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To Chase A Wolf

Page 23

by Sara Kimball

  “And all fingers are pointing to Mitch Cannon right now, as he was the one that had it used on his sister.” Davin spoke up, his usually cheerful face serious and somber.

  Alex was shaking her head. “My brother is flawed, and I haven’t seen him in eight years, but I don’t think he would manufacture drugs. Especially not drugs to be used on werewolves. It was one of his biggest fights with my father, that dad wouldn’t do anything to stop Johnny Dupree from making meth and selling it to the humans, or running drugs through the gulf from South America. I can’t see him being so against narcotics for humans and then being okay with werewolves using drugs on each other.”

  Elizabeth narrowed her eyes in concentration. “Yet he struck a deal with Johnny and was giving you to the man as part of it? It sounds to me like he could be very much involved.”

  Alex seemed to sink in on herself in stunned disbelief, and Elizabeth was mad at herself for not being more tactful, but right now the safety of more than just her Pack was a concern. “I’m sorry. That is hard to hear, but right now this is all conjecture anyway. What we need is evidence of some sort. Which is why I need volunteers to go and investigate Mitch and his activities discreetly.”

  Lincoln cocked his head to the side. “Your spies don’t have any information for you?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “None. So if Mitch is involved, he is keeping it very close to his chest.”

  Jax volunteered to go, and Davin right behind him, and Elizabeth gave them her permission. “I’m sure you’ll be looking for any involvement, but I’m most interested to know who developed the compounds, and how they are testing it.”

  Moira added in for good measure. “Basically we are looking for a lab, probably with test subjects, then the manufacturing facility too. But all this would take a lot of money.” Her face was thoughtful. “I’ll work on tracking down the financial end of it.”

  The three of them got up from the table and left on their errands, Moira to her office and Davin and Jax to pack. Elizabeth looked back over at Alex. “If possible, would you still be interested in hosting classes?” She took a sip of her coffee. “I’ve had much interest since you had to leave for the cabin, and a lot of disappointment in the forced break.”

  Alex had actually been thinking that she would like to continue teaching, so she nodded. “That would be great.”


  Johnny sat in his office and stared at his computer, cursing at the phone call he had just received from the lab. The human trials weren’t going well. Most of the subjects were still overdosing from the strength of the drug, and they had been cutting it by halves for a while now. They were down to one thirty-second of the dose a wolf could take. In addition, he had been growing more and more frustrated throughout the day, his irritation climbing through the roof.

  “Fuck it.” He opened a drawer in his desk and removed the false bottom, pulling out a small toiletry kit. Within minutes he was injecting a clear substance into his arm, the injection site healing almost as soon as he withdrew the needle.

  Bliss oozed through his veins and his mind felt focused and calm once more. He was putting the kit away, smiling as he came up with a plan to deal with the lab rats and their subjects. The phone rang and he picked it up quickly. It felt like his reflexes were faster than ever.


  Mitch Cannon’s voice was not a surprise. The man had been trying to weasel his way into Johnny’s operation for years. But Johnny was smarter than Mitch. He would take the man’s money, and when the time came, he could forget about splitting the profit. Johnny was tired of being the poorest, least influential Pack. He had started making and selling meth to get more money, and then he had run into Dr. Rundell, who had opened doors for Johnny that he hadn’t even realized were possible. Johnny wasn’t about to split the glory and the money and influence with Mitch fucking Cannon. Especially when he already had to share with Rundell.

  “I have some news, Johnny. I’ve found my sister.”

  Johnny’s heartrate increased at the words. He still felt frustration about how the little bitch had run from him. It had taken Mitch a long time and a lot of money for Johnny to forgive him for it, but he had eventually. “When can I have her?”

  Mitch paused, and Johnny grew impatient. “Well? When can I have her?”

  “There is a problem with that. I can’t hand her over anymore.”

  Johnny felt rage boiling through his veins. “What the fuck do you mean you can’t hand her over? You and I had an agreement.”

  Mitch’s voice was still calm, but it didn’t soothe his anger in the slightest. “I would, if I had her, but another Pack found her and now she’s been mated.” A tiny hint of frustration worked its way into Mitch’s voice. “If it was any other Pack…but I can’t tangle with them, they have too many resources and would crush me if I tried to take her away.”

  Johnny sat down. This was the very reason that he used the stuff Dr. Rundell had developed. It was a blend of things specifically to heighten your senses and make you able to think faster than your opponent. “I can handle this. Which Pack is it?”

  “Johnny, we’re friends, I know it’s taken you a long time to trust me, but I need you to trust me now. You have to forget about Alex. She’s not the same anymore, she’s mated.”

  “Don’t try to keep her from me, I’ll take her and have her if I want to. We have an agreement.”

  “Alright, alright. The Gold Pack has her. She’s mated to Elizabeth Harcourt’s grandson, Lincoln.”

  Johnny squeezed the phone tight in his hand. He couldn’t go after the Gold Pack. Mitch was right, they would crush him and his Pack easily. He hated them so much. He always had. Lording their money and their connections over everyone. Their influence was great. He wanted to be the Gold Pack someday, he’d bring the Everglades Pack up to snuff soon enough though. As soon as Dr. Rundell was done with his work, Johnny would be the one that had all the control and influence. He would be the next Brendan Harcourt. King of all werewolves.

  Johnny liked the sound of that. King.

  Mitch made a small sound.

  “What?” Johnny was pissy now, upset at Mitch’s lack of ability to get to Alex for him.

  “Well, it occurred to me that I will see Alex soon. At the Conclave in June. In San Antonio.”

  Johnny felt hope bloom in his chest, and plans started forming rapidly in his mind. “I could get her there. Take her. They wouldn’t even find out.”

  Mitch made a sound of agreement, “Just be careful.”

  Johnny’s thoughts were spinning through his mind, already forming plans. He hung up the phone and sat in his chair, concentrating. He had wanted Alex since he had seen her at thirteen, even though her father had tried to keep her hidden. She had been a beautiful young woman, right on the edge of developing. It had been intoxicating for him, and he had desired her ever since. Her damned father hadn’t even considered accepting his offers for her, instead brushing him off. But Alex’s brother Mitch knew where his loyalties should lie, and he had made the deal with Johnny to be cut into the drug deals in exchange for his sister. Only, she had run.

  His frustration and his lust were both high, and he got up from his chair and stalked out into the hallway, intent on finding one of the bitches he had acquired. As soon as his office door opened he didn’t notice how the rest of the house grew quiet, doors shutting and locking softly all down the hallway.

  He threw open a door to find one of his women sitting there, but her dark hair didn’t suit his mood. “Not you. I want the blond one.”

  Shivering with fear, the woman shook her head, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Please. It’s too soon, she’s still recovering. It’s my turn…” Johnny didn’t bother listening, instead shoving doors open in search for the woman with loosely curled blonde hair, finding her eventually lying in bed. She sat up and winced when he came into the room, her bruised face fearful. Johnny looked at the two female wolves with her and they scuttled out at his ferocious

  “Please, no. I’m still healing. I can’t do this again.” She fought the restraint that kept her there, the strong, thick chain too much for a werewolf to break, and anchored to a metal wall bracket. It’s what they used at the lab, and Johnny had taken one to be used for recalcitrant concubines in his home.

  He ignored her pleas as he disrobed, ignored the scent of blood as she pulled on her arm and leg against the shackles and tore her skin. All he focused on was the soft golden curls of her hair, and then her screams as he took what he wanted.

  From the Journal of Elizabeth Harcourt, 1987

  I have one grandchild still alive. Lincoln, Quentin and Adelle’s son, is all that I have left of my family. I look at the dynasty that Brendan and I built, and what it is now. And I remember the graves of my children. I feel…depressed. Except when Lincoln is around. I feel better when I have someone from my family by my side.

  Poor man, I know it is hard to live with his grandmother, but he has offered it. I think he saw the trouble I was having and knew he made it easier.

  If only Lincoln had a family. Then the children could come visit me. That would be a lot easier. That would help me more.

  I don’t want to pressure the poor boy though…not yet anyway.

  Chapter 16

  The rest of May flew by rapidly for Alex. Jax and Davin were still gone investigating Mitch’s activities, but otherwise everyone was still staying at Elizabeth’s home. Tyler and Jayce had taken a quick trip to Cincinnati last week, but had come back shortly after. Tyler was more than happy to use the pseudo gym in the ballroom…though the one he had at his business was much more state of the art. There was a standard gym in the manor house, with the customary weights and machines, and Alex was happy to continue her running regime in the mornings after waking.

  Everyone was happy though when Jayce returned. While she had been gone the quality of the meals had declined. It was still good, but nothing like Jayce’s delicious creations. Alex had grown closer to the other woman, and to Moira, spending time with them after teaching the Pack members—some new male wolves had joined the men’s class, and she had developed several other classes to suit the range of skill levels for the women, children, and teens that had shown interest. Tyler was helping her out in the meantime, to keep himself from being bored. When Alex asked about his business he had told her that he was networking. But mostly he just spent time with Jayce, sitting in the kitchen while she cooked. To be fair, he also brought his laptop and managed his company through email. But Alex saw the way he put the computer down when Jayce paid attention to him.

  Alex sometimes felt like she…glowed with happiness. For the first time in her life, including her time with her father’s Pack, she fit in, had friends, and had a purpose. She realized now that her father, while protective and encouraging, hadn’t really allowed her to be herself either. She felt ashamed for thinking it, like she was tarnishing his memory, but knew it was the truth at the same time.

  Her days were filled with laughter, working with members of the Pack and making friends, followed by nights of passion with Lincoln—or afternoons of passionate love-making, or even mornings. Or whenever he cornered her and convinced her libido to be an insatiable monster.

  One day, having finished her classes, Alex was sparring with Tyler and Trent, deflecting both of their attacks in turns. Her body was sweaty, as the late May air was already getting too warm to comfortably work in. While Tyler wasn’t a werewolf, he was incredibly skilled, and she took a hit from him that had her rolling into a recovery position.

  A growl of outrage sounded from the door and then big, familiar hands were checking her over for injuries as Alex fought to control her laughter. “I’m fine.” She tried to sit up, but Lincoln pressed her back down into the mat. “I’m fine, you big lug. Let me up.” She pushed him back, but held his hand as she stood so he knew that she wasn’t mad. Turning, Alex bumped fists with Tyler. “Good hit.”

  Tyler stepped back and put his hands on his head, trying to catch his breath. “That was a one in a million shot. I don’t usually get a hit in. Getting slow now that you’re mated.” They laughed, and Lincoln calmed at the familiar shit-talking banter that flowed between them. Alex noted that Trent had placed himself near Tyler in case he had to deflect a blow from Lincoln.

  Trent’s fighting style was like that. Subtle, but effective. Alex was happy she didn’t have to fight the man for real, but could limit it to practice.

  After a while Trent and Tyler decided to take off for the day, and Alex suspected that Lincoln’s glare had something to do with it. When they disappeared down the hallway, closing the door behind them, she turned to Lincoln with amusement on her face. “You know, sparring does carry a risk for leaving bruises. It’s par for the course.” She moved closer to him to take the sting out of her words and patted his chest as she looked up at him. “I’m a werewolf, not a wilting flower. I know you remember having this discussion before.”

  He studied her intently for a moment before picking her up and taking her body down to the mat, following her down until he was pinning her beneath him. What followed was over an hour of the only sexual training session Alex had ever participated in, and she was even sweatier by the time it was finished.

  Naked, laying on her discarded clothing, she laughed. “I’ll have to bleach these mats before my class tomorrow. I don’t think I could look my students in the eye if I didn’t. All those wolves will be able to smell exactly what we did here.”

  Lincoln nuzzled her tummy, kissing her belly button softly. “It’s okay. I like having the others know you are mine.”

  His statement made Alex laugh even harder, gesturing to the multiple bite marks all over her body. “I don’t think there will ever be any doubt of that.”

  They dressed and Alex went to clean the mats, Lincoln returning to work.


  Lincoln and his grandmother sat in her office, and he handed her the copy of the phone logs from Ray Johnson’s cell. The butler had worked for his grandmother and grandfather in the days when butlers were a standard for the wealthy. Now, having a butler was far from common, but Ray was allowed to continue in his role. He had refused to be transferred to something else that might interest him, instead remaining as a fixture in the home.

  “What am I looking for here, Lincoln?”

  “Those are Ray Johnson’s phone logs. He was called by a phone in Denver, a number that I believe belongs to Mitch Cannon, on the day that Alex and I went to the cabin.”

  Elizabeth sat back and placed the documentation on her desk. “Are you telling me I have a spy?”

  “Yes. And I’d like permission to take care of him.”

  She studied him for a while. “No dear. I’ve known Ray Johnson for—”

  “Grandmother, the man is a spy and he is telling Mitch Cannon things about us that—”

  She rode right over him. “I don’t like to be interrupted, and I know you know it. So let me finish. I’ve known Ray Johnson for a long time. And I’ve known he was a spy for much of it. I’d rather have a spy I know about than one that I don’t.”

  Lincoln took this in. “You knew he would call Cannon, didn’t you?”

  “When I realized who Alex was, I figured there would be a great possibility, yes. But we all have wolves that spy for us, dear. Except the Alaskan Pack. My attempts, and I rather assume other’s attempts as well, have fallen short in that area.” She tapped her fingers on the log. “Don’t do anything about this. I utilize Ray to great advantage when I need him to tell Cannon something that I can’t.”

  It was hard for him to digest, but he understood the logical side to what his grandmother was saying. “I won’t say anything about this. May I tell Jax and the others, though?”

  “Yes. In the meantime I’m impatiently waiting Davin and Jax’s return. Any word on how they are doing?”

  “I heard from Jax yesterday. They are on their way back. He said he had some things we would find intere
sting but he didn’t tell me anything further.”

  “Well then, let’s talk about Alex.”

  Lincoln’s curious gaze met hers. “What about Alex?”

  “I rather think it’s time we put a real gym in the house for her and her classes. Unless you’d rather buy a spot in the nearby town, and then she can commute to and from…” She trailed off at Lincoln’s shaking head, smiling at him in amusement. “Ah, no leaving the compound for her, then? Are you going to be a possessive mate?”

  Lincoln ran his fingers through his black hair and tried to control his annoyance. “Have you noticed that she’s been eating a lot at dinner?”

  “She is a werewolf, and on top of that she does a rather physically demanding activity all day.”

  “She doesn’t feel well in the mornings, she took a nap yesterday, and she has been eating a lot.” He gave his grandmother a look. She, in turn, looked like she had been given the best present of her life. He knew why she wanted to continue her family through him. He imagined it would be hard to lose your mate, your seven sons, and all of your grandchildren except for one without wanting to expand your family. And through Lincoln was the only way she could do it.

  Clapping her hands, the older woman started talking rapidly. “Oh I’m so happy. We’ll have to redecorate a suite next to yours for the children. And then we’ll have to throw a shower. And we really must get her to stop her classes in the meantime. At least until the little one is born. Or about two. Or four. Or maybe even six.”

  Lincoln cleared his throat. “I have no doubt that Alex has no idea whatsoever that she is pregnant, but it must have happened when she was sent into heat. And I don’t want you to tell her. It’s just been a month, and we still have the Conclave to go to. If she hasn’t figured it out after that then I will make sure to help her.” His grandmother looked like she was going to object, but he overrode her. “I know you want this grandmother, and I’m happy that it happened with Alex, but you need to be patient for a little while. She and I have to sort ourselves out first before we start worrying about children.”


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