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To Chase A Wolf

Page 5

by Sara Kimball

  A short while later Alex gave Lorenzo a hug and said goodbye, grabbing her bags and leaving her second home. She sighed a little as she got in the car with the FBI agent and was driven away. I wonder if it isn’t better if I never have a real home, but constantly move. That way my brother and his Pack will never find me.

  And it won’t hurt so badly when I have to leave.


  Agent Arthur Davis sat next to the female werewolf and wondered if he was doing the right thing. His friend seemed to think so, and no matter how much his job might question it, Arthur knew that his friend was trustworthy. He would come up with some explanation for his actions later, right now he had to hide her.

  He debated whether or not to let her know that he knew her secret, and eventually decided not to. It hadn't been hard to figure out she was a werewolf from her actions in the least, not when he knew about werewolves. Though he supposed for the common human it wouldn't even be in the top ten explanations of what their brains would conjure. But Arthur had experience with watching a werewolf and detecting the signs, and he knew when Lorenzo explained what Alex had she had saved all their lives, that he had to meet her to see if he was right. When he saw her sniffing the air in her apartment, studying him, he knew without a doubt what she was. Her actions had been subtle, Lorenzo hadn't noticed, but Arthur had.

  He wondered what had driven her away from her Pack, living among the humans in a crowded city. It wasn't typical, her kind preferring more rural areas—or at least access to rural areas—to run and play as a wolf. He used to be jealous, wishing he could have been born a fact he had asked his friend once to bite him and change him into one. Only to be disappointed to find out that werewolves are born, not made.

  Now Arthur wasn't so sure that he would want to be a werewolf. Whatever had driven her away from her Pack, and caused his friend to urge Arthur to protect her, meant that there was something wrong in the world of wolves. I guess the grass always does look greener from the other side.

  From the Journal of Elizabeth Harcourt, 1918

  Henry’s death notification came today. He had gone after John. And then John was dead. And now Henry is too. I don’t want to lose my boys to war. I can’t do that anymore.

  I won’t do it anymore. And at this point, I have the authority to tell them not to, and they will listen to me. So no more war. No more death. No more losing my sons.

  Chapter 4

  Six years later

  Alex stared at the vomit on her pants with her nose crinkled in disgust. It was trickling down her legs and into her shoes. The ear plugs in her ears helped to save her hearing, but she couldn’t put them up her nose to save herself from the smell. And as much as she might want to block out the distinctive eau de bile that was soaking through her clothing and touching her skin, she knew breathing through her mouth would be worse. She’d rather smell vomit than taste it.

  Bass music thumped around her and flashing lights flickered in a disorienting fashion. “Sorry,” said the floozy sitting in front of Alex in one of the VIP booths. She could barely hear the mumbled apology between the booming dance music and the ear plugs, but managed. Her wolf tucked her head under her paw, hiding away from the smells and the sounds around them. Alex would have been deaf for several hours after being in this place without the earplugs, her hearing too sensitive compared to normal humans.

  The floozy was Alex’s target to protect, though Alex was rapidly becoming more and more annoyed with her boss and his loose description of ‘danger’ that he had told her the floozy was concerned about. Alex took danger as deadly intent from one person to another. But apparently danger—as defined by her boss—meant that someone needed a babysitter. Including said babysitter getting spit up on. Although Alex doubted real babysitters had to deal with alcohol-infused vomit spewing from the children they watched.

  Sighing, she grabbed some napkins and handed it to the floozy, helping her wipe her face and neck before throwing it back on the table. If you had asked Alex six years ago when Agent Davis had taken her to his friend for training to be a bodyguard, Alex would have never guessed cleaning up someone’s vomit would be part of her job description. Much less cleaning someone else’s vomit off of herself.

  She was going to have a very heated conversation with Tyler, her boss, when she got somewhere quiet and alone. She didn’t think it would be very hard to explain to him how annoyed he made her. In detail.

  After moving to Cincinnati, where Tyler and his bodyguard business were located, Alex had spent three months in intense training learning various martial arts styles, focusing on those that helped protect your target. Following was a string of jobs Alex had completed all over the US and Canada, with short trips to other continents. She had started out small, as an extra body or security, and worked her way up into primary protection roles for important clients.

  Alex had continued the martial arts training in her off time, finding she loved the challenge and camaraderie, and was now highly skilled in several forms of hand to hand combat. In addition, she was proficient at shooting the little gun that was tucked into her waistband.

  For Alex, the gun was a last resort because she had no license to conceal carry. Not the best of decisions for her to make while in California, in San Francisco, at a club downtown. Alex didn’t worry about it though, she had other things to be concerned about. Like the floozy now leaning against her as they walked out of the nightclub. She kept falling down, her heels tripping Alex up, so Alex dumped her into a nearby booth—the occupants protested briefly until she glared at them—and bent to remove the floozy’s useless shoes. Hauling her upright again, she left the shoes behind and dragged the irritating drunk woman out the back door. Spotting exactly what she wanted, Alex headed straight to a pile of trash. The overloaded bags were sitting beside a full dumpster, and the contents were spilling out. The smell was vociferous, and just like Alex had predicted, made the floozy vomit again.

  Alex let her heave until she was dry, keeping an eye out for photographers. When it came to this particular floozy, the paparazzi would love to get a photo of her puking her guts out looking worse than a crack whore on a ten day bender. Not to mention that the alley behind one of San Francisco’s premiere clubs wasn’t a secure location, and Alex twitched a little at the exposure. With her free hand, she pulled the earplugs from her ears, and tossed them away, then pulled out her phone. The other hand was keeping the floozy’s hair back and bent forward, saliva and other unmentionable bits dangling down from her mouth.

  Hopefully puking got enough of the alcohol out of the floozy’s system. She had tried to drink the bar dry. And based on the faint chemical tang Alex’s sensitive nose had picked up, the floozy had been experimenting with cocaine while in the bathroom.

  Hitting the button for their ride, Alex looked around impatiently while listening to the soft ringing in her ear. “Dane.”

  “It’s Alex. I need a pick up in the back alley. Be quick about it, but try to avoid the photographers please.” She hung up, not waiting for a reply, and tucked the phone in her pocket again.

  The floozy finished and stood up on shaky legs, wiping at her face with the back of her hand. “I’m never drinking again.”

  Alex rolled her eyes and made a disbelieving noise. She’d let the floozy interpret that as she would. A minute later, a town car pulled around the corner and stopped next to them, Dane exiting quickly and helping them towards the car. “I saw some paparazzi watching me leave, I’m not sure if they followed me.”

  Alex grimaced and shoved the girl into the car quickly, making sure she didn’t hit her head. Leaning in, she buckled the girl in and handed her a bottle of water. “Drink this. It’s water.”

  She shut the door and Dane stood in his door, looking at her. “Aren’t you coming?”

  Alex sighed and shook her head. “No. I’m going to call Tyler and quit. This is the worst fucking job I’ve ever taken from him.”

  Dane blink
ed and looked at her. “Didn’t you work in Bolivia during that—thing?”

  Alex rolled her eyes. Dane didn’t know anything about Bolivia, he was fishing for gossip. With a flat expression, she looked at him, “This is worse.”

  Dane laughed and got in the car. He knew Alex was resourceful and would find her own way back to the hotel.

  Pulling out her phone, Alex dialed Tyler. She didn’t care that she was waking him up, she only cared that she could ream him a new one for talking her into this job. And describing it to her in ways that were nothing more than blatant lies.

  “Damn it Alex, somebody better be dead.”

  “You will be if I can’t get the smell of vomit out of my favorite shoes.”

  He sighed. “Hold on.” He was silent for a minute, but she heard rustling, like he was getting out of bed, and a female protest in the background. As if the man-whore would have it any other way. Alex tapped her foot impatiently—at least until the fluid in her heel sloshed around, that made her stop immediately.

  Growling, she glared at the wall in front of her. Tyler finally came back to the phone. “Sorry about that.”

  “For putting me on hold or the vomit?”

  Tyler cleared his throat. He sounded almost sheepish, “Both.”

  Alex didn’t say a word. She had been dealing with Tyler for a while now and knew that sometimes not saying a word was the best tactic with him. Especially if he felt guilty.

  “I guess I should have been more clear what the job was going to be.”

  Alex lost her cool at that. “You think? That floozy—that woman—doesn’t need a bodyguard. She needs a babysitter. I never would have taken this job if I had known.”

  Tyler cleared his throat. “I—maybe didn’t tell you. Her record label asked for my best female employees, and you’re my best. Apparently the last company was fired because the male employees kept sleeping with her and then letting her do everything she wanted. I jacked the price up to make it worth your while though.”

  Rolling her eyes, Alex glared at the wall again, wishing it were Tyler so she could sucker punch him in the nuts. “You jerk. She may be music’s newest little darling, but that doesn’t make it fair that you turned her loose with me to look after her, paparazzi chasing after both of us. I’m the worst at that sort of stuff and you know it. If you needed a babysitter, you should have asked Cullivan. I quit.”

  Tyler was silent now.

  “Don’t give me that shit. I know what you’re doing. I’m not feeling guilty about quitting on you. Dane can look after her until Cullivan gets here. She’s going to need a day to recover anyway.”

  “I don’t have another job for you.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll crash in your guest room until another one pops up. That always seems to motivate you to find me something. Since I cramp your style.”

  Alex stayed in Tyler’s guest room between jobs. Not because she couldn’t afford her own place, but because it was pointless to stay somewhere for a week or less and then move on to the next job. Besides, the real reason she stayed with him was because she needed a Pack, and Tyler helped to fill the void that living alone could bring. It was okay when she was living above the restaurant, because she worked so closely with people, and often. But working with Tyler was different, and she needed the companionship.

  Each time she began her stay she was welcomed heartily, but after a day or two Tyler was impatiently trying to send her anywhere. She had a nasty habit of ruining his dates before he got into their panties. Alex would never admit it to him, but it was damned funny to her to stride out of his bathroom while he was undressing a girl and pretend to be his wife, home early from her business trip. The poor girls usually ran away screaming epithets at both of them.

  The only reason she chased them away was because she couldn’t stand him having sex while she was there. With her sensitive hearing she never slept. She heard everything. And knowing intimate details about her boss’ sex life was rather disturbing. So, after the first time, Alex ruined Tyler’s dates so she could get a decent night of sleep. He never seemed to realize she would have left him alone if he went to the female’s place instead of his.

  Tyler groaned, “You don’t cramp my style. You obliterate any chance I have with women. And when I thought that meant you wanted me to share your bed, you nearly made me a eunuch.”

  “Served you right. Crawling into bed with me, naked and uninvited.”

  Alex had had a crush on Tyler when she had first started working for him. He was six foot tall, muscular, funny and attractive. Not to mention hard working and unafraid to get sweaty training new hires. But watching the revolving door of women in his life killed any interest on her part. Being friends with him killed the rest. And being the employee he sent out and tortured with shitty jobs made sure she’d never throw her panties in that ring.

  “Okay. I’ll get you a plane ticket out for the morning. Are you alright to wait at the hotel with the floozy until then?” He had a teasing note in his voice as he said it, no doubt picking up on what Alex called the woman earlier.

  Alex shook her head in exasperation. “Sure. Don’t fuck me over again Tyler, or I’ll quit and go work for Stadler Services.” Emphasis was needed in this instance, as Alex still doubted Tyler knew how mad she was at him for the stunt he pulled.

  “You can’t go to my competitor. That’s like corporate espionage.”

  “You need to get your crimes correct. That’s violating my employment contract and nothing more. Besides, they made me an incredible offer a year ago. What have you offered?” Even though he couldn’t see her, she gestured angrily towards her feet with her palm. “Vomit in my shoes?”

  Tyler sighed. “I’m sorry Alex. I know you’re pissed. I’ll make it up to you with the next job, okay?”

  Alex wasn’t serious about leaving and Tyler knew it too. She was too loyal, and she and Tyler had become too good of friends to let that all go over a pair of shoes. Alex sighed, “I know. You’re a good friend—usually. Just a shitty boss.” He grumped at her before hanging up. Smiling with affection even though she was mad, Alex hung up as well and put her phone in her pocket.

  A faint scuff behind her made her whirl around, ready to defend herself. Her eyes met with a broad, muscular torso in a bespoke suit and collared shirt, sans tie. She followed the little buttons upwards until her eyes landed on the handsome face towering above her. Alex was no slouch herself, about five nine without her favorite heels. But the man in front of her had to stand three or four inches above six feet and made her feel small and dainty in comparison.

  Noting several other figures behind him, Alex slid into a loose stance, readying herself to defend against multiple attackers, though her body language probably looked comfortable and relaxed, not a threat. The other males were hanging back and letting their friend take point. His lips slid into a sexy smile, and Alex felt a stirring of interest in her core, her heart beating faster. That’s just adrenaline from being startled; it has nothing to do with his attractiveness.

  Confidently, she faced them, pretending she didn’t smell like vomit and look a mess after her long night with the floozy. “Can I help you with something?”

  The curl of his lips, one side of his mouth up a little more than the other, sent a shiver right through her. She imagined he got a lot of women to do whatever he wanted when he smiled like that. “I couldn’t help but overhear your phone call. Everything all right?”

  His voice, deep baritone that it was, made her shudder. She controlled herself though and hoped he hadn’t noticed. “Just fine. Thank you.” He didn’t leave. Didn’t even really move. “You’ll miss all the entertainment in the club standing out here in the alley.”

  Another little curl of his lips. “We came from the other building. The club scene is rather…deafening. I prefer to keep my hearing intact.” Alex heard the amusement in his tone, and couldn’t help but feel he was laughing at her. She took instant umbrage and scowled slightly. “Although one does wo
nder what such a lovely female is doing here all alone? Without telling anyone about her visit.” His voice took on a slightly dangerous edge, though he was still smiling.

  The synapses in Alex’s brain began to send electrical signals at a rapid fire rate as she finally understood what he was saying. Inhaling a big gulp of air, she tried to reach for the scents around her that were masked by the vomit smell. Sure enough, she smelled the distinctive scent she was sniffing for. Wolves. Panic traced through her body like lightening. Her mind blanked and then started on overdrive. He said he had overheard my phone call, not heard me talk or heard part of my call, but the whole thing. He would hear it all if he was a wolf. He didn’t want to be deafened by the club…stupid, stupid, stupid of me. And they all snuck up on me. No one does that, unless they are werewolves. Sneaky, silent bastards.

  Alex was usually very careful to avoid werewolves any place she went. She used her sense of smell to skirt any areas she found them in, even steering well clear of cities she knew they frequented. But the Southwest Pack was located in Napa, so she hadn’t been too worried about visiting San Francisco with her newest target.

  For all that the world was a big place; the world of werewolves could feel small. Everyone knew everyone. Packs were granted permission to have members visit neighboring territories. Alex had never sought permission, she didn’t want anyone to recognize her and return her to her brother, but it meant she could get in trouble if caught out alone. Like right now.

  Her wolf, which had been intently interested in the male before them, now was insisting they leave—ASAP. Without waiting to take a breath, Alex dashed towards the club and through the back door, running through the mass of people towards the front. She heard a faint shout and laughter behind her, but didn’t bother to stick around.

  Parked in the front of the club were several taxis, and Alex dashed into one. She shouted the name of her hotel where she was staying with the floozy and slammed the door shut behind her. “I’ll give you a fifty dollar tip if you lose the behemoth behind me.” Alex felt a hum in her ears, the remnants of running through the club without ear protection, and tried to pop them to relieve some of the pressure.


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