able. “Let me out of this shit! I’m not a damn animal, there’s no need to tie me up like one!”

  “I call bullshit.” Trick grumbles in response. I turn my head back to look at him, but before I can even ask what the hell he’s thinking, Angel does it for me.

  She gives him a look that should incinerate him right on the spot. “Excuse me, old man?”

  “I said I’m callin’ bullshit little girl. Everything about you is animal, and a rabid one at that. Probably why your ass is always stuck with a needle in your arm.”

  “Fuck you.” She sneers.

  “You’re gonna be begging for that soon enough, darlin’.”

  I roll my eyes and want to vomit at the same time. Trick is obviously flirting with my sister. I don’t know what I’m more shocked about, that he actually is showing an interest in her, or the fact that he’s flirting with her while she’s going through withdrawal.

  “The hell I will. Why would I want soggy old man dick? What are you, four hundred?”

  I laugh. I can’t help it, but it comes barreling out of me. These two are fighting like cats and dogs and the only thing it’s doing is giving me a show. On the plus side of things, at least Angel isn’t screaming about nothing anymore. Instead she’s too busy arguing at Trick. I wonder if this is the part where he tells her who he is.

  Wanting to prolong her distraction, I chime in, “That’s no way to speak to your boyfriend, Angel.” The more she argues with Trick, the less time she’ll have for screaming bloody murder through the clubhouse.

  “What did you just say?”

  “Trick has claimed you and in the club’s eyes you’re now his property.”

  “I’m not some damned goat from the sixteenth century. What in the ever loving hell!?”

  I smack Trick on the back of his shoulder. “Have fun explaining what you’ve done to my dear sister. Like Chaos always says, she is most definitely not an Angel.” Before Trick can breathe a word to me I head towards the door and hear him mutter under his breath about needing chloroform, which causes me to chuckle as I make my way back into the main area of the clubhouse.

  I spot Maria sitting on the couch, hand propped under that chin of hers looking like she’s analyzing every aspect of the world. “What’s on your mind sweet cheeks?”

  She flips her head back to me, cocking an eyebrow. “When have you ever called me sweet cheeks?”

  “Maybe I’m starting now.” I chuckle. I snake my hand around her neck and press a soft kiss to her lips. . It may be a small gesture, Just enough to let her know how much I care about her. She and I have both been stressing about Chaos the last few weeks, and I don’t see it getting easier any time soon. Once he’s got an idea in his head, it’s almost impossible to make him think any different.

  “Jesus.” Elena comes waddling in through the front door, holding her belly. I don’t know much about pregnancy or any of that shit, so all I can do is worry. I feel like a pregnant lady shouldn’t look like that when she holds her belly unless she’s uncomfortable.

  “What’s the matter?” Maria questions her, picking up on the same discomfort that I am.

  Elena laughs lightly. “Oh, just this little kickboxer doing her thing.”

  Maria squeals in delight and Elena’s face drops. Guess the cat’s out of the bag. Shit, Reed with a daughter. FUCK. I can’t wipe this damn smile off my face, it’s too much fun to enjoy the moment. “You two better not say a thing. I’m telling Reed on Christmas and that’s that.”

  “Oh no, we wouldn’t spill at all! Nope. Nope! We’ll keep this secret to ourselves.” Maria jumps up off the couch and goes over to Elena, kneeling on the ground she wraps her hands around Elena’s belly and starts talking to the baby. I smile, loving seeing her like this. I can’t help but think about Maria with our baby in her belly.

  I catch myself, as soon as I think it. I didn’t say mine, or his. I said ours, cause that child would belong to the three of us, no matter who the father is. It’s now that I realize that I don’t know if Chaos would be accepting of that. There’s some deep rooted shit when it comes to him suddenly having a problem with my involvement. I don’t know what’s eating at him inside, but I will damn well find out.

  At the end of the day, I don’t think I can ever live a full life without both of them in it.

  Nothing is worth losing the woman I care for over, not even my brother.

  Chapter 16

  Never push a crazy bitch to the point where she no longer fears her actions.

  - Anonymous


  For once Bubba’s is dead as all hell. It must be because Christmas is tomorrow. That’s gotta be it. Kyle is home, Enzo is doing a hell of a lot better and Elena is blowing up like a balloon. Michelle even looks pregnant now too. Everyone in this place is having babies, and let me tell you...I will not be next on that list. No way!

  Polina and the Dolls are doing a great job at the bar. It makes me so happy to see just how far they have come. No longer the terrified women who came off of that shipping container, they have gained confidence, fearlessness, and so much more while being here. I know if Jenna was here right now she would be so proud, but she’s been busy dealing with Dmitri and his family’s issues with the Russian Bratva. I’ve been texting with her the last few days and hopefully things will settle down soon. She tells me that she is becoming very fond of her niece, Bianca, and that they spend a lot of time together. That makes me smile a lot, the idea of Jenna around a bright and bubbly child. She is so cold, reserved even at times. I hope the little girl is bringing her out of her shell. Speaking of babies, Jenna told me that Ksenia is pregnant and she won’t tell her who the father is. She’s refusing, actually. Dmitri has been on her to tell him who it is but Ksenia won’t, and I think I know why.

  I have an idea on who the father of her baby might be, and if I’m right...then I understand why she is choosing to protect him.

  They’re all under a tremendous amount of stress, but I’m hopeful that soon everything will ease up. Hopefully for all of us. We don’t need any more bad things to be happening, that’s for sure. “Maria, we need to go. Now.” Pain’s voice is worried, concerned even. He’s never spoken to me in such a harsh, snappy tone so I know that something is the matter.

  I give him
a concerned look. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s Angel. She somehow found something in the room and slit her one wrist open. Trick found her, and he’s not sure how long she was bleeding. They’re at the hospital now. We just gotta go.”

  We both head to the hospital immediately, and I hope that Angel is okay. It’s so obvious that both Pain and Chaos care so deeply for her. I don’t know what either of them would do if she died, even much as he doesn’t act like he cares. He loves his sister more then anything on this earth.

  I hop on the back of Pain’s bike and we’re at the hospital in no time. I had to practically glue myself to his body to make sure that I wasn’t flying off at every turn, but I didn’t pester him on his reckless driving. We needed to get to the hospital as soon as we could. Lord knows if Angel is even going to be okay.

  As soon as he parks, we both get off the bike and head straight in. It passes in such a blur. I vaguely remember him speaking to a woman who then took us upstairs. I spot Trick talking to a man who looks to be a physician. When we approach, the doctor gives a curt nod and walks away. “They’re talking to you?” Pain questions.

  Trick nods with a wink. “Yeah, I’m her husband. Why wouldn’t they tell me anything?”

  That slick bastard. I smile to myself. Trick gives us an update on Angel’s condition. The doctors are hopeful that she’s going to be okay, but since she attempted to take her life she will be under a seventy-two hour psychiatric hold. They will speak to her, possibly put her on medicine and a list of other options depending on how she responds.

  “This is probably the best thing that could have happened to her.” Trick says to the two of us. Pain completely misunderstands what he’s saying, and I can tell because he looks like he’s going to slam his fist into Trick’s jaw.

  “I think she needed to be in a place,” I jump in. “Just for a couple days. It may help her get through the withdrawal easier. Maybe she does the drugs because of mental issues. None of us know.” I add, hoping Pain will understand where Trick and I are coming from.


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