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Mated on Hades

Page 5

by Golden Angel

  "Gark it, Juliette, you feel so fucking good," he said as he gripped her hips tightly and began to thrust.

  Her only answer was a moaning sob as his tail began to wind around her breasts.


  Holy fucking nova stars.

  Tarrik's thick, hot cock felt like it was burning her from the inside out, and yet she was loving every second of it. She didn't even care that he kept calling her by her full name right now. Part of her maybe even liked it. The fingers pressing into her hips held her in place as he began a hard, slow rhythm that made her want to writhe.

  His tail coiled around the base of her breasts, squeezing the sensitive mounds in a hot embrace while the smooth surface ran ceaselessly over her hard nipples, adding a whole other avenue of stimulation. Jules' young kinky hentai fantasies were coming true in a way, and even though she'd already cum a few minutes ago, she knew she was already working her way back up to a killer orgasm.


  Tarrik spanked her again, making her shudder and clench around him. She'd never thought herself kinky in that way but there was something about it that was seriously hot. It didn't hurt exactly, but it made her pleasure feel even better, like the one time she'd had salted chocolate and the salt had made the flavor even sweeter.

  "What do you think, gorgeous?" he asked her, his voice husky as his hand caressed her ass. "Should I spank you until this sweet little bottom is as hot as I am?"

  "Oh no..." Jules shuddered even as her body responded, because in the moment that sounded like a good idea but she couldn't imagine how much spanking it would take to make her skin match his for heat.

  His dark chuckle was not reassuring as he gave her bottom another swat before re-grasping her hip and continuing his slow, grinding thrusts. Jules could feel herself falling under his sensual spell, realized that this was not the usual kind of fucking she was accustomed to.

  This was dangerous.

  It was addictive.

  "Dammit, Tarrik, fuck me harder," she half-demanded, half-begged. "Please? What are you waiting for?!" She clenched her pussy around him, pushing back against him as best she could to try and spur him onward.

  Just let me cum again and stop doing whatever it is you're doing... it's messing with my head...

  "I'm not waiting for anything, gorgeous," he said. Jules felt his tail uncoiling from around her breasts, sliding up between them, and a shudder of apprehensive excitement rippled through her as it began to wind around her throat like a fiery collar. "I'm just enjoying myself, aren't you?"

  When she opened her mouth to respond, the end of his tail slid between her lips.

  It wasn't as thick as his cock and the end was more tapered than blunt, but it pushed her tongue down and Jules found herself automatically closing her lips around it and sucking. His actual cock surged, his searing grip on her tightening and he did move a little harder, a little faster, and his tail moved as well in the same rhythm, filling her at both ends.

  Jules moaned, shuddering as the coils around her throat moved, heating and massaging the muscles while the end of his tail slid deeper into her mouth. Tarrik began to thrust harder and faster, groaning his own pleasure as his wings spread over both of them, creating a glowing red cocoon of sensual heat, perverse decadence, and sinful rapture.

  She felt like she was splintering from the inside out as she was overwhelmed by sensation, drowning in the thrusts filling her from both ends, basking in the warmth of his body around hers and the hot pleasure spiraling inside of her. She couldn't have said when her orgasm began because there was no sudden surge of pleasure, it was just a rising tide that buoyed her up higher and higher. Her cries were muffled, his tail tightening slightly around her throat and sending her ecstasy soaring.

  Tarrik had reduced her to a creature of pure sensation, wallowing in the sexual haze he'd woven around them both, and she never wanted it to end.


  The slick glide of his cock in and out of Jules' body while she sucked on his tail had created a maelstrom of pleasure for Tarrik. The little human was so passionate, so responsive, that he could scarcely believe it. His wings were at full spread, his hips pumping hard and fast as her muscles clenched and spasmed around him, and he had never felt so out of control with a female before.

  This was far more intense than he'd bargained for and yet there was no going back.

  His groin slapped against her ass, making her cheeks ripple as his fingers dug into her hips, his tail thrusting deeper into her throat and he felt the vibrations of her muffled cries all the way up his spine. She was erotic perfection, meeting and matching him at every level, giving as much pleasure as she received. He panted, fucking her even harder as he felt his orgasm begin to crest.

  Jimen spurted as his cock throbbed and he howled his release, the primal mating call of a Hadesian male in full rut, warning off others who might be interested in his female. He'd never made that noise in his life, but he couldn't hold it back. Wasn't even sure he wanted to. Right now his base instincts were telling him that Jules was his.

  If any of his crew had heard that, he was in for a lot of teasing, and he didn't even care right now.

  As the last of his jimen filled her, Juliette slumped in his hold, and he quickly unwound his tail so he could pull her up and make sure she was all right. She blinked sleepy, satisfied eyes at him and leaned in for a kiss almost drunkenly.

  Tarrik was happy to oblige. Kissing a satisfied, pleasure-drunk Juliette was enjoyable all on its own. She seemed much more relaxed than he'd seen her so far and definitely happier, her smile a little looser and more genuine. He liked her like this.

  Cuddling up to her as he fell asleep, the wall of cushions forgotten, he was starting to think that being mated to Juliette might not be so bad after all, even if it did mean an end to his time as a ship's captain.

  Chapter 5

  Waking up in Tarrik's hot embrace felt more than wonderful, it felt right.

  So of course, Jules panicked immediately.

  No. No, no, no, no, no. Sex was one thing, but getting attached? Not just no, but hell no.

  Holding her breath, she wormed her way out of his arms and wings, biting her lip as little tremors rippled in her muscles. She was sore in all the best ways, ways that she hadn't been sore in years… maybe not even ever. Definitely not all at once.

  Her ass was a little sore, her throat was sore, and everything between her thighs felt swollen, sensitive, and, of course, sore.

  Worse, her emotions felt that way too. Because she didn't want to separate herself from Tarrik. She wanted to cuddle up to him and fall back asleep and snuggled and think things that she knew couldn’t be true. Start to hope for things that would only end in disappointment and heartbreak.

  Her earliest lesson in life - expect nothing.

  So she did what she always did when she started to feel the painful first tendrils of hope.

  She fled.

  Of course, she couldn't get very far since she was stuck on a spaceship, but at least she didn't have to be in the same room as him. Pulling on a simple bodysuit, she quietly left the room, ignoring the little pang in her heart as he rolled over on the bed, reaching into the empty space where she'd been. His wings fluttered slightly as the door whisked shut behind her, and Jules practically ran down the hallway just to get away from the urge to go back inside, back into his arms.

  Unfortunately she couldn't run away from how her body still felt. The memory of his hands on her, his tail wrapped around her and sliding between her lips, his cock pumping in and out of her...

  "Hey there, Jules, whatcha up to?" Lessys, one of the engineers she'd met yesterday, was coming down another hall, meeting her at the intersection. Lessys and Sasslys were the only two non-Hadesians on the ship other than herself, and since they had a lot of love for computers in common she'd felt fairly comfortable with them immediately. Even if they did look like very large lizard people.

  "Um, just woke up and uh, hungry." A little fl
ustered, she blushed furiously as she stumbled over her words. There was no reason to think that Lessys or anyone else would suspect that she and Tarrik had done anything but sleep last night. She needed to get her act together.

  "Not a morning person, huh?" Lessys asked cheerfully. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast. You look like you need a stimulant."

  By "stimulant," Jules really hoped he meant something close to coffee.


  Something was wrong.

  Tarrik woke up frowning and feeling strangely bereft. It took him a few seconds to remember that he wasn't supposed to be alone in bed, and another minute to ascertain that Juliette was nowhere in the cabin. She'd left him.

  Which put him in a seriously bad mood.

  Especially when he walked into the mess and found her sitting with Lessys, Sasslys, Mrik and Verrik, giggling at the stories they were regaling her with. When she looked up and met his eyes, she blushed and looked away, refocusing on Verrik despite the high color in her cheeks.

  So apparently they were going to play it that way.

  Yeah, yesterday they'd both said the sex would mean nothing but... Tarrik grumbled as he did an about face and went to get his breakfast. So he was the only one who had thought maybe things might be different today. That was no reason to pout. It just meant the mind-blowing, shockingly intimate sex that had made him think mating her might not be so bad... well, it was just great sex.

  He could live with that.

  Filling his tray, he joined the rest of the group and sat down next to Mrik, digging into his breakfast and pretending it was just a normal morning and that he hadn't fucked Juliette silly last night. Since her blush didn't disappear he knew she wasn't entirely unaffected, and so when his tail slithered underneath the table to wrap around her ankle, making her jump, he didn't bother to move it away until she shook it off.

  Grinning at her, he winked roguishly, enjoying the way she blushed even hotter. Messing with her helped to cover the hurt he was feeling.

  "So where are we going today?" she asked, turning her face away from him and determinedly looking at the others.

  "A little planet called Casia, in the Shoshorn system," Verrik answered her. He was the only wingless Hadesian on the crew; his genetic mutations allowed him to breath underwater and spit poison, and his eyes were blue rather than black. Being wingless was actually an advantage for his position on the ship as their Environment Control and Life Support Systems Tech; he could go into a lot of places that the winged Hadesians couldn't fit.

  Juliette frowned in confusion. "I thought the Shoshorn system was uninhabited."

  "It is," Tarrik said, which forced her to look at him. He winked at her again. She glared. Well at least he got to have some fun out of this. "You'll see when we get there."


  Casia turned out to be a jungle planet, completely devoid of civilization, which was pretty cool but not exactly what she'd been expecting. She was even more confused when the crew started pushing hoverboards loaded with crates off the ship.

  "Where the heck is all of this going?" she asked again.

  Tarrik, infuriating male that he was, just glanced up from where he was marking things down on what looked like a manifest, and winked at her. No information, just that little wink that made her whole body tingle.

  Stupid body. She should have been satisfied after last night, but instead she was already craving more. Not touching him, especially when they were standing side by side, was an exercise in willpower... made even harder by that damned tail of his which kept winding about her ankle when she wasn't paying attention and trying to slide up her leg.

  "You'll see," he said, looking back down at what he was doing.

  Irritated, Jules shook his tail off of her leg again and looking around at the dense forest.

  "Something just moved!" She grabbed Tarrik's arm, his skin hot under her palm even though she already felt warmer than usual, pointing with her other hand. "Over there!"

  His gaze came up, hard and almost frightening for a moment, and then he relaxed. "Oh good, they're here. Whatever you do, don't ask them any questions."

  Who? Why couldn't she ask questions?

  She wanted to kick him, but bit her questions back as more aliens started melting out of the trees. Jules found herself edging closer to Tarrik's large frame as the armored, menacing looking aliens became fully visible. They were big, muscled, and armed to the teeth, with hard, implacable expressions on their faces. As they moved into the large clearing the ship had set down in, they coalesced as a group behind one of the women.

  Jules stared at them, she couldn't help it.


  Earth didn't even have actual photographs of this insular species, just illustrations, but Jules recognized them anyway. They looked completely out of place on this hot, muggy planet; their skin was a pale ice blue that looked transparent, three whited out eyes that stretched across the middle of their faces so they could see in front of them and to both sides, three holes which she assumed were nostrils, and white lips that were firmly set. Even though they were humanoid in shape, they were so utterly alien that the vague resemblance only made them even more frightening to behold. Her brain wanted them to look more human.

  Out of all the alien species she might have guessed she'd run into, Riknari were not one of them. They were as shadowy and legendary as the Representative was on Earth, only they were one the side of good. They couldn't be hired or bribed, not for any amount of money, but they were who everyone wanted on their side. They were the kind of people - if people was the right word - that could and would take down the Masters Group. If they ever visited, Earth, that was. There were greater injustices happening in the universe though, and that's where they were.

  "Tarrik," the leader said as she approached, bowing her head briefly. Her voice was much higher than Jules had expected, almost squeaky, and it was completely at odds with how she looked.

  "Vzanth," Tarrik responded, bowing his head in the same manner - maybe even a little lower than she had. The alien female didn't move her head even a centimeter, but Jules' skin crawled and somehow she just knew the female was looking at her.

  They might be the good guys, but they were scary as hell.

  "And who is this? A new crew member?"

  "This is Juliette," Tarrik answered, and then hesitated. "Celestial Mates paired us."

  That was a rather elegant way of putting it, explaining their relationship without implying any actual connection. It was exactly what she should want, yet she found herself rubbing a little spot on her chest that had started to hurt.

  Stop feeling rejected, you ninny, you both agreed the sex would mean nothing!


  Vzanth nodded, accepting Juliette's presence. The Riknari could be a little touchy about new faces. It was only understandable - there were a lot of beings in the universe who would be happy to see them and their interfering do-gooder ways go. They had to be careful for their own safety, which was why they only worked with trusted associates... like Tarrik.

  "Come," he said, gesturing and reluctantly unwinding his tail from around Juliette's ankles. "I'll show you what we have today."

  The Riknari were the only customers they had whom they didn't have set shipments for, mostly because there was usually no way to anticipate what they might need. Today they took all the weapons and medical supplies that Tarrik had brought, while Juliette looked on curiously. Fortunately she followed his order not to ask questions.

  He probably shouldn't have just sprung them on her, but he'd wanted to see her reaction - and he hadn't been disappointed. Outside of those they helped, there weren't too many beings who could claim to have seen one Riknari, much less a group of them.

  They got the cargo loaded up and headed through the jungle towards the caves the Riknari used as temporary storage. Tarrik had no idea where their actual headquarters was and he never asked. Not that they'd tell him even if he did. No one even knew where their h
ome planet was - or if they had one.

  The caves they used were obviously not a permanent headquarters, although they were fully outfitted. As Tarrik, Mrik, Sasslys, Alrik and Myrik directed the loaded hoverboards into the caves, one of the Riknari seated at a console cursed and smacked the computer board. Obviously intrigued, Juliette drifted over to see what the problem was.

  Tarrik kept an eye on her as he followed Vzanth's directions on where she wanted everything set down, and couldn't help but grin as the Riknari Juliette was talking to stood up and gestured for her to sit down. He now accepted that Juliette's skills and knowledge bordered on genius level. He wasn't the only one either; Sasslys had pulled him aside privately earlier to tell him that she soaked up knowledge like a sponge and asked if she was going to be accompanying them from now on. Both Sasslys and Lessys had been excited about the prospect... which had unfortunately just served as a reminder to Tarrik that it was his last trip.

  News that he would have to break to the rest of the crew at some point. Mrik knew, but he was the only one.

  This being his last trip was even more disappointing because it was becoming clear that Juliette was an asset to the crew; she was already becoming one of them without even realizing it.

  By the time they'd finished unloading everything and setting it up how Vzanth wanted it, Juliette was standing up from the console while the Riknari whose seat she'd taken sat back down. The Riknari bent over to look at the screen and then began chattering loudly in their own language, waving his hand at the others.

  Vzanth gave Tarrik a startled look. “Tzar says she fixed it.”

  “Fixed what?” Tarrik asked curiously.

  “Our entire system,” Vzanth said, sounding a bit awed.

  Which actually made things a bit more difficult for Tarrik when it came to haggling price. By that time Juliette had made her way back over to him, seeming shy about all the attention and gratitude being showered on her by the Riknari, so she had a first seat view of his and Vzanth’s usual argument.


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